Image PMR538-03 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR538-03
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Lindau on Lake Constance: lake steamer entering the harbour between the lion monument and the lighthouse, with reflections in the water. The far shore is in Switzerland. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Bodensee, lake cruise

© Peter Michael Rhodes
"<" back one image forward one image ">"

Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2013-04-30 17:26:07
Photo Size: 1.9mb 3543x3543 pixels
  comp 840x840


Germany, Upper Bavaria, Lindau on Lake Constance: lake steamer entering

the harbour between the lion monument and the lighthouse, with reflections in the water. The far shore is in Switzerland.
Keywords: picturesque, Bodensee, lake cruise