Image PMR503-01 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR503-01
 Cyprus (North), Gazimagusa/Famagusta: the former Gothic cathedral of St. Nicholas, completed between 1298 and 1326, is probably the best preserved Lusignan monument, although it lost its twin towers during the Ottoman bombardment. Later a minaret was added and it became the Lala Mustafa Pasa Camii (Mosque). Here: the east end apse with its buttresses, showing some fine carving. 
 Keywords: Gazimagusa, church-mosque, architecture

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2013-05-01 10:31:56
Photo Size: 2.5mb 3543x3543 pixels
  comp 840x840


Cyprus (North), Gazimagusa/Famagusta: the former Gothic cathedral of St. Nicholas,

completed between 1298 and 1326, is probably the best preserved Lusignan monument, although it lost its twin towers during the Ottoman bombardment. Later a minaret was added and it became the Lala Mustafa Pasa Camii (Mosque). Here: the east end apse with its buttresses, showing some fine carving.
Keywords: Gazimagusa, church-mosque, architecture