Image PMR-D2681 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR-D2681
 Iran, Ali Sadr: the caves at Ali Sadr are the biggest water caves in the world, with 11 kilometres of navigable waterways. Known to antiquity, but only rediscovered in 1963.
Visitors on the landing stage awaiting one of the tour boats. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, speleology, caverns, underground, stalactites, stalagmites

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2014-09-02 18:02:27
Photo Size: 4.1mb 4000x3000 pixels
  comp 840x630


Iran, Ali Sadr: the caves at Ali Sadr are the

biggest water caves in the world, with 11 kilometres of navigable waterways. Known to antiquity, but only rediscovered in 1963.
Visitors on the landing stage awaiting one of the tour boats.
Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, speleology, caverns, underground, stalactites, stalagmites