Image PMR-D2683 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR-D2683
 Iran, Ali Sadr: the caves at Ali Sadr are the biggest water caves in the world, with 11 kilometres of navigable waterways. Known to antiquity, but only rediscovered in 1963.
A stretch of open water, with rocky outcrop in the foreground and landing stage on the right. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, speleology, caverns, underground, stalactites, stalagmites

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2014-09-02 18:06:36
Photo Size: 2.1mb 4000x3000 pixels
  comp 840x630


Iran, Ali Sadr: the caves at Ali Sadr are the

biggest water caves in the world, with 11 kilometres of navigable waterways. Known to antiquity, but only rediscovered in 1963.
A stretch of open water, with rocky outcrop in the foreground and landing stage on the right.
Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, speleology, caverns, underground, stalactites, stalagmites