Image PMR191-02 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR191-02
 Italy, Campania, Isle of Capri: lear waters feflecting the colourful beach huts on one of the little beaches at Marina Piccola. A tiny Byzantine church is almost hidden by the trees. 
 Keywords: steep, rocky, picturesque, colourful, heritage, beach, sand, sunbathing, deck-chairs, bathing, translucent

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2015-03-20 22:58:26
Photo Size: 2.6mb 3524x3528 pixels
  comp 839x840


Italy, Campania, Isle of Capri: lear waters feflecting the colourful

beach huts on one of the little beaches at Marina Piccola. A tiny Byzantine church is almost hidden by the trees.
Keywords: steep, rocky, picturesque, colourful, heritage, beach, sand, sunbathing, deck-chairs, bathing, translucent