Image PMR-D4031 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR-D4031
 People's Republic of China, Guangxi Province, Guilin: a model showing off a sea pearl necklace in the South China Pearl Museum. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, jewellery, necklet, string of pearls, valuable, expensive, pretty girls

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2015-10-17 21:28:49
Photo Size: 1.1mb 2428x3048 pixels
  comp 669x840


People's Republic of China, Guangxi Province, Guilin: a model showing

off a sea pearl necklace in the South China Pearl Museum.
Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, jewellery, necklet, string of pearls, valuable, expensive, pretty girls