Image PMR-D0698 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR-D0698
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Straubing: 7 km. long costumed procession passing through the marketplace in celebration of the 200th Gaubodenfest on 19th August 2012: a horse-drawn, flower decorated wagon, with the water tower in the background. 
 Keywords: picturesque, festival, mediaeval, historical, traditional dress, regional dress, dirndl, brass bands, beer drays, horse-drawn-carriages, children, hobby groups, shooting clubs, colourful, festivities

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-08-19 14:30:22
Photo Size: 4.9mb 3000x4000 pixels
  comp 630x840


Germany, Upper Bavaria, Straubing: 7 km. long costumed procession passing

through the marketplace in celebration of the 200th Gaubodenfest on 19th August 2012: a horse-drawn, flower decorated wagon, with the water tower in the background.
Keywords: picturesque, festival, mediaeval, historical, traditional dress, regional dress, dirndl, brass bands, beer drays, horse-drawn-carriages, children, hobby groups, shooting clubs, colourful, festivities