Image PMR-D4881 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR-D4881
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: the "Karez" irrigation system consists of a series of underground canals, 60-70 cm wide, connected to the surface by wells. At its peak there were 5272 km. of canals, with 177,367 wells in Xinjiang. A cut-away model of a canal in the museum. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, water-conservation, Turfan, aqueduct

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2017-05-31 00:00:00
Photo Size: 4.4mb 6016x4000 pixels
  comp 840x559


People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: the "Karez" irrigation

system consists of a series of underground canals, 60-70 cm wide, connected to the surface by wells. At its peak there were 5272 km. of canals, with 177,367 wells in Xinjiang. A cut-away model of a canal in the museum.
Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, water-conservation, Turfan, aqueduct