Image PMR106-12 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR106-12
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. The main temple, dedicated to Amun-Ra, had 4 seated colossi of Ramesses II, with a row of baboons above. These greet the morning sun which shines directly into the sanctuary, deep inside the rock. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2024-06-12 21:21:29
Photo Size: 2.2mb 3528x3532 pixels
  comp 839x840


Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself

and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. The main temple, dedicated to Amun-Ra, had 4 seated colossi of Ramesses II, with a row of baboons above. These greet the morning sun which shines directly into the sanctuary, deep inside the rock.
Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture