Image PMR588-04 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR588-04
 Mexico, Valladolid: Cenote Dzitnup (or X'keken), 7 km. west of Valladolid, is a crystal clear pool of turquoise water in a limestone cave redolent with stalactites. Many such "cenotes" exist, due to subterranean erosion.

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-11-10 21:26:50
Photo Size: 1.4mb 3524x3472 pixels
  comp 840x828


Mexico, Valladolid: Cenote Dzitnup (or X'keken), 7 km. west of

Valladolid, is a crystal clear pool of turquoise water in a limestone cave redolent with stalactites. Many such "cenotes" exist, due to subterranean erosion.