Image PMR414-06 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR414-06
 Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad): Mlynska Colonnade, where the famous Libusin mineral curative waters may be drunk or bathed in. The River Tepla flows under the square at this point. 
 Keywords: Karlsbad, cure, spa, mineral springs

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-11-14 10:29:40
Photo Size: 831kb 2400x2361 pixels
  comp 840x826


Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad): Mlynska Colonnade, where the famous

Libusin mineral curative waters may be drunk or bathed in. The River Tepla flows under the square at this point.
Keywords: Karlsbad, cure, spa, mineral springs