Image PMR418-06 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR418-06
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: newly completed wings of the former Army Museum which was ruined during the war, apart from the central tract. Now the home of the Bavarian State Chancellery. Here reflected in the waters of the new ornamental canal. 
 Keywords: gardens, München, architecture, historic, dome

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-11-14 10:33:40
Photo Size: 1.9mb 3516x3536 pixels
  comp 835x840


Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: newly completed wings of the former

Army Museum which was ruined during the war, apart from the central tract. Now the home of the Bavarian State Chancellery. Here reflected in the waters of the new ornamental canal.
Keywords: gardens, München, architecture, historic, dome