Image PMR069K-23 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR069K-23
 Turkey, Lycia: Saklikent - site of a deep canyon, which lies about halfway between Patara and Fethiye, and whose walls rise vertically for 300 metres, providing welcome shade for the many visitors. Here, above the canyon visitors cross the river on wooden bridges to reach the entrance. On the left are shady restaurants overlooking the water, serving freshly grilled trout. 
 Keywords: gorge, natural phenomena, Lycia

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-11-15 23:30:37
Photo Size: 2.1mb 3507x2480 pixels
  comp 840x594


Turkey, Lycia: Saklikent - site of a deep canyon, which

lies about halfway between Patara and Fethiye, and whose walls rise vertically for 300 metres, providing welcome shade for the many visitors. Here, above the canyon visitors cross the river on wooden bridges to reach the entrance. On the left are shady restaurants overlooking the water, serving freshly grilled trout.
Keywords: gorge, natural phenomena, Lycia