Image PMR070K-32 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR070K-32
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the retaining wall of the Agora, showing the skill with which irregular stones were fitted together. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins, Lycia

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-11-16 00:49:07
Photo Size: 2.1mb 3507x2480 pixels
  comp 840x594


Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos

which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the retaining wall of the Agora, showing the skill with which irregular stones were fitted together.
Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins, Lycia