Image PMR087K-16 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR087K-16
 Croatia, Dalmatiia,Trogir, a UNESCO World Heritage site: the magnificent Romanesque doorway of the church of St. Lawrence carved by Master Radovan in 1240 AD, showing Adam and Eve, the birth of Christ (centre), and the two lions. 
 Keywords: national heritage, historic town, picturesque, mediaeval, Romanesque architecture, Yugoslavia

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-11-17 16:58:41
Photo Size: 1.3mb 2480x3507 pixels
  comp 594x840


Croatia, Dalmatiia,Trogir, a UNESCO World Heritage site: the magnificent Romanesque

doorway of the church of St. Lawrence carved by Master Radovan in 1240 AD, showing Adam and Eve, the birth of Christ (centre), and the two lions.
Keywords: national heritage, historic town, picturesque, mediaeval, Romanesque architecture, Yugoslavia