Image PMR133K-06 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR133K-06
 Cambodia: Lake Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in South East Asia, reaches its maximum size during the monsoon season, before shrinking radically during the rest of the year. It is a nature reserve and UNESCO designated Biosphere.

This picture: a floating provision store on the lake - the water level can change up to 9 metres in a year. 
 Keywords: biosphere, natural heritage, wild life habitat, nature reserve, bird reserve, ecology

© Peter Michael Rhodes
"<" back one image forward one image ">"

Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-11-18 02:27:45
Photo Size: 698kb 3420x2352 pixels
  comp 840x578


Cambodia: Lake Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in South

East Asia, reaches its maximum size during the monsoon season, before shrinking radically during the rest of the year. It is a nature reserve and UNESCO designated Biosphere.

This picture: a floating provision store on the lake - the water level can change up to 9 metres in a year.
Keywords: biosphere, natural heritage, wild life habitat, nature reserve, bird reserve, ecology