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 Egypt, Thebes: the Colossi of Memnon, seated figures of Amenophis III, each carved out of one sandstone block; all which now remains of the ancient temple of Amenophis. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: the wide "Avenue of Ram-Sphinxes" leading to the first pylon, and view down the central isle of the temple. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: the great North Gate of the temple with vulture goddess Nekhbet surmounting the portal. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: coloured reliefs on the exterior wall of the sanctuary, where the sacred barque was kept: upper: the king communing with the gods, presided over by Amun-Re; middle and lower: priests carrying the sacred barque in procession from Karnak to Luxor on the annual feast and festival of Amun. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: Osirian pillars flanking the courtyard of the subsidiary temple of Ramesses III. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: "Avenue of the Ram-Sphinxes" leading to the temple entrance in the first pylon. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: huge sandstone columns of of the Great Hypostyle Hall, 69 feet high, with 11-foot capitals. The stone grille windows above were originally the only source of light. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: view of the temple from the north-east. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: a visiting class of Egyptian schoolchildren. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture, education
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: surviving obelisk of a pair, erected by Queen Hatshepsut, originally completely sheathed in electrum (75% gold, 22% silver and 3% copper). The entire temple was buried under sand by the Muslims up to the level where the obelisk changes colour, and uncovered by Napoleon in 1798/9. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: view of the temple and Sacred Lake from the "Son et Lumiere" terrace in the south-east. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: twin rose granite pillars bearing the papyri of Upper and Lower Egypt signifying the unity of north and south. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: huge columns of of the Great Hypostyle Hall, 69 feet high, with 11-foot capitals. Closer view of the reliefs on the columns and capitals, the latter still with gilt, turquoise and red colouring. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: huge columns of of the Great Hypostyle Hall, 69 feet high, with 11-foot capitals. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: Temple of Luxor: statues of Ramesses II in the Great Court which was added by him. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: Temple of Luxor: papyrus columns (52 feet high), forming part of the pillared portico of the Temple of Amenophis III. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: Temple of Luxor: papyrus columns, forming part of the double colonnade surrounding the Temple of Amenophis III. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: part of a 1.5 mile long "Avenue of the Sphinxes", which formerly led from the Temple of Luxor to the Temple of Karnak, used on festival days. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: photographing the Colossi of Memnon, seated statues of Amenophis III, 52 feet high, all that remains of the ancient Temple of Amenophis in Thebes. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture, donkeys
 Egypt, Thebes: imposing frontal view of the mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahari, built about 1450 BC, but now in the process of reconstruction. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: leading donkeys down the steep path to the mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahari. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: bird's eye view of the mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahari, taken from the edge of the overhanging cliff. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: Valley of the Kings: entrance to the tomb of Ramesses III. Behind is the pyramid-shaped Theban mountain, under which the kings wished their tombs to lie. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: Valley of the Kings: entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamun, and, directly behind, entrance to the tomb of Ramesses VI. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Edfu: the town of Edfu at dusk, seen from the roof of the of the Temple of Horus. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Edfu: the Temple of Edfu on the west bank of the Nile, was built during the Ptolomaic period between 237 and 57 BC, and dedicated to the god Horus. The well-preserved figure of Horus stands by the doorway. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, architecture, culture, sculpture, statue
 Egypt, Edfu: the Temple of Edfu on the west bank of the Nile, was built during the Ptolomaic period between 237 and 57 BC, and dedicated to the god Horus. Main courtyard and colonnaded entrance hall, seen from the entrance. The figure of Horus stands to the left of the doorway. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Gebel al Sesilla: Nobles' rock tombs (?) and balancing rock, between Kom Ombo and Edfu. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, culture
 Egypt: Kom Ombo Temple was built by Ptolemy I, II and III in the 2nd century BC and dedicated to the crocodile-god Sobek and the sparrow-hawk-god Horoeris, jointly. General view, showing some of the remaining reliefs. Many crocodiles were mummified here and some are still to be seen. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt: Kom Ombo Temple was built by Ptolemy I, II and III in the 2nd century BC and dedicated to the crocodile-god Sobek and the sparrow-hawk-god Horoeris, jointly. Open-lotus-flower column capitals; the the red, blue and gilt colouring is still well preserved on the architrave overhang. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt: Kom Ombo Temple was built by Ptolemy I, II and III in the 2nd century BC and dedicated to the crocodile-god Sobek and the sparrow-hawk-god Horoeris, jointly. Relief depicting the captive headmen of over-run towns, each with the name of his town in a cartouche. The left arm of each has been amputated and fed to the lions. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. The main temple, dedicated to Amun-Ra, had 4 seated colossi of Ramesses II, with a row of baboons above. These greet the morning sun which shines directly into the sanctuary, deep inside the rock. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. Row of Horus falcons at the feet of the colossi. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. The two intact seated colossi of Ramesses II on the right of the entrance, each 65 feet high. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. Figures of Ramesses in the outer chamber of the main temple, with roof frescoes of Nekhbet, the vulture. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. A commemorative plaque, set into the cliff face, acknowledging the help of UNESCO, Cost was about US$ 36,000,000. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. View of the adjacent facades, with the Temple of Hathor in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. The smaller (wife's) temple. dedicated to Hathor, has 4 figures of Ramesses II and 2 of his wife on the facade. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: ruins of the 7th century Monastery of St. Simeon, built by Coptic Christians in the desert, but abandoned after the arrival of Islam in Egypt. View of the desert through the mud-brick walls, with the waiting camel drivers. 
 Keywords: archeology, antiquity, historical, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: ruins of the 7th century Monastery of St. Simeon, built by Coptic Christians in the desert, but abandoned after the arrival of Islam in Egypt. View inside the protecting walls. The water cistern in the bottom right-hand corner was the centre of a system of gravity-fed acqueducts throughout the monastery. 
 Keywords: archeology, antiquity, historical, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: ruins of the 7th century Monastery of St. Simeon, built by Coptic Christians in the desert. View of the desert through the mud brick walls of the monastery, abandoned after the arrival of Islam in Egypt. 
 Keywords: archeology, antiquity, historical, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: ruins of the 7th century Monastery of St. Simeon, built by Coptic Christians in the desert, but abandoned after the arrival of Islam in Egyypt. The remains of a coloured fresco over the apse are still visible. 
 Keywords: archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: highest surviving part of the ruin of Trajan's Temple on Elephantine Island. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: steps leading to the museum on Elephantine Island, with a woman washing clothes in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: view across the Nile from the far side of Elephantine Island with the Tombs of the Nobles discernible on the hillside. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, culture
 Egypt, granite quarries near Aswan: half-quarried obelisk, 138 feet long, abandoned by the Egyptians after the discovery of flaws in the stone. It would have been floated down the Nile on barges to Luxor. Egypt, granite quarries near Aswan: half-quarried obelisk, 138 feet long, abandoned by the Egyptians after the discovery of flaws in the stone. It would have been floated down the Nile on barges to Luxor. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. Entrance and facade with relief figures on the pylons. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. Colonnade and pylons from the pillars of the portico. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. Pylon relief: the Goddess Isis with Pharaoh Ptolemy (?); God Horus. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. View of the colonnaded courtyard from the top of the pylon.
Roman garrisons erected wooden roofs for their troops under the colonnades (traces still to be seen). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. Relief figure of Goddess Isis. Finely carved column capitals, all different.
The vertical grooves on the columns were made by garrisoned Roman soldiers sharpening their swords (in later centuries). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. Main pylons with reliefs, and colonnade with open-lotus-flower capitals. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae before it was flooded. Built between the 4th century BC and 2nd century AD (Ptolomies and Romans). Wall relief: Goddess Isis and God Horus receiving offerings. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Kiosk of Trajan on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae before it was flooded. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: one of the older river Nile steamers, the "Memphis"; in the background the Aswan Oberoi Hotel on Elephantine Island. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Cairo, Giza: camel and rider, with the Great Pyramid of Cheops in the background. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture, costume, tradition, ship of the desert, timeless
 Egypt, Cairo, Giza: the Sphinx, its features destroyed by the Mamelukes, who used it for target practice. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Cairo, Giza: the Great Pyramid of Cheops, the largest of the pyramids, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world; built about 2690 BC by 100,000 men in 20 years; height today: 450 feet. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Memphis: inside a temple at Saqqara, in process of gradual reconstruction by French archeologist, Philipe Louis. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Memphis: climbing out of the entrance shaft of the Pyramid of Sechem-Chet at Saqqara. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Memphis: the Step Mandaba of Saqqara, oldest of the pyramids, tomb of King Zoser (Djoser) of the 3rd Dynasty. Enlarged 3 ... 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Memphis: the Step Mastaba of Saqqara, oldest of the pyramids, tomb of King Zoser (Djoser) of the 3rd Dynasty. Enlarged three times before completion. Close view of the construction, using stones of marly limestone, without binding material. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Memphis: Egyptians demonstrate how the cut limestone is smoothed, using loose sand as grinding material. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture, artisans
 Egypt, Memphis: the Step Pyramid of Saqqara (or Mastaba), oldest of the pyramids, tomb of King Zoser (Djoser) of the 3rd Dynasty. Designed by the court architect and vizier, Imhotep. In the foreground Egyptians demonstrate how the cut limestone is smoothed, using loose sand as grinding material. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Memphis: the Step Pyramid of Saqqara (or Mastaba), oldest of the pyramids, tomb of King Zoser (Djoser) of the 3rd Dynasty. Designed by the court architect and vizier, Imhotep. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Memphis: 80-ton alabaster sphinx of unknown attribution. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Memphis (capital of Egypt in the time of the Old Kingdom): head and shoulders of the prostrate limestone colossus of Ramesses II, originally standing 42.5 feet high, showing the royal cartouche on breast and right shoulder. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Memphis (capital of Egypt in the time of the Old Kingdom): prostrate limestone colossus of Ramesses II, originally standing 42.5 feet high. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Cairo: entrance to Cairo Museum, with a group of visiting school children and sphinx. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Cairo: palm trees enhance the approach to Cairo Museum. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Cairo: entrance to Cairo Museum, with a group of visiting school children. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Rhodesia: ruins of Zimbabwe, thought to have flourished between 13th and 15th centuries A.D.
View of the Great Enclosure in the distance, from the flat lookout balcony of the Acropolis Ruin, overlooking the Ritual Enclosure where most of the Zimbabwe birds have been found. Rhodesia: ruins of Zimbabwe, thought to have flourished between 13th and 15th centuries A.D.
View of the Great Enclosure in the distance, from the flat lookout balcony of the Acropolis Ruin, overlooking the Ritual Enclosure where most of the Zimbabwe birds have been found. 
 Keywords: archeology, ruined city, historic, heritage, ancient city
 Rhodesia: ruins of Zimbabwe, thought to have flourished between 13th and 15th centuries A.D.
View from the central passage, overlooking the Eastern Enclosure. Rhodesia: ruins of Zimbabwe, thought to have flourished between 13th and 15th centuries A.D.
View from the central passage, overlooking the Eastern Enclosure. 
 Keywords: archeology, ruined city, historic, heritage, ancient city
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Euromos: vaulted monument tomb from the Roman period in the south necropolis. 
 Keywords: Aegean, antiquity, archeology, architecture, art, culture, excavations, Greek, Hellenic, heritage, historic, masonry, picturesque, Roman, ruin
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Euromos: vaulted monument tombs from the Roman period in the south necropolis. 
 Keywords: Aegean, antiquity, archeology, architecture, art, culture, excavations, Greek, Hellenic, heritage, historic, masonry, picturesque, Roman, ruin
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Euromos: a well preserved Roman Temple of Zeus dating from the 2nd century AD - has 16 standing Corinthian columns with architraves. 
 Keywords: Aegean, antiquity, archeology, architecture, art, culture, excavations, Greek, Hellenic, heritage, historic, masonry, picturesque, Roman, ruin
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress which was built by the Hellenes to protect their ships during the Peloponnesian War, in the 5th century BC. 
 Keywords: Aegean , antiquity, archeology, defence, fortifications, historic, maritime, picturesque
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress which was built by the Hellenes to protect their ships during the Peloponnesian War, in the 5th century BC. 
 Keywords: Aegean , antiquity, archeology, defence, fortifications, historic, maritime, picturesque
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress which was built by the Hellenes to protect their ships during the Peloponnesian War, in the 5th century BC. 
 Keywords: Aegean , antiquity, archeology, defence, fortifications, historic, maritime, picturesque
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: path from the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress which was built by the Hellenes to protect their ships during the Peloponnesian War, in the 5th century BC. 
 Keywords: Aegean , antiquity, archeology, defence, fortifications, historic, maritime, picturesque
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the jetty and moored yachts from the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress. 
 Keywords: Aegean , antiquity, archeology, defence, fortifications, historic, maritime, picturesque
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the Turkish sailing boat "Bahriyeli C" from the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress. 
 Keywords: Aegean , antiquity, archeology, defence, fortifications, historic, maritime, picturesque
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress which was built by the Hellenes to protect their ships during the Peloponnesian War, in the 5th century BC. 
 Keywords: Aegean , antiquity, archeology, defence, fortifications, historic, maritime, picturesque
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: formerly a major city of the Lycian League due to its outstanding port, has been ruled by Hittites, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans et al. since the 7th century BC. Birthplace of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus). Due to the silting-up of the harbour the city was finally deserted by 1340.
This picture: the Roman lighthouse (built 60 AD), under reconstruction on its old foundations. Originally 26m high it was destroyed by an earthquake/tsunami. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, Arsinoe, culture, heritage, historic, masonry, ruined city, Termilae, Tremilae, Xanthos Valley
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: formerly a major city of the Lycian League due to its outstanding port, has been ruled by Hittites, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans et al. since the 7th century BC. Birthplace of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus). Due to the silting-up of the harbour the city was finally deserted by 1340.
This picture: the almost perfectly preserved Arch of Mettias Medustus (100 AD) which was the north gate to the city. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, Arsinoe, culture, heritage, historic, masonry, ruined city, Termilae, Tremilae, Xanthos Valley
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: formerly a major city of the Lycian League due to its outstanding port, has been ruled by Hittites, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans et al. since the 7th century BC. Birthplace of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus). Due to the silting-up of the harbour the city was finally deserted by 1340.
This picture: the main street which connects the harbour to the Agora and is lined with Ionic columns, granite on the east and marble on the west. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, Arsinoe, culture, heritage, historic, masonry, ruined city, Termilae, Tremilae, Xanthos Valley
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: formerly a major city of the Lycian League due to its outstanding port, has been ruled by Hittites, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans et al. since the 7th century BC. Birthplace of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus). Due to the silting-up of the harbour the city was finally deserted by 1340.
This picture: the cavea of the Bouleuterion or Prytaneion, which held 1400 people. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, Arsinoe, culture, heritage, historic, masonry, ruined city, Termilae, Tremilae, Xanthos Valley
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: formerly a major city of the Lycian League due to its outstanding port, has been ruled by Hittites, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans et al. since the 7th century BC. Birthplace of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus). Due to the silting-up of the harbour the city was finally deserted by 1340.
This picture: the well-preserved amphitheatre was rebuilt by Antoninus Pius in 147 AD after an earthquake. It held ca. 6000 spectators. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, Arsinoe, culture, heritage, historic, masonry, ruined city, Termilae, Tremilae, Xanthos Valley
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: formerly a major city of the Lycian League due to its outstanding port, has been ruled by Hittites, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans et al. since the 7th century BC. Birthplace of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus). Due to the silting-up of the harbour the city was finally deserted by 1340.
This picture: the well-preserved amphitheatre was rebuilt by Antoninus Pius in 147 AD after an earthquake. It held ca. 6000 spectators. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, Arsinoe, culture, heritage, historic, masonry, ruined city, Termilae, Tremilae, Xanthos Valley
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: formerly a major city of the Lycian League due to its outstanding port, has been ruled by Hittites, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans et al. since the 7th century BC. Birthplace of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus). Due to the silting-up of the harbour the city was finally deserted by 1340.
This picture: the well-preserved amphitheatre was rebuilt by Antoninus Pius in 147 AD after an earthquake. It held ca. 6000 spectators. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, Arsinoe, culture, heritage, historic, masonry, ruined city, Termilae, Tremilae, Xanthos Valley
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: formerly a major city of the Lycian League due to its outstanding port, has been ruled by Hittites, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans et al. since the 7th century BC. Birthplace of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus). Due to the silting-up of the harbour the city was finally deserted by 1340.
This picture: the Bouleuterion or Prytaneion, the assembly hall of the Lycian League (1st century BC). 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, Arsinoe, culture, heritage, historic, masonry, ruined city, Termilae, Tremilae, Xanthos Valley
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena (Turkish: Kalekoy) a few of the traditional vault-shaped sarcophagi scattered around on the hillside near the town. 
 Keywords: antiquity, archeology, burial, culture, grave, heritage, historic
 Turkey, Antalya, Lycia, Kalkan: another vault-shaped Lycian sarcophagus dating from the 4th century BC standing in the centre of the town. 
 Keywords: antiquity, archeology, burial, culture, grave, heritage, historic
 Turkey, Lycia, Pinara: a typical vault-shaped, stone sarcophagus of the Lycians, many of which dot the landscape. 
 Keywords: antique, archeology, architecture, culture, heritage, historic, Mediterranean
 Turkey, Lycia, Pinara: the amphitheatre of the ancient city, dates from the time of the Lycian League, and has 27 rows of seats. Unrestored, it remains in good condition. 
 Keywords: antique, archeology, architecture, culture, geology, heritage, historic, Mediterranean
 Turkey, Lycia, Pinara: the amphitheatre of the ancient city, dates from the time of the Lycian League, and has 27 rows of seats. Unrestored, it remains in good condition. 
 Keywords: antique, archeology, architecture, culture, geology, heritage, historic, Mediterranean
 Turkey, Lycia, Pinara: the amphitheatre of the ancient city, dates from the time of the Lycian League, and has 27 rows of seats. Unrestored, it remains in good condition. 
 Keywords: antique, archeology, architecture, culture, geology, heritage, historic, Mediterranean
 Turkey, Lycia, Pinara: a closer view of some of the burial chambers in a cliff face overlooking the ruins of the ancient city of Pinara. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, culture, geology, heritage, historic, Mediterranean
 Turkey, Lycia, Pinara: a cliff face with over 900 rock burial chambers towers over the ruins of the ancient city of Pinara. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, culture, geology, heritage, historic, Mediterranean
 Turkey, Lycia, Fethiye: ancient rock tombs, carved out of the cliffs by Lycians, dating back to the 4th century BC. All have been plundered and many used as dwellings in Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, burial chambers, culture, geology, heritage, historic, Mediterranean
 Turkey, Lycia, Fethiye: ancient rock tombs, carved out of the cliffs by Lycians. The largest, the Tomb of Amyntas (shown here), in the style of a Greek Ionic temple, with highly decorated sham stone door, dates back to the 4th century BC. All have been plundered and many used as dwellings in Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, burial chambers, culture, geology, heritage, historic, Mediterranean
 Turkey, Lycia, Fethiye: this vault-shaped Lycian sarcophagus dated from the 4th century BC. Carved from local limestone, it is the largest example of its kind, and stands in its original position. 
 Keywords: antiquity, archeology, burial, culture, grave, heritage, historic
 Turkey, Lycia: view of the rocky hill on which are the acropolis and ruins of the ancient town of Kaunos from the reedbeds in the Dalyan delta. 
 Keywords: archeology, geology, Mediterranean, ranges of hills
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan: part of the ruins of the ancient town of Kaunos, in the Dalyan delta. 
 Keywords: antique, archeology, architecture, culture, heritage, historic, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan: part of the ruins of the ancient town of Kaunos, in the Dalyan delta. 
 Keywords: antique, archeology, architecture, culture, heritage, historic, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan: remains of a byzantine stone basilica in the ruins of the ancient town of Kaunos, in the Dalyan delta. The upper acropolis is visible on the hill in the background. 
 Keywords: antique, archeology, architecture, church, culture, heritage, historic, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan: remains of a byzantine stone basilica in the ruins of the ancient town of Kaunos, in the Dalyan delta. 
 Keywords: antique, archeology, architecture, church, culture, heritage, historic, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan: Ancient rock burial chambers carved in the cliff wall near Dalyan, with facades copied from Green Ionic Temples. All have been plundered; many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, culture, geology, heritage, historic, Lycia, rock tombs
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan: general view of the ancient rock burial chambers carved in the cliff wall near Dalyan, with facades copied from Green Ionic Temples. All have been plundered; many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, culture, geology, heritage, historic, Lycia, rock tombs
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan: Ancient rock burial chambers carved in the cliff wall near Dalyan, with facades copied from Green Ionic Temples. All have been plundered; many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, culture, geology, heritage, historic, Lycia, rock tombs
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan delta: view of the ancient rock burial chambers carved in the cliffs near Dalyan, with a Turkish pleasure boat in the foreground. 
 Keywords: archeology, boat trip, culture, geology, heritage, historic
 Turkey, Lycia: view of the rocky hill on which are the acropolis and ruins of the ancient town of Kaunos in the Dalyan delta. 
 Keywords: archeology, geology, Mediterranean, ranges of hills
 Turkey, Lycia: view of the reed beds, home to numerous species of water birds, in the Dalyan delta. On the rocky spur to the left are the acropolis and ruins of the ancient town of Kaunos. 
 Keywords: archeology, ecology, geology, Mediterranean, nature, ornithology, ranges of hills
 Germany, Lower Bavaria, Bad Gögging: the surviving entry portal of the Romanesque church of St Andreas, still standing adjacent to the new church. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, culture, exhibit, mediaeval, museum, stone carving
 Germany, Lower Bavaria, Bad Gögging: half-excavated Roman thermal bath, 56m. long x 30m. wide, from first century AD, partly under the parish church of St: Andreas. Unique in Bavaria. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, culture, exhibit, museum, ruins
 Turkey, Bodrum: archeological site of the Maussolleion of Halicarnassos, tomb of King Maussollos (=Mausoleum) in Halicarnassos (present day Bodrum), built 355-351 BC and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Ruined by an earthquake in the 13th century, the stones were plundered by the Crusaders to build St. Peter's Castle in 1402. The sign in this picture indicates the position of the former burial chamber of King Maussollos. 
 Keywords: antiquities, heritage, historic, archeology, architecture, Roman, Greek, Halicarnassus
 Turkey, Bodrum: archeological site of the Maussolleion of Halicarnassos, tomb of King Maussollos (=Mausoleum) in Halicarnassos (present day Bodrum), built 355-351 BC and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Ruined by an earthquake in the 13th century, the stones were plundered by the Crusaders to build St. Peter's Castle in 1402. Plaster cast of part of the frieze of the Battle of the Amazons. 
 Keywords: antiquities, relief, stone carving, Halicarnassus, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Bodrum: archeological site of the Maussolleion of Halicarnassos, tomb of King Maussollos (=Mausoleum) in Halicarnassos (present day Bodrum), built 355-351 BC and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Ruined by an earthquake in the 13th century, the stones were plundered by the Crusaders to build St. Peter's Castle in 1402. Plaster cast of part of the frieze of the Battle of the Amazons, showing a mounted Amazon fighting over the horse's hindquarters. 
 Keywords: antiquities, relief, stone carving, Halicarnassus, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Bodrum: archeological site of the Maussolleion of Halicarnassos, tomb of King Maussollos (=Mausoleum) in Halicarnassos (present day Bodrum), built 355-351 BC and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Ruined by an earthquake in the 13th century, the stones were plundered by the Crusaders to build St. Peter's Castle in 1402. Fragment of an original frieze from the facade. 
 Keywords: antiquities, relief, stone carving, Halicarnassus, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Bodrum: archeological site of the Maussolleion of Halicarnassos, tomb of King Maussollos (=Mausoleum) in Halicarnassos (present day Bodrum), built 355-351 BC and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Ruined by an earthquake in the 13th century, the stones were plundered by the Crusaders to build St. Peter's Castle in 1402. 
 Keywords: antiquities, Halicarnassus, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Bodrum: Myndos Gate, the only surviving gate in the 7-kilometre-long city walls of Halicarnassus, built in the 4th century BC by King Mousollos. In the foreground a collection of architectural fragments from the original structure. 
 Keywords: antiquities, heritage, historic, archeology, architecture, Roman, Greek, Myndus
 Turkey, Bodrum: a pair of back-to-back graves, dating from the 4th century BC, found near the Myndos Gate, the only surviving gate in the 7-kilometre-long city walls of Halicarnassus. 
 Keywords: antiquities, Myndus, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Bodrum: Myndos Gate, the only surviving gate in the 7-kilometre-long city walls of Halicarnassus, built in the 4th century BC by King Mousollos. 
 Keywords: antiquities, Myndus, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Bodrum: Myndos Gate, the only surviving gate in the 7-kilometre-long city walls of Halicarnassus, built in the 4th century BC by King Mousollos. 
 Keywords: antiquities, Myndus, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Bodrum: part of the restored 7-kilometre-long city walls of Halicarnassus, adjoining the Myndos Gate, built in the 4th century BC by King Mousollos. 
 Keywords: antiquities, Myndus, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Bodrum: Graeco-Roman Theatre of Halicarnassus, built in the 2nd century BC, had an original seating capacity of some 10,000 but at present accommodates is limited to 4,000. Collection of architectural fragments from the original structure. 
 Keywords: antiquities, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage, amphitheatre, stone seating, cavea, orchestra
 Turkey, Bodrum: Graeco-Roman Theatre of Halicarnassus, built in the 2nd century BC, had an original seating capacity of some 10,000 but at present accommodates is limited to 4,000. 
 Keywords: antiquities, orchestra, cavea, stone seating, amphitheatre, heritage, historic, archeology, architecture, Roman, Greek
 Turkey, Bodrum: Graeco-Roman Theatre of Halicarnassus, built in the 2nd century BC, had an original seating capacity of some 10,000 but at present accommodates is limited to 4,000. 
 Keywords: antiquities, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage, amphitheatre, stone seating, cavea, orchestra
 Turkey, Bodrum: Graeco-Roman Theatre of Halicarnassus, built in the 2nd century BC, had an original seating capacity of some 10,000 but at present accommodates is limited to 4,000. 
 Keywords: antiquities, orchestra, cavea, stone seating, amphitheatre, heritage, historic, archeology, architecture, Roman, Greek
 Turkey, Bodrum: Graeco-Roman Theatre of Halicarnassus, built in the 2nd century BC, had an original seating capacity of some 10,000 but at present accommodates is limited to 4,000. 
 Keywords: antiquities, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage, amphitheatre, stone seating, cavea, orchestra
 Greece, Island of Amorgos: the ancient settlement of Minoa which has been occupied since neolithic times. The name suggests that it was settled at one time by people from Crete. Graeco-Roman wall with part of a cistern on the left. 
 Keywords: Cyclades, island hopping, Hellas, Greek Islands, historic, heritage, archeology, ruins, excavations, Graeco-Roman
 Greece, Island of Amorgos: the ancient settlement of Minoa which has been occupied since neolithic times. The name suggests that it was settled at one time by people from Crete. Remains of the main gateway from the Hellenistic period. 
 Keywords: Cyclades, Graeco-Roman, excavations, ruins, archeology, heritage, historic, Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping
 Greece, Island of Amorgos: the ancient settlement of Minoa which has been occupied since neolithic times. The name suggests that it was settled at one time by people from Crete. Well-preserved building from the Hellenistic period. 
 Keywords: Cyclades, Graeco-Roman, excavations, ruins, archeology, heritage, historic, Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping
 Greece, Island of Amorgos: the ancient settlement of Minoa which has been occupied since neolithic times. The name suggests that it was settled at one time by people from Crete. General view of the archeological site on Moundoulia Hill. 
 Keywords: Cyclades, island hopping, Hellas, Greek Islands, historic, heritage, archeology, ruins, excavations, Graeco-Roman
 Greece, Island of Amorgos: view of Chora from the archeological site on Moundoulia Hill. 
 Keywords: Cyclades, panorama, heritage, historic, Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping
 Greece, Island of Amorgos: the ancient settlement of Minoa which has been occupied since neolithic times. The name suggests that it was settled at one time by people from Crete. Remains of Hellenistic temple wirh part of a statue of a robed figure. 
 Keywords: Cyclades, island hopping, Hellas, Greek Islands, historic, heritage, archeology, ruins, excavations, Graeco-Roman
 Greece, Island of Amorgos: the ancient settlement of Minoa which has been occupied since neolithic times. The name suggests that it was settled at one time by people from Crete. Remains of Hellenistic temple wirh part of a statue of a robed figure. 
 Keywords: Cyclades, island hopping, Hellas, Greek Islands, historic, heritage, archeology, ruins, excavations, Graeco-Roman
 Greece, Island of Paros. Parikia: part of the tower of the ruined "Frankish Castle", built by the Venetians in the 13th century using stones from various Graeco-Roman edifices. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Paroikia, Hellas, island hopping, Cyclades, historic, heritage, architecture, archeology
 Greece, Island of Naxos: an ancient Hellenic watchtower, "Pirgos Himarou", probably dating back to the 2nd-4th century BC.. Originally it had four floors, connected by a spiral stone staircase, part of which remains. The tower is under long term renovation and reconstruction. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, Cyclades, historic, heritage, culture, Drosiani, architecture, archeology
 Greece, Island of Naxos: an ancient Hellenic watchtower, "Pirgos Himarou", probably dating back to the 2nd-4th century BC.. Originally it had four floors, connected by a spiral stone staircase, part of which remains. The tower is under long term renovation and reconstruction. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, Cyclades, historic, heritage, culture, Drosiani, architecture, archeology
 Greece, Island of Naxos, Melanes: the Kouros (Greek = nude male figure) of Flerio, of white marble, is 4.7 metres long. It ws never finished, apparently because the right leg got broken during transport. It weighs about 5 tonnes. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, Cyclades, historic, heritage, culture, statue, sculpture, archeology
 Greece, Island of Naxos: Portara or lintel of the unfinished Temple of Apollo on the islet of Palatia. Work was begun in 530 BC by the tyrant Lygdamis with the intention of making it the largest temple in Greece, but the plan proved too ambitious. View shortly after sunset. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, ruin, archeology, culture, heritage, historic, architecture, Cyclades, island hopping, Hellas
 Greece, Island of Naxos: Portara or lintel of the unfinished Temple of Apollo on the islet of Palatia. Work was begun in 530 BC by the tyrant Lygdamis with the intention of making it the largest temple in Greece, but the plan proved too ambitious. View shortly after sunset. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, ruin, archeology, culture, heritage, historic, architecture, Cyclades, island hopping, Hellas
 Greece, Island of Naxos: Portara or lintel of the unfinished Temple of Apollo on the islet of Palatia. Work was begun in 530 BC by the tyrant Lygdamis with the intention of making it the largest temple in Greece, but the plan proved too ambitious. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, ruin, archeology, culture, heritage, historic, architecture, Cyclades, island hopping, Hellas
 Greece, Island of Naxos: Portara or lintel of the unfinished Temple of Apollo on the islet of Palatia. Work was begun in 530 BC by the tyrant Lygdamis with the intention of making it the largest temple in Greece, but the plan proved too ambitious. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, ruin, archeology, culture, heritage, historic, architecture, Cyclades, island hopping, Hellas
 Greece, Island of Levitha (population 10): ancient Greek carved burial stone.(Anaxofan..?) found on the island. 
 Keywords: Dodecanese, historic, archeology, antiquity, Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, Lebinthus, Lebinthos
 Morocco, Ammonites, Trilobites, Goniatites, Orthoceras and other fossils displayed for sale at a location near Rissani where coral reefs used to exist in the Devonian period, 410-355 million years ago. 
 Keywords: Africa, excavations, archeology, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb
 Morocco: Volubilis Museum, some of the 900 sandstone steles deposited by the faithfull in "Temple B", on the left bank of Wadi Fertassa. These are mostly low reliefs and engravings depicting worshippers making offerings in a religious act. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. The Decumanus Maximus, looking north east, with the Tingis (Tangier) Gate at the far end. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, archeological site, Roman architecture, national heritage, classical architecture, historic, culture, stone-carving, excavations, Maghreb
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. An arched facade on the Decumanus Maximus. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Mosaic of a dolphin and fishes in the North Baths (Thermen), whose water was supplied by the aqueduct. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Interior of the North Baths (Thermen) supplied by the aqueduct. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, archeological site, Roman architecture, national heritage, classical architecture, historic, culture, stone-carving, excavations, Maghreb
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Mosaic on the floor of the North Baths (Thermen) whose water was supplied by the aqueduct. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Interior of the North Baths (Thermen) supplied by the aqueduct. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Mosaic of Bacchus encountering the sleeping Ariadne in the House of the Ephebe. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, archeological site, Roman architecture, national heritage, classical architecture, historic, culture, stone-carving, excavations, Maghreb
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Mosaic of Bacchus encountering the sleeping Ariadne in the House of the Ephebe. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Some of the remaining columns surrounding the pool in the House of Columns. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, archeological site, Roman architecture, national heritage, classical architecture, historic, culture, stone-carving, excavations, Maghreb
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Sole remaining "twisted" Corinthian column in the House of Columns. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, archeological site, Roman architecture, national heritage, classical architecture, historic, culture, stone-carving, excavations, Maghreb
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. The (reconstructed) Triumphal Arch of Caracalla, built in 217 AD by the governor of the city. It stands at the end of the Decumanus Maximus. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, archeological site, Roman architecture, national heritage, classical architecture, historic, culture, stone-carving, excavations, Maghreb
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. The (reconstructed) Triumphal Arch of Caracalla, built in 217 AD by the governor of the city. It stands at the end of the Decumanus Maximus. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, archeological site, Roman architecture, national heritage, classical architecture, historic, culture, stone-carving, excavations, Maghreb
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Ruins of the Capitoline Temple, reconstructed in 218 AD, and dedicated to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Ruins of the Basilica, built in the third century AD, and probably modelled on the basilica in Leptis Magna (Libya). 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Unidentified carved columns. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. Dolphins and other sea creatures are pictured in this mosaic in the atrium of the House of Orpheus. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. A mosaic depicting Orpheus playing his lute, surrounded by African wildlife ( House of Orpheus). 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, archeological site, Roman architecture, national heritage, classical architecture, historic, culture, stone-carving, excavations, Maghreb
 Morocco: Volubilis, a Roman city built on the site of the Berber and Carthaginian settlements in the first century AD, was originally the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. Much of the stonework was taken in the 18th century for the building of Meknes. General view, with the Capitoline Temple and Basilica (and storks' nest!) in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, excavations, stone-carving, culture, historic, classical architecture, national heritage, Roman architecture, archeological site, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Knowth neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, One of the adjacent smaller burial mounds without its roof. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Knowth neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, It contains the greatest collection of passage-grave art ever uncovered in Western Europe. Carvings on one of the large supporting stones. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Knowth neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, It contains the greatest collection of passage-grave art ever uncovered in Western Europe. Carvings on one of the large supporting stones. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Knowth neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, It contains the greatest collection of passage-grave art ever uncovered in Western Europe. Standing stones in front of the passage entrance on the far side. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Knowth neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, It contains the greatest collection of passage-grave art ever uncovered in Western Europe. Spiral carvings on one of the large supporting stones. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Knowth neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, View of the surrounding countryside from the roof of the mound. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Knowth neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC. Some of the adjacent smaller burial mounds. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Knowth neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, The mound was used for thousands of years after its construction as a defended stronghold. View inside the passage to the central chamber showing the stone slabs used for the roof. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Knowth neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, The mound was used for thousands of years after its construction as a defended stronghold. View inside the passage to the central chamber showing the stone slabs used for the roof. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Knowth neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, The entrance also boasts a carved entrance stone which functioned as a sun dial in conjunction with the adjacent stone post. The mound was used for thousands of years after its construction as a defended stronghold. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Newgrange neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, measures 80 metres (!) in diameter and 13 metres high. Part of the reconstructed perimeter wall which stands on large rocks. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Newgrange neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, measures 80 metres (!) in diameter and 13 metres high. One of the adjacent smaller burial sites. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Newgrange neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, measures 80 metres (!) in diameter and 13 metres high. Part of the facade reconstructed by Prof. M.J. O'Kelly with material from the site. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Newgrange neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, measures 80 metres (!) in diameter and 13 metres high and is located on a hill top. The passage entry is aligned with the sun's rays at the time of the winter solstice. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Newgrange neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, measures 80 metres (!) in diameter and 13 metres high. An isolated standing stone, decorated with spiral designs. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Newgrange neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, measures 80 metres (!) in diameter and 13 metres high. The entrance has been reconstructed by Prof. M.J. O'Kelly with material from the site: the putative original appearance of the facade. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Newgrange neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, measures 80 metres (!) in diameter and 13 metres high. The entrance has been reconstructed by Prof. M.J. O'Kelly with material from the site. The entrance stone is covered with superbly carved spiral designs of unknown significance 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Ireland, County Meath, Brú Na Bóinne: Newgrange neolithic Irish passage tomb dating from about 3200 BC, measures 80 metres (!) in diameter and 13 metres high. The entrance has been reconstructed by Prof. M.J. O'Kelly with material from the site. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, monument, culture, archeology, necropolis, ancient, UNESCO
 Oman, Taqah: part of the ruins of the ancient city of Zafar, founded over 3000 years ago, in the Al Baleed Archeological Site. It was an important port in the frankincense trade during the 12th-16th centuries. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, heritage, excavations, historic
 Oman, Taqah: part of the ruins of the ancient city of Zafar, founded over 3000 years ago, in the Al Baleed Archeological Site. It was an important port in the frankincense trade during the 12th-16th centuries. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, heritage, excavations, historic
 Oman, Sumhuram Archeological Park: the excavated remains of a city, dating back to the 3rd century BC, and abandoned in the 5th century AD, a major port for the export of frankincense by the sultans of Hadhramaut. View of the city on its commanding position on high ground, surrounded by impregnable walls of limestone slabs, originally maybe 10m high. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, heritage, ruins, preservation, defence, fortifications
 Oman, Sumhuram Archeological Park: the excavated remains of a city, dating back to the 3rd century BC, and abandoned in the 5th century AD, a major port for the export of frankincense. The excavations are being carried out by an Italian group. View of part of the main gate which consisted of three successive wooden doors and a postern gate. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, heritage, ruins, preservation
 Oman, Sumhuram Archeological Park: the excavated remains of a city, dating back to the 3rd century BC, and abandoned in the 5th century AD, a major port for the export of frankincense. The excavations are being carried out by an Italian group. View of the "Monumental Building" which housed a 25-metre-deep well and fresh water reservoir. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, heritage, ruins, preservation
 Oman, Sumhuram Archeological Park: the excavated remains of a city, dating back to the 3rd century BC, and abandoned in the 5th century AD, a major port for the export of frankincense by the sultans of the Hadhramaut. The excavations are being carried out by an Italian group. View of the restored internal mud-brick walls. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, heritage, ruins, preservation
 Oman, Sumhuram Archeological Park: the excavated remains of a city, dating back to the 3rd century BC, and abandoned in the 5th century AD, a major port for the export of frankincense by the Sultans of the Hadhramaut. The excavations are being carried out by an Italian group. View of the well-preserved walls of the temple complex. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, heritage, ruins, preservation
 Oman, Sumhuram Archeological Park: the excavated remains of a city, dating back to the 3rd century BC, and abandoned in the 5th century AD, a major port for the export of frankincense by the sultans of the Hadhramaut. The excavations are being carried out by an Italian group. View of a street with restored mud-brick walls of houses. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, heritage, ruins, preservation
 Oman, Sumhuram Archeological Park: the excavated remains of a city, dating back to the 3rd century BC, and abandoned in the 5th century AD, a major port for the export of frankincense . The excavations are being carried out by an Italian group. View of the restored internal mud-brick walls and limestone ablutions basin in a room of the temple. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, heritage, ruins, preservation
 Oman, Sumhuram Archeological Park: the excavated remains of a city, dating back to the 3rd century BC, and abandoned in the 5th century AD, a major port for the export of frankincense by the sultans of the Hadhramaut. The excavations are being carried out by an Italian group. View of the restored internal mud-brick walls. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, heritage, ruins, preservation
 Oman, Zukait: one of the prehistoric "beehive tombs" dating from 3500-2000 BC. Their true purpose has not been established. 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, geology, archeology
 Oman, Zukait: one of the prehistoric "beehive tombs" dating from 3500-2000 BC. Their true purpose has not been established. 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, geology, archeology
 Oman, Zukait: one of the prehistoric "beehive tombs" dating from 3500-2000 BC. Their true purpose has not been established. 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, geology, archeology
 Oman, Zukait: stele, describing the prehistoric "beehive tombs" dating from 3500-2000 BC. Their true purpose has not been established. 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, geology, archeology
 Greece, Island of Milos: ruins of an early Bronze Age settlement at Phylakopi, near the ancient town of Apollonia (today: Pollonia) which was in use from the 3rd millennium BC until ca. 1200 BC. Ceramic finds show evidence of Minoan, and later Mycenaean, influence. Part of the well-preserved, 2-metre-thick southern defensive wall. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Venus de Milo, excavations, archeology, culture
 Greece, Island of Milos: ruins of an early Bronze Age settlement at Phylakopi, near the ancient town of Apollonia (today: Pollonia) which was in use from the 3rd millennium BC until ca. 1200 BC. Ceramic finds show evidence of Minoan, and later Mycenaean, influence. Part of the well-preserved, 2-metre-thick southern defensive wall. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Venus de Milo, excavations, archeology, culture
 Greece, Island of Milos: ruins of an early Bronze Age settlement at Phylakopi, near the ancient town of Apollonia (today: Pollonia) which was in use from the 3rd millennium BC until ca. 1200 BC. Ceramic finds show evidence of Minoan, and later Mycenaean, influence. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Venus de Milo, excavations, archeology, culture
 Greece, Island of Milos: ruins of an early Bronze Age settlement at Phylakopi, near the ancient town of Apollonia (today: Pollonia) which was in use from the 3rd millennium BC until ca. 1200 BC. Ceramic finds show evidence of Minoan, and later Mycenaean, influence. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Venus de Milo, excavations, archeology, culture
 Greece, Island of Milos, Tripiti: Roman amphitheatre, probably built in the 3rd century BC by the inhabitants of the ancient city of Klima, with seating for 7000 spectators. View of the orchestra, proscenium and scene building from above. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Venus de Milo, Klema, archeology, stone carving, historic, drama
 Greece, Island of Milos, Tripiti: Roman amphitheatre, probably built in the 3rd century BC by the inhabitants of the ancient city of Klima, with seating for 7000 spectators. The orchestra, with part of the seating terraces. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Venus de Milo, Klema, archeology, stone carving, historic, drama
 Greece, Island of Milos, Tripiti: Roman amphitheatre, probably built in the 3rd century BC by the inhabitants of the ancient city of Klima, with seating for 7000 spectators. The proscenium, which would have originally been covered with wooden boards. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Venus de Milo, Klema, archeology, stone carving, historic, drama
 Greece, Island of Milos, Tripiti: Roman amphitheatre, probably built in the 3rd century BC by the inhabitants of the ancient city of Klima, with seating for 7000 spectators. Part of the reconstructed, ornately carved, scene building, which stood two storeys high. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Venus de Milo, Klema, archeology, stone carving, historic, drama
 Greece, Island of Milos, Tripiti: Roman amphitheatre, probably built in the 3rd century BC by the inhabitants of the ancient city of Klima, with seating for 7000 spectators. View from above. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Venus de Milo, Klema, archeology, stone carving, historic, drama
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
A model of the area of excavation. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
A pair of bed frames have survived the centuries. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
Lower room of a house, with stone basin. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
The highest wall so far uncovered is a house fronting on to a triangular square. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
A flight of stone steps, fractured in an earthquake. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
A Bronze Age WC, with running water. Houses had hot and cold running water, the hot probably coming from geo-thermal sources. Also waste water disposal pipes. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
Walls of unattributed buildings, with the main street in the background. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
The "pithoi room", probably a store-room, where a number of amphorae were found, some still containing the remains of barley. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
The "pithoi room", probably a store-room, where a number of amphorae were found, some still containing the remains of barley. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
Doorway and windows of a putative house. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
Ongoing excavation of the wall of a 2/3-storey building, with supports. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Greece, Island of Santorini: archeological excavations of a Minoan city at Akrotiri which was buried after the eruption of the Thera volcano, approximately 3600 years ago.
General view of the site, with the extensive new roofing arrangements for protection from the elements. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira, bronze age, prehistoric, civilisation, ruins
 Switzerland, Zurich: Rietberg Museum, Osiris Exhibition: colossal statue of a queen as Isis, from the Ptolemaic period (305-30 BC), possibly the reign of Ptolomy II. Pink granite. Retrieved from the seabed off Alexandria. 
 Keywords: picturesque, architecture, culture, financial centre, heritage, historic, Egptology, archeology, sculpture
 Switzerland, Zurich: Rietberg Museum, Osiris Exhibition: colossal statue of a king from the Ptolemaic period (305-30 BC), possibly Ptolomy II. Pink granite. Retrieved from the seabed off Alexandria. 
 Keywords: picturesque, architecture, culture, financial centre, heritage, historic, Egptology, archeology, sculpture
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kuqa: Subashi Buddhist ruins, the site of an active Buddhist community from the 3rd century until destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in the 13th century. UNESCO World Heritage site.
General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, UNESCO
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kuqa: Subashi Buddhist ruins, the site of an active Buddhist community from the 3rd century until destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in the 13th century. UNESCO World Heritage site.
View of the eastern complex, on the other side of the Kuqa River. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, UNESCO
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kuqa: Subashi Buddhist ruins, the site of an active Buddhist community from the 3rd century until destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in the 13th century. UNESCO World Heritage site.
General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, UNESCO
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kuqa: Subashi Buddhist ruins, the site of an active Buddhist community from the 3rd century until destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in the 13th century. UNESCO World Heritage site.
General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, UNESCO
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kuqa: Subashi Buddhist ruins, the site of an active Buddhist community from the 3rd century until destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in the 13th century. UNESCO World Heritage site.
General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, UNESCO
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kuqa: Subashi Buddhist ruins, the site of an active Buddhist community from the 3rd century until destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in the 13th century. UNESCO World Heritage site.
View of the eastern complex, on the other side of the Kuqa River. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, UNESCO
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kuqa: Subashi Buddhist ruins, the site of an active Buddhist community from the 3rd century until destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in the 13th century. UNESCO World Heritage site.
General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, UNESCO
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kuqa: Caper bush (Capparis spinosa) in flower in Subashi ruins. The berries and buds are pickled and used as a seasoning in cookery. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, botany, biology, plants
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kuqa: Subashi Buddhist ruins, the site of an active Buddhist community from the 3rd century until destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in the 13th century. UNESCO World Heritage site.
Inscribed stone marking the entrance to the site. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, UNESCO
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. Southern Buddhist Temple, a cave-temple, is an imposing earthen mound, 20 metres long. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. Southern Buddhist Temple, a cave-temple, is an imposing earthen mound, 20 metres long. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. Northwest Buddhist Temple, built in the 5th century and restored during the 9th-10th centuries. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. Bust of a successful general. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan, statue, soldier
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Jiaohe ruined city stands on a high plateau between two deep river valleys. It was capital of Jushi kingdom from 108 BC to 450 AD, later destroyed by the forces of Genghis Khan in 13th century. The population was ca. 7000 in the Tang dynasty. The Disney-style facade of the entry hall. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: the Emin minaret adjoins the Uyghur mosque in Turpan. Built in 1777 , it is 44 metres high, the highest minaret in China. The geometrical and floral patterns on the sun-dried bricks are typical Uighur work. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, tower, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: the Emin minaret adjoins the Uyghur mosque in Turpan. Built in 1777 , it is 44 metres high, the highest minaret in China. The geometrical and floral patterns on the sun-dried bricks are typical Uyghur work. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, tower, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: the "Karez" irrigation system consists of a series of underground canals, 60-70 cm wide, connected to the surface by wells. At its peak there were 5272 km. of canals, with 177,367 wells in Xinjiang. Part of the system still in operation, protected by an armoured glass sheet. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, water-conservation, Turfan, aqueduct
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: the "Karez" irrigation system consists of a series of underground canals, 60-70 cm wide, connected to the surface by wells. At its peak there were 5272 km. of canals, with 177,367 wells in Xinjiang. A cut-away model of a canal in the museum. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, water-conservation, Turfan, aqueduct
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: the "Karez" irrigation system consists of a series of underground canals, 60-70 cm wide, connected to the surface by wells. At its peak there were 5272 km. of canals, with 177,367 wells in Xinjiang. A plaque in the museum illustrating the initiation of the system. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, water-conservation, Turfan, aqueduct
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: the "Karez" irrigation system consists of a series of underground canals, 60-70 cm wide, connected to the surface by wells. At its peak there were 5272 km. of canals, with 177,367 wells in Xinjiang. Here, in a museum, a model demonstrates how to descend to the water. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, water-conservation, Turfan, aqueduct
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: 
Traditional Chinese anthropomorphic figures at the Astana Cemetery, where graves in underground chambers, with well-preserved frescos, date back to 4th to 8th centuries AD. The cemetery belonged to Gaochang city. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: 
Allegorical figures on a high pedestal, at the Astana Cemetery, where graves in underground chambers, with well-preserved frescos, date back to 4th to 8th centuries AD. The cemetery belonged to Gaochang city. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: 
Modern viewing platform, with traditional Chinese anthropomorphic figures at the Astana Cemetery, where graves in underground chambers, with well-preserved frescos, date back to 4th to 8th centuries AD. The cemetery belonged to Gaochang city. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Statue of Buddhist monk Xuanzang, who visited in 602-4 AD, whilst walking to India. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, monument
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Electric bus for visitors, with city walls in the background. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Reconstructed Buddhist stupa. The alcoves probably contained figures of Buddha. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
"Main storage building". 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Interior of "main storage building" showing transmission of square base to circular tower. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Part of the city wall, with modern buttresses. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Remains of the inner city wall. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
General view of the ruins. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Pagoda-like structure. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Part of the mighty city walls. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Partially reconstructed building adjoining the pagoda-like structure. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Statue of Buddhist monk Xuanzang, who visited in 602-4 AD, whilst walking to India. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, monument
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Bezeklik Caves, in the valley of the Flaming Mountains, on the edge of the Taklmakan Desert, were occupied by Buddhist monks from the 5th to 14th centuries, when they fell victim to Genghis Khan's hordes. The best murals were removed to museums in the early 20th century 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Uighur
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Bezeklik Caves, in the valley of the Flaming Mountains, on the edge of the Taklmakan Desert, were occupied by Buddhist monks from the 5th to 14th centuries, when they fell victim to Genghis Khan's hordes. The best murals were removed to museums in the early 20th century 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Uighur
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Bezeklik Caves, in the valley of the Flaming Mountains, on the edge of the Taklmakan Desert, were occupied by Buddhist monks from the 5th to 14th centuries, when they fell victim to Genghis Khan's hordes. The best murals were removed to museums in the early 20th century 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered, Uighur
 Cambodia, Phnom Penh: National Museum of Cambodia, built 1917-20. View of the main hall with a collection of standing figures. 
 Keywords: capital city, Khmer, kingdom, Indo-China, orient, Buddhist, metropolis, picturesque, colourful, traditional, Khmer art, historic, heritage, exhibits, archeology, ancient
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Milas: an arched Roman gate, originally part of the town wall, reveals a carved "double axe" ("labrys") on the keystone, which was the symbol of Zeus. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Milas: an arched Roman gate, originally part of the town wall, reveals a carved "double axe" ("labrys") on the keystone on the town-side, which was the symbol of Zeus. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Euromos: a well preserved Roman Temple of Zeus dating from the 2nd century AD has 16 standing Corinthian columns with architraves. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Euromos: a well preserved Roman Temple of Zeus dating from the 2nd century AD has 16 standing Corinthian columns with architraves. Each column was sponsored by a different donor whose name was recorded on a tablet. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Euromos: a well preserved Roman Temple of Zeus dating from the 2nd century AD has 16 standing Corinthian columns with architraves. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Labranda: Although dating back to the Carians in the 7th century BC, most remaining buildings were erected by Persian satrap, Mausolos, in 4th century BC.
A wide stairway, part of the Sacred Way, leading from the Propylaeum. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic, Labraunda
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Labranda: Although dating back to the Carians in the 7th century BC, most remaining buildings were erected by Persian satrap, Mausolos, in 4th century BC.
Retaining wall to the north of the Propylaeum. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic, Labraunda
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Labranda: Although dating back to the Carians in the 7th century BC, most remaining buildings were erected by Persian satrap, Mausolos, in 4th century BC.
The best preserved building, the Andron (mens' chamber) of Idreius. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic, Labraunda
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Labranda: Although dating back to the Carians in the 7th century BC, most remaining buildings were erected by Persian satrap, Mausolos, in 4th century BC.
The ruins of the Temple of Zeus, with the Andron of Idreius to the right. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic, Labraunda
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Labranda: Although dating back to the Carians in the 7th century BC, most remaining buildings were erected by Persian satrap, Mausolos, in 4th century BC.
Partly preserved building at the east end of the North Stoa. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic, Labraunda
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Labranda: Although dating back to the Carians in the 7th century BC, most remaining buildings were erected by Persian satrap, Mausolos, in 4th century BC.
View to the south-east of the site where the Propylaeum (entrance) is situated. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic, Labraunda
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Labranda: Although dating back to the Carians in the 7th century BC, most remaining buildings were erected by Persian satrap, Mausolos, in 4th century BC.
View of the west of the site, with Temple of Zeus and the Andron of Idrieus. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, heritage, Hellenic, Labraunda
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress which was built by the Hellenes to protect their ships during the Peloponnesian War, in the 5th century BC. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, fortifications, defence, historic, archeology, antiquity
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress which was built by the Hellenes to protect their ships during the Peloponnesian War, in the 5th century BC. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, fortifications, defence, historic, archeology, antiquity
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress which was built by the Hellenes to protect their ships during the Peloponnesian War, in the 5th century BC. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, fortifications, defence, historic, archeology, antiquity
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Aerial view of the site. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Damaged figure of a lion. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Mythical sea creatures on a panel at the base of one of the columns. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Two re-erected Ionic columns with architrave. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Two re-erected Ionic columns with architrave. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Many such Medusa-heads originally adorned the architrave. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
The bull's head is a frequently used motiv for column capitals. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi. The Pronaos with double row of columns which were completed. Remains of a round well in front of the temple. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Carved base of a column with carved panels of fantasies. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Carved base of a column with modified "Greek Key" pattern. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Carved column head with fantasies. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Carved column head with a pair of Griffins. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma (the Branchidae) may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Part of the Adyton (interior), originally planted with laurels, and reserved to the priests. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma(the Branchidae) may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
The drums of a complete fallen column. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma (the Branchidae) may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Steps leading up to the Stylobate. with two re-erected columns on the long side. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Aydin Province, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 m. long by 60 m. wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years,but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma (the Branchidae) may go back to 1000 BC, rivalling Delphi.
Steps leading up to the Stylobate. with two re-erected columns on the long side. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, Roman, Greek, architecture, Aegean, sailing ship, Bahriyeli C, cruising, heritage, Hellenic
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: view of the Military Harbour and the Commercial Harbour from the lighthouse on Triopion Peninsula. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Shopping street, behind the east-west stoa. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. The smaller, Roman, amphitheatre, with seating for about 5,000 persons. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Looking along the line of the east-west stoa, with the remains of the Dionysus Temple on the left. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. The Dionysus Temple surrounded by stone fragments, with the line of the east-west stoa marked by 3-4 columns. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. The Dionysus Temple, surrounded by rows of stone fragments, with the Commercial Harbour in the background. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Fallen Doric columns, with sailing boats in the Commercial Harbour in the background. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. An antique sun dial. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Remains of a row of shops. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Ruined towers for the defence of the Military Harbour, and the present day lighthouse on the Triopian Peninsula. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. The narrow entry channel into the Military Harbour. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. View of the Military Harbour (centre) and the Commercial Harbour (left), formerly connected by a strip of water. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Remains of the circular Athena Temple and altar. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Shops or business units at the west end of the stoa. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. The main east-west street. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Remains of the Dionysus Temple, with the old commercial harbour in the background. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. One of the ornately carved architrave stones from the Dionysus Temple. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Rows of exquisitely carved architrave stones from the Dionysus Temple, with surviving columns of the east-west stoa. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula: a circular, domed water cistern from antiquity, on the path to the Stone Oak. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, historic, archaic
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula: ruined houses and former garden walls in the deserted Greek village of Kalamaki. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, ruins, archeology, historic
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula: ruined houses and working surfaces in the deserted Greek village of Kalamaki. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, ruins, archeology, historic
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula: ruined houses and working surfaces in the deserted Greek village of Kalamaki. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, ruins, archeology, historic
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula: approaching the deserted Greek village of Kalamaki: a ruined watch tower. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, ruins, archeology, historic
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress which was built by the Hellenes to protect their ships during the Peloponnesian War, in the 5th century BC. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, fortifications, defence, historic, archeology, antiquity
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: view of the perimeter walls of Loryma Fortress which was built by the Hellenes to protect their ships during the Peloponnesian War, in the 5th century BC. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, fortifications, defence, historic, archeology, antiquity
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: pre-Christian mosaic floors from a villa, in the Archeological Museum. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, historic, architecture, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: headless marble statue of Aphrodite, the "Venus Pudica" from ca. 400 BC, in the Archeological Museum. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, historic, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller, art, sculpture
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: head of a statue of Zeus from the Hellenic period, in the Archeological Museum. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, historic, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller, art, sculpture
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: marble statue of the Kneeling Aphrodite from ca. 100 BC, in the Archeological Museum. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, historic, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller, art, sculpture
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: the arcaded courtyard of the "New" Hospital, which now houses the Archeological Museum. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, mediaeval, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: the arcaded courtyard of the "New" Hospital, which now houses the Archeological Museum. A pile of Turkish cannonballs in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, mediaeval, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
View of the reconstructed units and perimeter wall from above. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
The largest unit (chief's house ?) has additional internal supports for the roof. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick
General view of the site and car park from the north-west.. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
Entrance to the village was through this narrow opening in the perimeter wall. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
Newly started excavations at the top end of the site. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
Specially shaped stones for grinding grain (?). 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
The lowest level of the excavations, known as "Zone A". 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
Remains of several units in situ, with a larger one behind. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
Partially completed unit of a type which may have been used for storage. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
"Cross section" of a dwelling showing the method of construction and wood/mud roof. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
Four dwellings in various stages of completion. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
Part of the reconstructed enclosure wall with two dwellings. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Cyprus, Khirokitia-Vouni (Choirokoitia) aceramic Neolithic site, a settlement dating from approximately 6800 BC, in process of ongoing excavation. The village comprises large numbers of circular dwellings built of stone, complemented with pisé and mudbrick.
Three of the accurately reconstructed dwellings.
in the archeological park. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins, prehistoric, ancient, antiquity
 Greece, Island of Nisyros: wall of the acropolis near Mandraki showing the precisely-cut ashlars (fifth century BC). 
 Keywords: Dodecanese, historic, archeology, Greek Islands, Hellas, harbour, yachts, fishing boats, pleasure boats, moorings, island hopping
 Greece, Island of Samos: colossal statue of a kouros from the Heraion , ca. 600 BC, in the Archeological Museum. 
 Keywords: archeology, pre-Christian, excavations, ancient, sculpture, nude, Hellenic, Greek Islands, Dodecanese
 Germany, Berlin, Pergammon Museum: ceramic tiles depicting the Royal Bodyguards from Darius Palace at Susa (Persian 521-486 BC). 
 Keywords: archeological, Iran, archeology, unique
 Germany, Berlin, Pergammon Museum: model of the Ceremonial Way to the Ishtar Gate in Babylon. 
 Keywords: archeological, archeology, King Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon, unique
 Germany, Berlin, Neues Museum (New Museum): unfinished carved head of a princess from the Amarna period (Egyptian, XVIII Dynasty). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, Egyptian art, Egyptian artefacts, unique, archeological, archeology
 Germany, Berlin, Pergammon Museum: the original Ishtar Gate, the eighth gate to inner Babylon, built to the orders of King Nebuchadnezzar in about 575 BC. A copy stands in its place in present-day Iraq. 
 Keywords: archeological, archeology, King Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon, unique
 Germany, Berlin, Neues Museum (New Museum): carved bust of King Amenemhat (Egyptian, XXII Dynasty, 1840 BC, granite). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, Egyptian art, Egyptian artefacts, unique, archeological, archeology
 Germany, Berlin, Neues Museum (New Museum): bust of Homer (copy of marble bust in Naples Museum 1875 by Gaetano Rosse, of Hellenic origin.). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, Egyptian art, Egyptian artefacts, unique, archeological, archeology
 Germany, Berlin, Neues Museum (New Museum): Egyptian mummy mask of woman with bracelets in the form of snakes (1st century AD, Kartonage). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, Egyptian art, Egyptian artefacts, unique, archeological, archeology
 Germany, Berlin, Neues Museum (New Museum): Egyptian mummy mask of Pasyg (Aischines), (Greek, 1st century AD). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, Egyptian art, Egyptian artefacts, unique, archeological, archeology
 Germany, Berlin, Neues Museum (New Museum): relief from Cult Chamber of Amenhotep and wife Renenutet (Egyptian, XVIII Dynasty). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, Egyptian art, Egyptian artefacts, unique, archeological, archeology
 Germany, Berlin, Neues Museum (New Museum): two of the original frescoes, saved from the pre-war museum: Island of Philae; and the Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel (before it was flooded). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, Egyptian art, Egyptian artefacts, unique, archeological, archeology
 Germany, Berlin, Neues Museum (New Museum): sculptured head of King Amasis (Egyptian, XXVI Dynasty, 550 BC, siltstone) 
 Keywords: Egyptology, Egyptian art, Egyptian artefacts, unique, archeological, archeology
 Jordan, Madaba: part of a huge mosaic, dating from AD560, which consists of a map of the Middle East describing (in Greek) all major biblical sites of the time. Estimated to have had about 2 million pieces originally. To be seen in St. George's Greek Orthodox Church. 
 Keywords: archeology, Palestine, archeological, excavations, ruins
 Jordan, Madaba: part of a huge mosaic, dating from AD560, which consists of a map of the Middle East describing (in Greek) all major biblical sites of the time. Estimated to have had about 2 million pieces originally. To be seen in St. George's Greek Orthodox Church. 
 Keywords: archeology, Palestine, archeological, excavations, ruins
 Jordan, Madaba: part of a huge mosaic, dating from AD560, which consists of a map of the Middle East describing (in Greek) all major biblical sites of the time. Estimated to have had about 2 million pieces originally. To be seen in St. George's Greek Orthodox Church. 
 Keywords: archeology, Palestine, archeological, excavations, ruins
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Colourful graining in the sandstone rock. 
 Keywords: archeology, rock tombcaves, archeological, excavations, geological, geology, ruins, colourful, strata, multicoloured, graining, Graeco-Roman architecture, Egyptian architecture
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Colourful graining in the sandstone rock. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Patiently waiting donkey against a background of rosy, rugged walls of Wadi Musa. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Jordanian, riding a donkey up the long path to "the monastery". 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Nabataean tomb, carved from the rock, known as "Al Deir" ("the monastery") dating from the 3rd century BC. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Nabataean tomb, carved from the rock, known as "Al Deir" ("the monastery") dating from the 3rd century BC. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Partially worked/ long ruined (?) feature in the cliffs on the path up to the "monastery". 
 Keywords: archeology, rock tombcaves, archeological, excavations, geological, geology, ruins, colourful, strata, multicoloured, graining, Graeco-Roman architecture, Egyptian architecture
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Colourful graining in a sandstone boulder. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Patiently waiting donkeys against a background of rosy, rugged walls of Wadi Musa. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Eroded bands of sandstone in varying colours. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Byzantine floor mosaics in Petra Church. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Byzantine floor mosaics in Petra Church. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Byzantine floor mosaics in Petra Church. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Byzantine floor mosaics in Petra Church. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Remains of the red and white stucco-work on the wall of the free-standing Great Temple. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Colourful graining in the sandstone rock. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Colourful graining in the sandstone rock. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Colourful graining in the sandstone rock. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Macedonia, Bitola: Tragic Mask (2nd century) in museum at Heraclea Lyncestis, a town founded by Philip II of Macedon in 4th century BC, which later flourished under the Romans due to its position on the Via Egnatia. 
 Keywords: archeology, historic, Graeco-Roman, Greek, Roman, excavations
 Croatia, Solin: reconstruction of a room in a Roman villa in the ancient city of Salona, by the site museum. Salona is now within the municipal boundaries of Split. 
 Keywords: archeology, decor, excavations, historic
 Croatia, Solin: Latin inscription on a stone sarcophagus in the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Salona, near today's Split. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, historic
 Greece, Delphi: Apollo's Temple, erected between 370 and 330 BC, where the Omphalos stone (the centre of the Greek world) and the Pythia oracle were to be found. View from above, showing part of the amphitheatre and view of the valley. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations
 Greece, Delphi: Apollo's Temple, erected between 370 and 330 BC, where the Omphalos stone (the centre of the Greek world) and the Pythia oracle were to be found. View of part of the temple with the valley in the background. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations
 Turkey, Myra: Lycian tombs carved into the cliff, dating back to the 4th century BC, later used as living quarters by Byzantines. Adjacent to the ancient town where St. Nicholas was bishop and now lies buried. 
 Keywords: ancient, historic, heritage, antiquity, archeology, architecture, culture, necropolis
 Turkey, Myra: Lycian tombs carved into the cliff, dating back to the 4th century BC, later used as living quarters by Byzantines. Adjacent to the ancient town where St. Nicholas was bishop and now lies buried. 
 Keywords: ancient, historic, heritage, antiquity, archeology, architecture, culture, necropolis
 Turkey, Hierapolis: source of the mineral spring which now issues forth from a number of culverts into the swimming pool. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, masonry, ruin, archeology, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, architecture, bathing, cool, refreshing, oleander
 Turkey, Hierapolis: crystal-clear waters of the swimming pool in Pamukkale, fed by the mineral spring, and featuring architectural fragments from the Roman edifice. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, masonry, ruin, archeology, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, architecture, bathing, cool, refreshing, oleander
 Turkey, Hierapolis: crystal-clear waters of the swimming pool in Pamukkale, fed by the mineral spring, and featuring architectural fragments from the Roman edifice. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, masonry, ruin, archeology, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, architecture, bathing, cool, refreshing, oleander
 Turkey, Hierapolis: main street and the Gate of Domitian (end of 1st century AD). 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, architecture
 Turkey, Hierapolis: sarcophagi in the extensive Roman Necropolis showing one of the burial chambers with a sarcophagus on the roof. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, architecture
 Turkey, Hierapolis: part of the extensive Roman Necropolis with Roman Baths in the background. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, architecture
 Turkey, Hierapolis: evidence of earthquake activity may be seen in the 9" displacement of this stone water conduit. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, architecture
 Turkey, Hierapolis: built during Hadrian's rule the amphitheatre had seats for 15-20,000 spectators. Above the stage are two excellently preserved series of reliefs, of Apollo and Artemis. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, architecture
 Turkey, Aphrodisias: stoa of the palaestra adjoining the Baths of Hadrian (?) 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Aphrodisias: view of the stage of the amphitheatre and the surrounding countryside. The "piazza" behind the stage was laid out at the end of the 4th century AD. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Aphrodisias: the well-preservd stage of the amphitheatre, converted in the 2nd century AD for fights between gladiators and wild animals. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Aphrodisias: an impressive row of Ionic columns marks the southern stoa of the agora. Still being excavated (1989). 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Aphrodisias: the Odeon, built in the 2nd century AD, was formerly roofed over. The stage is presently flooded (and full of frogs providing a rousing chorus!) 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Aphrodisias: view of the stadium from one of the tunnel entrances. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Aphrodisias: the huge stadium, 228 metres long, probably the best preserved of any from the ancient world. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 metres long by 60 metres wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years, but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma probably goes back as far as 1000 BC and rivalled that of Delphi in influence and was older. 
General view of the temple. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 metres long by 60 metres wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years, but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma probably goes back as far as 1000 BC and rivalled that of Delphi in influence and was older. 
Capital, from one of the Ionic columns. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 metres long by 60 metres wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years, but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma probably goes back as far as 1000 BC and rivalled that of Delphi in influence and was older. Griffin, one of many adorning the frieze of the Adyton, or main hall. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 metres long by 60 metres wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years, but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma probably goes back as far as 1000 BC and rivalled that of Delphi in influence and was older. Interior: in the foreground once stood a small building, 10 metres high, where the Oracle was situated. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 metres long by 60 metres wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years, but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma probably goes back as far as 1000 BC and rivalled that of Delphi in influence and was older. Impressive carvings on the bases of the massive columns. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 metres long by 60 metres wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years, but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma probably goes back as far as 1000 BC and rivalled that of Delphi in influence and was older. One of a number of heads of Medusa, which occupied places of honour on the entablature. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Miletus: recently restored Ionic stoa, built 41-54 AD in the time of Emperor Claudius (flooded). 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek
 Turkey, Miletus: behind the columns of a stoa, the remains of a monument to commemorate a sea battle stand on the edge of the former harbour. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek
 Turkey, Miletus: Roman amphitheatre, dating from the 2nd century AD, had seating for 25,000 spectators. Twin columns mark the position of the emperor's box. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Turkey, Priene: view of the agora with the Temple of Zeus on the left. The plain beyond was an arm of the sea in Greek and Roman times. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek
 Turkey, Priene: one of the seats of honour, almost on the stage of the Greek amphitheatre (4th century BC).. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek
 Turkey, Priene: Temple of Athena, begun in the 4th century BC, was one of the finest examples of Ionian architecture in Asia Minor. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek
 Turkey, Ephesus: ruins of the East Gymnasium. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Ephesus: a well-preserved pair of caryatids. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Ephesus: Via Couretes, named after the Council of Priests. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Ephesus: Temple of Hadrian (130 AD) reconstructed with original parts. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Ephesus: view of the amphitheatre from the Via Arcadia. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Ephesus: Via Arcadia, 500-metre-long marble paved ceremonial way, which was lit after dark, leading to the (former)harbour. View from the amphitheatre. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Ephesus: the large amphitheatre, seating 25,000, was rebuilt on a number of occasions, but only finished in Trajan's time. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Izmir (Smyrna): row of Corinthian columns in the Greek agora, rebuilt by the Romans in the time of Marcus Aurelius. View with one of the entry arches in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Izmir (Smyrna): row of Corinthian columns in the Greek agora, rebuilt by the Romans in the time of Marcus Aurelius. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Pergamon: old Turkish bridge, with the Roman city wall visible on the hillside beyond. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage
 Turkey, Pergamon: monumental Temple of the Egyptian Divinities ("Red Hall") probably built by Hadrian in the 2nd century AD, View of the interior: the low stone walls are the remains of a Byzantine church built inside the temple. On the podium stood a colossal figure of a god, enabled to "speak" by means of a secret passage to the head. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, oracle
 Turkey, Pergamon: Via Tecta, the 1-kilometre-long approach road to the Asklepieion, with the Acropolis on a hill in the background. The original, ancient, paving stones are still mostly in place. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage
 Turkey, Pergamon: Via Tecta, the 1-kilometre-long approach road to the Asklepieion, with the Acropolis on a hill in the background. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage
 Turkey, Pergamon: the Asklepieion: ruins of the 2-storey circular treatment centre, connected by a subterranean passage with the sacred spring. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage
 Turkey, Pergamon: the Asklepieion: remaining Ionic columns of the northern stoa, reflected in a pool. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Pergamon: the Asklepieion: devoted to natural cures, this ancient "sanatorium" had its own small theatre, seating about 3,500 spectators. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Pergamon: the Asklepieion: the sacred spring of the Romans still has its uses. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Pergamon: monumental Temple of the Egyptian Divinities ("Red Hall") probably built by Hadrian in the 2nd century AD, formerly completely sheathed in marble. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Pergamon: foundations of the Great Altar, dedicated to Zeus and Athena, built by Eumenes II to commemorate his victory over the Gauls (190 BC). The altar (35 x 33 metres) was excavated between 1878 and 1886 and now forms the centrepiece of the Pergamon Museum on the Museum Island in Berlin. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage
 Turkey, Pergamon: remaining wall of the ancient library, built by Eumenes II, which once held 200,000 scrolls. Transferred to Egypt in 41 BC after the burning of the library at Alexandria. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage
 Turkey, Pergamon: amphitheatre seating 10,000, with the Temple of Dionysus in the right foreground, formerly lined with Doric columns. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Pergamon: partial view of the amphitheatre with the modern town of Bergama below. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage
 Turkey, Pergamon: view of the re-erected columns and pediment of the northern stoa of the Temple of Trajan, built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Pergamon: columns of the northern stoa of the Temple of Trajan, built in the 2nd century AD, with columns of the eastern stoa in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Pergamon: columns of the northern stoa of the Temple of Trajan, built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman
 Turkey, Gülpinar: recently discovered (1989) Temple of Apollo - unsorted fragments of ceiling, capitals, aand Latin inscriptions. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage
 Turkey, Gülpinar: recently discovered (1989) Temple of Apollo with the young, self-appointed guide. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage
 Turkey, Troy: the site consists of 9 cities (Troy I - Troy IX), built one upon the other, the oldest dating from 3200 BC. Modern version of the wooden horse standing outside the entrance to the site. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Truva
 Turkey, Troy: the site consists of 9 cities (Troy I - Troy IX), built one upon the other, the oldest dating from 3200 BC. Sanctuary belonging to Troy VIII close to the west gate (since walled up) where the 'wooden horse' would have been dragged into the city. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Truva
 Turkey, Troy: the site consists of 9 cities (Troy I - Troy IX), built one upon the other, the oldest dating from 3200 BC. City wall belonging to Troy VI (1900-1200 BC). 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Truva
 Turkey, Troy: the site consists of 9 cities (Troy I - Troy IX), built one upon the other, the oldest dating from 3200 BC. Fragments of columns, with the remains of the small Roman theatre in the background. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Truva
 Germany, Rhineland Palatinate, Trier: current (1988) excavations of a third Roman baths complex in the centre of the city. 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, picturesque, culture, historic, national heritage, colourful, mediaeval, medieval, classical, Roman, Rheinland-Pfalz, archeological, excavations, ruin
 France, Alsace-Lorraine, Strasbourg: main facade of the Rohan Palace, designed by the Paris court architect Robert de Cotte for the Cardinal-Prince-Bishop Armand-Gaston de Rohjan-Soubise in 1742. It now houses the Art Gallery, Museum of Decorative Arts, and the Archeological Museum. 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, picturesque, culture, historic, national heritage, colourful, mediaeval, medieval, reflections
 Greece, Olympia: Exedra of Herodes Attikus with twin fountains (right), and the few remaining columns of the Temple of Hera (behind). 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, Olympic Games
 Greece, Olympia: the original Olympic Stadium, where the first games were held, in (or before) 776 BC. Only the Hellanodikai, or judges, had seats, on the podium centre right. 30-40,000 spectators found places on the grass. The track is 600 (Greek) feet long. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, Olympic Games
 Greece, Olympia: remains of the Bouleuterion or Olympic Senate Building, with Judas tree in full blossom. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, Olympic Games
 Greece, Olympia: row of columns on one side of the square Palaestra, the training area for boxing, wrestling, jumping, etc., ... 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, O...
 Greece: Mistra, a Byzantine town founded by the Franks in 1249, straggles up the hillside to the protecting fortress on the peak. Courtyard of the Pantanassia Monastery, which is still active (1986). 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, archeology, excavations, architecture, heritage, monument
 Greece: Mistra, a Byzantine town founded by the Franks in 1249, straggles up the hillside to the protecting fortress on the peak. Metropolis Church with Judas tree, yellow spurge and Asphodel in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, heritage, monument, colourful, wind flowers, spring
 Greece: Mistra, a Byzantine town founded by the Franks in 1249, straggles up the hillside to the protecting fortress on the peak. View of the Great Hall, on the first floor of the Palace of the Despots. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, heritage, monument
 Greece: Mistra, a Byzantine town founded by the Franks in 1249, straggles up the hillside to the protecting fortress on the peak. Ruins of the Palace of the Despots, the rulers of Byzantine Mistra, with the snow-capped Taygetos Mountains behind. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, heritage, monument
 Greece: Mistra, a Byzantine town founded by the Franks in 1249, straggles up the hillside to the protecting fortress on the peak. View over the Metropolis Church (ca. 1330) with adjoining museum and Bishop's Palace. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, heritage, monument
 Greece: Mistra, a Byzantine town founded by the Franks in 1249, straggles up the hillside to the protecting fortress on the peak. Monemvasia Gate on the left, with a view over Metropolis Church, the main church in Mistra, dating from about 1330. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, heritage, monument
 Greece: Mistra, a Byzantine town founded by the Franks in 1249, straggles up the hillside to the protecting fortress on the peak. yzantine Church of Agii Theodori, erected in1296 on the pattern of Dafni; the oldest church in Mistra. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, heritage, monument
 Greece: Mistra, a Byzantine town founded by the Franks in 1249, straggles up the hillside to the protecting fortress on the peak. View over the Byzantine Church of Afendiko, built in 1310, the largest church in Mistra. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, heritage, monument
 Greece: Mistra, a Byzantine town founded by the Franks in 1249, straggles up the hillside to the protecting fortress on the peak. View of the Byzantine Church of Agii Theodori with Judas tree in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, heritage, monument
 Greece: Mistra, a Byzantine town founded by the Franks in 1249, straggles up the hillside to the protecting fortress on the peak. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, heritage, monument
 Greece, Tiryns: possibly older than Mycenae, the acropolis at Tiryns is built from massive stones: remains of the main gate to the acropolis (compare with the lion gate at Mycenae). 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Tiryns: possibly older than Mycenae, the acropolis at Tiryns is built from massive stones: a vaulted gallery along the eastern casemates. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Tiryns: possibly older than Mycenae, the acropolis at Tiryns is built from massive stones: a vaulted gallery along the southern casemates. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Epidauros: the colossal amphitheatre, seating 14,000 spectators, was built at the beginning of the 3rd century BC. It possesses remarkable acoustics - a coin dropped at the centre can be clearly heard throughout the amphitheatre. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Mycenae: the famous Lion Gate, entrance to the Acropolis, dating back to 1350-30 BC, seen from the approach, The carving of the lions in Cretan work. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Mycenae: six royal tombs, arranged in a circle,were excavated by Heinrich Schliemann in 1876 and yielded many valuable artefacts. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Mycenae: the famous Lion Gate, entrance to the Acropolis, dating back to 1350-30 BC, seen from above. The carving of the lions in Cretan work. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Mycenae: entrance to the so-called Tomb of Agamemnon, a beehive-shaped chamber 13.2 metres high and 14.5 metres wide and dating back to about 1330 BC, in the Bronze Age. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Old Corinth: view of the Agora and Temple of Apollo from the west, with the Gulf of Corinth in the background. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Old Corinth: overgrown basins of the Peirene Springs, with the Temple of Apollo on the hill in the background 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Old Corinth: Temple of Apollo, one of the earliest temples known, dating from 550-525 BC. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Corinth Canal, 6343 metres long and 23 metres wide, begun by Nero in 67 BC, but completed only in 1893. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, waterway
 Greece, Eleusis Museum: Greek sarcophagus with finely carved hunting scene. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Cape Sounion: sunset over the sea, seen from the Temple of Poseidon (Neptune). 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, seascape, dusk, dramatic, calm, peaceful
 Greece, Cape Sounion: Temple of Poseidon (Neptune), completed about 440 BC, by the same builder as the Temple of Hephaistos. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument
 Greece, Athens: the National Archeological Museum, the world's leading nuseum for Greek antiquities. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Keramikos: wild tortoises are to be found on most of the archeological sites. (Testudo graeca ibera). 
 Keywords: wild animals, fauna, Chordata, Vertebrata, Reptilia, Testudinidae
 Greece, Athens: Keramikos Graveyard: this dog guards the grave of Lysimachides of Acharnae. More modest gravestones in the background. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Keramikos Graveyard: a bull on a column marks the grave of Dionysios Kollytos (died about 345 BC). 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: remains of the courtyard of the Roman Agora, with the Propylaeum on the far side. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Tower of the Winds, in the Roman Agora, decorated with figures representing the winds from 8 compass points. Built in the 1st century BC to contain an ingenious water clock designed by Andronikus Kyrrhestes. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Grand Metropolis Church, prime church of the Greek Orthodox religion, completed in 1855. To its right, its predecessor, the Small Metropolis Church, diminutive by comparison, a beautifully ornamented Byzantine church dating from the 12th century. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Stoa of Attalus, reconstructed by American archeologists between 1949 and 1953. The original was a foundation of King Attalus II of Pergamon, completed in 138 BC. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: west front of the Temple of Hephaistos (Vulcan), also called Theseion, completed in 444 BC, standing in the Greek Agora. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: view of the Acropolis from the north-west with flowering shrubs and Judas tree in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: view of the Greek Agora site, with the Stoa of Attalus, with Lykabettos Hill in the background. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: statue of the Emperor Hadrian wearing ornate cuirass, in the Greek Agora. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Temple of Hephaistos (Vulcan), also called Theseion, completed in 444 BC, standing in the Greek Agora. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Byzanine Church of the Apostles, built in 11th century on the site of a Roman Nympheum. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: students selling artefacts in front of the university, which lies between the Academy of Science and National Library. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: some of the figures adorning the Academy of Science on Panepistimiou (street) designed by Danish architect Theophil Hansen. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: statue of Ionnis Andreou Varvakis (1745-1825), a Greek hero, in the National Gardens. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Zappeion, the exhibition centre, with Judas tree in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Olympieion. a temple of Zeus, begun in 175 BC by Antiochos IV of Syria and completed by Hadrian in 132 AD. In the distance: the Acropolis, from the south east. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Acropolis and Parthenon from the Philopappos Monument, with the Odeon of Herodes Atticus at the nearest corner. The Hill of Lykabettos in the distance. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Acropolis and Parthenon from the Philopappos Monument, with the Odeon of Herodes Atticus at the nearest corner. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: Theatre of Dionysos from the Acropolis. It dates back to the 6th century BC but was rebuilt many times. It provided seating for about 17,000 spectators. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: west front of the Parthenon. It was built between 447 and 432 BC by Phydias. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Athens: view of the Parthenon from the Propylaeum. It was built between 447 and 432 BC by Phydias. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Greece, Delphi: Marmaria or Sanctuary of Athena: the three remaining columns of the circular Tholos, dating from the early 4th century BC. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations
 Greece, Delphi: Marmaria or Sanctuary of Athena: the three remaining columns of the circular Tholos, dating from the early 4th century BC. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations
 Greece, Delphi: Treasure House of the Athenians, built about 480 BC, commemorates the Greek victory over the Persians at Marathon in 490 BC. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations
 Greece, Delphi: view of the site from the highest point, with the Temple of Apollo, Treasure House of the Athenians, and in the distance, the Gymnasion and Marmaria. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations
 Greece, Delphi: the Stadium, where the Delphi Games took place. 177.55 metres long, accommodating 7000 spectators, with 17 or 18 running tracks. View of the seating, starting line, and remains of the Roman Triumphal Arch. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, sport, athletics, competition
 Greece, Delphi: the Stadium, where the Delphi Games took place. 177.55 metres long, accommodating 7000 spectators, with 17 or 18 running tracks. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, sport, athletics, competition
 Greece, Delphi: Apollo's Temple, erected between 370 and 330 BC, where the Omphalos stone (the centre of the Greek world) and the Pythia oracle were to be found. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations
 Israel, Herodion: a hilltop fortress near Bethlehem built by Herod the Great in 39 BC as a retreat and mausoleum. View from a distance - the excavations are hidden in the concave hilltop. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, tradition, culture, fortifications, defence, picturesque, archeology, ruin, excavations
 Israel, Herodion: a hilltop fortress near Bethlehem built by Herod the Great in 39 BC as a retreat and mausoleum. View of the Hills of Judea from the top, with many newly planted olive trees in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, tradition, culture, fortifications, defence, picturesque, archeology, ruin, excavations, landscape
 Israel, Herodion: a hilltop fortress near Bethlehem built by Herod the Great in 39 BC as a retreat and mausoleum. In the foreground is the Great Hall of the palace, with the baths complex behind. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, tradition, culture, fortifications, defence, picturesque, archeology, ruin, excavations
 Israel, Negev Desert, Khirbet Qumran: ruins of the settlement of the strict Jewish sect, (probably) the Essenes, close to the caves. Occupied between 800 BC and 66 AD, but first excavated in 1951. The long room on the left may be where the Dead Sea Scrolls were written. 
 Keywords: desert, historic, culture, archeology
 Israel, Negev Desert: ruins of Avdat, a city founded in the third century BC by the Nabateans at a fork in the caravan route. View of the fortifications on Avdat's hill, taken from the roof of a ruined Roman dwelling house. 
 Keywords: desert, sandstone, geological, rock formations, barren, waterless, colourful, picturesque, archeology, historical
 Israel, Negev Desert: ruins of Avdat, a city founded in the third century BC by the Nabateans at a fork in the caravan route. Outer room of a cave-dwelling in the base of Avdat's hill, dating from Nabatean times. 
 Keywords: desert, sandstone, geological, rock formations, barren, waterless, colourful, picturesque, archeology, historical
 Israel, Negev Desert: ruins of Avdat, a city founded in the third century BC by the Nabateans at a fork in the caravan route. Inner room of a cave-dwelling in the base of Avdat's hill, dating from Nabatean times. 
 Keywords: desert, sandstone, geological, rock formations, barren, waterless, colourful, picturesque, archeology, historical
 Israel, Negev Desert: ruins of Avdat, a city founded in the third century BC by the Nabateans at a fork in the caravan route. View of the surrounding countryside from Avdat's hill, with kibbutz plantations in the foreground. 
 Keywords: desert, sandstone, geological, rock formations, barren, waterless, colourful, picturesque, archeology, historical
 Israel, Negev Desert: ruins of Avdat, a city founded in the third century BC by the Nabateans at a fork in the caravan route. Remains of the nave columns of the Byzantine Chapel of St. Theodore, with the main apse. 
 Keywords: desert, sandstone, geological, rock formations, barren, waterless, colourful, picturesque, archeology, historical
 Israel, Negev Desert: ruins of Avdat, a city founded in the third century BC by the Nabateans at a fork in the caravan route. North apse of the Byzantine Chapel of St. Theodore. 
 Keywords: desert, sandstone, geological, rock formations, barren, waterless, colourful, picturesque, archeology, historical
 Bolivia, Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco: Ruins of the capital city of a great civilisation, dating back to 1500 BC, but becoming a centre of culture only about 300 BC. After about 400 AD the empire expanded to take in large parts of present-day Peru, Bolivia and Chile on the west coast. Their success was based on highly effective agricultural innovation. In about 1000 AD the civilisation was virtually wiped out by continuing drought, the remnants being incorporated into the Inca empire around 1450 AD. These people had no written language and their name is unknown.

Frontal view of a monumental monolith of a priest, 7 metres high, from the classical period of the civilisation, in the central area of Kalasasaya. He holds two ritual containers ("kero") which held libations for the gods. 
 Keywords: High Andes, archeological site, historical site, archeology, excavations, Tiahuanacu
 Bolivia, Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco: Ruins of the capital city of a great civilisation, dating back to 1500 BC, but becoming a centre of culture only about 300 BC. After about 400 AD the empire expanded to take in large parts of present-day Peru, Bolivia and Chile on the west coast. Their success was based on highly effective agricultural innovation. In about 1000 AD the civilisation was virtually wiped out by continuing drought, the remnants being incorporated into the Inca empire around 1450 AD. These people had no written language and their name is unknown.

A monumental monolith featuring a priest, 7 metres high, with symbols inscribed on arms and shoulders from the classical period of the civilisation, in the central area of Kalasasaya. 
 Keywords: High Andes, archeological site, historical site, archeology, excavations, Tiahuanacu
 Bolivia, Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco: Ruins of the capital city of a great civilisation, dating back to 1500 BC, but becoming a centre of culture only about 300 BC. After about 400 AD the empire expanded to take in large parts of present-day Peru, Bolivia and Chile on the west coast. Their success was based on highly effective agricultural innovation. In about 1000 AD the civilisation was virtually wiped out by continuing drought, the remnants being incorporated into the Inca empire around 1450 AD. These people had no written language and their name is unknown.

The famous Puerta del Sol or Sun Gate, carved from a single block of Andesite, 2 metres high and 4 metres wide, cracked by lightning and held together with metal clamps. The central relief is Viracocha, God of Creation, head surrounded by rays of the sun. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Tiahuanacu, excavations, archeology, historical site, archeological site
 Bahrain, Manama: newly restored Qalat al-Bahrain Fortress, also known as the Portuguese Fortress, built in 6th century AD when the area was the centre of the Dilmun civilization. However recent archeological excavations reveal that the site has been occupied since 2300 BC at least. The modern museum stands in the background. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, historic, ruins, ancient, antiquity
 Bahrain, Manama: newly restored Qalat al-Bahrain Fortress, also known as the Portuguese Fortress, built in 6th century AD when the area was the centre of the Dilmun civilization. However recent archeological excavations reveal that the site has been occupied since 2300 BC at least. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, historic, ruins, ancient, antiquity
 Bahrain, Manama: newly restored Qalat al-Bahrain Fortress, also known as the Portuguese Fortress, built in 6th century AD when the area was the centre of the Dilmun civilization. However recent archeological excavations reveal that the site has been occupied since 2300 BC at least. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, historic, ruins, ancient, antiquity
 Bahrain, Manama: newly restored Qalat al-Bahrain Fortress, also known as the Portuguese Fortress, built in 6th century AD when the area was the centre of the Dilmun civilization. However recent archeological excavations reveal that the site has been occupied since 2300 BC at least. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. Children on school visit. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, historic, ruins, ancient, antiquity
 Bahrain, Manama: newly restored Qalat al-Bahrain Fortress, also known as the Portuguese Fortress, built in 6th century AD when the area was the centre of the Dilmun civilization. However recent archeological excavations reveal that the site has been occupied since 2300 BC at least. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. Arched doorways. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, historic, ruins, ancient, antiquity
 Bahrain, Manama: newly restored Qalat al-Bahrain Fortress, also known as the Portuguese Fortress, built in 6th century AD when the area was the centre of the Dilmun civilization. However recent archeological excavations reveal that the site has been occupied since 2300 BC at least. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, historic, ruins, ancient, antiquity
 Bahrain, Manama: newly restored Qalat al-Bahrain Fortress, also known as the Portuguese Fortress, built in 6th century AD when the area was the centre of the Dilmun civilization. However recent archeological excavations reveal that the site has been occupied since 2300 BC at least. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, historic, ruins, ancient, antiquity
 Bahrain, Manama: newly restored Qalat al-Bahrain Fortress, also known as the Portuguese Fortress, built in 6th century AD when the area was the centre of the Dilmun civilization. However recent archeological excavations reveal that the site has been occupied since 2300 BC at least. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, historic, ruins, ancient, antiquity
 Bahrain, Manama: newly restored Qalat al-Bahrain Fortress, also known as the Portuguese Fortress, built in 6th century AD when the area was the centre of the Dilmun civilization. However recent archeological excavations reveal that the site has been occupied since 2300 BC at least. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, historic, ruins, ancient, antiquity
 Bahrain, Manama: newly restored Qalat al-Bahrain Fortress, also known as the Portuguese Fortress, built in 6th century AD when the area was the centre of the Dilmun civilization. However recent archeological excavations reveal that the site has been occupied since 2300 BC at least. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, historic, ruins, ancient, antiquity
 Italy, Campania, Herculaneum: the ancient Roman town, buried by pyroclastic flows during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. The part of the Decumanus Maximus (main street) which has already been excavated, seen from present day ground level. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street, Ercolano
 Italy, Campania, Herculaneum: the ancient Roman town, buried by pyroclastic flows during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. Decumanus Maximus (main street) with stone drinking trough. Some partly demolished modern houses can be seen at the present ground level. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street, Ercolano
 Italy, Campania, Herculaneum: the ancient Roman town, buried by pyroclastic flows during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. The "Wooden Trellis House" (Casa a Graticcio) has two storeys, with portico and loggia, divided into apartments. It was built using the cheapest construction methods. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street, Ercolano
 Italy, Campania, Herculaneum: the ancient Roman town, buried by pyroclastic flows during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. A street (Cardine IV) which formerly led straight on to a promenade overlooking the sea, now several miles away. Unlike Pmpeii, the streets have underground sewers. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street, Ercolano
 Italy, Campania, Paestum: an ancient Greek city on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea in Magna Graecia, Greek name Poseidonia, founded about 600 BC. The Greek Temple of Ceres, in reality probably dedicated to Athena, built about 500 BC. It was used as a Christian church after 313 AD. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, columns
 Italy, Campania, Paestum: an ancient Greek city on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea in Magna Graecia, Greek name Poseidonia, founded about 600 BC. The Greek Temple of Hera (Juno) or "Basilica", built in about 550 BC, the oldest temple in Paestum. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, columns
 Italy, Campania, Paestum: an ancient Greek city on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea in Magna Graecia, Greek name Poseidonia, founded about 600 BC. The Greek Temple of Poseidon, built in 448 BC, shortly before the Parthenon. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, columns
 Italy, Campania, Pompeii: the ancient Roman town , buried by ash and pumice during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. the Large Palaestra, or gymnasium, with swimming pool in the centre, measuring 35 x 22 metres. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street
 Italy, Campania, Pompeii: the ancient Roman town , buried by ash and pumice during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. Amphitheatre, built in 80 BC. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street
 Italy, Campania, Pompeii: the ancient Roman town , buried by ash and pumice during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. "House of Loreius Tibertinus", a priest of the goddess Isis: fresco of Pyramus and Thisbe in the triclinium (dining room). 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street
 Italy, Campania, Pompeii: the ancient Roman town , buried by ash and pumice during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. Via dell'Abbondanza, "House of Trebius Valens" with second storey, and the Schola Armaturarum" (reroofed), probably the centre of a military association. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street
 Italy, Campania, Pompeii: the ancient Roman town , buried by ash and pumice during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. "House of Obelius Firmus" dating from the Samnite age. Visible are the four large columns of the atrium, the impluvium, and the smaller columns surrounding the peristyle to the rear. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street
 Italy, Campania, Pompeii: the ancient Roman town , buried by ash and pumice during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. Via Nola, the limit of the present excavations: on the left cultivated fields still cover a section of the town. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street
 Italy, Campania, Pompeii: the ancient Roman town , buried by ash and pumice during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. Porta Marina - the single track of the gate widens immediately into a double track road. 
 Keywords: heritage, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, UNESCO, culture, classical, excavations, masonry, monument, inundation, Roman life, Roman house, Roman street
 Italy, Campania, Isle of Capri: Villa Iovis (Jupiter's Villa), the former palace of Tiberius, surmounting Mount Tiberius (275 metres). Some of the vaulted roofs of the halls still survive. 
 Keywords: heritage, Roman, ruins, archeology, architecture, historic, masonry, stonework
 Italy, Campania, Isle of Capri: brooms flowering in the Villa Iovis (Jupiter's Villa), the former palace of Tiberius, surmounting Mount Tiberius (275 metres). Visible for miles is the new statue of the Virgin and Child, unveiled by Pope John-Paul II after being lowered into place by a helicopter of the U.S. Forces. 
 Keywords: heritage, Roman, ruins, archeology, architecture, sculpture, Christian, monument, religious
 Italy, Campania, Isle of Capri: Villa Iovis (Jupiter's Villa), the former palace of Tiberius, surmounting Mount Tiberius (275 metres). Marina Grande lies below. 
 Keywords: steep, heritage, Roman, ruins, archeology, architecture, commanding view
 Hungary, Budapest: the excavated remains of the Roman town of Aquincum, capital of the Roman province of Pannonia Inferior in the 2nd/3rd century AD. In the background stands the museum. 
 Keywords: capital city, metropolis, culture, historic , heritage, ruins, archeology, excavations
 Hungary, Budapest: the excavated remains of the Roman town of Aquincum, capital of the Roman province of Pannonia Inferior in the 2nd/3rd century AD. 
 Keywords: capital city, metropolis, culture, historic , heritage, ruins, archeology, excavations
 Bulgaria, Veliko Tarnovo: capital of the second Bulgarian Empire 1185-1396 (when the Turks arrived): the mighty fortification walls with guard towers. The 13th century Balduin Tower (top left) is being restored. The remains of 22 churches have been uncovered up to the present. 
 Keywords: capital city, architecture, heritage, culture, historic, archeology, excavations, ancient, mediaeval, ruins, City of the Tsars
 Bulgaria, Veliko Tarnovo: capital of the second Bulgarian Empire 1185-1396 (when the Turks arrived): the mighty fortification walls with guard towers. The remains of 22 churches have been uncovered up to the present. 
 Keywords: capital city, architecture, heritage, culture, historic, archeology, excavations, ancient, mediaeval, ruins, City of the Tsars
 Bulgaria, Veliko Tarnovo: capital of the second Bulgarian Empire 1185-1396 (when the Turks arrived): recently uncovered remains of the patrician quarter of the town on the Tsarevets Hill. 
 Keywords: capital city, architecture, heritage, culture, historic, archeology, excavations, ancient, mediaeval, ruins, City of the Tsars
 Bulgaria, Plovdiv: the fine Roman Theatre, built in the time of the Emperor Trajan (reigned 98 -117 AD). View of the "Orchestra" and the "Skene" (stage) and the 28 concentric rows of marble seats, now used for local presentations. 
 Keywords: metropolis, architecture, heritage, culture, historic, picturesque, Ottoman, Trimontium, archeology, excavations
 Bulgaria, Plovdiv: the fine Roman Theatre, built in the time of the Emperor Trajan (reigned 98 -117 AD). View of the "Orchestra" and the "Skene" (stage). Now used for local presentations. 
 Keywords: metropolis, architecture, heritage, culture, historic, picturesque, Ottoman, Trimontium, archeology, excavations
 Italy, Rome: the Via Appia Antica in 1982, with original roadside statue. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, archeology, classical, ruins, culture, capital city, paving, antiquity, artery
 Italy, Rome: the Via Appia Antica in 1982, with the grooves of Roman chariot wheels clearly visible. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, archeology, classical, ruins, culture, capital city, paving, antiquity, artery
 Italy, Rome: the Coliseum, opened in AD 80 by Emperor Vespasian. The circumference is 1/3 of a mile. 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, heritage, archeology, classical, monument, ruins, masonry, culture, capital city, UNESCO
 Italy, Rome: base of the Column of Antoninus in the Vatican Museum,originally erected in 161 AD in Montecitorio. In the stone carving are portrayed the Apotheosis of Antonius and Faustina, and funeral tournaments. 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, heritage, archeology, classical, monument, masonry, culture, capital city, plinth
 Italy, Rome: horse-drawn carriage in the Piazza del Popolo, with the Pincio in the background. 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, heritage, palace, archeology, classical, monument, masonry, culture, capital city, droschke
 Italy, Rome: the Pantheon, founded by Agrippa in 27 BC and rebuilt by Hadrian in 125 AD, is now home to a church. 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, heritage, archeology, classical, monument, masonry, culture, capital city, columns, architrave, obelisk
 Italy, Rome: Mausoloeum of Augustus (28 BC). 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, heritage, archeology, classical, monument, ruins, masonry, culture, capital city
 Italy, Rome: the Arch of Titus (AD 81) in the Forum Romanum. 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, heritage, UNESCO, excavations, archeology, classical, monument, ruins, masonry, culture, capital city
 Italy, Rome: surviving statue of one of the Vestal Virgins in the Forum Romanum. 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, heritage, UNESCO, excavations, archeology, classical, monument, ruins, masonry, culture, capital city
 Italy, Rome, Forum Romanum: Via Sacra, with the three remaining columns of the Temple of Castor and Pollux. 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, heritage, UNESCO, excavations, archeology, classical, monument, ruins, masonry, culture, capital city
 Italy, Rome: Forum Romanum, with the Farnese Gardens and Palatine Hill in the background and the entrance to the underground chamber containing "Lapis Niger", tombstone of Romulus in the foreground. The Arch of Titus is visible in the distance. 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, heritage, palace, UNESCO, excavations, archeology, classical, monument, ruins, masonry, culture, capital city
 Italy, Rome: Forum Romanum, with the Farnese Gardens and Palatine Hill in the background. 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, heritage, palace, UNESCO, excavations, archeology, classical, monument, ruins, masonry, culture, capital city
 Iran, Bishapur: Bas-relief in the Chogon Gorge celebrating the achievements of Shapur I. He defeated Roman armies three times and took Emperor Valerian captive. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, archeology, Sassannian, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, geology
 Iran, Bishapur: Bas-relief in the Chogon Gorge celebrating the achievements of Shapur I. He defeated Roman armies three times and took Emperor Valerian captive. The groove was the high-water mark of a flood in the 1960s. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, archeology, Sassannian, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, geology
 Iran, Bishapur: Bas-relief in the Chogon Gorge celebrating the achievements of Shapur I. He defeated Roman armies three times and took Emperor Valerian captive. The groove was the high-water mark of a flood in the 1960s. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, archeology, Sassannian, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, geology
 Iran, Pasargadae: begun in 546 BC the city of Pasargadae was superseded by Darius's Persepolis. Ruins of the so-called Prison of Soloman. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Pasargadae: begun in 546 BC the city of Pasargadae was superseded by Darius's Persepolis. View from Tal e-Takht, the former citadel, over the Morghab Plain with the tomb of Cyrus the Great (left) and the Zagros Mountains behind. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Pasargadae: begun in 546 BC the city of Pasargadae was superseded by Darius's Persepolis. Figure of a soldier with horned helmet and shield of unknown attribution. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Pasargadae: among the ruins of the city is this column with the trilingual inscription, "I am Cyrus, an Achaemenid" in Old Persian, Elamite and Akkadion.. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Pasargadae: begun in 546 BC the city of Pasargadae was superseded by Darius's Persepolis. Columns of the Audience Hall of the king's palace. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Pasargadae: begun in 546 BC the city of Pasargadae was superseded by Darius's Persepolis. Bas-reliefs on the door jambs of one of the portals to the king's palace. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Pasargadae: the Tomb of Cyrus the Great on the Morghab Plain contains archetectural elements of all the civilizations Cyrus had conquered. Plundered by Alexander the Great. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology, mausoleum, burial chamber
 Iran, Pasargadae: the Tomb of Cyrus the Great on the Morghab Plain contains archetectural elements of all the civilizations Cyrus had conquered. Plundered by Alexander the Great. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology, mausoleum, burial chamber
 Iran, Naqsh-e Rostam: bas-relief of Sassanid King Bahram II, standing in the centre with an oversized sword, regarded by five members of the king's family (?) on the left and three courtiers on the right. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Naqsh-e Rostam: bas-relief of the investiture of Sassanid King Ardashir I (c.226-242). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Naqsh-e Rostam: Bun Khanak (Central Home), long thought to be an Achaemenid fire temple, but now suggested to be a treasury. Sassanian victories are recorded on the walls. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Naqsh-e Rostam: presumed rock tomb of the Achaemenid King Darius II. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Naqsh-e Rostam: presumed rock tomb of the Achaemenid King Ataxerxes I. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Naqsh-e Rostam: bas-relief of the triumph of Sassanid King Shapur I over the Roman Emperor Valerian, and Philip the Arab. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Naqsh-e Rostam: Rock tomb of the Achaemenid King Darius I (the Great). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Naqsh-e Rostam: bas-relief of the investiture with the ring of kingship of Sassanid King Narseh (c. 293-303). The female figure presenting the ring is assumed to be the divinity Anahita. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Naqsh-e Rostam: presumed rock tomb of the Achaemenid King Xerxes I . 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Naqsh-e Rostam: Rock tombs of the Achaemenid Kings, Artaxerxes I, Darius I and Xerxes I (left to right). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Central panel of the Eastern Stairway of the Apadana (unfinished). It replaced the "King's Audience" relief (see PMR-D2437).. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak. The southern wing of the eastern stairway facade of the Apadana depicting 23 gift-bearing delegations (top left: Assagartians/Medes). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Eastern portico of the "Hundred Column Hall" showing the King on his throne being carried in by 28 men representing the subject nations. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
A well-preserved kneeling stone horse which once supported the roof beams as a column capital. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak. Tomb of Artaxerxes III, shown saluting the "Royal Fire" with the winged "Royal Glory" & carried by 30 subjects, one from each country. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The "Gate of All Nations" from Mount Mithra (tele-shot). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The north-eastern half of Persepolis from Mount Mithra. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The south-western half of Persepolis from Mount Mithra. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The "King's Audience" relief, standing in the Treasury. Originall it had ornamented the centre of the east stairway of the Apadana. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Portico of the "Tachara" or Palace of Darius the Great depicting the King entering with attendants bearing a sun shade behind him. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Southern portals of the "Hundred Columns Hall", with the tomb of Artaxerxes in the hillside behind. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Trilingual inscription on a portico of the Tachara: Old Persian (top), Elamite (middle) and Babylonian (bottom). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The northern, of two tombs in the hillside, is attributed to Artaxerxes III who is shown saluting the "Royal Fire" on a high altar. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The "Tachara" or private palace of Darius the Great. View from the south-east. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The "Tachara" or private palace of Darius the Great. View from the south showing the frieze of soldiers in "Persian" uniform. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
"Gate of All Nations" and surviving columns. The one on the right has been restored. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Files of the "Immortal Guard" on the north wing of the eastern stairway to the Apadana. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The eastern stairway facade of the Apadana depicting foreign kings and dignitaries bringing tributes, including two fine rams. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The eastern stairway facade of the Apadana depicting foreign kings and dignitaries bringing tributes, including a camel. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The eastern stairway facade of the Apadana depicting foreign kings and dignitaries bringing tributes. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The ubiquitous symbolic representation of a lion attacking a bull. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Guards from various lands depicted on a wall of the Apadana. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
One of the doors to the "Hundred Column Hall" depicting a monster-slaying King. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
"Hundred Column Hall" with the tomb of Artaxerxes III on the hillside behind. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
One of the west doors to the "Hundred Column Hall". 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
The "Hundred Column Hall" - soldiers on the northern door jamb. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
"Gate of All Nations" from the "inside", showing the "Guardian Bulls". 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Column capital, formerly topped with kneeling horses which supported the roof. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
"Gate of All Nations" or Xerxes' Gateway, through which all visitors passed. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Looking back at the long approach avenue, used for processions. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
 Iran, Bishapur: Bas-relief in the Chogon Gorge celebrating the achievements of Shapur I. He defeated Roman armies three times and took Emperor Valerian captive. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, archeology, Sassannian, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, geology
 Iran, Bishapur: Bas-relief in the Chogon Gorge celebrating the achievements of Shapur I. He defeated Roman armies three times and took Emperor Valerian captive. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, archeology, Sassannian, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, geology
 Iran, Bishapur: Bas-relief in the Chogon Gorge celebrating the achievements of Shapur I. He defeated Roman armies three times and took Emperor Valerian captive. The groove was the high-water mark of a flood in the 1960s. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, archeology, Sassannian, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, geology
 Iran, Bishapur: entrance to the Chogan Gorge, where six bas-reliefs are carved into the walls celebrating the achievements of Shapur I. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, architecture, archeology, Sassannian, geology
 Iran, Bishapur: "Shapur's City" was the capital of Shapur I (241-272 AD), one of the major Sassanid kings, and was largely built by Roman captives. Some of the surviving ruined buildings. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, architecture, archeology, Sassannian, ruins, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, religion
 Iran, Bishapur: "Shapur's City" was the capital of Shapur I (241-272 AD), one of the major Sassanid kings, and was largely built by Roman captives. Some of the surviving ruined buildings. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, architecture, archeology, Sassannian, ruins, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, religion
 Iran, Bishapur: "Shapur's City" was the capital of Shapur I (241-272 AD), one of the major Sassanid kings, and was largely built by Roman captives. Anahita's Temple, with pool (?) below ground level. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, architecture, archeology, Sassannian, ruins, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, religion
 Iran, Bishapur: "Shapur's City" was the capital of Shapur I (241-272 AD), one of the major Sassanid kings, and was largely built by Roman captives. Some of the surviving ruined buildings. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, architecture, archeology, Sassannian, ruins, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, religion
 Iran, Bishapur: "Shapur's City" was the capital of Shapur I (241-272 AD), one of the major Sassanid kings, and was largely built by Roman captives. Anahita's Temple. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, architecture, archeology, Sassannian, ruins, historical, heritage, ancient, antique, religion
 Iran, Haft Tappeh: Choqa Zanbil Ziggurat, the best surviving example of Elamite architecture, part of the town of Dur Untash, founded by King Untash Gal in mid-13th century BC. Built of red brick, it was dedicated to Inshushinak, chief god of the Elamite pantheon. View from the west. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, archeology, ancient, antiquity, historic, heritage, UNESCO
 Iran, Haft Tappeh: Choqa Zanbil Ziggurat, the best surviving example of Elamite architecture, part of the town of Dur Untash, founded by King Untash Gal in mid-13th century BC. Built of red brick, it was dedicated to Inshushinak, chief god of the Elamite pantheon. The south-western stairway alone provided access to the top. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, archeology, ancient, antiquity, historic, heritage, UNESCO
 Iran, Haft Tappeh: Choqa Zanbil Ziggurat, the best surviving example of Elamite architecture, part of the town of Dur Untash, founded by King Untash Gal in mid-13th century BC. Built of red brick, it was dedicated to Inshushinak, chief god of the Elamite pantheon. Probable site of the latrines. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, archeology, ancient, antiquity, historic, heritage, UNESCO
 Iran, Haft Tappeh: Choqa Zanbil Ziggurat, the best surviving example of Elamite architecture, part of the town of Dur Untash, founded by King Untash Gal in mid-13th century BC. Built of red brick, it was dedicated to Inshushinak, chief god of the Elamite pantheon. Footprint of an Elamite child, preserved for 3 millennia. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, archeology, ancient, antiquity, historic, heritage, UNESCO
 Iran, Haft Tappeh: Choqa Zanbil Ziggurat, the best surviving example of Elamite architecture, part of the town of Dur Untash, founded by King Untash Gal in mid-13th century BC. Built of red brick, it was dedicated to Inshushinak, chief god of the Elamite pantheon. North-eastern stairway to the first terrace. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, archeology, ancient, antiquity, historic, heritage, UNESCO
 Iran, Haft Tappeh: Choqa Zanbil Ziggurat, the best surviving example of Elamite architecture, part of the town of Dur Untash, founded by King Untash Gal in mid-13th century BC. Built of red brick, it was dedicated to Inshushinak, chief god of the Elamite pantheon. View from the north-east. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, archeology, ancient, antiquity, historic, heritage, UNESCO
 Iran, Haft Tappeh: Choqa Zanbil Ziggurat, the best surviving example of Elamite architecture, part of the town of Dur Untash, founded by King Untash Gal in mid-13th century BC. Built of red brick, it was dedicated to Inshushinak, chief god of the Elamite pantheon. View from the north-east. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, archeology, ancient, antiquity, historic, heritage, UNESCO
 Iran, Haft Tappeh: Choqa Zanbil Ziggurat, the best surviving example of Elamite architecture, part of the town of Dur Untash, founded by King Untash Gal in mid-13th century BC. Built of red brick, it was dedicated to Inshushinak, chief god of the Elamite pantheon. General view from the south-east. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, archeology, ancient, antiquity, historic, heritage, UNESCO
 Iran, Haft Tappeh: Choqa Zanbil Ziggurat, the best surviving example of Elamite architecture, part of the town of Dur Untash, founded by King Untash Gal in mid-13th century BC. Built of red brick, it was dedicated to Inshushinak, chief god of the Elamite pantheon. General view from the south-east. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, archeology, ancient, antiquity, historic, heritage, UNESCO
 Iran, Shush: Chateau de Morgan, built by the French Archeological Service between 1897 and 1912, adjoins the archeological site of the Palace of Darius. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, castle, crenellations, fortifications
 Iran, Shush: site of the Palace of Darius (521 BC), built on the ruins of capital of Elam, laid waste by Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian King around 640 BC.
Here: a collection of fragments of columns etc. awaiting restoration. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, foundations, Achaemenids
 Iran, Shush: site of the Palace of Darius (521 BC), built on the ruins of capital of Elam, laid waste by Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian King around 640 BC.
Here: a double-headed kneeling horse used as a column capital (aka Persepolis). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, foundations, Achaemenids, stone-carving
 Iran, Shush: site of the Palace of Darius (521 BC), built on the ruins of capital of Elam, laid waste by Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian King around 640 BC.
Here: the base of one of the columns of the Apadana is preserved. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, foundations, Achaemenids
 Iran, Shush: site of the Palace of Darius (521 BC), built on the ruins of capital of Elam, laid waste by Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian King around 640 BC. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, foundations, Achaemenids
 Iran, Shush: Chateau de Morgan, built by the French Archeological Service between 1897 and 1912, adjoins the archeological site of the Palace of Darius. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, castle, crenellations, fortifications
 Iran, Pol-e-Dokhtar: ruins of a major bridge over the River Karcheh, built on the orders of the Sassanid King Shahpur I (242-272) by Roman prisoners of war. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Iran, Pol-e-Dokhtar: ruins of a major bridge over the River Karcheh, built on the orders of the Sassanid King Shahpur I (242-272) by Roman prisoners of war. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Iran, Pol-e-Dokhtar: ruins of a major bridge over the River Karcheh, built on the orders of the Sassanid King Shahpur I (242-272) by Roman prisoners of war. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Iran, Pol-e-Dokhtar: ruins of a major bridge over the River Karcheh, built on the orders of the Sassanid King Shahpur I (242-272) by Roman prisoners of war. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Iran: gravestones of ancient heroes approximately 250 years old in a cemetary near Pol-e-Dokhtar. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology
 Iran: gravestones of ancient heroes approximately 250 years old in a cemetary near Pol-e-Dokhtar. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology
 Iran, Bisotun: the towering cliffs are carved with a series of famous bas-reliefs dating from 520 BC, carried out on the orders of Darius I after his victory over the Medes. The three-language inscriptions enabled the first deciphering of the cuneiform script. *** Local Caption *** Here: the bas-relief of Ardashir II, receiving the ring of Kingship from Ahuramazda (right). Behind the king is Mithras standing on a lotus flower. Beneath their feet is the body of defeated Roman Emperor Julian. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, UNESCO, historic, heritage, antiquity, archeology, Sassanids, Persian Empire
 Iran, Bisotun: the towering cliffs are carved with a series of famous bas-reliefs dating from 520 BC, carried out on the orders of Darius I after his victory over the Medes. The three-language inscriptions enabled the first deciphering of the cuneiform script.
Here: the large arch containing carvings of hunting scenes and feasts of Khosrau II. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, UNESCO, historic, heritage, antiquity, archeology, Sassanids, Persian Empire
 Iran, Bisotun: the towering cliffs are carved with a series of famous bas-reliefs dating from 520 BC, carried out on the orders of Darius I after his victory over the Medes. The three-language inscriptions enabled the first deciphering of the cuneiform script.
 *** Local Caption *** Here: the large arch containing carvings of (upper) Khosrau II (590-628 AD) between the manifestations of Ahuramazda and Anahita, goddess of abundance, and (lower) Khosrau II on horseback. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, UNESCO, historic, heritage, antiquity, archeology, Sassanids
 Iran, Bisotun: the towering cliffs are carved with a series of famous bas-reliefs dating from 520 BC, carried out on the orders of Darius I after his victory over the Medes. The three-language inscriptions enabled the first deciphering of the cuneiform script.
 *** Local Caption *** Here: the large arch containing carvings of (upper) Khosrau II (590-628 AD) between the manifestations of Ahuramazda and Anahita, goddess of abundance, and (lower) Khosrau II on horseback. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, UNESCO, historic, heritage, antiquity, archeology, Sassanids, Persian Empire
 Iran, Bisotun: the towering cliffs are carved with a series of famous bas-reliefs dating from 520 BC, carried out on the orders of Darius I after his victory over the Medes. The three-language inscriptions enabled the first deciphering of the cuneiform script.
Here: view of the two historic arches containing carvings, from across the lake. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, UNESCO, historic, heritage, antiquity, archeology, Achaemenids
 Iran, Bisotun: the towering cliffs are carved with a series of famous bas-reliefs dating from 520 BC, carried out on the orders of Darius I after his victory over the Medes. The three-language inscriptions enabled the first deciphering of the cuneiform script.
Here: a very eroded Parthian relief of Mithrades, superimposed with an inscription in Arabic from the 17th century. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, UNESCO, historic, heritage, antiquity, archeology, Achaemenids
 Iran, Bisotun: the towering cliffs are carved with a series of famous bas-reliefs dating from 520 BC, carried out on the orders of Darius I after his victory over the Medes. The three-language inscriptions enabled the first deciphering of the cuneiform script.
Here: a later figure of Hercules, dating from 148 BC, with the head replaced. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, UNESCO, historic, heritage, antiquity, archeology, Achaemenids
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Eroded strata, in the form of concentric circles of coloured sandstone. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Bands of colour in a bluff on the sandstone cliffs. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 England, Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall, built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 England, Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall, built in the 2nd century AD, at one of the crossing points. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 England, Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall, built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 England, Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall, built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 England, Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall, built in the 2nd century AD. Crag Lough in the background. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 England, Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall, built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 Northumberland: ruins of Roman Housesteads Fort (NT)(AD 122) - granary floor supports. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 England, Northumberland: ruins of Roman Housesteads Fort
(National Trust), founded about 122 AD and one of 16 forts adjoining Hadrian's Wall. 
 Keywords: heritage, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque
 Northumberland: Hadrian's Wall at Housesteads Fort (NT). 
 Keywords: architecture, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque, heritage
 Northumberland: ruins of Roman Housesteads Fort (AD 122) (NT) - the latrines. 
 Keywords: architecture, defence, fortifications , archeology, preservation, historic, culture, picturesque, heritage
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich, State Museum of Egyptian Art: head of priest (26th Dynasty, 550 BC). 
 Keywords: München, Egyptology, archeology, sculpture, statue, history, antiquity, portraits
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich, State Museum of Egyptian Art: figures of seated priest, Neye, with his mother, Mutnofret (19th Dynasty, 1250 BC). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, Muenchen, portraits, antiquity, married couple, history, statue, sculpture, archeology
 New Egyptian Museum, Munich: Man's head (4th Dynasty, 2550 BC). 
 Keywords: portraits, antiquity, history, statue, sculpture, archeology, Egyptology, Muenchen
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich, State Museum of Egyptian Art: figures of Sabu with his wife, Meretites (son, Iseb, is missing) (5th Dynasty, 2400 BC). 
 Keywords: München, portraits, antiquity, married couple, history, statue, sculpture, archeology, Egyptology
 New Egyptian Museum, Munich: Sibe and his wife (19th Dynasty - 1220 BC). 
 Keywords: München, portraits, antiquity, married couple, history, statue, sculpture, archeology, Egyptology
 Myanmar, Bagan: the modern Archeological Museum, from Shwegugyi Pahto. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Italy, Campania, Pozzuoli: the Roman amphitheatre of Flavius, one of the largest in Italy, could accommodate 40,000 spectators. Begun under Nero and completed by Vespasian (69-79 AD). 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, columns , culture, historic, Roman ruins, excavations, archeological
 Italy, Campania, Pozzuoli: the Roman "Temple of Serapsis", actually a former colonnaded market surrounded by shops, with a small, circular temple ("tholos") in the centre. 
 Keywords: archeology, architecture, columns , culture, historic, Roman ruins, excavations, archeological
 Cyprus (North), Salamis: tracing its origins back to the 12th century BC, Salamis was by far the most famous and important ancient city of Cyprus. It was settled early by people from Mycenae, as may be seen from the burial customs. Greeks, Romans and Byzantines came and went, leaving much of archeological interest. Around the 7th century AD the city was abandoned after a series of Arab attacks and the silting-up of the harbour. Here: view showing the extent of the Necropolis of Cellarka, where the common people of Salamis had their tombs. 
 Keywords: archeology, ancient civilisation, Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Myceneans, Mycenean ruins
 Cyprus (North), Salamis: tracing its origins back to the 12th century BC, Salamis was by far the most famous and important ancient city of Cyprus. It was settled early by people from Mycenae, as may be seen from the burial customs. Greeks, Romans and Byzantines came and went, leaving much of archeological interest. Around the 7th century AD the city was abandoned after a series of Arab attacks and the silting-up of the harbour. Here: packed close together, hewn out of the rock, dozens of tombs of the common people of Salamis comprise the Necropolis of Cellarka. 
 Keywords: archeology, Mycenean ruins, Myceneans, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, ancient civilisation
 Cyprus, (North), Salamis: tracing its origins back to the 12th century BC, Salamis was by far the most famous and important ancient city of Cyprus. It was settled early by people from Mycenae, as may be seen from the burial customs. Greeks, Romans and Byzantines came and went, leaving much of archeological interest. Around the 7th century AD the city was abandoned after a series of Arab attacks and the silting-up of the harbour. Here: one of about 150 "Royal Tombs" dating from the 8th and 7th centuries BC discovered in 1957. Note the well faced stonework. Behind, over-roofed, is the largest tomb, number 3, a tumulus. 
 Keywords: archeology, ancient civilisation, Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Myceneans, Mycenean ruins
 Cyprus (North), Salamis: tracing its origins back to the 12th century BC, Salamis was by far the most famous and important ancient city of Cyprus. It was settled early by people from Mycenae, as may be seen from the burial customs. Greeks, Romans and Byzantines came and went, leaving much of archeological interest. Around the 7th century AD the city was abandoned after a series of Arab attacks and the silting-up of the harbour. Here: one of about 150 "Royal Tombs" dating from the 8th and 7th centuries BC discovered in 1957. The glass frame covers the skeletons of ritually sacrificed horses. 
 Keywords: archeology, ancient civilisation, Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Myceneans, Mycenean ruins
 Cyprus (North), Salamis: tracing its origins back to the 12th century BC, Salamis was by far the most famous and important ancient city of Cyprus. It was settled early by people from Mycenae, as may be seen from the burial customs. Greeks, Romans and Byzantines came and went, leaving much of archeological interest. Around the 7th century AD the city was abandoned after a series of Arab attacks and the silting-up of the harbour. Here: the Monastery of Apóstolos Varnávas, dating back to the 5th century AD but rebuilt in 1756, the former goal of Orthodox pilgrims is now used as an archeological museum. 
 Keywords: archeology, ancient civilisation, church, belltower
 Cyprus (North), Salamis: tracing its origins back to the 12th century BC, Salamis was by far the most famous and important ancient city of Cyprus. It was settled early by people from Mycenae, as may be seen from the burial customs. Greeks, Romans and Byzantines came and went, leaving much of archeological interest. Around the 7th century AD the city was abandoned after a series of Arab attacks and the silting-up of the harbour. Here: view of the palaestra of the Gymnasium from the top of the amphitheatre. 
 Keywords: archeology, Mycenean ruins, Myceneans, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, ancient civilisation
 Cyprus (North), Salamis: tracing its origins back to the 12th century BC, Salamis was by far the most famous and important ancient city of Cyprus. It was settled early by people from Mycenae, as may be seen from the burial customs. Greeks, Romans and Byzantines came and went, leaving much of archeological interest. Around the 7th century AD the city was abandoned after a series of Arab attacks and the silting-up of the harbour. Here: the Roman amphitheatre dating from the reign of Augustus and seating about 15,000 persons. 
 Keywords: archeology, ancient civilisation, Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Myceneans, Mycenean ruins
 Cyprus (North), Salamis: tracing its origins back to the 12th century BC, Salamis was by far the most famous and important ancient city of Cyprus. It was settled early by people from Mycenae, as may be seen from the burial customs. Greeks, Romans and Byzantines came and went, leaving much of archeological interest. Around the 7th century AD the city was abandoned after a series of Arab attacks and the silting-up of the harbour. Here: the remaining columns of the colonnaded palaestra in the Gymnasium. 
 Keywords: archeology, Mycenean ruins, Myceneans, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, ancient civilisation
 Cyprus (North), Salamis: tracing its origins back to the 12th century BC, Salamis was by far the most famous and important ancient city of Cyprus. It was settled early by people from Mycenae, as may be seen from the burial customs. Greeks, Romans and Byzantines came and went, leaving much of archeological interest. Around the 7th century AD the city was abandoned after a series of Arab attacks and the silting-up of the harbour. Here: headless statues surround one of the swimming pools in the Gymnasium, dating from the Roman period. 
 Keywords: archeology, Mycenean ruins, Myceneans, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, ancient civilisation
 Cyprus (North), Girne/Kyrenia: ancient burial holes under a restaurant in the centre of the town. 
 Keywords: Girne, archeology, tombs
 Island of Crete, Rethimnon: inside the enormous Venetian fortress; in the foreground is the roof of a storeroom which is in the process of restoration. 
 Keywords: national heritage, castle, historic, archeological, archeology, fortifications, defence
 Island of Crete, Aptera: recently uncovered Roman water cisterns. 
 Keywords: national heritage, excavations, historic, archeology, archeological
 Island of Crete, Palace of Festos: view towards the Psiloritis Mountains; in the cleft between the two peaks is the Kamares cave, where Zeus was said to have been born. 
 Keywords: national heritage, archeology, archeological, excavations, historic, mythology
 Island of Crete, Palace of Festos: the "grand stairway" from the "theatral area". 
 Keywords: national heritage, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology
 Island of Crete, Ayia Triada: view of the site (partly roofed-over) from the south east, with ruins of a Minoan house in the foreground. 
 Keywords: national heritage, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology
 Island of Crete, Ayia Triada: view of the ruins of the Minoan market place and row of stores (right) with columned portico. 
 Keywords: national heritage, shops, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology
 Island of Crete, Palace of Festos: view of the Minoan ruins from the north-west, showing the grand stairway and the central court. 
 Keywords: national heritage, excavations, historic, archeological, archeology, architecture
 Island of Crete, Falasarna: view of the site of the ruined city, founded prior to the 6th century BC; the harbour has completely disappeared.. 
 Keywords: national heritage, historic, archeology, archeological
 Island of Crete, Falasarna: the stone "throne" of unknown origin on the outskirts of the ruined city, founded prior to the 6th century BC. 
 Keywords: national heritage, historic, archeology, archeological
 Island of Crete, Palace of Knossos: "House of the Frescoes", adjacent to the "Royal Road". 
 Keywords: architecture, restoration, preservation, history, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology, national heritage
 Island of Crete, Palace of Knossos: the "Royal Road", looking towards the palace. A number of large private houses gave on to this way. 
 Keywords: architecture, restoration, preservation, history, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology, national heritage
 Island of Crete, Palace of Knossos: "North Lustral Bath", probably a shrine with religious significance. 
 Keywords: picturesque, restoration, preservation, history, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology, national heritage, architecture
 Island of Crete, Palace of Knossos: restored pithos (urn) and porch above the north entrance. 
 Keywords: picturesque, restoration, preservation, history, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology, national heritage, architecture
 Island of Crete, Palace of Knossos: reconstructed walls in the south east section. 
 Keywords: architecture, restoration, preservation, history, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology, national heritage
 Island of Crete, Palace of Knossos: reconstructed stairway to the King's Megaron. 
 Keywords: picturesque, restoration, preservation, history, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology, national heritage, architecture
 Island of Crete, Palace of Knossos: restored portico with columns and relief fresco of the bull, above the north entrance. 
 Keywords: picturesque, restoration, preservation, history, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology, national heritage, architecture
 Syria, Palmyra: view of the Colonnaded Way and antique city from Qalaat ibn Maan Fortress. The former was built after the visit of the Emperor Hadrian in 129 AD. 
 Keywords: architecture, columns, Roman, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, panorama, landscape
 Syria, Palmyra: one of the best preserved tower-graves dating from the end of the first century AD, in the Valley of the Graves. 
 Keywords: architecture, memorial, burial, national heritage, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, Roman
 Syria, Palmyra: gate, through which sacrificial animals entered the courtyard of the Baal Temple which was consecrated in 32 AD. 
 Keywords: architecture, Roman, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, national heritage, columns
 Syria, Palmyra: west facade and entrance portal to the Baal Temple which was consecrated in 32 AD. 
 Keywords: architecture, national heritage, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, Roman
 Syria, Palmyra: end of the Colonnaded Way with Hadrian's Gate. The brackets on the columns originally supported statues. Built after the visit of the Emperor Hadrian in 129 AD. 
 Keywords: architecture, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, picturesque, Roman, columns
 Syria, Palmyra: well-preserved stage of the Roman Theatre, dating from the second half of the second century AD. 
 Keywords: architecture, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, picturesque, Roman, columns
 Syria, Palmyra: the monumental Tetrapylon (only one column is original granite) where the Colonnaded Way makes a change of direction of several degrees. Built after the visit of the Emperor Hadrian in 129 AD. Camel and rider in the foreground, and Qalaat ibn Maan fortress in the background. 
 Keywords: architecture, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, picturesque, Roman, columns
 Syria, Palmyra: fragment of carved vaulting, with the Colonnaded Way and fortress Qalaat ibn Maan in the background. Built after the visit of the Emperor Hadrian in 129 AD. 
 Keywords: architecture, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, picturesque, Roman, columns
 Syria, Palmyra: remains of the colonnade on the east side of the Agora, seen through a doorway. Built after the visit of the Emperor Hadrian in 129 AD. 
 Keywords: architecture, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, picturesque, Roman, columns
 Syria, Palmyra: middle section of the Colonnaded Way, about 300 metres long, and culminating in Hadrian's Gate. Built after the visit of the Emperor Hadrian in 129 AD. 
 Keywords: architecture, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, picturesque, Roman, columns
 Syria, Palmyra: camel, with ruins and fortress as background; Qalast ibn Maan is attributed to Fakhr ed-Din (1590-1635). 
 Keywords: ruined city, picturesque, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert
 Syria, Palmyra: view of the ruins and fortress from Hotel Zenobia, with gardens in the foreground. 
 Keywords: desert, Muslim, Islam , ruined city, Roman, picturesque, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical
 Iraq, Hatra: a great Arab city, founded in the 3rd century BC after the fall of the Assyrian empire in 612 BC and Babylon in 539 BC. The buildings combine elements of Hellenistic/Roman and Syrian architecture:
view from the roof of theTemple of the Sun, showing the wall of the temple compound and one of the western gates. The area beyond was the residential quarter (waiting to be excavated). 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, culture
 Iraq, Hatra: a great Arab city, founded in the 3rd century BC after the fall of the Assyrian empire in 612 BC and Babylon in 539 BC. The buildings combine elements of Hellenistic/Roman and Syrian architecture:
five, out of a row of eight, juxtaposed "evans". They are thought to be dedicated to: Marn, the sun god (largest); Marten, the moon goddess; and Bar Marin, the trinity of gods of Hatra. 
 Keywords: architecture, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Hatra: a great Arab city, founded in the 3rd century BC after the fall of the Assyrian empire in 612 BC and Babylon in 539 BC. The buildings combine elements of Hellenistic/Roman and Syrian architecture:
stone busts decorate the arches of the largest "evans". 
 Keywords: architecture, culture, artistic, stone carving, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Hatra: a great Arab city, founded in the 3rd century BC after the fall of the Assyrian empire in 612 BC and Babylon in 539 BC. The buildings combine elements of Hellenistic/Roman and Syrian architecture:
view from the temple courtyard, with loose stones for reintegration in the foreground. 
 Keywords: architecture, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Hatra: a great Arab city, founded in the 3rd century BC after the fall of the Assyrian empire in 612 BC and Babylon in 539 BC. The buildings combine elements of Hellenistic/Roman and Syrian architecture:
remains of one of the "evans" (arches) which was part of the Temple of the Goddess Allat. 
 Keywords: architecture, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Hatra: a great Arab city, founded in the 3rd century BC after the fall of the Assyrian empire in 612 BC and Babylon in 539 BC. The buildings combine elements of Hellenistic/Roman and Syrian architecture:
sculptures of camels adorned the most important gates. 
 Keywords: architecture, culture, artistic, stone carving, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Hatra: a great Arab city, founded in the 3rd century BC after the fall of the Assyrian empire in 612 BC and Babylon in 539 BC. The buildings combine elements of Hellenistic/Roman and Syrian architecture:
Temple of Marn and Northern Gate from the north-east. 
 Keywords: architecture, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Hatra: a great Arab city, founded in the 3rd century BC after the fall of the Assyrian empire in 612 BC and Babylon in 539 BC. The buildings combine elements of Hellenistic/Roman and Syrian architecture:
the Northern Gate flanks the Temple of Marn as does its pendant, the Southern Gate, both however facing east in common with all sacral buildings, as befits the worship of the sun. 
 Keywords: architecture, stone carving, picturesque, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Hatra: a great Arab city, founded in the 3rd century BC after the fall of the Assyrian empire in 612 BC and Babylon in 539 BC. The buildings combine elements of Hellenistic/Roman and Syrian architecture:
well-preserved Temple of Marn (the sun god), built after 80 AD, as were all the principal remaining buildings. 
 Keywords: architecture, classical, columns, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Ninevah: although about 6000 years old, it was the beginning of the 6th century BC before the city was chosen as the third capital of Assyria, after Ashur and Nimrud, by Sennacherib: part of the remaining city wall, 12 kilometres long. 
 Keywords: Muslim, picturesque, historic, excavations, archeological, archeology, architecture, Islam, natural heritage, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Mosul: ruins of Bash-Tapia fortified palace and all that remains of the city wall facing the River Tigris. 
 Keywords: architecture, defence, Muslim, Islam, Mesopotamia, natural heritage, archeology, archeological
 Iraq, Mosul: Monastery of the Martyr St. Behnam lies about 35 kilometres east of the town. It was founded about 382 AD, shortly after the martyrdom of the saint, but an inscription in the church refers to a restoration in 1164. 
The monastery complex from above; under the dome is an ancient crypt, connected to the church by a tunnel, where the bones of the martyr lie. This is an object of pilgrimage throughout the region, but particularly for Catholic Syrians. 
 Keywords: architecture, Christian, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Mosul: Monastery of the Martyr St. Behnam lies about 35 kilometres east of the town. It was founded about 382 AD, shortly after the martyrdom of the saint, but an inscription in the church refers to a restoration in 1164. The facade is modern. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, Christian
 Iraq, Kalhu/Kalach (now known as "Nimrud"): refounded in 13th century BC on ancient foundations by the Assyrians, it became the seat of the royal house after Ashur:
view of the ziggurat from the entrance to the north-west palace, with oblique view of the "Lamassu" guarding the door. 
 Keywords: architecture, Kalach, Kalhu, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Kalhu/Kalach (now known as "Nimrud"): refounded in 13th century BC on ancient foundations by the Assyrians, it became the seat of the royal house after Ashur:
one of a pair of remaining winged bulls with human heads ("Lamassu") guarding the entrance to the throne room of the north-west palace. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, Kalhu, Kalach
 Iraq, Ashur/Assur: the capital of the Assyrian empire in the first millennium BC until Ashurnasirpal transferred the government to Nimrud in the 9th century BC:
three reconstructed arches, or "evans", belonging to the royal palace. 
 Keywords: architecture, Assur, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Ashur/Assur: the capital of the Assyrian empire in the first millennium BC until Ashurnasirpal transferred the government to Nimrud in the 9th century BC:
remains of the ziggurat, built of sun-baked mud bricks. 
 Keywords: architecture, Assur, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Samarra: Ma'shouq Palace ("Lovers' Palace") stands about 10 kilometres north-west of the town on a plateau. It was built in the 9th century by Al-Mu'tadhid before he moved to Baghdad. 
 Keywords: architecture, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage, Mesopotamia, archeology, archeological
 Iraq, Samarra: view of the Great Mosque, built in 852 AD, from the top of the spiral minaret (Al-Malwiya = spiral shaped). It is in the course of reconstruction. 
 Keywords: architecture, panorama, archeological, archeology, Mesopotamia, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim
 Iraq, Samarra: the spiral minaret of the Samarra Mosque, once the largest mosque in the world of Islam, rises 52 metres to a flat platform at the top. 
 Keywords: architecture, archeological, archeology, Mesopotamia, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim
 Iraq, Fortress/palace of Al-Ukhaidar: standing alone in the western desert, 48 kilometres south-west of kerbela, little is known of the builders, although thought to date from the early 8th century AD. However it stands on an important desert trade route. The entire building has recently been extensively renovated.
One of the courtyards, surrounded by arcades. 
 Keywords: architecture, fortifications, defence, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage, Mesopotamia, picturesque, archeology, archeological
 Iraq, Fortress/palace of Al-Ukhaidar: standing alone in the western desert, 48 kilometres south-west of kerbela, little is known of the builders, although thought to date from the early 8th century AD. However it stands on an important desert trade route. The entire building has recently been extensively renovated.
Courtyard from the outer wall parapet; single storey buildings provide accommodation, the state rooms being at the rear. 
 Keywords: architecture, fortifications, defence, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage, Mesopotamia, picturesque, archeology, archeological
 Iraq, Fortress/palace of Al-Ukhaidar: standing alone in the western desert, 48 kilometres south-west of kerbela, little is known of the builders, although thought to date from the early 8th century AD. However it stands on an important desert trade route. The entire building has recently been extensively renovated.
View of the fortress/palace from the road. 
 Keywords: architecture, fortifications, defence, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage, Mesopotamia, picturesque, archeology, archeological
 Iraq, Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the third millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC):
Processional Way (original) leading under the Ishtar Gate, which would have been BASED on this structure (original is now in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin). 
 Keywords: architecture, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the third millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC):
assumed site of the Tower of Babel, totally removed (by Alexander the Great?), and surrounded by a square ditch/moat now full of water. 
 Keywords: architecture, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the third millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC):
line of the old city wall, originally 8 kilometres long, and "wide enough for two 4-horse chariots to pass" according to Herodotus. 
 Keywords: architecture, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, colourful, Islam, Muslim, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the third millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC):
excavated ruins, with the rebuilt walls of the Processional Way in the background. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, archeology, archeological
 Iraq, Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the third millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC):
the Lion of Babylon (head missing), sculpted from basalt, devouring a person; this animal is the symbol of the goddess "Ishtar", who would have been riding the lion. 
 Keywords: architecture, sculpture, statue, monument, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the third millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC):
the Processional Way, walls reconstructed, roadway original, looking north, out of the city. 
 Keywords: architecture, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, colourful, Islam, Muslim, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the third millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC):
original walls of the Processional Way, with dragons (symbol of City God "Marduk") and bulls (symbol of Storm God "Adad") 
 Keywords: architecture, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, colourful, Islam, Muslim, Mesopotamia
 Iraq: Uruk, the city which succeeded Ur and was continuously inhabited from about 4000 BC until 500 AD, where the first writing system (cuneiform) was developed. The 9.5-kilometre-long city wall was built by King Gilgamesh and described in his Epic:
examples of the coloured, baked-clay cones which were pressed into the soft clay of the walls during building to form mosaic designs. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim, ruined city, desert
 Iraq: Uruk, the city which succeeded Ur and was continuously inhabited from about 4000 BC until 500 AD, where the first writing system (cuneiform) was developed. The 9.5-kilometre-long city wall was built by King Gilgamesh and described in his Epic:
partially reconstructed temple with sanctuary well protected from outside eyes. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, desert, ruined city, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical
 Iraq: Uruk, the city which succeeded Ur and was continuously inhabited from about 4000 BC until 500 AD, where the first writing system (cuneiform) was developed. The 9.5-kilometre-long city wall was built by King Gilgamesh and described in his Epic:
part of the facade of a more recent temple, decorated with blue ceramic tiles, from about 110 AD. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, desert, ruined city, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical
 Iraq: Uruk, the city which succeeded Ur and was continuously inhabited from about 4000 BC until 500 AD, where the first writing system (cuneiform) was developed. The 9.5-kilometre-long city wall was built by King Gilgamesh and described in his Epic:
view of the ziggurat, built of unbaked mud bricks and thus very weathered. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, desert, ruined city, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical
 Iraq: Uruk, the city which succeeded Ur and was continuously inhabited from about 4000 BC until 500 AD, where the first writing system (cuneiform) was developed. The 9.5-kilometre-long city wall was built by King Gilgamesh and described in his Epic:
view of the excavations from the ziggurat, with the desert behind stretching through Saudi Arabia. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, desert, ruined city, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees":
the approach stairway to the ziggurat from the north. 
 Keywords: architecture, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees":
the partially reconstructed ziggurat from the north-west. 
 Keywords: architecture, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees":
a reconstructed house (without roof) in the residential quarter, known as "Abraham's House". 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees":
western corner of Ekhursag of Ur-Nammu, excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley between 1922 and 1934. 
 Keywords: architecture, walls, foundations, Mesopotamia, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees":
the remaining walls of Ekhursag palace/shrine showing the bitumen used as mortar, with the ziggurat in the background. 
 Keywords: architecture, bricks, Mesopotamia, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees":
a surviving arched doorway. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, ruined city, desert, historical, archeological, archeology, natural heritage
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees":
view to the east from the ziggurat with the foundations of Ekhursag palace/shrine, and the Euphrates in the far distance. 
 Keywords: architecture, natural heritage, archeology, archeological, historical, desert, ruined city, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Ctesiphon: the ruins of this city, 30 kilometres northwest of Baghdad, date back to the 2nd century BC, but include this enormous vaulted roof, or "evan", 37 metres high and 25.5 metres wide, built without scaffolding in the third century AD. It is the largest vault known to antiquity. View from the side, showing the leaning facade, saved by a buttress. The subsidence is due to the high water table in this area. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, historic, archeological, archeology, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage
 Iraq, Ctesiphon: the ruins of this city, 30 kilometres northwest of Baghdad, date back to the 2nd century BC, but include this enormous vaulted roof, or "evan", 37 metres high and 25.5 metres wide, built without scaffolding in the third century AD. It is the largest vault known to antiquity. The arch reflected in a pool of water. 
 Keywords: Muslim, archeological, archeology, historic, architecture, picturesque, natural heritage, Islam, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Ctesiphon: the ruins of this city, 30 kilometres northwest of Baghdad, date back to the 2nd century BC, but include this enormous vaulted roof, or "evan", 37 metres high and 25.5 metres wide, built without scaffolding in the third century AD. It is the largest vault known to antiquity. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim, historic, Archeology, archeological
 Iraq: Aqar Quf, the city of Dur Kurigalzu of antiquity, believed to have been founded by the Cassites in the 16th century BC: embossed stamp on the side of a mud brick, identifying the king responsible for the building in which it was used. 
 Keywords: natural heritage, Mesopotamia, excavations, archeological, archeology, historic
 Iraq: Aqar Quf, the city of Dur Kurigalzu of antiquity, believed to have been founded by the Cassites in the 16th century BC: the ziggurat with approach stairway, the upper part restored; it was the largest ziggurat in Mesopotamia. 
 Keywords: natural heritage, Mesopotamia, excavations, archeological, archeology, historic
 Iraq: Aqar Quf, the city of Dur Kurigalzu of antiquity, believed to have been founded by the Kassites in the 16th century BC: remains of the ziggurat, originally 78 metres high, showing layers of reed matting. 
 Keywords: natural heritage, Mesopotamia, excavations, archeological, archeology, historic
 Italy, Apulia, Lecce: Santo Oronzo, with half-excavated Roman amphitheatre and column bearing the figure of Santo Oronzo, the city's patron saint. The column is one of a pair which used to mark the end of the Via Appia in Brindisi. 
 Keywords: archeological, national heritage, historical, archeology, excavations, architecture, monument, statue
 Italy, Apulia, Lecce: Santo Oronzo, with half-excavated Roman amphitheatre and column bearing the figure of Santo Oronzo, the city's patron saint. The column is one of a pair which used to mark the end of the Via Appia in Brindisi. 
 Keywords: archeological, national heritage, historical, archeology, excavations, architecture, monument, statue
 Italy, Sicily, Selinunte: a street on the Acropolis. 
 Keywords: archeological, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Selinunte: Temple of Hera (?) was built after the battle of Himera in mid-5th century BC and re-erected in 1956. 
 Keywords: archeological, national heritage, historical, archeology, excavations, Sicilia, Doric columns, architecture
 Italy, Sicily, Agrigento: remains of the city wall, 12 kilometres long, subsequently hollowed out in many places for Byzantine burial sites; Temple of "Juno Lacinia" in the background. 
 Keywords: archeological, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Agrigento: recently uncovered monument with scrolled stone bench; the new town in the background. 
 Keywords: archeological, architecture, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Agrigento: Temple of "Castor and Pollux" (the Dioscuri) was reconstructed with elements from various different buildings. 
 Keywords: archeological, architrave, Doric columns, architecture, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Agrigento: reassembled telamon figure almost 8 metres high, used to support the architrave of the Temple of Olympian Zeus, with many others. 
 Keywords: archeological, architecture, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Agrigento: temple of Olympian Zeus; half of a capital is one of the few remaining recognisable features of the largest Greek Temple in the world, started in 480 BC but never finished. The new town in the background. 
 Keywords: archeological, agave, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Agrigento: the remaining columns of the Temple of Hercules (6th century BC) re-erected by Sir Alexander Hardcastle in 1923. 
 Keywords: archeological, architecture, Doric columns, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Agrigento: Tomb of "Theron", a funerary monument in Greek style, with columns of the Temple of Hercules in the distance. 
 Keywords: archeological, mausoleum, grave, architecture, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Agrigento: early Christian and Byzantine cemetery, bisected by a narrow "street", with the new town in the background. 
 Keywords: archeological, necropolis, graveyard, graves, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Agrigento: the Temple of Concord, dating from 450-440 BC, the culminating phase of the Doric order, is one of the most complete Greek temples in existence. 
 Keywords: archeological, Doric columns, architecture, Sicilia, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Agrigento: corner of the Temple of Concord, dating from 450-440 BC, the culminating phase of the Doric order, with the new town in the background. 
 Keywords: archeological, Doric columns, architecture, Sicilia, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Siracusa: Roman amphitheatre from the 3rd century AD, well equipped for flooding to stage "sea battles", or wild animal fights. 
 Keywords: archeological, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Siracusa: the remains of the enormous Altar of Zeus, built for Hiero II, which was 192 metres long and hewn from the bedrock for public sacrifices. 
 Keywords: archeological, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Sicily, Siracusa: the Greek amphitheatre, carved out of the bedrock, for 15.000 spectators, probably dated from the 3rd century BC. At the top right is the Nymphaeum, a cave where a spring gushes. 
 Keywords: archeological, Sicilia, excavations, archeology, historical, national heritage
 Italy, Campania, Flegrean Fields (Campi Flegri): Arco Felice, a Roman viaduct, spans a deep cutting, excavated by the Romans for the Via Domitiana. 
 Keywords: archeology, bridge-building, road-building, architecture, archeological
 Italy, Campania, Flegrean Fields (Campi Flegri): the Castle of Baia, seen from the harbour, now houses an archeological museum. 
 Keywords: landscape, fishing boats, colourful, volcanic, picturesque
 England, Wiltshire, Amesbury: Stonehenge, a circle of standing stones dating from 2000 to 3000 BC with frequent additions, which may have been used as a burial site, an astronomical observatory, or religious centre. The earth circle, which is older than the stones, has been dated to 3100 BC. It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986.

The standing stones silhouetted with storm clouds approaching. 
 Keywords: prehistoric, rune stones, monument, ancient, bronze age, neolithic, archeology, bluestones, earthworks, monoliths, religious rituals, Druids, early religions, prehistory
 England, Wiltshire, Amesbury: Stonehenge, a circle of standing stones dating from 2000 to 3000 BC with frequent additions, which may have been used as a burial site, an astronomical observatory, or religious centre. The earth circle, which is older than the stones, has been dated to 3100 BC. It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. 
 Keywords: prehistoric, rune stones, monument, ancient, bronze age, neolithic, archeology, bluestones, earthworks, monoliths, religious rituals, Druids, early religions, prehistory
 England, Wiltshire, Amesbury: Stonehenge, a circle of standing stones dating from 2000 to 3000 BC with frequent additions, which may have been used as a burial site, an astronomical observatory, or religious centre. The earth circle, which is older than the stones, has been dated to 3100 BC. It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. 
 Keywords: prehistoric, rune stones, monument, ancient, bronze age, neolithic, archeology, bluestones, earthworks, monoliths, religious rituals, Druids, early religions, prehistory
 England, Wiltshire, Amesbury: Stonehenge, a circle of standing stones dating from 2000 to 3000 BC with frequent additions, which may have been used as a burial site, an astronomical observatory, or religious centre. The earth circle, which is older than the stones, has been dated to 3100 BC. It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. 
 Keywords: prehistoric, rune stones, monument, ancient, bronze age, neolithic, archeology, bluestones, earthworks, monoliths, religious rituals, Druids, early religions, prehistory
 Greece, Island of Kos: the Asklepieion was one of the healing centres based on the cult of Asklepius, the father of all physicians. Founded about the 5th century BC, it was here that Hippocrates practised his new theories of medical healing. Here: restored, arched retaining wall with two surviving statues of the many which originally occupied the niches. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, medecine, island hopping, Hellas, Helenic, Dodecanese, Ionian Islands, picturesque, colourful, yachts, Greek Orthodox Church, archeology
 Greece, Island of Kos: the Asklepieion was one of the healing centres based on the cult of Asklepius, the father of all physicians. Founded about the 5th century BC, it was here that Hippocrates practised his new theories of medical healing. Here: remains of the New Temple of Asklepius on the third (and top) terrace. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, archeology, Greek Orthodox Church, yachts, colourful, picturesque, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese, Helenic, Hellas, island hopping, medecine
 Greece, Island of Kos: the Asklepieion was one of the healing centres based on the cult of Asklepius, the father of all physicians. Founded about the 5th century BC, it was here that Hippocrates practised his new theories of medical healing. Here: view of the second terrace with the Altar of Asklepius on the left. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, archeology, Greek Orthodox Church, yachts, colourful, picturesque, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese, Helenic, Hellas, island hopping, medecine
 Greece, Island of Kos: the Asklepieion was one of the healing centres based on the cult of Asklepius, the father of all physicians. Founded about the 5th century BC, it was here that Hippocrates practised his new theories of medical healing. Here: re-erected columns of a Temple of Apollo on the second terrace, with the grand central stairway behind. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, archeology, Greek Orthodox Church, yachts, colourful, picturesque, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese, Helenic, Hellas, island hopping, medecine
 Greece, Island of Kos: the Asklepieion was one of the healing centres based on the cult of Asklepius, the father of all physicians. Founded about the 5th century BC, it was here that Hippocrates practised his new theories of medical healing. Here: the arched retaining wall (anderon) of the second terrace of the Asklepieion. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, medecine, island hopping, Hellas, Helenic, Dodecanese, Ionian Islands, picturesque, colourful, yachts, Greek Orthodox Church, archeology
 Greece, Island of Kos: ancient wagon tracks on the Roman road, with the ruins of the Thermae (baths) on the left. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, archeology, Greek Orthodox Church, yachts, colourful, picturesque, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese, Helenic, Hellas, island hopping
 Greece, Island of Kos: re-erected columns which formerly lined the Roman Gymnasium on two sides, a part of the extensive Roman city. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, archeology, island hopping, Hellas, Helenic, Dodecanese, Ionian Islands, picturesque, colourful, yachts, Greek Orthodox Church
 Greece, Island of Kos: one of a number of archeological sites with remains of Graeco-Roman buildings. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, Greek Orthodox Church, yachts, colourful, picturesque, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese, Helenic, Hellas, island hopping
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: the remains of a bronze age burial site, one of many. 
 Keywords: Mongol, archeological, archeology, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Jordan: Amman, built on the site of the Roman city of Philadelphia, was originally the Ammonite city of "Rabbath-Ammon" in the 13th century BC. The Roman Temple of Hercules (2nd century AD) on the Citadel (Jebel Al Qala'a). 
 Keywords: Muslim, archeological excavations, ruins, Islam, Islamic, capital city, metropolis, architecture, Roman architecture, Philadelphia
 Jordan: Amman, built on the site of the Roman city of Philadelphia, was originally the Ammonite city of "Rabbath-Ammon" in the 13th century BC. Modern sculptures and a classical column on the Citadel, with the modern city behind. 
 Keywords: Muslim, archeological excavations, ruins, Islam, Islamic, capital city, metropolis, architecture, Roman architecture, Philadelphia
 Jordan: Amman, built on the site of the Roman city of Philadelphia, was originally the Ammonite city of "Rabbath-Ammon" in the 13th century BC. Shops and the sprawl of the modern city of 2.5 million inhabitants, seen from the Citadel. 
 Keywords: Muslim, archeological excavations, ruins, Islam, Islamic, capital city, metropolis, architecture, Roman architecture, Philadelphia
 Jordan: Amman, built on the site of the Roman city of Philadelphia. A huge Jordanian flag, seen from the Citadel. Amman was the Ammonite city of "Rabbath-Ammon" in the 13th century BC. 
 Keywords: Muslim, archeological excavations, ruins, Islam, Islamic, capital city, metropolis, architecture, Roman architecture, Philadelphia
 Jordan: Amman, built on the site of the Roman city of Philadelphia. The Umayyad Palace, built on the Citadel Hill about 720 AD, showing the domed Audience Hall. Amman was the Ammonite city of "Rabbath-Ammon" in the 13th century BC. 
 Keywords: Muslim, Philadelphia, Roman architecture, architecture, metropolis, capital city, Islamic, Islam, ruins, archeological excavations
 Jordan: Amman, built on the site of the Roman city of Philadelphia. The scant remains of the Temple of Hercules (2nd century AD) on the Citadel (Jebel Al Qala'a). Amman was the Ammonite city of "Rabbath-Ammon" in the 13th century BC. 
 Keywords: Muslim, Philadelphia, Roman architecture, architecture, metropolis, capital city, Islamic, Islam, ruins, archeological excavations
 Jordan: Amman, built on the site of the Roman city of Philadelphia. View of the Roman Theatre and Hashemite Square (due for redevelopment), from the Citadel. Amman was the Ammonite city of "Rabbath-Ammon" in the 13th century BC. 
 Keywords: Muslim, Philadelphia, Roman architecture, architecture, metropolis, capital city, Islamic, Islam, ruins, archeological excavations
 Jordan: Amman, built on the site of the Roman city of Philadelphia. The restored Roman Theatre, built about 150 AD, seats 6000 spectators. View from the Citadel. Amman was the Ammonite city of "Rabbath-Ammon" in the 13th century BC. 
 Keywords: Muslim, Philadelphia, Roman architecture, architecture, metropolis, capital city, Islamic, Islam, ruins, archeological excavations
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). House doorway in the derelict Ottoman village, with Hercules' club carved into the basalt lintel. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city, Gadara
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). Courtyard in Beit Russan, a former Ottoman residence, now a museum with a fine sarcophagus on display. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Gadara, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, archeological site
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). Masses of yellow daisies, with the Yarmouk Valley and southern Golan Heights behind. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city, Gadara
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). Carpet of flowers, with ruined Nymphaeum (2nd century AD), and Lake Tiberius in the distance. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city, Gadara
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). The black basalt Theatre, built in the 2nd century AD, commands a spectacular view of the countryside. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city, Gadara
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). Colonnaded courtyard on the terrace, with basalt, marble and limestone Corinthian columns. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Gadara, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, archeological site
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). Paved street with a row of 2nd-century stone shops under the Basilica Terrace. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city, Gadara
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). View of the Yarmouk Valley and southern Golan Heights on the Israeli side. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city, Gadara
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). Palestinian exiles can view their homeland in Israel from this raised lookout platform. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city, Gadara
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). The Decumanus Maximus paving has survived the centuries, but the buildings are in need of restoration. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city, Gadara
 Jordan: Umm Qais, in the north of the country, dates back to the 7th century BC, and was formerly called "Gadara" (cf. the "Gadarene Swine" of the Bible). A group of Jordanian archeology students, all equipped with digital cameras and mobile phones. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, pretty girls, girl students, archeological site, Gilead Hills, Gerasa, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: South Theatre with reconstructed stage, was built between 90-92 AD, and seats 3000+ spectators. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: Bedouin musicians with drums and bagpipes demonstrate the acoustics of the South Theatre. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: The spacious Oval Plaza, 90 x 80 metres, is surrounded by a colonnade of 1st -century Ionic columns. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: South Decumanus runs east to a 73-metre bridge, beyond which it is buried under the modern city. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, Gilead Hills, Gerasa, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: A remarkable, reconstructed, water-powered saw for cutting stone, originally built in the 6th century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, mechanised tools, archeological site, Gilead Hills, Gerasa, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: North Theatre, with the North Tetrapylon, Cardo Maximus, and modern city of Jerash in the background. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: The North Gate, built in 115 AD, marks the end of the city and start of the road to Pella. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: North Gate and Cardo Maximus with Ionic columns, from within the North Tetrapylon. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: Beautifully carved fallen architrave - waiting for possible re-erection? 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: Row of Corinthian columns with wild Hollyhock (Alcea pallida) in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: Roman legionnaires of the VI Legion lined up after performing in the Hippodrome, which originally seated 15,000 people and was built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: Final line-up of the participants in the spectacle in the Hippodrome, which originally seated 15,000 people, and was built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: Closer view of a chariot in the straight during a race in the Hippodrome, which originally seated 15,000 people, and was built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: Three chariots thundering down the straight during a race in the Hippodrome, which originally seated 15,000 people, and was built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: Three chariots taking the corner during a race in the Hippodrome, which originally seated 15,000 people, and was built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, Gilead Hills, Gerasa, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: The culmination of a simulated gladiatorial combat in the Hippodrome, built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: A group of Roman legionnaires demonstrating the defensive "box" formation created with their shields in the Hippodrome, built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, Gilead Hills, Gerasa, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: A group of legionnaires of the VI Legion demonstrating drill procedures in the Hippodrome, built in the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, Gilead Hills, Gerasa, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: Part of the Tetrapylon which marked the crossing of the Cardo Maximus and the South Decumanus. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: The octagonal Macellum (food market), built in 130 AD, surrounded by columns, with a fountain in the centre. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: The 800-metre-long Cardo Maximus still bears the tracks of ancient wagons near the Macellum entrance. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: The Cardo Maximus, the main columned way, had pedestrian sidewalks and underground sewers. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: Temple of Zeus, built in 162 AD on the site of earlier religious buildings, dominates the Oval Plaza. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: The South Gate of the city, built about 130 AD, whose columns are decorated with acanthus leaves. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: An authentic-looking legionnaire of the Roman VI Legion. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: The Triumphal Arch, erected to mark the visit of Emperor Hadrian in 129 AD, is under constant restoration. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, Gilead Hills, Gerasa, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city
 Jordan, Aqaba: view of Aqaba Fort with minaret of the neighbouring mosque beyond. 
 Keywords: Muslim, archeological excavations, ruins, palm trees, bathing beach, Islam, mediaeval, coast, desert town, Gulf of Aqaba
 Jordan, Aqaba: the surviving adobe walls of a late 3rd century church, said to be the oldest purpose-built church in the world. 
 Keywords: Muslim, archeological excavations, ruins, palm trees, bathing beach, Islam, mediaeval, coast, desert town, Gulf of Aqaba
 Jordan, Aqaba: the main street of the mediaeval town of Ayla, the forerunner of Aqaba, which has recently been excavated, from the Egyptian Gate. 
 Keywords: Muslim, Gulf of Aqaba, desert town, coast, mediaeval, Islam, bathing beach, palm trees, ruins, archeological excavations
 Jordan, Aqaba: the Egyptian Gate of the mediaeval town of Ayla, the forerunner of Aqaba, which has recently been excavated. 
 Keywords: Muslim, Gulf of Aqaba, desert town, coast, mediaeval, Islam, bathing beach, palm trees, ruins, archeological excavations
 Jordan, Aqaba: the Flagpole, in the middle of a plaza, is said to be the tallest unsupported flagstaff in the world. In the foreground is the Mamluk-built Aqaba Fort, built about 1510. 
 Keywords: Muslim, Gulf of Aqaba, desert town, coast, Islam, palm trees, ruins, archeological excavations
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: A line of columns marks the upper temenos of the Great Temple of the Nabataians, which was in use until Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Part of a column capital which combines a number of motifs, from the Great Temple of the Nabataians. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Unique elephant-head column capital, still to be seen in the Nabataian Great Temple from the 1st century BC. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: A camel-rider on the colonnaded way, with the Royal Tombs in the distant background. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Roman colonnaded street (ca. 106 AD) marks the centre of the Nabataian city (contemporaneous with Jerash). 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: A vivid sandstone outcrop, weathered into a fantasy-inspiring shape. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: The sun breaks into the "Siq" as the visitors start to arrive. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: The sheer, 200-metre-high walls of the "Siq" are only 2 metres apart at this point. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Closer view of some of the Bedouin horse riders. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Bedouin horse riders, with impressive, bare, sandstone mountains as backdrop. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Horse rides are offered from the entrance as far as the start of the "Siq" (Gorge). 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: The "Roman Soldier's" Tomb from the High Place of Sacrifice, with the Garden Triclinium (Feasting Hall) in front. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Heavily eroded and exposed row of tombs opposite the Theatre, with an adventurous donkey an top. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Dramatic colour banding around and within a rock tomb. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: The damaged "Corinthian" Tomb, one of the Royal Tombs, manifests Nabataian and Hellenic features. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: The "Urn" Tomb, one of the Royal Tombs, from ca. 70 AD, used as a cathedral by the Christians in 447 AD;
below are later Byzantine vaults. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: An eroded cliff, revealing the coloured strata of the sandstone. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: A larger rock tomb with dramatic bands of colour in the sandstone ceiling. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: A small rock tomb on the terrace, exposed by heavy weathering. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Bands of colour in the weathered sandstone terrace. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Rock tombs under the terrace, at the back of which is a row of Royal Tombs. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: View of Wadi Musa to the east, from the Royal Tombs, with "candy-striped" rocks in the foreground. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: View of Wadi Musa to the west, where it opens out, from the terrace in front of the Royal Tombs. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: The frontages of some of the rock tombs have almost been weathered away, leaving slender sandstone columns. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: The theatre, built by the Nabataians in the 1st century AD, later enlarged by the Romans soon after their arrival in 106 AD, slicing through a number of tombs at the rear. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Closer view of the decoration on the rock tombs in the "Street of Facades". 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: The full extent of the rock tombs in the "Street of Facades", with a tethered donkey in the foreground. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Rock tombs in the "Street of Facades", seen through the "window" of a tomb opposite. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Stone steps up to the "Sacred Hall", carved out of the rock, while the "Siq" continues to the left. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture:The whole facade of Al-Khazneh (the Treasury);
two Winged Victories apppear between the columns of the upper storey. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Lower storey of Al-Khazneh (the Treasury) displays 6 columns with floral capitals; the forecourt filling with visitors. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: The whole facade of Al-Khazneh (the Treasury), 43 metres high; the figures at ground level may represent the sons of Zeus. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Upper storey of Al-Khazneh (the Treasury); the central figure may be "Isis" or the Nabataian goddess "Al 'Uzza". 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the Hellenistic facade of the "Treasury" (Al-Khazneh) chiselled out of the rock in the 1st century BC. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: fantastically weathered forms of sandstone, where some of the original paving survives. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: a Nabataian tomb in the middle of the "Siq", where it widens, allowing the sun to reach in. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the "Siq" in the early morning, before the sun (or crowds) have reached it. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the "Siq" narrows to a few metres width; on the left, the Nabataian water conduits in the wall. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: entrance to the "Siq" (canyon), with metalworker's stand in the foreground. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Cyprus, Kourion (Curium): the Roman city was destroyed in an earthquake in 365 AD. Roman mosaic of gladiatorial combat in the "House of the Gladiators". 
 Keywords: ruins, architecture, Byzantine, historical, Kurium, Kourion, Curium, Roman remains, archeological excavations
 Cyprus, Kourion (Curium): the Roman city was destroyed in an earthquake in 365 AD. Roman mosaic of gladiatorial combat in the "House of the Gladiators". 
 Keywords: ruins, archeological excavations, Roman remains, Curium, Kourion, Kurium, historical, Byzantine, architecture
 Cyprus, Kourion (Curium): the Roman city was destroyed in an earthquake in 365 AD. Exposed underfloor heating system (hypocaust) of the Roman Baths. 
 Keywords: ruins, archeological excavations, Roman remains, Curium, Kourion, Kurium, historical, Byzantine, architecture
 Cyprus, Kourion (Curium): the Roman city was destroyed in an earthquake in 365 AD. Part of the Baptistry, adjacent to the Basilica, probably of a slightly later date (5th century AD). 
 Keywords: ruins, archeological excavations, Curium, Kourion, Kurium, historical, Byzantine, architecture
 Cyprus, Kourion (Curium): the Roman city was destroyed in an earthquake in 365 AD. Part of the 5th century Episcopal Basilica (Byzantine) in the western part of the site. 
 Keywords: ruins, archeological excavations, Curium, Kourion, Kurium, historical, Byzantine, architecture
 Cyprus, Kourion (Curium): the Roman city was destroyed in an earthquake in 365 AD. Mosaic of Ktisis, the Spirit of Creation, holding a rule, in the House of Eustolios. 
 Keywords: ruins, architecture, Byzantine, historical, Kurium, Kourion, Curium, Roman remains, archeological excavations
 Cyprus, Kourion (Curium): the Roman city was destroyed in an earthquake in 365 AD. wide-span roofing protects the House of Eustolios, a 4th century Roman Villa. 
 Keywords: ruins, archeological excavations, Roman remains, Curium, Kourion, Kurium, historical, Byzantine, architecture
 Cyprus, Kourion (Curium): the Roman city was destroyed in an earthquake in 365 AD. The 2nd century AD Roman Theatre. 
 Keywords: ruins, archeological excavations, Roman remains, Curium, Kourion, Kurium, historical, Byzantine, architecture
 Cyprus, Palea Paphos (Old Paphos): recently excavated remains of a Byzantine (?) building. 
 Keywords: archeological excavations, architecture, mediaeval, ruins
 Cyprus, Palea Paphos (Old Paphos): part of the original walls of the Bronze Age Sanctuary of Aphrodite. 
 Keywords: archeological excavations, ruins, Bronze age, prehistoric
 Cyprus, Palea Paphos (Old Paphos): the 13th century Lusignian manor "La Cavocle". A reconstructed wing, intended for a museum, and part of the courtyard. 
 Keywords: archeological excavations, Lusignian, architecture, mediaeval
 Cyprus, Palea Paphos (Old Paphos): courtyard and entrance of the 13th century Lusignian manor "La Cavocle". 
 Keywords: archeological excavations, Lusignian, architecture, mediaeval
 Bolivia, Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco: Ruins of the capital city of a great civilisation, dating back to 1500 BC, but becoming a centre of culture only about 300 BC. After about 400 AD the empire expanded to take in large parts of present-day Peru, Bolivia and Chile on the west coast. Their success was based on highly effective agricultural innovation. In about 1000 AD the civilisation was virtually wiped out by continuing drought, the remnants being incorporated into the Inca empire around 1450 AD. These people had no written language and their name is unknown.

Reconstructed base and steps of the Akapana man-made pyramid. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Tiahuanacu, excavations, archeology, historical site, archeological site
 Bolivia, Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco: Ruins of the capital city of a great civilisation, dating back to 1500 BC, but becoming a centre of culture only about 300 BC. After about 400 AD the empire expanded to take in large parts of present-day Peru, Bolivia and Chile on the west coast. Their success was based on highly effective agricultural innovation. In about 1000 AD the civilisation was virtually wiped out by continuing drought, the remnants being incorporated into the Inca empire around 1450 AD. These people had no written language and their name is unknown.

View of the entire Kalasasaya area from the top of the Akapana Pyramid. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Tiahuanacu, excavations, archeology, historical site, archeological site
 Bolivia, Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco: Ruins of the capital city of a great civilisation, dating back to 1500 BC, but becoming a centre of culture only about 300 BC. After about 400 AD the empire expanded to take in large parts of present-day Peru, Bolivia and Chile on the west coast. Their success was based on highly effective agricultural innovation. In about 1000 AD the civilisation was virtually wiped out by continuing drought, the remnants being incorporated into the Inca empire around 1450 AD. These people had no written language and their name is unknown.

The walls of the Kalasasaya, incorporating standing stones at regular intervals. (partially reconstructed) 
 Keywords: High Andes, Tiahuanacu, excavations, archeology, historical site, archeological site
 Bolivia, Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco: Ruins of the capital city of a great civilisation, dating back to 1500 BC, but becoming a centre of culture only about 300 BC. After about 400 AD the empire expanded to take in large parts of present-day Peru, Bolivia and Chile on the west coast. Their success was based on highly effective agricultural innovation. In about 1000 AD the civilisation was virtually wiped out by continuing drought, the remnants being incorporated into the Inca empire around 1450 AD. These people had no written language and their name is unknown.

Cornerstone of the rectangular walls of the Kalasasaya. (partially reconstructed) 
 Keywords: High Andes, Tiahuanacu, excavations, archeology, historical site, archeological site
 Bolivia, Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco: Ruins of the capital city of a great civilisation, dating back to 1500 BC, but becoming a centre of culture only about 300 BC. After about 400 AD the empire expanded to take in large parts of present-day Peru, Bolivia and Chile on the west coast. Their success was based on highly effective agricultural innovation. In about 1000 AD the civilisation was virtually wiped out by continuing drought, the remnants being incorporated into the Inca empire around 1450 AD. These people had no written language and their name is unknown.

The inside walls of the semi-subterranean temple are studded with 175 carved stone heads, all different. 
 Keywords: High Andes, archeological site, historical site, archeology, excavations, Tiahuanacu
 Bolivia, Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco: Ruins of the capital city of a great civilisation, dating back to 1500 BC, but becoming a centre of culture only about 300 BC. After about 400 AD the empire expanded to take in large parts of present-day Peru, Bolivia and Chile on the west coast. Their success was based on highly effective agricultural innovation. In about 1000 AD the civilisation was virtually wiped out by continuing drought, the remnants being incorporated into the Inca empire around 1450 AD. These people had no written language and their name is unknown.

At the equinoxes the sun's rays shone through the main entrance to the Kalasasaya, on to the priest monolith. In the foreground the semi-subterranean temple. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Tiahuanacu, excavations, archeology, historical site, archeological site
 Bolivia, Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco: Ruins of the capital city of a great civilisation, dating back to 1500 BC, but becoming a centre of culture only about 300 BC. After about 400 AD the empire expanded to take in large parts of present-day Peru, Bolivia and Chile on the west coast. Their success was based on highly effective agricultural innovation. In about 1000 AD the civilisation was virtually wiped out by continuing drought, the remnants being incorporated into the Inca empire around 1450 AD. These people had no written language and their name is unknown.

One of the remarkable walls of the "Temple of Standing Stones" or "Kalasasaya". (partially reconstructed) 
 Keywords: High Andes, Tiahuanacu, excavations, archeology, historical site, archeological site
 Argentina, Tucumán: the ruins of a pre-Inca citadel of the Quilmes people, who were forcibly relocated to Buenos Aires in 1667. The settlement comprised about 5000 members of the Diaguita tribe. View from below. These people had no writing, but made patterns and signs with embedded white stones. 
 Keywords: excavations, archeology, settlement, community, indigenous people
 Argentina, Tucumán: the ruins of a pre-Inca citadel of the Quilmes people, who were forcibly relocated to Buenos Aires in 1667. The settlement comprised about 5000 members of the Diaguita tribe. General view of the site and the Calchaquíes valley beyond. 
 Keywords: excavations, indigenous people, community, settlement, archeology
 Argentina, Tucumán: the ruins of a pre-Inca citadel of the Quilmes people, who were forcibly relocated to Buenos Aires in 1667. The settlement comprised about 5000 members of the Diaguita tribe. General view of the site and the Calchaquíes valley beyond. 
 Keywords: excavations, indigenous people, community, settlement, archeology
 Argentina, Tucumán: the ruins of a pre-Inca citadel of the Quilmes people, who were forcibly relocated to Buenos Aires in 1667. The settlement comprised about 5000 members of the Diaguita tribe. 
 Keywords: excavations, archeology, settlement, community, indigenous people
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. Here: view of the theatre, with stage, orchestra pit, and seating (the first three rows reserved for VIPs). 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. Here: oblique view of the three tiers of Corinthian columns providing a backing for the theatre stage. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. Here: the large stone dolphin at the right of the stage, with carvings of The Three Graces, and The Judgement of Paris. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. Here: the central concave niche of the theatre-stage, showing personifications of Rome and Sabratha as well as military figure. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. Here: view of the restored theatre (second century AD) from the north, the largest theatre in Africa. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. Here: view of the restored theatre (second century AD) from the north, the largest theatre in Africa. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. Here: beautifully carved headless torso of a female figure. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. Here: the Curia (Senate House), with wide steps for the chairs of the magistrates. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. Here: beautifully carved (and preserved) Acanthus leaves on a doorway surround. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. Here: an early Christian gravestone for "Marcella". 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. General view of the Roman city, showing its fine location next to the sea. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982. 
Here: the 24-metre-tall reconstructed Mausoleum of Bes, a rare example of Punic (pre Roman) architecture. It stands on the site of an underground funerary chamber dating from the 2nd century BC. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982. 
Here: the 24-metre-tall reconstructed Mausoleum of Bes, a rare example of Punic (pre Roman) architecture, showing the convex, triangular form, and the protecting lions. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its peak under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982. 
Here: the 24-metre-tall reconstructed Mausoleum of Bes, a rare example of Punic (pre Roman) architecture. It stands on the site of an underground funerary chamber dating from the 2nd century BC. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: the Roman amphitheatre, built by the Emperor Hadrian on a hill in the middle of the town, now restored with 20 rows of Prilep marble seats. 
 Keywords: Byzantine, mosaics, archeological excavations, Byzantine ruins, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, Christian, historic, national heritage, Yugoslavia
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: the three panels with fish motifs on the front of the town fountain. 
 Keywords: Byzantine, Yugoslavia, national heritage, historic, Christian, Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Byzantine ruins, archeological excavations, mosaics
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: an almost complete mosaic of a red deer surrounded by plaited-work. 
 Keywords: Byzantine, Yugoslavia, national heritage, historic, Christian, Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Byzantine ruins, archeological excavations, mosaics
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: part of the mosaic in the Large Basilica, showing a lion and a bull. Part of this mosaic appears on the reverse side of the Macedonian 5000 denari banknote issued in 1996. 
 Keywords: Byzantine, Yugoslavia, national heritage, historic, Christian, Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Byzantine ruins, archeological excavations, mosaics
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: a well-preserved mosaic depicting two red deer and a fountain. 
 Keywords: Byzantine, Yugoslavia, national heritage, historic, Christian, Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Byzantine ruins, archeological excavations, mosaics
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: statue of Nemesis in the courthouse, with head and hand missing. 
 Keywords: Byzantine, mosaics, archeological excavations, Byzantine ruins, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, Christian, historic, national heritage, Yugoslavia
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: the hypocaust and underfloor heat circulation system of the baths. 
 Keywords: Byzantine, mosaics, archeological excavations, Byzantine ruins, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, Christian, historic, national heritage, Yugoslavia
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: general view of the ruins, with the baths (left) and the courthouse (right). 
 Keywords: Byzantine, mosaics, archeological excavations, Byzantine ruins, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, Christian, historic, national heritage, Yugoslavia
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: part of a well-preserved mosaic composed of geometrical patterns. 
 Keywords: Byzantine, Yugoslavia, national heritage, historic, Christian, Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Byzantine ruins, archeological excavations, mosaics
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: a mosaic with illustrations of a variety of different birds amid geometrical patterns. 
 Keywords: Byzantine, mosaics, archeological excavations, Byzantine ruins, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, Christian, historic, national heritage, Yugoslavia
 Macedonia, Bitola: the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, a Greek town probably founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC as Lynkestis. During the Roman period it was an important town on the Via Egnatia. In the Byzantine period the town was an important episcopal centre, but was sacked by Ostrogoth/Visigoth forces led by Theodoric the Great in 472 and 479 AD. In the 6th century AD it fell to the Slavs after successive attacks. Here: part of the "small" Basilica with its mosaic floor. 
 Keywords: Byzantine, Yugoslavia, national heritage, historic, Christian, Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Byzantine ruins, archeological excavations, mosaics
 Macedonia, Skopje: the ruins of Skupi, a Roman colony founded by Domitian between 81 and 96 AD, but abandoned in 518 AD after an earthquake completely destroyed the city. 
 Keywords: historic, archeology, excavation, Yugoslavia, national heritage
 Macedonia, Ohrid: 3rd century BC Greek amphitheatre with 13 rows of seats (rebuilt 2002) and a capacity of 5000 people. 
 Keywords: national heritage, excavation, archeology, historic site, Greek architecture, Yugoslavia
 Albania, Durres: excavations proceeding in the ruins of Roman "Dyrrachium", originally founded by Greek colonists in 627 BC. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Roman architecture, archeology, excavations, architecture
 Albania, Durres: all that remains of a second-century amphitheatre in Roman "Dyrrachium", originally founded by Greek colonists in 627 BC. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, theatre, antique stadium, Roman architecture, archeology, excavations, architecture
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Solin: ruins of the ancient town of Salona, capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia, inhabited until 614 AD when it was taken by barbarians. Here: a beautifully carved sarcophagus cover, just unearthed. 
 Keywords: Roman ruins, Yugoslavia, national heritage, historic, excavations, archeology, Roman architecture
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Solin: ruins of the ancient town of Salona, capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia, inhabited until 614 AD when it was taken by barbarians. General view of the ruins with the town basilica discernible at the rear. 
 Keywords: Roman ruins, Roman architecture, archeology, excavations, historic, national heritage, Yugoslavia
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Solin: ruins of the ancient town of Salona, capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia, inhabited until 614 AD when it was taken by barbarians. The amphitheatre, dating from the 2nd century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman ruins, Roman architecture, archeology, excavations, historic, national heritage, Yugoslavia
 Tunisia: Dougga, Ruins of the city "Thugga", founded in the 4th century BC by Numidians, becoming Roman in the 2nd century AD, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the best preserved Roman city in Africa. The lower storey of a substantial Roman house. 
 Keywords: picturesque, archeological site, architecture, heritage, historic, Maghreb
 Tunisia: Dougga, Ruins of the city "Thugga", founded in the 4th century BC by Numidians, becoming Roman in the 2nd century AD, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the best preserved Roman city in Africa. The Mausoleum of Ateban (2nd century BC), the only pre-Roman (Numidian-Punic) building in Tunisia. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Maghreb, historic, heritage, architecture, Numidian, archeological site, Numidian architecture, Punic architecture, pre-Roman architecture
 Tunisia: Dougga, Ruins of the city "Thugga", founded in the 4th century BC by Numidians, becoming Roman in the 2nd century AD, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the best preserved Roman city in Africa. Corinthian columns and the Tympanum of the Capitol, a temple dedicated to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, built in 166 or 167 AD. View from the Forum (market place) against a foreboding sky. 
 Keywords: picturesque, archeological site, Numidian, architecture, heritage, historic, Maghreb, classical architecture
 Tunisia: Dougga, Ruins of the city "Thugga", founded in the 4th century BC by Numidians, becoming Roman in the 2nd century AD, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the best preserved Roman city in Africa. Corinthian columns and the Tympanum of the Capitol, showing a figure being raised by an eagle. The temple was dedicated to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva and was built in 166 or 167 AD. 
 Keywords: picturesque, archeological site, Numidian, architecture, heritage, historic, Maghreb
 Tunisia: Dougga, Ruins of the city "Thugga", founded in the 4th century BC by Numidians, becoming Roman in the 2nd century AD, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the best preserved Roman city in Africa. Two of the Ain-el-Hammam water cisterns, each 33 metres long by 5 metres high, supplied by a 12-kilometre-long aqueduct. 
 Keywords: picturesque, water supply, archeological site, Numidian, architecture, heritage, historic, Maghreb
 Tunisia: Dougga, Ruins of the city "Thugga", founded in the 4th century BC by Numidians, becoming Roman in the 2nd century AD, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the best preserved Roman city in Africa. The superb Capitol, a temple dedicated to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, was built in 166 or 167 AD. 
 Keywords: picturesque, entablature, Corinthian columns, classical architecture, archeological site, Numidian, architecture, heritage, historic, Maghreb, tympanum
 Tunisia: Dougga, Ruins of the city "Thugga", founded in the 4th century BC by Numidians, becoming Roman in the 2nd century AD, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the best preserved Roman city in Africa. The mosaic floor of a Roman villa, still in situ, scarcely damaged. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Maghreb, historic, heritage, architecture, Numidian, archeological site
 Tunisia, Sousse: The Kasbah (859 AD) now houses the Archeological Museum with a fine collection of Roman mosaics. 
 Keywords: Islamic, picturesque, Muslim, Mohamed, heritage, historic, Maghreb
 Tunisia: Chebika, an abandoned Berber oasis village on the edge of the desert, the former Roman outpost "Ad Speculam". The inhabitants now live in a new village, but return to harvest the date palms. View over the abandoned mud- brick dwellings towards Chott el Gharsa, with date palms visible in the background. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque, archeology, mud-brick buildings
 Tunisia: Chebika, an abandoned Berber oasis village on the edge of the desert, the former Roman outpost "Ad Speculam". The inhabitants now live in a new village, but return to harvest the date palms. Brightly coloured Berber rugs are offered to tourists. 
 Keywords: Islam, mud-brick buildings, archeology, picturesque, heritage, historic, Maghreb, Mohammedan, Muslim
 Tunisia, Matmata: The Jerbalia Berbers have lived in underground dwellings since the 11th century. These normally comprise a central courtyard, open to the sky, with rooms leading off on all sides. The majority now live in normal houses. Here:" Marhaba/Bienvenue/Welcome", written, Hollywood-style, on the mountainside. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque, archeology, troglodyte
 Tunisia, Matmata: The Jerbalia Berbers have lived in underground dwellings since the 11th century. These normally comprise a central courtyard, open to the sky, with rooms leading off on all sides. The majority now live in normal houses. Here: simpler dwellings are created by burrowing into the soft cliffside. 
 Keywords: Islam, troglodyte, archeology, picturesque, heritage, historic, Maghreb, Mohammedan, Muslim
 Tunisia, Matmata: The Jerbalia Berbers have lived in underground dwellings since the 11th century. These normally comprise a central courtyard, open to the sky, with rooms leading off on all sides. The majority now live in normal houses. View from ground level. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque, archeology, troglodyte
 Tunisia, Matmata: The Jerbalia Berbers have lived in underground dwellings since the 11th century. These normally comprise a central courtyard, open to the sky, with rooms leading off on all sides. The majority now live in normal houses. Here: corn being milled between two stones in the courtyard. 
 Keywords: Islam, troglodyte, archeology, picturesque, heritage, historic, Maghreb, Mohammedan, Muslim
 Tunisia, El Jem: the Roman Colosseum, built in the 2nd century AD, is the best preserved and second only in size to Rome's. 
 Keywords: Islam, archeology, picturesque, heritage, historic, Maghreb, Mohammedan, Muslim
 Spain, Galicia, La Coruna: Castillo de San Anton from across the harbour. It now houses the Archeological Museum.
 Romania, Wallachia, Drobeta-Turnu-Severin: Ruins of the Roman castra from the time of Hadrian. Its purpose was the defence of the adjacent bridge over the Danube. Today, Yugoslavia (Serbia) lies on the other side of the Danube. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, Roman remains, Roman ruins
 Syria: Palmyra, a city known from the first century BC, but became a Roman dependency after AD 18 and was extensively developed until destroyed by Aurelian in 273 AD. Here, fragments of carving from the exterior of a tower grave. 
 Keywords: archeology, ruined city, architecture, excavations, desert city
 Syria: Palmyra, a city known from the first century BC, but became a Roman dependency after AD 18 and was extensively developed until destroyed by Aurelian in 273 AD. Here, the coffered ceiling of a grave chamber (tower grave), from the first century AD, with portraits of the family members. 
 Keywords: archeology, desert city, excavations, architecture, ruined city
 Syria: Palmyra, a city known from the first century BC, but became a Roman dependency after AD 18 and was extensively developed until destroyed by Aurelian in 273 AD. Here, part of the mighty Baal Temple, which was consecrated in 32 AD, now in ruins. 
 Keywords: archeology, desert city, excavations, architecture, ruined city
 Syria: Palmyra, a city known from the first century BC, but became a Roman dependency after AD 18 and was extensively developed until destroyed by Aurelian in 273 AD. Here, view of the fortress, Qalaat ibn Maan, through an arch in the ruins. 
 Keywords: archeology, ruined city, architecture, excavations, desert city
 Syria: Palmyra, a city known from the first century BC, but became a Roman dependency after AD 18 and was extensively developed until destroyed by Aurelian in 273 AD. Here, carved vaulting still in place on the ruins of Hadrian's Gate, built after the visit of the emperor in 129 AD. 
 Keywords: archeology, desert city, excavations, architecture, ruined city
 Iraq, Ninevah: although about 6000 years old, it was the beginning of the 6th century BC before the city was chosen as the third capital of Assyria, after Ashur and Nimrud, by Sennacherib. Here, part of the remaining city wall, 12 kilometres long. Most of the movable items are to be found in the world's museums. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, archeology, excavations
 Iraq, Khorsabad: Stele with cuneiform inscription, still in the ground (not yet discovered by the archeologists - the locals keep it covered with rubble!) 
 Keywords: excavations, archeology, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Kalhu or Kalach (now known as "Nimrud"): refounded in the 13th century BC on ancient foundations by the Assyrians, became the seat of the royal house after Ashur. Entrance to a burial chamber discovered by Dr Mussachim, who was in charge of the excavations in Nimrud. Over 30 kilograms of gold ornaments have been recovered from this and similar tombs. 
 Keywords: archeology, Mesopotamia, excavations
 Iraq, Kalhu or Kalach (now known as "Nimrud"): refounded in the 13th century BC on ancient foundations by the Assyrians, became the seat of the royal house after Ashur. Details of the burial chambers being explained by Dr Mussachim, who was in charge of the excavations in Nimrud. Over 30 kilograms of gold ornaments have been recovered from this and similar tombs. 
 Keywords: archeology, Mesopotamia, excavations
 Iraq, Kalhu or Kalach (now known as "Nimrud"): refounded in the 13th century BC on ancient foundations by the Assyrians, became the seat of the royal house after Ashur. Entrance to a burial chamber discovered by Dr Mussachim, who was in charge of the excavations in Nimrud. Over 30 kilograms of gold ornaments have been recovered from this and similar tombs. 
 Keywords: archeology, Mesopotamia, excavations
 Iraq, Kalhu or Kalach (now known as "Nimrud"): refounded in the 13th century BC on ancient foundations by the Assyrians, became the seat of the royal house after Ashur. Wall decoration showing leaders of Assyrian fighting men, with an inscription describing their achievements. 
 Keywords: archeology, Mesopotamia, excavations
 Iraq, Kalhu or Kalach (now known as "Nimrud"): refounded in the 13th century BC on ancient foundations by the Assyrians, became the seat of the royal house after Ashur. Wall decoration from an inner room of the north-west palace, possibly a divine being. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Kalhu or Kalach (now known as "Nimrud"): refounded in the 13th century BC on ancient foundations by the Assyrians, became the seat of the royal house after Ashur. Head of one of the winged bulls ("Lamassu"). 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, Mesopotamia
 Iraq: The "Rolling Hotel" near the public entrance to the Babylon excavations. 
 Keywords: archeology, Bible, Mesopotamia, excavations
 Iraq: Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the 3rd millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC): copy of one of the ceramic lions from the Processional Way. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, Mesopotamia, Bible
 Iraq: Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the 3rd millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC): plan of the city under Nebuchadnezzar II in 600 BC. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, Mesopotamia, Bible
 Iraq: Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the 3rd millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC): assumed site of the Tower of Babel, which was pulled down by Alexander the Great, preparatory to building an even grander construction. However he died before the work had begun. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, Mesopotamia, Bible
 Iraq: Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the 3rd millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC): reconstructed gateway to the Northern Palace of Nebuchadnezzar II. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, Mesopotamia, Bible
 Iraq: Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the 3rd millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC): mark of the builder, stamped on the side of a brick. 
 Keywords: archeology, Bible, Mesopotamia, excavations
 Iraq: Uruk, the city which succeeded Ur in prsperity and was continuously inhabited from about 4000 BC until 500 AD, where the first writing system (cuneiform) was developed. The 9.5 kilometre-long city wall was built by King Gilgamesh and described in his Epic: the remaining blue, ceramic tiles from about 110 AD in an excavated building. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, first civilisation, archeology, excavations
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley between 1922 and 1934, was the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees": view of the ziggurat from the north-west. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, Bible, first civilisation, archeology, excavations
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley between 1922 and 1934, was the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees": view of a reconstructed house, known as "Abraham's House". 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, excavations, archeology, first civilisation
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley between 1922 and 1934, was the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees": close-up of the original bitumen used as mortar between the stones of the buildings. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, first civilisation, archeology, excavations
 Iraq: Ur, the oldest known large city, founded perhaps 6000 years ago, excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley between 1922 and 1934, was the Sumerian capital in its heyday, the third millennium BC, and according to the Bible, birthplace of Abraham as "Ur of the Chaldees": close-up of the mark of the builder, stamped on a brick. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, excavations, archeology, first civilisation
 Cyprus (North), Guzelyurt: Ancient fertility goddess wearing rows of bulls' testicles in the Archeological Museum at Güzelyurt = Morfou. 
 Keywords: fertility rites, pagan
 Cypus, Lemba: Reconstruction of Chalcolithic dwellings on the original site by a team from Edinburgh University. The original dwellings, of which only the foundations remain, date from about 3500 BC. 
 Keywords: archeology
 Cyprus, Lemba: Reconstruction of Chalcolithic dwellings on the original site by a team from Edinburgh University. The original dwellings, of which only the foundations remain, date from about 3500 BC. 
 Keywords: archeology
 Cyprus: Restored second century amphitheatre, originally Hellenistic, at Kourion. 
 Keywords: archeology, excavations, ruins
 Cyprus: Ruins of the fifth century basilica at Kourion. 
 Keywords: archeology, columns
 England, Herefordshire, Malvern: British Camp or Herefordshire Beacon in the Malvern Hills, a major earthworks, site of an iron age fort. 
 Keywords: archeology, fortifications, ditch
 England, Herefordshire, Malvern: British Camp or Herefordshire Beacon in the Malvern Hills, a major earthworks, site of an iron age fort. 
 Keywords: archeology, ditch, fortifications
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the remains of shopping units on the "Commercial Agora". 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: view of the sports stadium from the east, showing the three seating terraces. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman architecture, Lycians, archeology, excavations, towns of antiquity, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the Graeco-Roman amphitheatre showing the orchestra and ruined stage buildings. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman architecture, Lycians, archeology, excavations, towns of antiquity, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: modern simulation of a race on the running track! 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the Graeco-Roman sports stadium with seating terraces on the left. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: view of the Scaene (stage building) of the amphitheatre, which is from the late Hellenic period. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the typically Greek, horseshoe-shaped amphitheatre with 20 rows of seats. It enjoys excellent acoustics and views of the landscape. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, Lycia, Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman architecture, Lycians, archeology, excavations, towns of antiquity
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the central stage entrance doorway to the amphitheatre. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the Odeon (concert and meeting hall) is accessed by three arched doorways from the Agora. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the retaining wall of the Agora, showing the skill with which irregular stones were fitted together. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: fragments of fine stone carving which once adorned the amphitheatre. 
 Keywords: rock burials, excavations, archeology, Lycians, caves, Roman architecture, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: some of the rock tombs in the cliffs, high above the amphitheatre. 
 Keywords: rock burials, Roman architecture, caves, Lycians, archeology, excavations, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans. Here: the substantial amphitheatre is witness to the prosperity of the town in Roman Imperial days. 
 Keywords: rock burials, Roman architecture, caves, Lycians, archeology, excavations, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: closer view of a tomb built into the cliff, with carved figures on the architrave. 
 Keywords: rock burials, Lycia, Roman architecture, caves, Lycians, archeology, excavations
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: a free-standing tomb, with plundered tombs built into the cliff, below. 
 Keywords: rock burials, Lycia, Roman architecture, caves, Lycians, archeology, excavations
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: general extent of the rock tombs. 
 Keywords: rock burials, Lycia, excavations, archeology, Lycians, caves, Roman architecture
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: stone masks from the amphitheatre, with modern augmentation! The rock tombs are visible in the background. 
 Keywords: rock burials, Lycia, Roman architecture, caves, Lycians, archeology, excavations
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena: The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: view of the harbour and moorings from the fortress on the hill. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, ruined fortress, sarcophagus, Byzantine fortifications, excavations, archeology, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena: The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: ladies of the settlement preparing their sales onslought on the next group of visitors. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, archeology, excavations, Byzantine fortifications, sarcophagus, ruined fortress, Lycia
 The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: visitors being enlightened on the history of the fortress. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, Lycia, ruined fortress, sarcophagus, Byzantine fortifications, excavations, archeology
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena: The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: view of the settlement with fortress and quay from the sea. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, Lycia, ruined fortress, sarcophagus, Byzantine fortifications, excavations, archeology
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena: The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: approaching the settlement with its crowning fortress from the sea. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, Lycia, ruined fortress, sarcophagus, Byzantine fortifications, excavations, archeology
 Turkey, Lacia, Kas: Antiphellos amphitheatre in Kas has just 25 well-preserved rows of seats but dates back to the first century BC. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Kalkan: Old irregation channels, carved out of the rock, in a village a few kilometres above the town of Kalkan. 
 Keywords: water channels, archeological finds, historic irregation system, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Already settled in the 7th century BC, the ancient site of Patara became one of the leading Lycian cities under the Romans, thanks to its flourishing harbour. When the battle against the sand was finally lost and the harbour silted up about 800 years ago, the city was abandoned. In recent years significant Roman building works have been freed from the sand. Here: a stone from the antique lighthouse, bearing the remains of an inscription, formerly with bronze-inlaid letters. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, cities of antiquity, archeological excavations, Graeco-Roman remains, Roman architecture, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Already settled in the 7th century BC, the ancient site of Patara became one of the leading Lycian cities under the Romans, thanks to its flourishing harbour. When the battle against the sand was finally lost and the harbour silted up about 800 years ago, the city was abandoned. In recent years significant Roman building works have been freed from the sand. Here: view of the harbour basin and granaries, from a sand dune. The Agora stretched to the left. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, cities of antiquity, archeological excavations, Graeco-Roman remains, Roman architecture, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Already settled in the 7th century BC, the ancient site of Patara became one of the leading Lycian cities under the Romans, thanks to its flourishing harbour. When the battle against the sand was finally lost and the harbour silted up about 800 years ago, the city was abandoned. In recent years significant Roman building works have been freed from the sand. Here: a series of Roman granaries, virtually complete except for the roofs, but completely overgrown by vegetation, on the former harbour quay. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, cities of antiquity, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Already settled in the 7th century BC, the ancient site of Patara became one of the leading Lycian cities under the Romans, thanks to its flourishing harbour. When the battle against the sand was finally lost and the harbour silted up about 800 years ago, the city was abandoned. In recent years significant Roman building works have been freed from the sand. Here: scrambling up the sand dunes which have invaded the area. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, cities of antiquity, archeological excavations, Graeco-Roman remains, Roman architecture, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Already settled in the 7th century BC, the ancient site of Patara became one of the leading Lycian cities under the Romans, thanks to its flourishing harbour. When the battle against the sand was finally lost and the harbour silted up about 800 years ago, the city was abandoned. In recent years significant Roman building works have been freed from the sand. Here: view of the silted-up harbour basin, around which the life of the city formerly turned. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, cities of antiquity, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Already settled in the 7th century BC, the ancient site of Patara became one of the leading Lycian cities under the Romans, thanks to its flourishing harbour. When the battle against the sand was finally lost and the harbour silted up about 800 years ago, the city was abandoned. In recent years significant Roman building works have been freed from the sand. Here: view from the Roman amphitheatre of the site of the antique city. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, cities of antiquity, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Fethiye: Characteristic Lycian sarcophagus, with "upturned ship" as the lid, presents a traffic hazard in the streets of Fethiye. The town stands on the site of the antique "Telmessos". 
 Keywords: cities of antiquity, archeological excavations, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Fethiye: ancient rock tombs, carved out of the cliffs by Lycians. The largest, the Tomb of Amyntas, in the style of a Greek Ionic temple, dates back to the 4th century BC. All have been plundered and many used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Here: a group of smaller tombs, to the left of the Tomb of Amyntas. 
 Keywords: cities of antiquity, archeological excavations, burial chambers, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Fethiye: ancient rock tombs, carved out of the cliffs by Lycians. The largest, the Tomb of Amyntas (shown here), in the style of a Greek Ionic temple, with highly decorated sham stone door, dates back to the 4th century BC. All have been plundered and many used as dwellings in Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: cities of antiquity, Lycia, archeological excavations, burial chambers
 Turkey, Lycia, Fethiye: ancient rock tombs, carved out of the cliffs by Lycians. The largest, the Tomb of Amyntas, in the style of a Greek Ionic temple, dates back to the 4th century BC. All have been plundered and many used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Here: view of the cliffs with their rock tombs, and the town of Fethiye spread out below. It stands on the site of the antique "Telmessos". 
 Keywords: cities of antiquity, archeological excavations, burial chambers, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Lydae: Remains of the ancient town of Lydae, on a hill near the Gulf of Fethiye. Here: traces of decorative carving from the mortuary temple. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, cities of antiquity, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Lydae: Remains of the ancient town of Lydae, on a hill near the Gulf of Fethiye. Here: an unidentified ruined building, and view of the valley and surrounding hills. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, cities of antiquity, archeological excavations, Graeco-Roman remains, Roman architecture, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Lydae: Remains of the ancient town of Lydae, on a hill near the Gulf of Fethiye. Here: the ruins of the mortuary temple. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, cities of antiquity, archeological excavations, Graeco-Roman remains, Roman architecture, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan: Ancient rock burial chambers carved in the cliffs near Dalyan, with facades copied from Green Ionic Temples. All have been plundered; many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: rock tombs, Lycia, archeological sites, kings' tombs
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan: Ancient rock burial chambers carved in the cliffs near Dalyan, with facades copied from Green Ionic Temples. All have been plundered; many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: rock tombs, kings' tombs, archeological sites, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Dalyan: Ancient rock burial chambers carved in the cliffs near Dalyan, with facades copied from Green Ionic Temples. All have been plundered; many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: rock tombs, Lycia, archeological sites, kings' tombs
 Turkey, Lycia, Kaunos: The ancient Graeco-Roman city of Kaunos lay on the border of Lycia and Karia and its inhabitants made a living from boat-building and the export of salt, slaves and amber. The city finally died when the harbour silted up and strangled communications. Here: view of the well-paved Necropolis Street from the east. 
 Keywords: Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, antique cities
 Turkey, Lycia, Kaunos: The ancient Graeco-Roman city of Kaunos lay on the border of Lycia and Karia and its inhabitants made a living from boat-building and the export of salt, slaves and amber. The city finally died when the harbour silted up and strangled communications. Here: entry arch to the well-preserved, late Roman baths (Therme), which were among the largest in Asia Minor. 
 Keywords: Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, antique cities, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Kaunos: The ancient Graeco-Roman city of Kaunos lay on the border of Lycia and Karia and its inhabitants made a living from boat-building and the export of salt, slaves and amber. The city finally died when the harbour silted up and strangled communications. Here: view of the silted-up inner harbour, from the former site of the ancient city. 
 Keywords: Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, antique cities
 Turkey, Lycia, Kaunos: The ancient Graeco-Roman city of Kaunos lay on the border of Lycia and Karia and its inhabitants made a living from boat-building and the export of salt, slaves and amber. The city finally died when the harbour silted up and strangled communications. Here: the completely silted-up harbour of the ancient city, the cause of its demise. 
 Keywords: Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, antique cities, Lycia
 Turkey, Lycia, Kaunos: The ancient Graeco-Roman city of Kaunos lay on the border of Lycia and Karia and its inhabitants made a living from boat-building and the export of salt, slaves and amber. The city finally died when the harbour silted up and strangled communications. Here: ruined storehouses. 
 Keywords: Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, Roman ruins, Greek ruins, antique cities, Lycia
 Cyprus, Paphos: One of the large caves/tombs hollowed out of Fabrica Hill in antiquity, and used by successive inhabitants since. 
 Keywords: cave dwellings, historical, archeology
 Romania, Northern Dobruja, Constanta: View of the History and Archeological Museum and Piata Ovidiu (Ovid Square), formerly the Greek agora, from the minaret of the Mahmudiye mosque.
 Romania, Northern Dobruja, Constanta: The History and Archeological Museum, and some of the collection of Roman sarcophagi displayed in the open air.
 Greece, Island of Nisyros: part of the ancient acropolis near Mandraki whose massive walls date from the fifth century BC, showing the remarkably accurately cut ashlars, using no mortar. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, archeology, Greek Orthodox Church, yachts, colourful, picturesque, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese, Helenic, Hellas, island hopping
 Greece, Island of Kos: view of the ruins of the Asklepieion from the top terrace (of three). Founded about the 5th century BC, it was here that Hippocrates practised his new theories of medical healing. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, archeology, Greek Orthodox Church, yachts, colourful, picturesque, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese, Helenic, Hellas, island hopping
 Macedonia, Skopje: devastated by earthquake on 26th July 1963, the capital city has been largely rebuilt. Here:a few kilometres from the present city centre lie the ruins of the Roman town of Skupi, antecedent of Skopje, which was completely wiped out by an earthquake in 518 AD. 
 Keywords: national heritage, Roman ruins, excavations, archeological site
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Solin: ruins of the ancient town of Salona, capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia, inhabited until 614 AD when it was taken by barbarians. Here: octagonal baptistery with the font reconstructed in brickwork. 
 Keywords: Roman ruins, Roman architecture, archeology, excavations, historic, national heritage
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Solin: ruins of the ancient town of Salona, capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia, inhabited until 614 AD when it was taken by barbarians. Here: part of the town's public baths (thermae). 
 Keywords: Roman ruins, Roman architecture, archeology, excavations, historic, national heritage
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Solin: ruins of the ancient town of Salona, capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia, inhabited until 614 AD when it was taken by barbarians. Remains of the town's first-century east gate, Porta Caesarea, with wagon wheel tracks in the paving clearly to be seen. 
 Keywords: Roman ruins, Roman architecture, archeology, excavations, historic, national heritage
 Tunisia, Dougga: the old Roman city of Thugga, the best preserved in north Africa, probably built on the site of an existing Numidian city about 105 BC. A UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. The Forum (Marketplace), laid out between 14 and 37 AD, was surrounded on three sides by a columned portico. In the foreground a commemorative tablet by the entrance. 
 Keywords: architecture, archeology, ruined city, historic, heritage, Maghreb
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: tiered stone seating in the Odeon, the concert and meeting hall, showing the orchestra and rear of the facade. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the "State Agora", with three arched doorways on the north side leading into the Odeon, the concert and meeting hall. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, towns of antiquity, excavations, archeology, Lycians, Graeco-Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman ruins, Roman ruins
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: the "State Agora" with retaining walls - the southern wall has collapsed into the valley. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman architecture, Lycians, archeology, excavations, towns of antiquity
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: stairway leading to the "State Agora" from the gymnasium and baths complex. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman architecture, Lycians, archeology, excavations, towns of antiquity
 Turkey, Lycia, Arykanda: The ancient city of Arykanda or Arykandos which may date back to the 20th century BC, disappeared from the map of the known world after the Graeco-Roman inhabitants left, until rediscovered by Charles Fellows in 1838. Since then many Graeco-Roman remains have come to light. Situated on the side of a steep, rocky hill, Arykanda was easy to defend, and required no extensive fortifications. Here: facade wall of the Graeco-Roman gymnasium and baths complex on a lower terrace. 
 Keywords: Greek ruins, Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman ruins, Graeco-Roman architecture, Lycians, archeology, excavations, towns of antiquity
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: a lintel stone with carved masks, removed from the theatre, with numerous rock tombs in the cliff behind. 
 Keywords: rock burials, excavations, archeology, Lycians, caves, Roman architecture
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: the vaulted entrance to the Roman amphitheatre, which was built into the cliff, adjacent to the rock tombs. 
 Keywords: rock burials, excavations, archeology, Lycians, caves, Roman architecture
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: general view of the rock tombs, with some standing as independent buildings. 
 Keywords: rock burials, Roman architecture, caves, Lycians, archeology, excavations
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: a closer view of a plundered tomb, showing the stone imitation-log roof used as decoration. 
 Keywords: rock burials, excavations, archeology, Lycians, caves, Roman architecture
 Turkey, Lycia, Myra: The ancient city of Myra, founded in the 5th century BC, was the leading city of Lycia. The principal interest today is the collection of rock tombs, built into the cliffs, with elaborate temple-like facades, dating from the 4th century BC. All the tombs have been plundered and many were used as dwellings in Byzantine times. Myra was a flourishing city under the Romans, as evidenced by the substantial Roman theatre. Here: general view of cliff where the majority of tombs are to be found. 
 Keywords: rock burials, excavations, archeology, Lycians, caves, Roman architecture
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena: The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: Mohamed, a young blond Turk on a Lycian stone sarcophagus whose lid represents an upturned boat. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, ruined fortress, sarcophagus, Byzantine fortifications, excavations, archeology
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena: The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: view of some of the ancient sarcophagi on the hill behind the village. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, archeology, excavations, Byzantine fortifications, sarcophagus, ruined fortress
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena: The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: view of the village from the jetty, ascending the hillside in terraces. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, ruined fortress, sarcophagus, Byzantine fortifications, excavations, archeology
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena: The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: the tiny harbour, with the dominating fortress behind. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, ruined fortress, sarcophagus, Byzantine fortifications, excavations, archeology
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena: The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: approaching the settlement from the sea, the visitor is met by traders in small boats. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, ruined fortress, sarcophagus, Byzantine fortifications, excavations, archeology
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Already settled in the 7th century BC, the ancient site of Patara became one of the leading Lycian cities under the Romans, thanks to its flourishing harbour. When the battle against the sand was finally lost and the harbour silted up about 800 years ago, the city was abandoned. In recent years significant Roman building works have been freed from the sand. Here: the almost perfectly preserved Arch of Metius Modestus (AD 100) used to guard the entrance to the city. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, cities of antiquity
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Already settled in the 7th century BC, the ancient site of Patara became one of the leading Lycian cities under the Romans, thanks to its flourishing harbour. When the battle against the sand was finally lost and the harbour silted up about 800 years ago, the city was abandoned. In recent years significant Roman building works have been freed from the sand. Here: this is believed to be the remains of a well known Roman lighthouse, mentioned a number of times in written histories. Reconstruction is planned. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, cities of antiquity
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Already settled in the 7th century BC, the ancient site of Patara became one of the leading Lycian cities under the Romans, thanks to its flourishing harbour. When the battle against the sand was finally lost and the harbour silted up about 800 years ago, the city was abandoned. In recent years significant Roman building works have been freed from the sand. Here: Partial view of the stage and orchestra of the well preserved Roman amphitheatre. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, cities of antiquity
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Already settled in the 7th century BC, the ancient site of Patara became one of the leading Lycian cities under the Romans, thanks to its flourishing harbour. When the battle against the sand was finally lost and the harbour silted up about 800 years ago, the city was abandoned. In recent years significant Roman building works have been freed from the sand. Here: Partial view of the seating rows of the well preserved Roman amphitheatre. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, cities of antiquity
 Turkey, Lycia, Patara: Ancient rock tombs, carved out of the cliffs by Lycians. The largest, the Tomb of Amyntas, in the style of a Greek Ionic temple, dates back to the 4th century BC. All have been plundered and many used as dwellings in Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: Roman remains, Roman architecture, Graeco-Roman remains, archeological excavations, cities of antiquity
 Cyprus, Vretsia: The remains of an abandoned stone water mill race not far from Vretsia with typical Cyprus winter landscape. 
 Keywords: industrial archeology
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: partially restored ruins of the palace of the Bulgarian rulers on Tsarevets Hill, originally extending to 6000 square metres. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological excavations, ruined fortifications, defence towers, battlements, fortifications, Bulgarian heritage, archeological site
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: view of the fortifications on the west side of Tsarevets Hill and the rock escarpments surrounding the town. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: view of the Assen Quarter, with its bridges over the River Yantra and numerous old churches. In the foreground stands the Church of the 40 Martyrs, currently under restoration (2005). 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: the sole entry to the fortified Tsarevets Hill, along a narrow ridge and through several fortified gateways. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Antique shops in Georgi C. Rakovski Street, built in the traditional Turkish style with tiled fronts. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: Georgi C. Rakovski Street, with its Turkish-style, tiled frontages, is now a pedestrian zone with many souvenir shops. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: houses in the old quarter of the town, perched in terraces on the lip of the gorge. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: monument to the Assen Brothers. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: the main north-south arterial road tunnels under the town. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here:Gurko Street, in the old quarter, with Gurko Hotel-Mechana (near the yellow taxi). 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: part of the town, showing the River Yantra, the main road, and the fortification wall. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: fortifications on Tsarevets Hill, with recently rebuilt Patriarchal Church on the summit. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: view of the town from the fortifications on Tsarevets Hill, with a defence tower and a surviving Ionic column in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological excavations, ruined fortifications, defence towers, battlements, fortifications, Bulgarian heritage, archeological site
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: "Execution Rock" ("Lobna skala") where condemned prisoners were forced to jump to their deaths. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: view of a fortified tower and wall, with remaining foundations of dwellings (right), and showing the rock escarpment which surrounds the town. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: the Assen Quarter (the oldest part of the town) and road bridge over the River Yantra, seen from the fortifications on Tsarevets Hill, with a reconstructed watch-tower in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgara: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: view of the Assen Quarter (the oldest part of the town) and the foot-bridge opver the River Yantra. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Varna, one of Europe's oldest cities, was founded as a trading colony of Greek Miletus in 570 BC, but the area has been settled for at least seven millennia. Under the Greeks and Romans it was known as Odessos. Now a thriving holiday resort on the Black Sea with a population of over 350,000. Here: ruins of the Roman baths (Thermae) built during the second century AD, and said to be the fourth largest Roman baths in Europe. 
 Keywords: Roman ruins, archeological site, archeological excavations
 Romania, N. Dobruja: Constanta, founded about 500 BC, was known in Greek and Roman times as "Tomis" or "Tomi". It is now Romania's chief port on the Black Sea, and a number of tourist resorts have been developed on the adjacent fine beaches. Here: the History and Archeological Museum displays important Roman statues and other remains found in the vicinity. Statue of the poet Publius Ovidius Naso (Ovid) (right) who was exiled to Constanta from 8 to 17 AD. 
 Keywords: Romanian architecture, monument
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: the Temple of Zeus, which stands on a prominence dominating the city, was built in about 165 AD, and has been badly damaged by earthquakes. It is under constant (French) restoration. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: top part of the stone stairway, leading through another gate, to the Temple of Artemis, whose columns are just visible. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, Gilead Hills, Gerasa, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: the well-preserved Nymphaeum on the Cardo Maximus, built about 191 AD, originally had a pool with fountains. a half-dome roof, and was faced with marble throughout. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, archeological site, Gilead Hills, Gerasa, national heritage, classical architecture, archeology, excavations, ruined city
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: remains of the monumental Propylaeum and stone stairway up to the Temple of Artemis, built 150-170 AD, and the most important temple in the city. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: part of the colonnaded street, the Cardo Maximus, with original paving still bearing the tracks of cart wheels and complete with sidewalk and drainage sewers. The Corinthian columns mark the entrance to the Macellum or market place. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Jerash: already settled in Neolithic times, Jerash was later occupied by Greeks and Romans, and the latter are responsible for most of the surviving architecture which dates from 64 BC. By the first/second century AD the town had a population of about 15-20,000 inhabitants and was known as "Gerasa".

This picture: the Triumphal Arch of Hadrian, built for the Emperor's visit in 129 AD, is under constant restoration. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, ruined city, excavations, archeology, classical architecture, national heritage, Gerasa, Gilead Hills, archeological site
 Jordan, Aqaba: the recently excavated "Egyptian Gate" of the old Islamic town of Ayla, predecessor of Aqaba, built about 650 AD: 
 Keywords: archeology, ruined town, Islamic ruins, national heritage, historic, excavations
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the Obelisk Tomb, built by the Nabataeans in the first century BC on top of an earlier building, the Bab as-Siq Triclinium (a dining room for feasts), which has badly weathered Doric columns. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: heavily weathered rock-hewn tombs, one above another, with colourful ceilings. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: colourful sandstone bands in the rocks above typical cave tombs, with a boy on a donkey in the foreground. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: a stretch of the Colonnaded Way with original paving, with the facades of the Royal Tombs in the distance. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: weathered tombs and colourful rocks in Wadi al-Deir, from the "path of 800 steps". 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the Hellenistic facade of Al-Deir ("The Monastery"), a remarkably well preserved Nabataean tomb, larger than the "Treasury", carved from the rock in the third century BC. Known as "The Monastery" due to subsequent use for Christian worship. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: visitors photographing the view from one of the look-out points above Al-Deir, where one can look over Wadi Araba towards Israel and Palestine. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Al-Deir ("The Monastery"), a remarkably well preserved Nabataean tomb, larger than the "Treasury", carved from the rock in the third century BC; the forecourt was originally surrounded by columns. The town of Wadi Musa is visible in the distance. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: rugged scenery from one of the look-out points above Al-Deir, where visitors can look over Wadi Araba towards Israel and Palestine. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Al-Deir ("The Monastery"), a remarkably well preserved Nabataean tomb, larger than the "Treasury", carved from the rock in the third century BC; the forecourt was originally surrounded by columns. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: two of the look-out points above Al-Deir, where visitors can look over Wadi Araba towards Israel and Palestine. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Wadi ad-Deir: the "path of 800 steps" leading down from Al-Deir ("The Monastery"). 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: cave tombs in the colourful rocks close to the museum. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the Temple of the Winged Lions: some of the heavily weathered reconstructed columns. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the Great Temple, built by the Nabataeans in the first century BC, viewed from the opposite side of the valley, from the Temple of the Winged Lions. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the Blue Church, so called for its four blue sandstone columns, was built by the Nabataeans using material from former buildings. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the Great Temple, built by the Nabataeans in the first century BC: view of the entire building from above, showing the lower temenos with its triple colonnade. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Qasr Al-Bint was probably the main temple of the Nabataeans, built about 30 BC, and one of the few free-standing buildings in Petra. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Temenos Gateway, built in the second century AD, marked the entrance to the sacred area of the temple, at the end of the colonnaded way. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the Great Temple, built by the Nabataeans in the first century BC, showing the well-preserved seats of the theatron, at the heart of the building. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the Great Temple, built by the Nabataeans in the first century BC: view of the lower temenos with its triple colonnade, from the theatron. Opposite: the ruins of the Temple of the Winged Lions: 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the "Silk" Tomb, although badly eroded, displays some remarkably coloured sandstone banding. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the "Urn" Tomb, one of the Royal Tombs, probably built about 70 AD for Nabataean King Malichos II or Aretas IV, is surmounted by a large urn: the lower vaults are a Byzantine addition. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: patterns of colour in the weathered sandstone of Wadi Musa. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: interior of one of the rock-hewn tombs with niches for 3 sarcophagi, showing the vivid bands of coloured sandstone in the roof. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the sandstone has weathered into fantastic forms near the Royal Tombs, like this natural cave where some of the bands of colour are visible. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the sandstone has weathered into fantastic forms near the Royal Tombs. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: the Theatre, built by the Nabataeans over 2000 years ago, was enlarged to a capacity of 8,500 persons by the Romans in the 2nd century AD, slicing through many rock tombs in the rear wall. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Wadi Musa, with coloured sandstone in the foreground and one of the Royal Tombs in the cliff on the right. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: "Street of Facades", a necropolis of Nabataean tombs with minimal decoration, hewn into the rock face. Some of these tombs have ziggurat-style bands of decoration. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: "Street of Facades", a necropolis of Nabataean tombs with minimal decoration, hewn into the rock face. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Nabataean tombs with "ziggurat" style facades, the much weathered sandstone showing bands of colour. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: "The Treasury" (Al-Khazneh), the Hellenistic facade of a tomb for the Nabataean King Aretas III, constructed circa 100-200 AD. In full sunshine, about 9 a.m. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: "The Treasury" (Al-Khazneh), the Hellenistic facade of a tomb for the Nabataean King Aretas III, constructed circa 100-200 AD. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Argentina, Tucumán: the ruins of a pre-Inca citadel of the Quilmes people, a branch of the Diaguita tribe, who resisted both Incas and Spaniards until forcibly relocated by the latter in 1667 to a reservation near Buenos Aires. The settlement comprised about 5000 persons. Restored in 1978. View from above showing the Calchaquies Valley behind. 
 Keywords: excavations, archeology, ruined settlement, indigenous people
 Argentina, Tucumán: the ruins of a pre-Inca citadel of the Quilmes people, a branch of the Diaguita tribe, who resisted both Incas and Spaniards until forcibly relocated by the latter in 1667 to a reservation near Buenos Aires. The settlement comprised about 5000 persons. Restored in 1978. View from the side showing surviving foundation walls. 
 Keywords: excavations, archeology, ruined settlement, indigenous people
 Argentina, Tucumán: the ruins of a pre-Inca citadel of the Quilmes people, a branch of the Diaguita tribe, who resisted both Incas and Spaniards until forcibly relocated by the latter in 1667 to a reservation near Buenos Aires. The settlement comprised about 5000 persons. Restored in 1978. View from above. 
 Keywords: excavations, archeology, ruined settlement, indigenous people
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The magnificent Arch of Septimius Severus built in 203 AD in the emperor's native town, is in a state of continual reconstruction. View from the south, showing the restored stone reliefs on the inside of the arches. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Bronze statue of Emperor Septimius Severus, a native of Leptis Magna, who ruled the empire from 193 to 211 AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Roman mausoleum in front of the museum. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The magnificent Arch of Septimius Severus built in 203 AD in the emperor's native town, is in a state of continual reconstruction. View from the north-west, looking along the Decumanus. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic, historical city
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

A row of stone column bases, with the re-erected columns on the top of the theatre cavea in the background. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The theatre is one of the oldest in the Roman world, dating from 1-2 AD. The stage was backed by a forest of graceful, fluted columns and statues, with entrances left, right and centre, added by Antoninus Pius between 138 and 161 AD.
A closer look at the columns backing the stage, all carefully reassembled from broken fragments. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic, historical city
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The theatre is one of the oldest in the Roman world, dating from 1-2 AD. The stage was backed by a forest of graceful, fluted columns and statues, with entrances left, right and centre, added by Antoninus Pius between 138 and 161 AD.
The left hand wing of the stage, with an inscription in Latin and Punic over the doorway. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

An impressive row of re-erected cipolin columns, mostly with capitals, part of the Post Scaenum Portico. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The theatre is one of the oldest in the Roman world, dating from 1-2 AD. The stage was backed by a forest of graceful, fluted columns and statues, with entrances left, right and centre, added by Antoninus Pius between 138 and 161 AD.
View from the top centre of the Cavea with the sea in the background. The VIPs sat on the first four rows, in front of the stone barrier. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The theatre is one of the oldest in the Roman world, dating from 1-2 AD. The stage was backed by a forest of graceful, fluted columns and statues, with entrances left, right and centre, added by Antoninus Pius between 138 and 161 AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Via Trionfale (Cardo) with the Arch of Trajan and the Arch of Tiberius. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The steps and remaining columns at the front of the Chalcidium, facing on to the Via Trionfale (Cardo). Inside was a colonnaded portico and temple to Augustus and Venus. Built in the first century AD by Augustus. The Arch of Trajan stands on the right. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

One of two octagonal market halls with stone counters for trading wares. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

A stone in the market, inscribed with linear measures:
 top: Roman/Punic arm (51.5cm.)
 middle: Roman/Alexandrine foot: (29.5cm.)
 bottom: Greek/Ptolemaic arm (52.5cm.) 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic, historical city
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Byzantine Gate on the Via Trionfale (Cardo) built by the Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The ruins of the Temple of Liber Pater and the Temple of Roma and Augustus adjacent to the Old Forum. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Stele, standing in the Old Forum, originally with bronze inlaid lettering. An abbreviated translation in Punic appears at the bottom. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The remains of the Old Forum, enclosed by three temples on the left and a basilica on the right, with an Italian archeologist taking notes. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Adjacent to the north-eastern side of the Forum stood the Basilica of Septimius Severus, 92 metres long by 40 metres wide, the nave lined by red granite columns, some of which are presently lying in the Forum. Carved limestone column in the apse showing a Bachanalian figure mounted on a lion, which is standing on a vase. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic, historical city
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Adjacent to the north-eastern side of the Forum stood the Basilica of Septimius Severus, 92 metres long by 40 metres wide, the nave lined by red granite columns, some of which are presently lying in the Forum. Carved limestone columns in the apse, with scenes ornamented with vines and bunches of grapes. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Adjacent to the north-eastern side of the Forum stood the Basilica of Septimius Severus, 92 metres long by 40 metres wide, the nave lined by red granite columns, some of which are presently lying in the Forum. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The New Forum of Septimius Severus, laid out during his reign (193-211 AD), originally surrounded by colonnaded porticoes, was ruined in the great earthquake of 365 AD.
One of the carved heads of Medusa which were mounted all round the interior of the Forum. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The New Forum of Septimius Severus, laid out during his reign (193-211 AD), originally surrounded by colonnaded porticoes, was ruined in the great earthquake of 365 AD. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The outer wall of the New Forum of Septimius Severus which he laid out between 193 and 211 AD to replace the old forum. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic, historical city
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Laconica (sweat bath) with columned surround in the enormous Baths of Hadrian, opened around 130 AD, soon after the city was provided with running water. The building was commissioned by the Emperor Hadrian. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Natatio (swimming pool and entrance hall) in front of the enormous Baths of Hadrian, opened around 130 AD, soon after the city was provided with running water. The building was commissioned by the Emperor Hadrian. The Palaestra is visible in the background. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The wall of the Frigidarium (the largest hall) of the enormous Baths of Hadrian, opened around 130 AD, soon after the city was provided with running water. The building was commissioned by the Emperor Hadrian. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic, historical city
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The columned Palaestra in front of the enormous Baths of Hadrian, opened around 130 AD, soon after the city was provided with running water. The building was commissioned by the Emperor Hadrian. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, historical city, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The magnificent Arch of Septimius Severus built in 203 AD in the emperor's native town, is in a state of continual reconstruction. Details of the fluted Corinthian columns with pediment and the carved floral decoration. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic, historical city
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The magnificent Arch of Septimius Severus built in 203 AD in the emperor's native town, is in a state of continual reconstruction. The Arch of Antoninus Pius is visible in the distance to the north-west along the Decumanus. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic, historical city
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Leptis Magna. The city was founded by Phoenician colonists about 1100 BC but became part of the Roman Empire when Carthage fell in the Third Punic War, in 146 BC. It became the largest and most prosperous city in Roman Africa. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The amphitheatre was built on a hillside about 3 kilometres from the centre, in the first century AD, and held about 16,000 spectators. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic, historical city
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its apogee under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982.

The stage of the well-preserved theatre, dating from 190 AD, with its three-tiered facade incorporating 108 fluted Corinthian columns, and finely carved semi-circular niches in the front of the stage. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, artistic, stone carving, archeological excavations, archeology, Maghreb, Punic architecture
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its apogee under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982.

The headless statue of Flavius Tullus on a fountain at the corner of the Antonine Temple. He was the commissioner of the aqueduct which supplied the city with its water. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic
 Libya, Tripolitania: ruins of the ancient city of Sabratha, founded about 500 BC as a Phoenician trading post, later being Romanised after Carthage fell to the Romans in the Third Punic War in 146 BC. It reached its apogee under the Emperor Septimius Severus in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, but was severely damaged in an earthquake in 365 AD. After the Arab conquest it lost all importance to Leptis Magna. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982.

An example of the inspired stone carving on a piece of fallen masonry, with the capital of a Corinthian column behind. 
 Keywords: Roman architecture, Punic architecture, Maghreb, archeology, archeological excavations, stone carving, artistic

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