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Travel (9 files)

 Poland, Warsaw: one of dozens of wall plaques all over the city, each marking the site of the execution of 50 hostages by the Nazis. Out of the original population of 1.3 million, 800,000 died, the rest being forcibly transported (1977) 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, memorial, tragedy, barbaric, victims, holocaust
 Cambodia, Phnom Penh: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, formerly Svey Prey High School which was taken over by the Khmer Rouge regime and used as Security Prison 21. More than 17,000 people were held here for torture and later murdered in the "killing fields". Memorial, surrounded by marble slabs inscribed with the names of the victims. 
 Keywords: capital city, Khmer, kingdom, Indo-China, orient, Buddhist, metropolis, Pol Pot, inhumanity, cruelty, victims, barbarity
 Cambodia, Phnom Penh: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, formerly Svey Prey High School which was taken over by the Khmer Rouge regime and used as Security Prison 21. More than 17,000 people were held here for torture and later murdered in the "killing fields". Memorial, surrounded by marble slabs inscribed with the names of the victims. 
 Keywords: capital city, Khmer, kingdom, Indo-China, orient, Buddhist, metropolis, Pol Pot, inhumanity, cruelty, victims, barbarity
 Cambodia, Phnom Penh: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, formerly Svey Prey High School which was taken over by the Khmer Rouge regime and used as Security Prison 21. More than 17,000 people were held here for torture and later murdered in the "killing fields". Historical photograph of the population being driven out of the city. 
 Keywords: capital city, Khmer, kingdom, Indo-China, orient, Buddhist, metropolis, Pol Pot, inhumanity, cruelty, victims, barbarity
 Cambodia, Phnom Penh: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, formerly Svey Prey High School which was taken over by the Khmer Rouge regime and used as Security Prison 21. More than 17,000 people were held here for torture and later murdered in the "killing fields". The 2nd floor, where the rooms were divided into tiny individual cells, 1-metre wide. 
 Keywords: capital city, Khmer, kingdom, Indo-China, orient, Buddhist, metropolis, Pol Pot, inhumanity, cruelty, victims, barbarity
 Cambodia, Phnom Penh: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, formerly Svey Prey High School which was taken over by the Khmer Rouge regime and used as Security Prison 21. More than 17,000 people were held here for torture and later murdered in the "killing fields". The courtyard contains 14 anonymous graves - bodies found after liberation. 
 Keywords: capital city, Khmer, kingdom, Indo-China, orient, Buddhist, metropolis, Pol Pot, inhumanity, cruelty, victims, barbarity
 Cambodia, Phnom Penh: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, formerly Svey Prey High School which was taken over by the Khmer Rouge regime and used as Security Prison 21. More than 17,000 people were held here for torture and later murdered in the "killing fields". The courtyard contains 14 anonymous graves - bodies found after liberation. 
 Keywords: capital city, Khmer, kingdom, Indo-China, orient, Buddhist, metropolis, Pol Pot, inhumanity, cruelty, victims, barbarity
 People's Republic of China, Jiangsu Province, Wuzhen, a historic village with wooden buildings dating from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, made prosperous by its former silk trade: tableau illustrating the stunted feet of a girl, victim of the former "foot binding" custom, in the local museum. 
 Keywords: architecture, Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, national heritage, Venice of the East, ancient, superstition, tradition, barbaric
 People's Republic of China, Jiangsu Province, Wuzhen, a historic village with wooden buildings dating from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, made prosperous by its former silk trade: tableau illustrating the former "foot binding" custom to stunt the growth of the feet of adolescent girls, in the local museum. 
 Keywords: architecture, Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, national heritage, Venice of the East, ancient, superstition, tradition, barbaric

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