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Travel (130 files)

 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (CorfuTown): the New Fortress (Neo Frourio) reflected in the pool of the modern fountain in Old Port Square. 
 Keywords: architecture, bastions, fortifications, Ionian Islands, sculpture
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): stone tablet mounted in the wall of the New Fortress (Neo Frourio) dated 1728 and surmounted by the winged lion of Venice. 
 Keywords: bastion, historic, Ionian Islands, latin inscription, stone carving
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): view of the two peaks in the Paleo Frourio (Old Fortress), the "Castel a Mare" and "Castel a Terra", with the classical church of St. George, built by the British, in the centre. 
 Keywords: bastion, fortifications, Ionian Islands, picturesque, Venetian
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): stone gateway to the New Fortress (Neo Frourio) dating from the 16th century, surmounted by the winged lion of Venice. 
 Keywords: bastion, doorway, entrance, Ionian Islands, stone-carving, Venetian
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): view from the New Fortress (Neo Frourio) across the old town to the Old Fortress (Paleo Frourio) with the belltower of Agios Spyridon on the left. 
 Keywords: bastion, Ionian Islands, panorama, picturesque, rooftops
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): view from the New Fortress (Neo Frourio) across the old town to the Old Fortress (Paleo Frourio) with the belltower of Agios Spyridon on the left. 
 Keywords: antirrhinum, bastion, Ionian Islands, panorama, picturesque, rooftops
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): view from the New Fortress (Neo Frourio) across the old town to the Old Fortress (Paleo Frourio) with the belltower of Agios Spyridon on the left. 
 Keywords: antirrhinum, bastion, Ionian Islands, panorama, picturesque, rooftops
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): view from the New Fortress (Neo Frourio) across the old town to the Old Fortress (Paleo Frourio) with the belltower of Agios Spyridon on the left. 
 Keywords: bastion, Ionian Islands, panorama, picturesque, rooftops
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): Castel a Terra with Venetian belltower and lighthouse in the Old Fortress (Paleo Frourio), showing the bridge over the moat (Contrafossa) and Venetian fortifications. 
 Keywords: architecture, bastion, colourful, Ionian Islands, picturesque
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): view of the two peaks in the Paleo Frourio (Old Fortress), the "Castel a Mare" and "Castel a Terra", with moored yachts in the foreground. 
 Keywords: bastion, fortifications, Ionian Islands, picturesque, Venetian
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): entrance gate to the bridge across the moat (Contrafossa) to the Paleo Frourio (Old Fortress). 
 Keywords: bastion, Castel a Terra, fort, Ionian Islands, picturesque
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): the Venetian belltower in the Paleo Frourio (Old Fortress), to which a clock was added under British rule. Old cannon in foreground. 
 Keywords: architecture, bastion, fortifications, Ionian Islands, picturesque
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): the Sideros Lighthouse (built 1828) on the summit of the "Castel a Terra", in the Paleo Frourio (Old Fortress). 
 Keywords: architecture, bastion, beacon, fort, Ionian Islands, picturesque
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): "Castel a Mare", the lower peak in the Paleo Frourio (Old Fortress), with Venetian fortifications which resisted three Ottoman sieges. 
 Keywords: architecture, bastion, fort, Ionian Islands, picturesque
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): "Castel a Mare", the lower peak in the Paleo Frourio (Old Fortress), with Venetian fortifications which resisted three Ottoman sieges. 
 Keywords: architecture, bastion, fort, Ionian Islands, picturesque
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): view of part of the Venetian New Fortress (Neo Frourio)(1645) from the Old Fortress (Paleo Frourio)(dating back to 6th century). 
 Keywords: architecture, bastion, fortifications, Ionian Islands, Venetian
 Greece, Island of Corfu, Kerkyra (Corfu town): water craft moored in the Contrafossa (former moat) of the Old Fortress (Paleo Frourio) 
 Keywords: bastion, colourful, fortifications, Ionian Islands, picturesque
 Germany, Bavaria, Wurzburg: inside the Marienberg Fortress: Echter or Michael's Gate in the Bastion (1605), built by Prince-Bishop Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn. The fortress was stormed by the Swedes in1631 and the 600-man garrison massacred. 
 Keywords: defence, Romantische Strasse, Romantic Road, historic, Franconia, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, architecture, fortifications
 Morocco, Asilah: ancient bastions built by the Portuguese in the15th century protect the town from the Atlantic swell. View from the beach in late afternoon. 
 Keywords: Africa, historic, picturesque, tradition, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb
 Morocco, El-Jadida, La Cité Portugaise: the fortified city of Mazagan, founded by the Portuguese in 1502, was the last Portuguese possession on the Atlantic coast to fall to the Alaouites in 1769. The latter then built the adjacent new town of El-Jadida ("the new"). 
View from the Angel Bastion, showing the 8-metre high walls. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, historic, fortress, fortifications, culture, national heritage
 Morocco, El-Jadida, La Cité Portugaise: the fortified city of Mazagan, founded by the Portuguese in 1502, was the last Portuguese possession on the Atlantic coast to fall to the Alaouites in 1769. The latter then built the adjacent new town of El-Jadida ("the new"). 
View from the Angel Bastion with cannon in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, historic, fortress, fortifications, culture, national heritage
 Morocco, El-Jadida, La Cité Portugaise: the fortified city of Mazagan, founded by the Portuguese in 1502, was the last Portuguese possession on the Atlantic coast to fall to the Alaouites in 1769. The latter then built the adjacent new town of El-Jadida ("the new"). 
Part of the peripheral walkway round the city walls, which are about 8 metres high and 10 metres thick on average, from the Angel Bastion. 
 Keywords: Africa, national heritage, culture, fortifications, fortress, historic, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, UNESCO
 Morocco, El-Jadida, La Cité Portugaise: the fortified city of Mazagan, founded by the Portuguese in 1502, was the last Portuguese possession on the Atlantic coast to fall to the Alaouites in 1769. The latter then built the adjacent new town of El-Jadida ("the new"). 
The Angel Bastion in the west is a sea defence. 
 Keywords: Africa, national heritage, culture, fortifications, fortress, historic, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, UNESCO
 Morocco, Essaouira: street scene with traders' stalls and customers in traditional dress, with the harbour bastion in the background. 
 Keywords: Africa, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, colourful
 Morocco, Essaouira: street traders offer a wide range of fruit. In the background tha harbour bastion is visible.. 
 Keywords: Africa, colourful, street scene, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim
 Morocco: Kasbah Taourirt, residence of Glaoui Pasha, built at the beginning of the 20th century, has appeared in a number of films. Souvenir hunters are also catered for. 
 Keywords: Africa, culture, architecture, picturesque, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, fortifications, bastions
 Morocco, Ouarzazate: Kasbah Taourirt, residence of Glaoui Pasha, built at the beginning of the 20th century, has appeared in a number of films. 
 Keywords: Africa, culture, architecture, picturesque, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, fortifications, bastions
 Morocco, Ouarzazate: Kasbah Taourirt, residence of Glaoui Pasha, built at the beginning of the 20th century, has appeared in a number of films. 
 Keywords: Africa, bastions, fortifications, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, picturesque, architecture, culture
 Germany, Bavaria, Swabia, Harburg: the castle of Harburg, dating back to before 1150, is one of the largest and best-preserved in southern Germany. View of the keep/watchtower, the oldest part of the fortress, with a bastion in the foreground. 
 Keywords: picturesque, colourful, historic, heritage, mediaeval, culture, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse, architecture, fortress, fortification, defence
 Uzbekistan, Province Khorezm, Khiva, a walled, desert city founded about the beginning of the millennium: the mighty, fortified city wall and bastions of the Ichan Kala. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO, defence, castellations, crenelations
 Uzbekistan, Province Khorezm, Khiva, a walled, desert city founded about the beginning of the millennium: the mighty, fortified city wall and bastions of the Ichan Kala. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO, defence, castellations, crenelations
 Uzbekistan, Province Khorezm, Khiva, a walled, desert city founded about the beginning of the millennium: the mighty, fortified city wall and bastions of the Ichan Kala. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO, defence, castellations, crenelations
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: the massive walls of the mediaeval city, built by the Knights of St. John in the 14th century, up to 12 metres thick. The Bastion del Carretto or Italian Tower, built 1515-17 in the "Tongue" of Provence. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, mediaeval, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, fortifications, defence
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: the massive walls of the mediaeval city, built by the Knights of St. John in the 14th century, up to 12 metres thick. Tower of the Virgin Mary and its bastion in the south-west corner of the old city. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, fortifications, defence
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: the massive walls of the mediaeval city, built by the Knights of St. John in the 14th century, up to 12 metres thick. The Bastion of St George, with piles of Ottoman cannonballs in the moat. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, landscape, mediaeval, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, fortifications, defence
 Poland, Cracow: Wawel bastion from the east - Stradom 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, picturesque, culture, historic, colourful, mediaeval, medieval, heritage
 Czechoslovakia, Brno: the Church of Saints Peter and Paul overlooks the town from its position on the bastions. 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, picturesque, culture, historic, mediaeval, medieval, heritage, Slovakia, Brünn, Moravia
 Hungary, Budapest: view of the River Danube, Margaret Island, Margaret Bridge and the House of Parliament, from the Fishermen's Bastion, Buda. 
 Keywords: traditional, architecture, capital city, metropolis, culture, historic , heritage, panorama
 Hungary, Budapest: little stone hussar on the Fishermen's Bastion. 
 Keywords: traditional, architecture, capital city, metropolis, culture, historic , heritage, sculpture, statue, stone carving
 Hungary, Budapest: Fishermen's Bastion (architect: Frigyes Schulek, 1902) with the coloured tiled roof of St. Matthew's Church (1470) in the background. 
 Keywords: picturesque, traditional, architecture, capital city, metropolis, culture, historic , heritage, white marble, towers
 Hungary, Budapest: equestrian statue of Stephen I, first king of Hungary, with the Fishermen's Bastion behind, also in white marble. 
 Keywords: picturesque, traditional, architecture, capital city, metropolis, culture, historic , heritage
 Austria, Salzkammergut, Salzburg: view of the Cathedral, St Peter's Church and Hohensalzburg Fortress with the River Salzach in the foreground, from the Hettwer Bastion on the Mount of the Capuchins. 
 Keywords: picturesque, panorama, rooftops, Mozart, music festival, historic, heritage, architecture, Rudolfskai
 Austria, Salzkammergut, Salzburg: view of the Cathedral and Hohensalzburg Fortress with the River Salzach in the foreground, from the Hettwer Bastion on the Mount of the Capuchins. 
 Keywords: picturesque, panorama, rooftops, Mozart, music festival, historic, heritage, architecture
 Germany, Bavaria, Wurzburg: inside the Marienberg Fortress: Echter Gate in the Bastion (1605), built by Prince-Bishop Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn. The fortress was stormed by the Swedes in1631 and the 600-man garrison massacred. 
 Keywords: defence, fortifications, architecture, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval, Würzburg, Franconia, historic, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse
 Germany, Bavaria, Rothenburg ob der Tauber: in the central court of the Hospital Bastion, built by Leonhard Weidmann. 
 Keywords: defence, fortifications, architecture, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval, Franconia, timber-frame, wattle and daub, gables, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse
 Germany, Bavaria, Rothenburg ob der Tauber: wooden pedestrian bridge over the moat, next to the Hospital-Bastion-Gate. 
 Keywords: architecture, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval, Franconia, timber-frame, wattle and daub, gables, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse
 Germany, Bavaria, Rothenburg ob der Tauber: Hospital Bastion, with 7 gates, portcullis, drawbridge and rampart! (built by Leonhard Weidmann in the 16th century). 
 Keywords: defence, fortifications, architecture, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval, Franconia, timber-frame, wattle and daub, gables, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse
 Romania. Transylvania, Sighisoara: view of the fortress tower, 64 metres high, built in the 14th century, from one of the bastions. 
 Keywords: mediaeval, Saxon Land, defence, fortifications, architecture, national heritage, picturesque, Siebenbürgen, Schaessburg
 Romania. Transylvania, Sibiu: a section of the town wall and bastion, showing the wooden gallery for defenders. 
 Keywords: mediaeval, Siebenbürgen, picturesque, national heritage, architecture, fortifications, defence, Hermannstadt, Saxon Land
 Romania, Southern Bucovina, Sucevita: defensive walls and corner bastions of Sucevita Monastery. 
 Keywords: countryside, green hills, scenery, rustical, mediaeval, fortifications, defence
 Cyprus (North), Gazimagusa/Famagusta: view of the harbour from the Canbulat Bastion. 
 Keywords: Gazimagusa, dry dock, ship repair
 Cyprus (North), Gazimagusa/Famagusta: carpet of colourful flowering succulents (Lampranthus roseus) on the city walls; view towards the Canbulet Bastion. 
 Keywords: Gazimagusa, botany, Mediterranean flora
 Cyprus (North), Gazimagusa/Famagusta: south wall of the city from the Rivettina Bastion, with the crumbling tower blocks of the Greek "ghost city" of Varosha in the distance (right). 
 Keywords: Gazimagusa
 Cyprus (North), Girne/Kyrenia Castle, built by the Byzantines on a Roman site, and extended by the Lusignans and then the Venetians, the castle has never been taken by force due to its massive defences. View of the south-east bastion with the ancient harbour in the foreground. 
 Keywords: fortress, fort, fortified castle, crenellations, Girne
 Cyprus (North), Girne/Kyrenia Castle, built by the Byzantines on a Roman site, and extended by the Lusignans and then the Venetians, the castle has never been taken by force due to its massive defences. Here: roof of the Byzantine chapel of St. George, squeezed between the Byzantine bastion and the newer Venetian bastion of the castle. 
 Keywords: fortress, crenellations, fortified castle, fort
 Cyprus (North), Girne/Kyrenia: harbour view with north-west bastion of the castle. 
 Keywords: Girne, port, sailing boats, fishing boats
 Island of Crete, Harnia: view of the town and Kastelli Hill from the Schiavo Bastion on the town wall. 
 Keywords: architecture, houses, dwellings, panorana
 Slovakia, Kremnica: the 12-metre-high defence walls of the town, complete with bastions, were built in the early 14th century. 
 Keywords: architecture, fortifications, defence, Kremnitz, national heritage, picturesque, historic
 Italy, Apulia, Leuca: harbour at Morciano di Leuca with defence tower and diving launch. 
 Keywords: fishing boats, bastion, quay , jetty
 France, Périgord: south-west bastion tower and dry moat of Chateau de Losse, dating back to 1576, with the substantial gatehouse behind. 
 Keywords: Dordogne, picturesque, national heritage, architecture, Neanderthal, stone-age man, cave dwellings, historic, mediaeval, Cro-Magnon, fortifications
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View showing all three levels of the walls, one above the other. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Saksaq Waman, Cuzco, Qosqo, La Ciudad Imperial, The Imperial City, Historical Capital of Peru, colonial architecture, architecture
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of Chuquipampa levelled area. Used by the Spanish as a stone quarry for hundreds of years. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of a precisely built doorway, tapered towards the top in order to resist (successfully!) earthquakes. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of the steps, leading up to the passage between two of the parallel walls. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of a relatively intact portion of the lower wall. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of the monolithic corner stones. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Saksaq Waman, Cuzco, Qosqo, La Ciudad Imperial, The Imperial City, Historical Capital of Peru, colonial architecture, architecture
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of the stones comprising the lower wall. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of the walls from the flat, flower-strewn, central area. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Albania, Durres: a 14th century Venetian tower or bastion enhances the Byzantine city walls. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, fortifications, architecture
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium.
The massive Kampana Bastion and the town's north wall, with Mount Lovcen and Castel St. John, an Illyrian fort, in the background. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium.
The Sea Gate, West Gate (1555) and Duke's (Providur's) Palace above it, from the Riva. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium.
the Gurdic Bastion and the South Gate, which has three doors, from the 13th, 17th, and 18th centuries. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium.
a street in the old town (Stari Grad), overlooked by Mount Lovcen and Castel St. John, an Illyrian fort. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium.
View of the Gulf of Kotor, surrounded by precipitous mountains, and the new town. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium.
View of the Gulf of Kotor with part of the old town (Stari Grad) and part of the Castel St. John, an Illyrian fort (260 metres high). 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium.
Bird's eye view of the complete harbour from the Castel St. John, an Illyrian fort (260 metres high). 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium.
View of the Gulf of Kotor and flag of Montenegro from Castel St. John, an Illyrian fort, (260 metres high). 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port, Yugoslavia
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium.
View of the old town (Stari Grad) and jetty from the Church of Our Lady of Remedy. 
 Keywords: picturesque, panorama, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium.
Part view of the old town (Stari Grad) and jetty, from the Roko fortification. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: the wooded island of Lokrum, seen over the rooftops from Fort Minceta. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: the wooded island of Lokrum, seen over the rooftops of the city. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: the Belltower on Placa, as seen from the city walls over the Pile Gate. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: the main street, Placa (or Stradun) with the belltower at the end, and the Franciscan Monastery on the left. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: Big Onofrio's Fountain, designed by Onofrio della Casa in 1438, near Pile Gate. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, impregnable, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port, Yugoslavia
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: Fort Minceta and the north-west city wall with the Pile Gate and some of the museum exhibits in the foreground. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, impregnable, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port, Yugoslavia
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: restaurant in the forrmer cloisters of the Convent of St. Claire, founded in 1290. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, impregnable, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port, Yugoslavia
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: part of the south wall standing on precipitate cliffs above the sea. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: Fort Minceta and the entrance to the city walls, with the Franciscan Monastery in the foreground. 
 Keywords: picturesque, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: old roofs and new! 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, impregnable, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port, Yugoslavia
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: the triangular-shaped Fort Lovrijenac (11th century)(left, perched on its rock) and Fort Bokar (right, part of the city walls).) 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: close-up view of a speed boat and passengers, from the walls of the city. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: part of Fort St. John, with a view of the coast to the south, and speed boat. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: a section of the south wall, and seascape. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: the mighty Fort Bokar, the city wall, and sunbathers on the rocks outside the walls. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, impregnable, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port, Yugoslavia
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: view of Fort Minceta and north wall over the (mostly new) rooftops of the city. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: the harbour with Fort Revelin and the Ploce Gate, from Fort St. John. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: the harbour and quay with the Dominican Monastery, from the city walls. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, impregnable, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port, Yugoslavia
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: musician in traditional costume playing the tambura by Onofrio's Fountain. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, impregnable, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port, Yugoslavia
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: Romanesque columns and courtyard in the cloister of the Franciscan Monastery. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: a variety of carved stone column capitals in the Romanesque cloister of the Franciscan Monastery. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: view of the city's mighty north wall and bastions, from Fort Minceta. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: Fort Minceta and the city walls from Pile Gate, with palm trees and Oleanders in bloom. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: Orlando's Column (= Roland) has stood for centuries in Placa and is regarded as a symbol of Dubrovnik's freedom. 
 Keywords: picturesque, statue, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: the Small Onofrio's Fountain, provides fresh water from the Dubrovnik River (designed by Onofrio della Casa in 1438). 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: view along the main street, Placa (or Stradun) with belltower and marble paving, polished by the feet of innumerable residents and visitors. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: view down on the city, with harbour and fortifications, from the coast road. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Yugoslavia, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Malta, Valletta: Sunday market under the St. James Bastion.
 Malta, Valletta: St Paul's Anglican Cathedral and the San Sebastian Bastion.
 Malta, Valletta: Part of the mighty St. Michael's and St. Andrew's Bastions.
 Malta, Valletta: Grand Harbour, from St. Barbara Bastion, with flowering shrub in the foreground.
 Malta, Valletta: Central Bank of Malta building on St. James' Bastion.
 Germany, Sachsen-Anhalt, Naumburg: founded before 1000 AD, Naumburg has retained its historic character: the "Landskrone" bastion on the south-east corner of the town's fortified defence wall. 
 Keywords: German architecture, historic town, picturesque, old buildings, gables, Sachsen-Anhalt
 Hungary, Budapest: view of the Parliament Building and River Danube through the arches of the Fisherman's Bastion. 
 Keywords: Magyar, architecture, Danube, cityscape, capital city, metropolis
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium. The massive bastion (Kampana Tower and Citadel) and wall on the north side of the old town (Stari Grad) flanking the River Skurda, date back to the 13th century. 
 Keywords: picturesque, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium. High above the town, the 17th century church of Our Lady of the Remedy (Crkva Gospa od zdravlja) commands a fine view of the Gulf of Kotor. 
 Keywords: picturesque, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium. Bird's eye view of the jetty and part of the old town (Stari Grad), from Castel St. John, 260 metres above the city. 
 Keywords: picturesque, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium. View of the promenade and gulf from the Castel St. John, an Illyrian fort 260 metres above the city; with Two-tailed Pasha butterfly (Charaxes jasius) near the Montenegro flag. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium. View of the gulf from the Roko fortification showing the old water conduits which fed the cisterns. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium. The recently completed promenade, planted with ornamental trees, and jetty for small craft. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium. View of the old town (Stari Grad) at the foot of Mount Lovcen. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port
 Montenegro: Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has a history going back to Roman times when it was known as Acruvium. View of the town on the Gulf of Kotor (Boka Kotoska), surrounded by precipitous mountains, from the Cetinje road. 
 Keywords: picturesque, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: the wooded island of Lokrum, seen over the (mostly new) rooftops of the city. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, impregnable, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port, panorama
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: Fort Lovrijenac (left), with walls up to 12 metres thick, was built in the 11th century, and now hosts stage plays. On the right, part of the bastion Fort Bokar. 
 Keywords: picturesque, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: sunbathers on the rocks outside the city walls. 
 Keywords: picturesque, port, historic city, bastions, ramparts, impregnable, fortifications, fortress, national heritage, mediaeval
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Dubrovnik: view of the city from the coast road, with the harbour, St. John Fort, and the city ramparts. 
 Keywords: picturesque, mediaeval, national heritage, fortress, fortifications, impregnable, ramparts, bastions, historic city, port
 Malta, Valletta: Grand Harbour and Vittoriosa/Birgu, with Fort St. Angelo and cruise liner, from St. Barbara Bastion.
 Cyprus, Nicosia/Lefkosa: Liberty Monument, unveiled in 1973 on the Podocataro Bastion, comprising figures of 14 Greek Cypriots being released from a white marble jail by two soldiers.
 Cyprus, Nicosia/Lefkosa: gardens and bastion near the Famagusta Gate
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Saksaq Waman, Cuzco, Qosqo, La Ciudad Imperial, The Imperial City, Historical Capital of Peru, colonial architecture, architecture
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Saksaq Waman, Cuzco, Qosqo, La Ciudad Imperial, The Imperial City, Historical Capital of Peru, colonial architecture, architecture

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