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Travel (26 files)

 Republic of San Marino: founded on 3rd September 301 AD, San Marino claims to be the oldest sovereign state still extant. The highest tower of the Guaita Fortress which dates from the 11th century, but much modified. It houses a museum of cannons and field guns. The fortress stands on Mount Titano (756 metres). 
 Keywords: enclave, micro-state, UNESCO, picturesque, historic, architecture, mediaeval, battlements, crenellations, fortifications
 Republic of San Marino: founded on 3rd September 301 AD, San Marino claims to be the oldest sovereign state still extant. The Guaita Fortress, dating from the 11th century, but much modified. It houses a museum of cannons and field guns. The fortress stands on Mount Titano (756 metres). 
 Keywords: enclave, micro-state, UNESCO, picturesque, historic, architecture, mediaeval, battlements, crenellations, fortifications
 Republic of San Marino: founded on 3rd September 301 AD, San Marino claims to be the oldest sovereign state still extant. View over the walls of the Guaita Fortress with the battlemented Town Hall visible to the right, below. The fortress stands on Mount Titano (756 metres). 
 Keywords: enclave, micro-state, UNESCO, picturesque, historic, architecture, mediaeval
 India, Agra: Fatehpur Sikri was to become the new capital of the Moghul Empire as ordained by Emperor Akbar. It was completed in 1570 but suddenly abandoned in 1586.
Here, a local daredevil leaping from the battlements into a 10-foot-deep pool of water. 
 Keywords: stunt man, reckless, foolhardy, overdaring
 Germany, Bavaria, Upper Franconia: the Veste Coburg dates back to the 11th century and is one of Germany's largest castles, latterly the seat of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Chapel used by Martin Luther in 1530 (rebuilt in Gothic style in 1847). The end gable of the Ducal Residence Building (Furstenbau). Cannons on the battlements. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval, historic, fortress, defence, fortifications, architecture
 Cornwall: cannons on the castle battlements of St. Michael's Mount. 
 Keywords: estate, manor house, heritage, picturesque, culture, historic, landscape garden, park, ancestral home
 Cornwall: Marazion, from the battlements of the castle on St. Michael's Mount. 
 Keywords: architecture, estate, ancestral home, park, landscape garden, historic, culture, picturesque, heritage
 Jordan, Al-Karak: the Crusader castle built by Baldwin I of Jerusalem in 1142 AD, which was beseiged and taken by Saladin in 1183. View from the battlements of the surrounding countryside and cultivated fields. 
 Keywords: picturesque, fortress, fortifications, defensive, historic, national heritage, Islamic, Muslim, desert
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: partially restored ruins of the palace of the Bulgarian rulers on Tsarevets Hill, originally extending to 6000 square metres. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological excavations, ruined fortifications, defence towers, battlements, fortifications, Bulgarian heritage, archeological site
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: view of the fortifications on the west side of Tsarevets Hill and the rock escarpments surrounding the town. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: view of the Assen Quarter, with its bridges over the River Yantra and numerous old churches. In the foreground stands the Church of the 40 Martyrs, currently under restoration (2005). 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: the sole entry to the fortified Tsarevets Hill, along a narrow ridge and through several fortified gateways. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Antique shops in Georgi C. Rakovski Street, built in the traditional Turkish style with tiled fronts. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: Georgi C. Rakovski Street, with its Turkish-style, tiled frontages, is now a pedestrian zone with many souvenir shops. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: houses in the old quarter of the town, perched in terraces on the lip of the gorge. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: monument to the Assen Brothers. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: the main north-south arterial road tunnels under the town. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here:Gurko Street, in the old quarter, with Gurko Hotel-Mechana (near the yellow taxi). 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: part of the town, showing the River Yantra, the main road, and the fortification wall. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: fortifications on Tsarevets Hill, with recently rebuilt Patriarchal Church on the summit. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: view of the town from the fortifications on Tsarevets Hill, with a defence tower and a surviving Ionic column in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological excavations, ruined fortifications, defence towers, battlements, fortifications, Bulgarian heritage, archeological site
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: "Execution Rock" ("Lobna skala") where condemned prisoners were forced to jump to their deaths. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: view of a fortified tower and wall, with remaining foundations of dwellings (right), and showing the rock escarpment which surrounds the town. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: the Assen Quarter (the oldest part of the town) and road bridge over the River Yantra, seen from the fortifications on Tsarevets Hill, with a reconstructed watch-tower in the foreground. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 Bulgara: Veliko Tarnovo, situated on a rocky hill within a loop of the River Yantra, was the first capital of Bulgaria from 1187, after the foundation of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393) by the Assen Brothers, Peter and Ivan. The site was previously occupied by the Thracians and then the Romans before the Bulgarians came in the 12 th century. Here: view of the Assen Quarter (the oldest part of the town) and the foot-bridge opver the River Yantra. 
 Keywords: historical site, archeological site, Bulgarian heritage, fortifications, battlements, defence towers, ruined fortifications, archeological excavations
 France, Périgord: the square keep (donjon) of Chateau Castelnaud with the entrance below, and surrounding countryside. 
 Keywords: historic, defence, battlements, mediaeval, fortifications, national heritage, Dordogne, castle, countryside, wooded countryside

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