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Travel (11 files)

 Chile, Puerto Natales: shrine to Difunta Correa. According to legend, she died of thirst in the desert whilst seeking her husband. Her baby survived until discovered, being suckled on her breast. Roadside shrines have appeared all over Argentina and Chile, where bottles of water are left as votive offerings. 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The Sailors' Monument in Torgallmenningen Place was conceived by sculptor Dyre Vaa and unveiled in 1950. The twelve statues commemorate Norwegian sailors since Viking times. In front, a "wine-bottle musician" is giving a recital. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, picturesque, historic, heritage, mediaeval, Hanseatic, commerce, mercantile, architecture, panorama, port
 Turkey, Province of Mugla, Bodrum (formerly Halikarnassos): dog, carrying its own bottle of water. 
 Keywords: innovation, intelligence, animal tricks, clever pet, canny canine
 England, Birmingham: a well-stocked bar with a variety of beers and spirits on display. 
 Keywords: public house, beer bottles, whisky bottles, liqueur bottles, bar display
 U.S.A., Florida, Key West: wall built with glass bottles, on the corner of Margaret Street and Angela Street. 
 Keywords: unusual, colourful, economical, curiosity
 U.S.A., Florida, Key West: wall built with glass bottles, on the corner of Margaret Street and Angela Street. 
 Keywords: unusual, colourful, economical, curiosity
 U.S.A., Florida, Key West: wall built with glass bottles, on the corner of Margaret Street and Angela Street. 
 Keywords: unusual, colourful, economical, curiosity
 Cornwall: sunshine on liquor bottles. 
 Keywords: historic, alcohol, drinking, heritage, picturesque, culture
 Iraq, Bashiqa: the local aniseed liqueur "Arrak", can be purchased in a variety of bottles. 
 Keywords: Mesopotamia, shop, selling, alcoholic, beverage, drink, Islam, Muslim
 Costa Rica: The great cola crash! Dozens of broken soft drink bottles lying smashed in the roadway, after falling off a truck. 
 Keywords: broken bottles, broken glass, insecure loading of trucks, cornering too fast, road hazard, soft drink disaster, bottler's nightmare
 Belgium, Bruges: Procession of the Holy Blood on Ascension Day: Count Derrick on horseback carrying the holy relic: drops of Christ's blood in a rock crystal bottle within a glass cylinder. 
 Keywords: Brügge, tradition, architecture, heritage, mediaeval, historic, Catholic, Christian, church

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