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Travel (43 files)

 Myanmar, Mandalay: Vessantara Jakata - intricate gilded carvings in front of the shrine of Shwenandaw Kyaung illustrating the story of King Vessantara, one of the incarnations of Buddha. It is central to the celebrations of Thet Mahachat in Theravada Buddhism. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: Maha Wizaya Paya, built 1980 under General Ne Win, to celebrate the unification of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: Maha Wizaya Paya, built 1980 under General Ne Win, to celebrate the unification of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Mongolia, Dundgov Aimag (Province): a small grazing herd of Bactrian Camels in the Gobi Desert. 
 Keywords: Mongol, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia, Buddhist, Buddhism
 Mongolia, Dundgov Aimag (Province): Rotel bus at speed, creating a dust cloud on the steppe. 
 Keywords: Mongol, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia, Buddhist, Buddhism
 Mongolia, Dundgov Aimag (Province): Ongiin Khiid (Monastery), actually consists of two Buddhist monasteries, both laid waste by the Communists in the 1930s. Most of the buildings were built of mud bricks which have largely weathered away. A small group of monks began rebuilding a temple in 2004 and is dependent on donations for further restorations.
This picture: a surviving marble stupa, with the rebuilt temple and a museum/shop ger in the background. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: visit from a ger (yurt) owner and his daughter. 
 Keywords: Mongol, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia, Buddhist, Buddhism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: the remains of a bronze age burial site, one of many. 
 Keywords: Mongol, archeological, archeology, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Rotel bus parked for the night at a "wildernis site" by the Orkhol River. Picturesque landscape and skyscape. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Rotel bus parked for the night at a "wildernis site" by the Orkhol River. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Rotel bus parked for the night at a "wildernis site" by the Orkhol River. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: landscape with the Orkhon River in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Mongol, picturesque, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: a typical "multi-track" route across the steppe. After heavy rain all the tracks may be impassable for wheeled traffic. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: a group of yaks. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) is not uncommon in the park. 
 Keywords: Mongol, alpine flowers, botanical, botany, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia, Buddhist, Buddhism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: a mare with foal near the Orkhon Waterfall. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon). A picturesque view of the river above the waterfall. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon). The river flows through a gorge with pine trees after the waterfall. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon). Orkhon Khürkhree (Orkhon Waterfall) drops 20 metres abruptly into a gorge. An attraction for tourists, although it is likely to be dry for about 10 months of the year. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon). Orkhon Khürkhree (Orkhon Waterfall) drops 20 metres abruptly into a gorge. An attraction for tourists, although it is likely to be dry for about 10 months of the year. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon). Visitors arriving at the gorge to see the waterfall. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon). A flock of goats drinking at the river on a deep valley floor. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon). Here the river flows along the bottom of an escarpment where a few trees manage to thrive. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon), with the river and leaves of Iris lactea in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon). Young Great Crested Grebes (Podiceps cristatus) scurrying for cover. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon), with shamanistic "ovoo" and blue cloth offerings. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon). 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Khangai Nuruu National Park: Orkhon Khöndii (Valley of the River Orkhon). 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: two of the newer Buddhist temples. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: Buddhist monks leaving the monastery. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: the Tibetan-style Lavrin Süm, where a Dalai Lama lived during his last visit. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism, Buddhist, Buddhism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: the courtyard in front of the three original temples. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: a newer Buddhist temple in the grounds. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: the three surviving original temples, dedicated to Buddha's childhood, adolescence and adulthood. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: a small temple and the handsome Golden Prayer Stupa (1799), in the grounds. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: souvenir stalls outside the north-west gate, with grazing goats. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: one of two surviving stone turtles, four of which originally marked the four gates of ancient Karakoram. Little else is visible of the ancient city. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism, Buddhist, Buddhism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: one of two surviving stone turtles, four of which originally marked the four gates of ancient Karakoram. Little else is visible of the ancient city. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism, Buddhist, Buddhism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: the massive boundary wall with some of its 108 stupas. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Australia, Northern Territory, Darwin: the colourful Chinese Temple, rebuilt after Cyclone Tracy. 
 Keywords: tropical, worship, Buddhism
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: one of the three remaining temples in the grounds, dedicated to the childhood of Buddha. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism, Buddhist
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: a row of prayer wheels in the grounds. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Buddhism, Buddhist, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Övörkhangai Aimag (Province), Kharkhorin, formerly Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Khiid (Monastery) is Mongolia's oldest monastery, founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan. It contained up to 100 temples within its walls as well as numerous gers. Perhaps 1000 monks were in residence at its peak. With the exception of three temples, the monastery was laid waste in the Stalinist purges of 1937, and the monks dispersed or killed. Since 1990 it has resumed its religious role.
This picture: the Golden Prayer Stupa (1799) surmounted by the flame symbol, in the grounds. 
 Keywords: Mongol, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism, Buddhist, Buddhism

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