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Travel (254 files)

 Myanmar, Yangon: aerial view of the Aung Zeya Suspension Bridge over the Hlaing River. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Bagan: part of a typical rural Burmese village on the road to Bagan. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: part of a typical rural Burmese village on the road to Bagan. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: view of Mount Popa (737 metres above Bagan Plain) from the flower-seller's stall. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: monkey relaxing on Mount Popa, with a temple below in the background. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: portrait of one of the monkeys on Mount Popa. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: one of the "Nat" shrines, with some of the 37 Nat principals, on Mount Popa. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: view of the access road to Mount Popa, with village at the foot of the hill. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: one of the principal "Nat" (Spirit) figures, worshipped on Mount Popa. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: hilly landscape with zedi behind Mount Popa, with monkeys in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: a group of "Nat" spirits, worshipped on Mount Popa. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: the free-ranging monkeys on Mount Popa are always hungry. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: shrines on the top of Mount Popa (Sanscrit = "flower"), 737 metres above Bagan Plain. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: sunset on Bagan Plain. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: sunset on Bagan Plain. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: sunset on Bagan Plain. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Upali Thein, on the North Plain of Bagan, is a mid-13th century ordination hall and houses some brightly painted frescoes. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: a pair of bearers with a gong, in the grounds of Alo-pyi Paya on the North Plain of Bagan. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: the Wetkyi-In-Gubyaukgyi Temple dates from the 13th century and contains some fine frescoes of scenes from the Jataka. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: woodcarving is a speciality of the Bagan area. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: some of the pavilions and temples, old and new, on the terrace of Shwezigon Paya at Nyaung U. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: some of the gilded pavilions on the terrace of Shwezigon Playa, at Nyaung U. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: the figure of Thagyamin, King of the 37 Nats (Spirits), in a pavilion of Shwezigon Paya, at Nyaung U. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: the magnificent Shwezigon Paya at Nyaung U was bult in the 11th century during the reign of King Anawrahta. It served as the prototype for virtually all of the later stupas in Myanmar. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, golden, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: the "hti" (umbrella) of Shwezigon Paya, near Nyaung U, is adorned with numerous bells. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: demolished in the 1975 earthquake, this reconstruction of Bupaya Stupa is completely gilded. The original probably dated back to about 850. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Mahabodhi Temple was built by King Zeyatheinkha in 1215 using the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India, as a model. It has 465 Buddha figures in the niches in the Indian-style tower. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: Pitaka Taik (Library) built by King Anawrahta in 1058 to house scriptures pillaged from Thaton. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: Shwegugyi Paya, built by King Alaungsithu in 1131, contains some fine stucco mouldings. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Pyu-influenced Pahtothamya, probably built about the beginning of the 12th century. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: a pair of chinthe (half lion, half dragon mythical beasts) guarding the stairway to Mimalaung Kyaung (Monastery), constructed in 1174 by Narapatisithu. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: a completely new-build paya in Old Bagan. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: ruined Tharaba Gate to Old Bagan (9th century). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: roadside zedis near Nyaung U. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: sunset on Bagan Plain. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: traditional gathering of visitors on Shwesandaw Paya to watch the sun going down. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: an anonymous zedi on Bagan Plain in late sunlight, with Bougainvillea flowers. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: young Burmese girl wearing the traditional "thanakha" sun protection/make-up. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, pretty girl, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: forest of towers and spires on Bagan Plain, seen from the terrace on Shwe Gugyi. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: seated Buddha in Shwe Gugyi Temple built by King Alaung Sithu in 1141. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Ananda Phaya, built about 1100 by King Kyanzittha is one of the biggest and most beautiful of the Bagan temples. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: Ananda Phaya, built about 1100 by King Kyanzittha is one of the biggest and most beautiful of the Bagan temples. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: the 9.5-metre-tall Buddha in the northern chapel (Kakusanda) of Ananda Phaya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Mahabodhi Temple was built by King Zeyatheinkha in 1215 using the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India, as a model. It has 465 Buddha figures in the niches in the Indian-style tower. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: Mahabodhi Temple was built by King Zeyatheinkha in 1215 using the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India, as a model. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Bagan Jetty, on the Ayeyarwady River, from Bupaya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Mingala Zedi Paya, built in 1284, in the reign of King Narathihapate. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: fine mural carving of three-faced Brahma in Nan Paya ("Palace Temple") , a Hindu temple in Myinkaba. 
 Keywords: temples, Hindu, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque
 Myanmar, Mandalay: sunset on the Ayeyarwady River, from the Mandalay jetty. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: ablutions and clothes-washing in the Ayeyarwady River. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: spectators of a volleyball match include a number of monks. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Mandalay. Myanmar, Mandalay: monks crossing the Thinga Yarzar Canal on a wooden bridge. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: golden paya reflected in the Thinga Yarzar Canal. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Mandalay. Myanmar, Mandalay: two carved wooden bell-bearers in the Shwe In Bin Kyaung (Monastery), built in 1895, entirely of teak. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Mandalay. Myanmar, Mandalay: realistic Buddha figure in the shrine of the Shwe In Bin Kyaung (Monastery), built in 1895, entirely of teak. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: details of some fine wood carving on the roof of the Shwe In Bin Kyaung (Monastery), built in 1895, entirely of teak. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: details of some fine wood carving in the Shwe In Bin Kyaung (Monastery), built in 1895, entirely of teak. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: light cargo boat on the Ayeyarwady River near Mingun. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: light cargo boat on the Ayeyarwady River near Mingun. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: the ferryboat, waiting to return to Mandalay, about 1-hour away on the Ayeyarwady River. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: recently completed Molmi Paya, built in memory of monk Molmi Sayadaw, who appears in the Guiness Book of Records for reciting scriptures. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: the Mingun Bell, cast in 1808 to go in the unfinished Mingun Paya, it weighs 90 tonnes, making it the largest HUNG AND UNCRACKED bell in the world. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: a newly opened old people's home paid for by charitable gifts. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: Hsinbyume Paya in Mingun, built by King Bagyidaw in 1816 as a representation of the Sulamani Paya, which stands atop Mt. Meru. The seven whitewashed wavy terraces around the stupa, represent the seven mountain ranges around Mt. Meru.
Scafolding in place for repairs to the upper part. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: view of the ruin of Mingun Paya from the terrace of the Hsinbyume Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: Hsinbyume Paya in Mingun, built by King Bagyidaw in 1816 as a representation of the Sulamani Paya, which stands atop Mt. Meru. The seven whitewashed wavy terraces around the stupa, represent the seven mountain ranges around Mt. Meru.
Scafolding in place for repairs to the upper part. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: old, unidentified paya, in need of restoration. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: the hulk of Mingun Paya, started by King Bodawpaya in 1790 using a labour force of thousands of slaves. If it had been completed, it would have been 150 metres high (three times the present height) and the world's largest paya. It was abandoned in 1819 when the king died, and was later riven by the earthquake in 1838. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: Young Burmese schoolboy. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: Pretty Burmese girl with a fan and the traditional "thanakha" (sun screen/make-up) on her face. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: Pretty Burmese girl with a fan and the traditional "thanakha" (sunscreen/make-up) on her face. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: ox carts collect visitors from the boats at the landing stage. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: barge, laden with timber, on the Ayeyarwady River. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: roadside stall serving breakfasts near the jetty on the Ayeyarwady River. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: Yaza Mani Sula Kaunghmudaw Paya, 46 metres high, built between 1636-48 in the reign of King Thalun, and modelled on the Ruwanwelisaya Pagoda in Sri Lanka. Until recently it was always painted white like the original. Picture shows some of the 812 stone lanterns, each of which contains a candle, surrounding the pagoda. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: Yaza Mani Sula Kaunghmudaw Paya, 46 metres high, built between 1636-48 in the reign of King Thalun, and modelled on the Ruwanwelisaya Pagoda in Sri Lanka. Until recently it was always painted white like the original. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: approach to Yaza Mani Sula Kaunghmudaw Paya, 46 metres high, built between 1636-48 in the reign of King Thalun, and modelled on the Ruwanwelisaya Pagoda in Sri Lanka. Until recently it was always painted white like the original. Two chinthes guard the road. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: approach to Yaza Mani Sula Kaunghmudaw Paya, 46 metres high, built between 1636-48 in the reign of King Thalun, and modelled on the Ruwanwelisaya Pagoda in Sri Lanka. Until recently it was always painted white like the original. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: the giant sitting Buddha in Soon U Ponya Shin Shrine on Sagaing Hill, 240 metres high. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: distant view of the British-built Ava bridge, the only bridge to span the Ayeyarwady River until recent years. Now replaced with a new bridge. Plumeria flowers in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: two monks being photographed in front of the handsome golden zedi of Soon U Ponya Shin Shrine on Sagaing Hill, 240 metres high, with colourful tiled terrace in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: the colourful tiled terrace and golden pavilions of Soon U Ponya Shin Shrine on Sagaing Hill, 240 metres high. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: the handsome golden zedi of Soon U Ponya Shin Shrine on Sagaing Hill, 240 metres high, showing the colourful tiled terrace. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: the handsome golden zedi of Soon U Ponya Shin Shrine on Sagaing Hill, 240 metres high. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: inside the walls of Mandalay Fortress ("Fort Dufferin" during the British occupation). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the compound of Mandalay Palace (inside the fort) which was completely destroyed during WWII and is in the process of being rebuilt. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the compound of Mandalay Palace (inside the fort) which was completely destroyed during WWII and is in the process of being rebuilt. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Inwa: typical colourful horse carriages which transport visitors around the unpaved roads of Inwa. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Inwa: a handsome terraced tower of Maha Aung Mye Bonzan Kyaung (Monastery), built in 1822 for Queen Meh Nu, wife of King Bagyidaw. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Inwa: Maha Aung Mye Bonzan Kyaung (Monastery), built in 1822 for Queen Meh Nu, wife of King Bagyidaw. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Inwa: Nanmyin, a 27-metre-high watchtower which is all that remains of the Ava Palace built by King Bagyidaw. It leans since the earthquake of 1838. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Inwa: neglected old zedi and temple behind Htilaingshin Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Inwa: doorway of the neglected, Khmer-style Htilaingshin Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Inwa: the pagoda-like tower of Bagaya Kyaung (Monastery), built in 1834 entirely of teak. The royal family was traditionally educated here and there is still a flourishing school for trainee monks. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Inwa: the lofty interior of Bagaya Kyaung (Monastery), built in 1834 entirely of teak. The royal family was traditionally educated here and there is still a flourishing school for trainee monks. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: young girl with decorated face and head crowned with flowers, near Amarapura. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: colourful boats awaiting custom on Lake Taungthaman, near Amarapura. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: villagers crossing U Bein's Teak Bridge on Taungthaman Lake, near Amarapura. At 1.2 kilometres, it is the world's longest. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: "landscape with figures" from U Bein's Bridge on Taungthaman lake near Amarapura. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: fisherman casting his net on Taungthaman Lake, near Amarapura. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: figures of monks in Kyauktawgyi Paya, in Taungthaman Village, near Amarapura. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: gate guards at Kayauktawgyi Paya near Amarapura - half human, half feline. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the entrance to Kyauktawgyi Paya, near Amarapura, on Taungthaman Lake. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: boats with sightseers on Taungthaman Lake, Amarapura, with reflections of a distant zedi. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the courtyard of Mahamudi Paya, containing the revered Mahamudi Buddha, which has acquired a 15cm. thick covering of gold leaf over the years. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: a valuable collection of Buddha figures in a corner of Mahamudi Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: Mahamudi Paya with the revered Mahamudi Buddha, which has acquired a 15cm. thick covering of gold leaf over the years. There is a permanent queue of followers waiting to pay their respects. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: Mahamudi Paya with the revered Mahamudi Buddha, which has acquired a 15cm. thick covering of gold leaf over the years. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: preparing breakfast in one of the ubiquitous street cafes. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: Atumashi Kyaung (Monastery), built in 1857 under King Mindon Min, was burnt down in 1890. It was rebuilt in1996 using forced labour. Unusually, the roof is formed of rectangular terraces. Bougainvillea in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: Atumashi Kyaung (Monastery), built in 1857 under King Mindon Min, was burnt down in 1890. It was rebuilt in1996 using forced labour. Unusually, the roof is formed of rectangular terraces. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: entrance and clocktower of State Pariyatte Sasana University. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: carved wooden nagas on the exterior of Shwenandaw Kyaung which was built in the 19th century under King Mindon Min and was originally part of his palace, becoming a monastery in 1880. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: wooden carvings cover the exterior of Shwenandaw Kyaung which was built in the 19th century under King Mindon Min and was originally part of his palace, becoming a monastery in 1880. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: wooden carvings cover the exterior of Shwenandaw Kyaung which was built in the 19th century under King Mindon Min and was originally part of his palace, becoming a monastery in 1880. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: Vessantara Jakata - intricate gilded carvings in front of the shrine of Shwenandaw Kyaung illustrating the story of King Vessantara, one of the incarnations of Buddha. It is central to the celebrations of Thet Mahachat in Theravada Buddhism. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: a Starflower Tree (Mimusops elengi) in the compound of Kuthodaw Paya is reputed to be more than 118 years old. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the enormous, 57-metre-high golden zedi of Kuthodaw Paya was built in the reign of King Mindon Min, and was based on the pagoda at Shwezigon Pya in Nyaung U. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: stupas at Kuthodaw Paya, each containing one of 729 marble slabs inscribed with the entire 15 books of the Tripitaka Buddhist scriptures ("the largest book in the world"). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: traditional masks on display at Kuthodaw Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: stupas at Kuthodaw Paya, each containing one of 729 marble slabs inscribed with the entire 15 books of the Tripitaka Buddhist scriptures ("the largest book in the world"). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: one of 729 marble slabs inscribed with the entire 15 books of the Tripitaka Buddhist scriptures ("the largest book in the world") at Kuthodaw Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the pagoda of Kyautawgyi Paya, covered with gided filligree-work, with its impressive "hti" or umbrella. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: 900-tonne Buddha, carved from a single block of marble in 1865, in Kyautawgyi Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: a resident washing clothes under the shade of a Bougainvillea tree, on Mandalay Hill. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: pointing, standing Buddha (Shweyattaw Buddha) in the Byar Deik Paye Pagoda near the summit of Mandalay Hill. According to legend he once prophiesied that a great city would arise here in the year 2400 of the Buddhist Era (1857 AD, the year King Mindon founded Mandalay). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: gilded zedi and shrine on Mandalay Hill. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: butterfly on Bougainvillea flowers, on Mandalay Hill. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Lepidoptera, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: an ogre king, with his army behind him, making obeisance in the Sanda Muhki shrine on the top of Mandalay Hill. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the terrace of Sutaungpyei Pagoda on the top of Mandalay Hill, with the pagoda-like roof of the lift shaft. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: view from the top of Mandalay Hill, 240 metres high, ascended by 800+ steps. The two white Chinthes guarding the entrance are clearly visible. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, panorama
 Myanmar, Mandalay: striking mosaic panel in Sutaungpyei Pagoda on the top of Mandalay Hill. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: view from the top of Mandalay Hill, 240 metres high, ascended by 800+ steps. The two white Chinthes guarding the entrance are clearly visible. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, panorama, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: standing Buddha in Pyilone Chamtha Pagoda, one of the stations on the ascent of Mandalay Hill. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: defensive walls and moat, 3.2 km x 3.2 km. square, surrounding Mandalay Palace and Fortress ("Fort Dufferin" under British occupation). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, defence, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: domestic fowl for sale in an animal dealer's store. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: Maha Wizaya Paya, built 1980 under General Ne Win, to celebrate the unification of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: Maha Wizaya Paya, built 1980 under General Ne Win, to celebrate the unification of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: floating Shin Upagot Shrine on Lake Kandawgyi, floodlit at night, with reflections in water. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: Kandawgyi Palace Hotel, reflected in Kandawgyi Lake, in the north of the city. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: Kandawgyi Palace Hotel, on Kandawgyi Lake, in the north of the city. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: floating Shin Upagot Shrine on Lake Kandawgyi. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: floating Shin Upagot Shrine on Lake Kandawgyi, with a colourful pier-based shrine on the right. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: floating Shin Upagot Shrine on Lake Kandawgyi. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: the Customs House, on Strand Road, built in 1915. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, colonial style, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: the legendary Strand Hotel, opened in 1896. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, colonial style, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: the Law Courts on Strand Road. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, colonial style, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: Dining Room in the former home of General Aung San (now the "House of Memories" Restaurant). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: personal shrine in the former home of General Aung San (now the "House of Memories" Restaurant). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: diesel locomotive in Yangon's main station. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples, railway
 Myanmar, Yangon: inside a carriage of a local train on the city ring line. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: close-up view of Shwedagon Paya from the Thripyitsaya Bistro on the 20th floor of the Sakura Tower. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: close-up view of Sule Paya from the Thripyitsaya Bistro on the 20th floor of the Sakura Tower. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: view of Sule Paya and Yangon River from the Thripyitsaya Bistro on the 20th floor of the Sakura Tower. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: Bogyoke Aung San Road from the Thripyitsaya Bistro on the 20th floor of the Sakura Tower, with St. Mary's cathedral. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: prayer column on the platform of Sule Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: gilded carvings of a pavilion on the platform of the Sule Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: the golden zedi of Sule Paya (46 metres high), from the platform. It probably dates back about 2 millennia. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: reclining Buddha in one of the shrines on the platform of Shwedagon Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: gilded mythical figure holding two nagas, on a pole on the platform of Shwedagon Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: some of the hundreds of shrines on the platform of Shwedagon Paya, which covers 5 hectares. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: followers annointing the figure at their own "planetary post" (birth day of the week = planet) on the platform of Shwedagon Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: the 23-tonne Maha Ganda bell, cast in 1775-9, removed by the British but dropped in the Yangon River. Later recovered by the Burmese and displayed on the platform of Shwedagon Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: close-up of the enormous "hti" or umbrella on the top of the zedi of Shwedagon Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: Botataung Paya 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Mount Popa, with flower decorations for sale as offerings, in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Mount Popa, with its shrine to the Nats (Spirits), 737 metres above Bagan Plain. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: divers temples on Bagan Plain, from the terrace of Htilominlo Pahto. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: divers temples on Bagan Plain, from the terrace of Htilominlo Pahto. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: Htilominlo Pahto, built by King Nantaungmya in 1218, with enclosing wall and entry gate tower. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: magnificent Shwezigon Paya, one of the oldest stupas in Bagan, and the prototype for most of those which followed. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Shwezigon Paya - row of small gilded stupas, which surround the main zedi. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Shwezigon Paya - detail of gilded figures on a pavilion roof. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Thatbyinnyu Pahto, built in 1144 by King Alaungsithu, at 63 metres, is Bagan's highest. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Ananda Pahto, with Thandawgya Paya (?) in the foreground, from Shwegugyi Pahto. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: the modern Archeological Museum, from Shwegugyi Pahto. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: view of Bagan Plain, Dhammayangyi Pahto and the mountains, from Shwegugyi Pahto. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Ananda Pahto, dating from ca. 1100, "one of the largest, finest, best preserved and most revered temples in Bagan". 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Mahabodhi Paya, dating from 1215, is based on its namesake in India, and has 465 Buddha figures in its tower niches. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Gaw Palin Pahto (60 metres high), one of the largest Bagan temples, generally regarded as the "crowning achievement of the late period", with flowering Bougainvillea in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Bagan: Gaw Palin Pahto (60 metres high), one of the largest Bagan temples, generally regarded as the "crowning achievement of the late period". 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: temples dotting Bagan Plain, with one in the foreground being demolished/renovated (?) 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: NanPaya, probably built in the 11th century, contains fine bas-relief carvings of three-faced Brahma. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: the "two sisters": Seinnyet Nyima Paya (stupa, in the foreground) and Seinnyet Ama Pahto (temple, in the background). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: the hulk of Mingun Paya, started by King Bodawpaya in 1790 using a labour force of thousands of slaves. If it had been completed, it would have been 150 metres high (three times the present height) and the world's largest paya. It was abandoned in 1819 when the king died, and was later riven by the earthquake in 1838. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: colourful tiling and golden zedi of the shrine on Sagaing Hill. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: some of the halls of Mandalay Palace, within the fortress, completely destroyed during WWII, and recently rebuilt. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Inwa: Maha Aungmye Bonzan Monastery, built in 1822 by Meh Nu, chief queen of King Bagyidaw. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Amarapura: land workers in "coolie hats", with a stupa reflected in Lake Taungthaman in the background. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Amarapura: U Bein's Teak Bridge across Lake Taungthaman is 1.2 kilometres long, the world's longest. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Amarapura: closer view of the colourful boats on Lake Taungthaman. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Amarapura: boats awaiting custom on Lake Taungthaman, with U Bein's Teak Bridge behind. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: a corner of Mahamudi Paya, containing the revered Mahamudi Buddha, which has acquired a 15cm. thick covering of gold leaf over the years. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: some of the 729 gleaming white stupas at Kuthodaw Paya, with smaller golden stupas in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: serried rows of gleaming white stupas at Kuthodaw Paya, with Mandalay Hill in the background. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: wood-carvings on Shwenandaw Kyaung, originally part of the king's palace, but in 1880 became a monastery. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: stupas at Kuthodaw Paya, each containing one of 729 marble slabs inscribed with the entire 15 books of the Tripitaka Buddhist scriptures ("the largest book in the world"). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the golden zedi of Kuthodaw Paya, which was modelled on Shwezigon Paya at Nyaung U, Bagan. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: stupas at Kuthodaw Paya, each containing one of 729 marble slabs inscribed with the entire 15 books of the Tripitaka Buddhist scriptures ("the largest book in the world"). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the coloured tiles of the terrace and mosaics distinguish the shrine on Mandalay Hill. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: small shrine on Mandalay Hill with the golden zedi behind. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: a colourful mosaic screen in the shrine on the top of Mandalay Hill. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Yangon: floating Shin Upagot Shrine, reflected in Kandawgyi Lake. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: traffic on Sule Paya Road approaching the golden zedi. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: eye-catching clocktower on Sule Paya Road, with the zedi visible at the end. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: colonial architecture on Strand Road, with Sule Paya visible at the end of Sule Paya Road. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: railway station and sports stadium, seen from the Thripyitsaya Bistro on the 20th floor of Sakura Tower. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: Shwedagon Paya, seen from the Thripyitsaya Bistro on the 20th floor of Sakura Tower. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: the golden zedi of Sule Paya (46 metres high), from the platform. It probably dates back about 2 millennia. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: the golden zedi of Sule Paya which stands on a large traffic island in the city centre. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: City Hall, designed by Burmese architect U Tin and built 1926-36, since twice rebuilt. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: assorted shrines on the platform of Shwedagon Paya, with the previous golden "hti" (umbrella surmounting the spire of the zedi) second from the left. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: temple on the platform of Shwedagon Paya, modelled on Mahabodi in India, and showing colourful scenes from Buddha's life. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: a group of white and gold highly decorated prangs on the platform of Shwedagon Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon, Shwedagon Paya: this small stupa has eight niches for the days of the week (Wednesday has am and pm), each with its corresponding animal (garuda, tiger, lion, elephant, naga, rat, mole). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: colourful figure of a chinthe biting the tail of a naga, in a shrine on the platform of Shwedagon Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: some of the hundreds of shrines on the platform of Shwedagon Paya, which covers 5 hectares. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: carved Buddha figure in a shrine on the platform of Shwedagon Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: followers annointing the figure at their own "planetary post" (birth day of the week = planet) on the platform of Shwedagon Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon: a row of golden shrines on the platform of Shwedagon Paya, which was founded ca. 6-10 century. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: magnificent golden zedi of Shwedagon Paya (98 metres high), founded ca. 6-10 century, visible for miles around. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: the magnificent Shwezigon Paya, near Nyaung U, was bult in the 11th century during the reign of King Anawrahta. It served as the prototype for virtually all of the later stupas in Myanmar. 
Here: two of its pavilions with Burmese finely carved and gilded roofs. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, golden, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, golden
 Myanmar, Bagan: the magnificent Shwezigon Paya, near Nyaung U, was bult in the 11th century during the reign of King Anawrahta. It served as the prototype for virtually all of the later stupas in Myanmar. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, golden
 Myanmar, Bagan: Thatbyinnyu Pahto, the highest temple in the area (63 metres), was built in 1144 and thus belongs to the middle period. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: completely destroyed in the 1975 earthquake, the Bupaya Stupa has been faithfully rebuilt. The original probably dated back to about 850 AD. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Bagan: Indian-style Gubyaukgyi Temple contains a number of well preserved frescoes, thought to date back to its original construction date of 1113. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay: wooden monastery, Shwe In Bin Kaung, built entirely of teak, was commissioned in 1895 by two wealthy Chinese jade merchants. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Mingun: "tazaung" built to accommodate the Mingun Bell. Cast in 1808 to go in the unfinished Mingun Paya, it weighs 90 tonnes, making it the largest HUNG AND UNCRACKED bell in the world. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: red and gold gateway to the golden dome (46 metres high) of Kaunghmudaw Paya, built in 1636 and modelled on the Mahaceti Stupa in Sri Lanka. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: Umin Thounzeh Paya, whose 30 caves in the hillside are fronted by this magnificent colonnaded crescent containing 45 seated Buddha figures. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: a few of the payas to be seen from the hilltop shrine, with the colourful tiled floor of the terrace. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: reconstructed "pagoda" roof of the King's Palace in the fortress, which was totally destroyed during WWII, with Mandalay Hill in the background. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Inwa: stupa of Maha Aung Mye Bonzan Paya, built by Meh Nu, chief queen of King Bagyidaw in 1822. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: Kyauktawgyi Paya (1847), near Amarapura on Taungthaman Lake, and its half-feline, crouching guard. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: a row of carved and gilded doorways in the Atumashi Kyaung (Monastery), which was burnt down in 1890 and rebuilt in 1996. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: fine wooden carvings on the exterior of Shwenandaw Kyaung, originally part of King Mindon's Palace. It became a monastery in 1880. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the colourful red and gold gateway to Kuthodaw Paya, work on which began in 1857. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: stupas at Kuthodaw Paya, each containing one of 729 marble slabs inscribed with the entire 15 books of the Tripitaka Buddhist scriptures ("the largest book in the world"). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: the shrine on Mandalay Hill is covered with colourful tiles and mosaics and has a golden roof. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay: two enormous white "Chinthes" guard the entrance to the stairway to the shrine on Mandalay Hill, 230 metres (and 800+ steps) high. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma
 Myanmar, Yangon: floating Shin Upagot Shrine on Kandawgi Lake in the north of the city. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, golden, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: Independence Obelisk (46 metres high) in peaceful Mahabandoola Garden, with Sule Paya in the background. The garden is named after General Maha Bandoola, who fought a number of battles against the British. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon: Independence Obelisk (46 metres high) in peaceful Mahabandoola Garden, with Sule Paya in the background. The garden is named after General Maha Bandoola, who fought a number of battles against the British. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon, Sule Paya: the shrine stands on a large traffic island in the middle of the city. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon, Sule Paya: the 46-metre-high golden zedi of the shrine, in which is said to be a hair of the Buddha. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, capital city, metropolis, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma, Rangoon
 Myanmar, Yangon, Shwedagon Paya: finely carved and gilded roof of a pavilion with the figure of a dancer in the centre. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon, Shwedagon Paya: Chinese Merchants' Tazaung, displaying a variety of Buddha figures. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon, Shwedagon Paya: this golden zedi houses a popular wonder-working Buddha figure. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon, Shwedagon Paya: visitors to the paya among the multitude of shrines; the small stupa on the right has eight niches for the days of the week (Wednesday has am and pm), each with its corresponding animal (garuda, tiger, lion, elephant, naga, rat, mole). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon, Shwedagon Paya: finely-carved roof of one of the entrances to the platform. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon, Shwedagon Paya: a gilded "tazaung" hall contains a revered Buddha shrine. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon, Shwedagon Paya: gilded, intricately-carved Burmese-type roofs on a shrine, with the main zedi in the background. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Yangon, Shwedagon Paya: some of the many shrines and prangs, some gilded, on the platform of the main zedi. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, Rangoon, Burma, religious, colourful, architecture, metropolis, capital city, picturesque, temples
 Myanmar, Mandalay, Sagaing: the ring of stone pillars surrounding the zedi of Kaunghmudaw Paya. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, temples, picturesque, architecture, colourful, religious, Burma

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