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Travel (19 files)

 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Snow-capped volcano reflected in the cobalt blue waters of Lake Chungará. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, camelids
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Snow-capped volcano Parinacota (6348 metres) reflected in the cobalt blue Lake Chungará, with flamingoes and other waterfowl. 
 Keywords: High Andes, birds, wildlife, camelids, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Alpaca with ear tag. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, camelids
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Llamas and alpacas grazing, with the volcanoes Parinacota and Pomerape as backdrop. 
 Keywords: High Andes, camelids, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Chilean Flamingoes (Phoenicopterus chilensis) in their natural habitat. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, camelids, wildlife, birds, water birds , waders, ornithology
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. A group of grazing Alpacas, with snow-capped volcanoes in the distance. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, camelids
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. A group of grazing Alpacas. 
 Keywords: High Andes, camelids, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. A wary vicuna by a waterhole. 
 Keywords: High Andes, wildlife, camelids, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. A group of grazing Vicunas with young. 
 Keywords: High Andes, camelids, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Argentina, Jujuy: a group of wild vicunas on the altiplano, managing to find nourishment in this barren environment. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, camelids, wildlife, Andes
 Argentina, Jujuy: grazing llamas on the altiplano, with snow-coverd cordillera in the background. 
 Keywords: wildlife, camelids, flora and fauna, Andes, altiplano, mountains
 Argentina, Jujuy: an inquisitive, young, black and white llama on the altiplano. 
 Keywords: wildlife, flora and fauna, camelids
 Argentina, Jujuy: a group of llamas with ear tags on the altiplano. 
 Keywords: wildlife, camelids, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Jujuy: a wild vicuna on the altiplano. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, camelids, wildlife
 Argentina, Jujuy: a wild vicuna on the altiplano. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, camelids, wildlife
 Argentina, Salta: Quebrada (valley) de Humahuaca: llama walking along the stream. 
 Keywords: camelids, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Salta: Quebrada (valley) de Humahuaca: young llama and mother running alongside the bus. 
 Keywords: camelids, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Salta: Quebrada (valley) de Humahuaca: inquisitive young llama. 
 Keywords: wildlife, camelids, flora and fauna
 A group of Vicuna (Lama vicugna) at Hellabrunn Zoological Gardens. 
 Keywords: München, animals, mammals, zoo, camelids, llamas

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