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Travel (6 files)

 Iran, Isfahan: gecko on a wall under a light. 
 Keywords: lizard, reptile, Gekkota, chic-chac
 Mexico: Tula, a Toltec city, founded in 968 AD as "Tollan" by Ce-Acatl-Topiltzin, later called Quetzalcoatl, went into decline and was overrun by barbarians about 1175 AD. Palacio Quemado (Burnt Palace - it was destroyed by fire) consisted of three rooms; in the middle one two Chac-mools have survived.
 Mexico, Kabah: this extensive site, 20 kilometres from Uxmal, remains unexplored, apart from the "Palace of the Masks" (Codz Poop). Part of the facade, showing the Chac masks, with at least one tunk-like nose intact. 
 Keywords: Maya
 Mexico, Kabah: this extensive site, 20 kilometres from Uxmal, remains unexplored, apart from the "Palace of the Masks" (Codz Poop). The facade is covered, from top to bottom, with masks of Chac, the Mayan rain god. 
 Keywords: Maya
 Mexico, Chichen Itza: "La Iglesia" (the church) shows evidence of Puuc design (unadorned masonry on the ground floor). Above are many hook-nosed masks of Chac, the Maya god of rain.
 Mexico, Chichen Itza: Weathered example of a "Chac-mool", a reclining figure on whose stomach the Maya placed sacrifices for onward transmission to the gods.

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