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Travel (27 files)

 Egypt, Thebes: photographing the Colossi of Memnon, seated statues of Amenophis III, 52 feet high, all that remains of the ancient Temple of Amenophis in Thebes. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture, donkeys
 Egypt, Thebes: leading donkeys down the steep path to the mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahari. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Thebes: Valley of the Kings: after a short climb, a fine panorama unfolds. Mounting donkeys for the trek to Deir el Bahari. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, culture, landscape, mountains, geology, donkey
 Egypt, Thebes: Valley of the Kings: after a short climb, a fine panorama unfolds. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, culture, landscape, mountains, geology, donkey
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego: "nodding donkey" T-beam oil extraction pump. 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Patagonia, oil well, crude oil
 Morocco: early visitors to at a market near Ouezzane. 
 Keywords: Africa, djellabah, jellabah, dress, traditional, ass, donkey, Maghreb
 Algeria, Illizi, Tassili N'Ajjer National Park: semi-wild donkeys (Equus africanus) not far from Djanet. 
 Keywords: Sahara, desert, sand, geology, rock formations, dunes, landscape, picturesque, vista, Africa, Maghreb, Tuareg, Berber, ass, UNESCO
 Algeria, Illizi, Tassili N'Ajjer National Park: semi-wild donkeys (Equus africanus) not far from Djanet. 
 Keywords: Sahara, desert, sand, geology, rock formations, dunes, landscape, picturesque, vista, Africa, Maghreb, Tuareg, Berber, ass, UNESCO
 Algeria, Illizi, Tassili N'Ajjer National Park: semi-wild donkeys (Equus africanus) on the steep, rocky wall of Wadi Iherir. 
 Keywords: Sahara, desert, sand, geology, rock formations, dunes, landscape, picturesque, vista, Africa, Maghreb, Tuareg, Berber, ass, UNESCO
 Oman, Sawqirah: free-ranging donkeys eating discarded fruit at the roadside. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, ass, equine, scavenging
 Greece, Island of Santorini: the top of the stairway in Fira, with donkeys and mules waiting to carry the leg-weary to the bottom. 
 Keywords: Greek Islands, Hellas, island hopping, picturesque, colourful, heritage, Cyclades, Thera, Thira
 Greece, Island of Rhodes, Lindos: donkeys carry visitors up the ancient track to the acropolis. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, mediaeval, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller, historic
 Germany, Bavaria, Upper Franconia, Bamberg: the two west towers are Gothic in style, copied from the cathedral of Laon, in northern France (including the donkeys!). 
 Keywords: picturesque, Franconia, fortifications, defence, cobblestones, national heritage, mediaeval, historical
 Cyprus (North): one of the "wild" donkeys living on the Karpas Peninsula in the north-east of the island. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, Aphrodite's birthplace, picturesque, historic, landscape
 Cyprus (North): "wild" donkeys thrive on the Karpas Peninsula in the north-east of the island. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, Aphrodite's birthplace, picturesque, historic, landscape
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Patiently waiting donkey against a background of rosy, rugged walls of Wadi Musa. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Jordanian, riding a donkey up the long path to "the monastery". 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Jordan: Petra, a Nabataean city, probably dating from 500-600 BC, later administered by the Romans, in part carved out of the rose-red sandstone rocks of the Wadi Araba. Famous as "the rose-red city, half as old as time", Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Patiently waiting donkeys against a background of rosy, rugged walls of Wadi Musa. 
 Keywords: archeology, Egyptian architecture, Graeco-Roman architecture, graining, multicoloured, strata, colourful, ruins, geology, geological, excavations, archeological, rock tombcaves
 Italy, Campania, Island of Ischia: deeply rutted donkey track leading down from the summit of Mount Epomeo and bordered by colourful wild flowers. 
 Keywords: cliffs, reflections, picturesque, colourful, jetty, fishing boats, promenade, photogenic, steep hillside, landscape
 Israel, Negev Desert: Hai-Bar Nature Reserve, dedicated to the reintroduction of animals found in this area in biblical times, several being endangered species.

Scimitar-horned Oryx (Oryx tao) with a group of Somali Wild Asses (Equus asinus), the ancestors of the domestic donkey. 
 Keywords: desert, sandstone, geological, rock formations, barren, waterless, colourful, picturesque, wildlife, antelopes, game
 Island of Santorini, Oia: donkeys are the only practical means of transport on such steep and narrow ways. The muleteer urges from the rear. 
 Keywords: pedestrian zone, photogenic, old quarter, picturesque, hilltop site, beast of burden, ass
 Island of Santorini, Oia: donkeys are the only practical means of transport on such steep and narrow ways. 
 Keywords: pedestrian zone, photogenic, old quarter, picturesque, hilltop site, beast of burden, ass
 Iraq: part of a modern Iraqi mud-built village, with donkey and dung-heap, for making fuel cakes. 
 Keywords: street scene, Mesopotamia, traditional houses, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim, dwellings, homes, mud-houses
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Oberammergau: the Passion Playhouse, with bronze figure of Jesus on a donkey in the foreground. The "Passionspiel" is performed every ten years. 
 Keywords: alpine, picturesque, colourful, nature, fall, autumn colours
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Heavily eroded and exposed row of tombs opposite the Theatre, with an adventurous donkey an top. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: The full extent of the rock tombs in the "Street of Facades", with a tethered donkey in the foreground. 
 Keywords: rose red city, geology, archeological site, Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman architecture, rock tombs, natural caves, Nabataean capital
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: colourful sandstone bands in the rocks above typical cave tombs, with a boy on a donkey in the foreground. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology

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