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Travel (3 files)

 Turkey, Didyma: the huge Temple of Apollo, measuring 120 metres long by 60 metres wide, was begun in the 3rd century BC, worked on for 300 years, but never completed. The Oracle of Didyma probably goes back as far as 1000 BC and rivalled that of Delphi in influence and was older. One of a number of heads of Medusa, which occupied places of honour on the entablature. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Tunisia: Dougga, Ruins of the city "Thugga", founded in the 4th century BC by Numidians, becoming Roman in the 2nd century AD, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the best preserved Roman city in Africa. The superb Capitol, a temple dedicated to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, was built in 166 or 167 AD. 
 Keywords: picturesque, entablature, Corinthian columns, classical architecture, archeological site, Numidian, architecture, heritage, historic, Maghreb, tympanum
 Bulgaria, Sofia: Ivan Vasov National Theatre, built in 1907 in German classical style, rebuilt in 1923 after a disastrous fire, by architect Dülfer. 
 Keywords: classical columns, architrave, tympanum, entablatures

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