
Searching all stock for "fauna":

Travel (448 files)

 U.S.A., Utah, Bryce Canyon: Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (Callospermophilus lateralis) at Bryce Point. Fully grown, it is about 25 cm. long. 
 Keywords: nature, photogenic, Sciuridae, Mammalia, rodents, furry, fauna, wild animals
 U.S.A., Utah, Bryce Canyon: Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (Callospermophilus lateralis) at Bryce Point. Fully grown, it is about 25 cm. long. 
 Keywords: nature, photogenic, Sciuridae, Mammalia, rodents, furry, fauna, wild animals
 U.S.A., Utah, Bryce Canyon: Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (Callospermophilus lateralis) at Bryce Point. Fully grown, it is about 25 cm. long. 
 Keywords: nature, photogenic, Sciuridae, Mammalia, rodents, furry, fauna, wild animals
 South Africa, Natal, Durban: Natal Lion and Game Reserve - a young lion (Panthera leo) with a lean and hungry look 
 Keywords: landscape, wild animals, fauna, big game, safari, wildlife, carnivores
 South Africa, Natal, Durban: Natal Lion and Game Reserve - a young lion (Panthera leo) about to cross the road 
 Keywords: landscape, wild animals, fauna, big game, safari, wildlife, carnivores
 South Africa, Natal, Durban: Natal Lion and Game Reserve - a pride of young lions (Panthera leo) 
 Keywords: landscape, wild animals, fauna, big game, safari, wildlife, carnivores
 South Africa, Natal, Durban: Natal Lion and Game Reserve - a group of Blesbok(Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi) 
 Keywords: landscape, wild animals, fauna, big game, safari, wildlife, herbivores, antelope
 South Africa, Natal, Durban: Natal Lion and Game Reserve - male African Ostrich (Struthio camelus) 
 Keywords: landscape, wild animals, fauna, big game, safari, wildlife, aves
 South Africa, Natal, Durban: Natal Lion and Game Reserve - a pair of giraffes 
 Keywords: landscape, wild animals, fauna, big game, safari, wildlife, herbivores
 Rhodesia, Wankie National Park: Impala (Aepyceros melampus) 
 Keywords: wild life, big game, wild animals, fauna, Bovidae, antelope
 Rhodesia, Wankie National Park: Plains Zebras (Burchell's Zebras) (Equus quagga) on the road 
 Keywords: wild life, big game, wild animals, fauna, Equidae, zebra crossing, safari
 Rhodesia, Wankie National Park: native sculpture by the Safari Lodge swimming pool with local water hole in the background 
 Keywords: wild life, big game, wild animals, fauna, native art
 Rhodesia, Wankie National Park: male African Ostrich (Struthio camelus) by the Main Camp boundary 
 Keywords: wild life, big game, wild animals, fauna, Aves
 Rhodesia, Wankie National Park: Plains Zebras (Burchell's Zebras) (Equus quagga) 
 Keywords: wild life, big game, wild animals, fauna, Equidae
 Rhodesia, Wankie National Park: Blue Wildebeeste or Brindled Gnu (Connochaetes taurinus) 
 Keywords: Bovidae, wild life, big game, wild animals, fauna
 Rhodesia, Wankie National Park: Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) 
 Keywords: Bovidae, wild life, big game, wild animals, fauna, deer
 Rhodesia, Victoria Falls: Greater Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsicerus) near the falls, with tumbleweed flowers. 
 Keywords: antelope, wild life, fauna, big game, deer, wild animals, botany, botanical, wild flowers
 Common Vole (Microtus arvalis) 
 Keywords: animals, creatures, fauna, mammals, nature, rodents, wildlife
 Common Vole (Microtus arvalis) 
 Keywords: animals, creatures, fauna, mammals, nature, rodents, wildlife
 Common Vole (Microtus arvalis) 
 Keywords: animals, creatures, fauna, mammals, nature, rodents, wildlife
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: a native goat, on watch, remains motionless for long periods. 
 Keywords: Aegean , animal, fauna, figurehead, flora, look-out, sentinel, wildlife
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: a native goat, on watch, remains motionless for long periods. 
 Keywords: Aegean , animal, fauna, flora, look-out, wildlife
 Turkey, Bozburun Peninsula, Loryma: a patriotic Turkish goat posing for photographers. 
 Keywords: Aegean , animal, fauna, flag, flora, wildlife
 Turkey, Bozburun peninsula: group of goats in a rocky bay. 
 Keywords: animals, fauna, nature, sure-footed, widlife
 Greece, Island of Yali: Wolf Spider (Hogna radiata). 
 Keywords: Arachnids, Dodecanese, fauna, Greek Islands, Hellas, nature, wildlife
 Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Greifswald (Hansa Town): Coatis or Coatimundis (Nasua nasua) feeding in the local zoo. 
 Keywords: animals, fauna, mammals, quadrupeds, ring-tailed
 Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Greifswald (Hansa Town): Coatis or Coatimundis (Nasua nasua) feeding in the local zoo. 
 Keywords: animals, fauna, mammals, quadrupeds, ring-tailed
 Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Stralsund (Hansa Town): the shoal fish of the North Atlantic are displayed in this huge tank in the Ozeaneum Museum. It has an area of 300 square metres and an acryl screen 10 metres x 5 metres x 30 cm thick, and holds 2.6 million litres of water. 
 Keywords: attraction, culture, fauna, Hanseatic League, heritage, marine life, picturesque, spectacle, UNESCO World Heritage
 Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Stralsund (Hansa Town): the shoal fish of the North Atlantic are displayed in this huge tank in the Ozeaneum Museum. It has an area of 300 square metres and an acryl screen 10 metres x 5 metres x 30 cm thick, and holds 2.6 million litres of water. 
 Keywords: attraction, culture, fauna, Hanseatic League, heritage, marine life, picturesque, spectacle, UNESCO World Heritage
 Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Stralsund (Hansa Town): the shoal fish of the North Atlantic are displayed in this huge tank in the Ozeaneum Museum. It has an area of 300 square metres and an acryl screen 10 metres x 5 metres x 30 cm thick, and holds 2.6 million litres of water. 
 Keywords: attraction, culture, fauna, Hanseatic League, heritage, marine life, picturesque, spectacle, UNESCO World Heritage
 Starred Agama or Roughtail Rock Agama(Laudakia stellio)(Stellagama stellio) lizard on the walls of the New Fortress (Neo Frourio) in Corfu. 
 Keywords: agamid, fauna, Ionian Islands, reptile, wildlife
 Portugal, Azores Islands, Sao Miguel, Ponta Delgada: Madeiran Wall Lizard (Teira dugesii), involuntarily introduced from Madeira. 
 Keywords: wildlife, fauna, reptiles, nature
 Portugal, Azores Islands, Sao Miguel, Vista do Rei: Azores Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs moreletti), the Azores subspecies. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, wildlife, fauna, finches
 Portugal, Azores Islands, Sao Miguel, Miradouro de Santa Iria: feral (?) cat. 
 Keywords: fauna, animals, pets
 Portugal, Azores Islands, Sao Miguel, Furnas: Robin (Erithacus rubecula). 
 Keywords: fauna, birds, passerines, ornithology
 Portugal, Azores Islands, Sao Miguel, Furnas: Robin (Erithacus rubecula). 
 Keywords: fauna, ornithology, passerines, birds
 Iceland, Island of Heimaey: the first settlers brought horses to Iceland and due to a 10th century ban on further imports, the stock has remained true to the original Scandinavian race. 
 Keywords: Westman Islands, fauna, animals, wildlife
 Iceland, Island of Heimaey: the first settlers brought horses to Iceland and due to a 10th century ban on further imports, the stock has remained true to the original Scandinavian race. 
 Keywords: Westman Islands, wildlife, animals, fauna
 Iceland, Landeyjahöfn: Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea). 
 Keywords: ornithology, fauna, wildlife, nature, birds
 Iceland, Húsavik: tailfin of a diving Humpback whale. It will remain submerged for 5-15 minutes after filling its lungs with air. 
 Keywords: sea life, wildlife, fauna, whaling
 Iceland, Húsavik: tailfin of a diving Humpback whale, observed by a shipload of whale-watchers. 
 Keywords: sea life, whaling, fauna, wildlife
 Iceland, Húsavik: tailfin of a diving Humpback whale and a group of whale-watchers in the "Amma Kibba". a vessel belonging to the Gentle Giants operator. 
 Keywords: sea life, whaling, fauna, wildlife
 Iceland, Húsavik: tailfin of a diving Humpback whale. It will remain submerged for 5-15 minutes after filling its lungs with air. 
 Keywords: sea life, whaling, fauna, wildlife
 Iceland, Húsavik: tailfin of a diving Humpback whale. It will remain submerged for 5-15 minutes after filling its lungs with air. 
 Keywords: sea life, wildlife, fauna, whaling
 Iceland, Húsavik: tailfin of a diving Humpback whale. It will remain submerged for 5-15 minutes after filling its lungs with air. 
 Keywords: sea life, wildlife, fauna, whaling
 Iceland, Ólafsvík: Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea). 
 Keywords: ornithology, fauna, wildlife, nature, birds
 Iceland, Ólafsvík: a young Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea). 
 Keywords: ornithology, fauna, wildlife, nature, birds
 Iceland, Reykjavik: Lesser Black-backed Gull ( Larus fuscus) by Lake Tjörnin, in the centre of the city. 
 Keywords: birds, seabirds, ornithology, wildlife, fauna
 Iceland, Reykjavik: female Tufted Duck with young on Lake Tjörnin, in the centre of the city. 
 Keywords: birds, diving ducks, ornithology, wildlife, fauna
 Chile. Chaiten: Eared Dove/Tortola (Zenaida auriculata) 
 Keywords: bird, pigeon, flora and fauna, ornithology
 Chile. Chaiten: flowers of Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis). 
 Keywords: nature, creeper, flora and fauna, vegetation, plants, botany
 Chile. Chaiten: Southern Lapwing/Queltehue (Vanellus chilensis). 
 Keywords: bird, flora and fauna, ornithology
 Chile. Chaiten: a large fern in the Valdivian temperate rainforest near the "El Amarillo" hot springs. 
 Keywords: vegetation, plants, botany, nature, flora and fauna
 Chile. Chaiten: wild Honeysucklea (Lonicera sp.) in the Valdivian temperate rainforest near the "El Amarillo" hot springs. 
 Keywords: rambler, climber, vegetation, plants, botany, nature, flora and fauna
 Chile. Chaiten: a large fern in the Valdivian temperate rainforest near the "El Amarillo" hot springs. 
 Keywords: vegetation, plants, botany, nature, nature, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Buenos Aires: Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata) 
 Keywords: bird, flora and fauna, pigeon, ornithology
 Argentina, Buenos Aires: flowers of the Pink Lapacho tree (Handroanthus impetiginosus) on Avenida 9 de Julio. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, botany
 Argentina, Buenos Aires: flowers of the Pink Lapacho tree (Handroanthus impetiginosus) on Avenida 9 de Julio. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, botany
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: Dolphin Gull (Leucophaeus scoresbii). 
 Keywords: seagull, flora and fauna, ornithology, birds
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) on an island in the Beagle Channel. 
 Keywords: South America, Andes, Patagonia, Latin America, birds, ornithology, flora and Fauna
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: a solitary Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua) on an island in the Beagle Channel. 
 Keywords: South America, flora and Fauna, ornithology, birds, Latin America, Patagonia, Andes
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) on an island in the Beagle Channel. 
 Keywords: South America, Andes, Patagonia, Latin America, birds, ornithology, flora and Fauna
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) on an island in the Beagle Channel. 
 Keywords: South America, Andes, Patagonia, Latin America, birds, ornithology, flora and Fauna
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) on an island in the Beagle Channel. 
 Keywords: South America, Andes, Patagonia, Latin America, birds, ornithology, flora and Fauna
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: a group of Patagonian or South American Sea lions (Otaria flavescens) with a large male in the foreground, on a rocky island in the Beagle Channel. Numerous Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) in the background. 
 Keywords: South America, Andes, Patagonia, Latin America, wildlife, wild animals, flora and fauna, birds
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: a group of Patagonian or South American Sea lions (Otaria flavescens) with a large male in the foreground on a rocky island in the Beagle Channel. Numerous Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) in the background. 
 Keywords: South America, Andes, Patagonia, Latin America, wildlife, wild animals, flora and fauna, birds
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: a group of Patagonian or South American Sea lions (Otaria flavescens) on a rocky island in the Beagle Channel. 
 Keywords: South America, Andes, Patagonia, Latin America, wildlife, wild animals, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: Southern Giant Petrel or Giant Fulmar or Stinker (Macronectes giganteus). 
 Keywords: South America, seabirds, flora and Fauna, ornithology, birds, Latin America, Patagonia, Andes
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: Southern Giant Petrel or Giant Fulmar or Stinker (Macronectes giganteus). 
 Keywords: South America, seabirds, flora and Fauna, ornithology, birds, Latin America, Patagonia, Andes
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia: Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) on an island in the Beagle Channel. 
 Keywords: South America, Andes, Patagonia, Latin America, birds, ornithology, flora and Fauna
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego: Patagonian or South American Grey Fox/Zorro Gris (Lycalopex griseus). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wild animals, wildlife, Patagonia, Latin America
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego: Patagonian or South American Grey Fox/Zorro Gris (Lycalopex griseus). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Patagonia, wildlife, wild animals, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego: Patagonian or South American Grey Fox/Zorro Gris (Lycalopex griseus). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Patagonia, wildlife, wild animals, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Tierra del Fuego: Patagonian or South American Grey Fox/Zorro Gris (Lycalopex griseus). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Patagonia, wildlife, wild animals, flora and fauna
 Chile, Puerto Natales: masses of wild lupins (Lupinus) in various colours. 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, flowers, plants, botany, colourful
 Chile, Puerto Natales: dead Nothofagus trees, covered with Old Man's Beard (Protousnea sp.), a genus of lichenised ascomycetes. 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, Parmeliaceae, botany, flora and fauna, fungi
 Chile, Puerto Natales: Austral Thrush/Zorzal (Turdus falcklandii) 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, bird, ornithology, flora and fauna
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: juvenile Rufus-collared Sparrow/Chincol (Zonotrichia capensis) has not yet acquired his "collar". 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, ornithology, birds, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: pair of Upland Geese/Caiquen (Cloephaga picta) 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, birds, ornithology, flora and fauna, waterfowl, wildlife
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: pair of Upland Geese/Caiquen (Cloephaga picta) 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, birds, ornithology, flora and fauna, waterfowl, wildlife
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: juvenile Rufus-collared Sparrow/Chincol (Zonotrichia capensis) has not yet acquired his "collar". 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, ornithology, birds, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: masses of wild lupins (Lupinus) in various colours. 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, flowers, plants, botany, colourful
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: flowers of Fuegian Edelweiss (Perezia recurvata). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, flora and fauna, botany, wildflowers, plants
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: the South Andean Deer/Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) is an endangered species with less than 1500 animals estimated to remain in the wild. 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, wildlife, flora and fauna, wild animals, antelope
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: the South Andean Deer/Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) is an endangered species with less than 1500 animals estimated to remain in the wild. 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, wildlife, flora and fauna, wild animals, antelope
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: the South Andean Deer/Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) is an endangered species with less than 1500 animals estimated to remain in the wild. 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, wildlife, flora and fauna, wild animals, antelope
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: Least Grebe (Tachybaptus dominicus). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, wildlife, flora and fauna, birds, ornithology, waterfowl
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: Yellow-billed Pintails (Anas spinicauda). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, wildlife, flora and fauna, birds, ornithology, waterfowl
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: Coscoroba Swan (Coscoroba coscoroba) with Red-gartered Coot (Fulica armillata) and Chiloe Wigeons (Anas sibilatrix). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, wildlife, flora and fauna, birds, ornithology, waterfowl
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: a pair of Upland Geese/Caiquen (Chloephaga picta) with family. 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, wildlife, flora and fauna, birds, ornithology, waterfowl, goslings
 Chile, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine: Coscoroba Swans (Coscoroba coscoroba). 
 Keywords: South America, waterfowl, ornithology, birds, flora and fauna, wildlife, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America
 Argentina, El Calafate: Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) being mobbed by a seagull. 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, bird, vulture, ornithology
 Argentina, El Calafate: Culpeo/Zorro Culpeo/Andean Fox (Lycalopex culpaeus) 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, wild animals, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America
 Argentina, El Calafate: Culpeo/Zorro Culpeo/Andean Fox (Lycalopex culpaeus) 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, wild animals, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America
 Argentina, El Calafate: closer view of a Guanaco (Lama guanicoe). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, wild animals, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Argentina, El Calafate: a group of Guanacos (Lama guanicoe) 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, wild animals, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus). 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, bird, ornithology, flora and fauna, scavenger
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: Southern Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus). 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, bird, ornithology, flora and fauna, raptor, bird of prey
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: Southern Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus). 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, bird, ornithology, flora and fauna, raptor, bird of prey
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: flowers of Siete Camisas (Escallonia rubra). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, shrub, botany, flora and fauna, wild flowers
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: Patagonian Sierra-Finch/Cometocino Patagonico (Phrygilus patagonicus). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, ornithological, bird, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: Patagonian Sierra-Finch/Cometocino Patagonico (Phrygilus patagonicus). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, ornithological, bird, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: Rufous-collared Sparrow/Chincol (Zonotrichia capensis), with its collar clearly visible. 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, passerines, ornithology, birds, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: Rufous-collared Sparrow/Chincol (Zonotrichia capensis), with its collar clearly visible. 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, passerines, ornithology, birds, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: Upland or Magellan Geese (Chloephaga picta). 
 Keywords: South America, Sheldgeese, flora and fauna, ornithology, birds, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: Black-necked Swans (Cygnus melancoryphus) 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, ornithology, waterfowl, birds, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, lake
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: flowers of Canelo andino (Sp.) (Drimys winteri) at the Spegazzini Glacier Viewing Station. 
 Keywords: South America, wild flowers, flora and fauna, shrub, botany, colourful, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia
 Argentina, Los Glaciares National Park: flowers of Fuschia magellanica at the Spegazzini Glacier Viewing Station. 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, colourful, botany, flora and fauna, wild flowers
 Argentina, Puerto Punta Bandera: skeletal tree in a meadow at the Spegazzini glacier viewing station. Dead trees can take up to 500 years to disintegrate in this climate. 
 Keywords: South America, nature, flora and fauna, lake, colourful, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, UNESCO
 Argentina, El Chalten: Southern Lapwing/Treile (Vanellus chilensis). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, bird, ornithology, flora and fauna
 Argentina, El Chalten: flowers of Escallonia virgata ("Siete Camisas Blanca"). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, botany, flora and fauna, wild flowers, shrub
 Argentina, Estancia la Angostura: group of Guanacos (Lama guanicoe) with Lesser Rhea or Nando (Pterocnemia pennata) in the foreground. 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, Andes, scenery, Latin America, mountains, flora and fauna, wildlife, birds, ornithology
 Argentina, Estancia la Angostura: group of Guanacos (Lama guanicoe). 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, Andes, scenery, Latin America, mountains, flora and fauna, wildlife
 Argentina, Estancia la Angostura: a pair of Upland or Magellan Geese (Chloephaga picta) with Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) in the background. 
 Keywords: South America, waterfowl, flora and fauna, ornithology, birds, sheldgoose, Patagonia, Andes, scenery, Latin America, nature, landscape
 Argentina, Estancia la Angostura: Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, ornithology, birds, Patagonia, Andes, scenery, Latin America, nature, landscape
 Argentina, Estancia la Angostura: a trio of Black-faced Ibis or Bandurria (Theristicus melanopis) in flight. 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America, birds, ornithology, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Perito Moreno: a family group of Guanacos (Lama guanicoe). 
 Keywords: South America, nature, wild animals, flora and fauna, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia
 Argentina, Perito Moreno: Black-necked Swans (Cygnus melancoryphus). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, waterfowl, ornithology, birds, Latin America, Andes, Patagonia, wildlife, nature
 Chile, Puerto Rio Tranquilo: Queen Mora or Star Flower (Mutisia reina). 
 Keywords: South America, plant, flora and Fauna, wild flowers, botany, Patagonia, Andes, Latin America
 Chile, Puerto Rio Tranquilo: scarlet flowers of the Chilean Fire Bush or Ciruelillo (Embothrium coccineum). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, Patagonia, botany, wild shrub, flora and fauna
 Chile, Patagonia: flowers of Fuchsia magellicana shrubs are common, as are those of Ranunculus. 
 Keywords: South America, phytography, plants, Latin America, botany, wild flowers, flora and fauna
 Chile, Patagonia: colourful wild grasses in Cerro Castillo National Park. 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, nature, botany, Latin America, plants, phytography
 Chile, Puyuhuapi: flowers of the Waterfall Plant (Ourisia ruelloides) 
 Keywords: South America, Patagonia, nature, phytography, wild flowers, Latin America, botany, flora and fauna
 Chile. Puerto Montt: South American Sea Lions (Otaria flavescens) swimming close to the jetty. 
 Keywords: South America, sea life, wild animals, flora and fauna, Latin America
 Chile. Puerto Montt: young South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) swimming close to the jetty. 
 Keywords: South America, sea life, wild animals, flora and fauna, Latin America
 Chile. Puerto Varas: 5 Chimango Caracara falcons (Milvago chimango) in a tree-top. 
 Keywords: South America, birds of prey, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America
 Chile. Valdivia: Neotropic or Olivacious Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America, fish-eater
 Chile. Valdivia: Neotropic or Olivacious Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus). 
 Keywords: South America, fish-eater, Latin America, nature, birds, ornithology, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Chile. Valdivia: Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America, scavenger
 Chile. Valdivia: Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America, scavenger
 Chile. Valdivia: Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, nature, birds, ornithology, wildlife, flora and fauna, seagull
 Chile. Valdivia: South American Sea Lions (Otaria flavescens). (male in the foreground) with Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus). 
 Keywords: South America, ornithology, birds, seal family, Latin America, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Chile. Valdivia: South American Sea Lions (Otaria flavescens). 
 Keywords: South America, seal family, Latin America, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Chile. Valdivia: Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) (left) and Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) (right) 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, nature, birds, ornithology, wildlife, flora and fauna, scavengers
 Chile. Valdivia: Peruvian Pelican (Pelecanus thagus). 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, nature, birds, ornithology, wildlife, flora and fauna, waterfowl
 Chile. Pucon: Black-faced Ibis (Theristicus melanopis). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America
 Chile. Pucon: Black-faced Ibis (Theristicus melanopis). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America
 Chile. Pucon: Black-faced Ibis (Theristicus melanopis). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America
 Chile. Pucon: Red-gartered Coot (Fulica armillata). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America
 Chile. Pucon: Brown-hooded Gull (Chroicocephalus maculipennis) 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America
 Chile. Pucon: Southern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America
 Chile. Pucon: Southern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis). 
 Keywords: South America, flora and fauna, wildlife, ornithology, birds, nature, Latin America
 Chile. Santiago, Santa Lucia Hill: Araucaria angustifolia, an evergreen coniferous tree belonginging to the family Araucariaceae which has 19 members. It is native to Brazil, but highly endangered due to deforestation activities. 
 Keywords: South America, rainforest, flora and fauna, nature, botany, Latin America
 Chile. Santiago: Aloe dichotoma (?) on Santa Lucia Hill. 
 Keywords: South America, Latin America, botany, flora and fauna, trres
 Algeria, Illizi, Tassili N'Ajjer National Park: Nidua fringe-fingered lizard (Acanthodactylus scutellatus). 
 Keywords: Sahara, desert, sand, Africa, Maghreb, reptile, fauna, wildlife
 Algeria, Illizi, Tassili N'Ajjer National Park: tracks and trails of nocturnal sandworms and other creatures in the sand dunes at Tin Merzouga in the Tadrart mountains. 
 Keywords: Sahara, desert, sand, geology, dunes, landscape, picturesque, vista, Africa, Maghreb, Tuareg, Berber, UNESCO, eroded, weathered, Imuhar, fauna, tracks
 Algeria, Illizi, Tassili N'Ajjer National Park: trails of nocturnal sandworms (?) in the sand dunes at Tin Merzouga in the Tadrart mountains. 
 Keywords: Sahara, desert, sand, geology, dunes, landscape, picturesque, vista, Africa, Maghreb, Tuareg, Berber, UNESCO, eroded, weathered, Imuhar, fauna, tracks
 Algeria, Illizi, Tassili N'Ajjer National Park, Essendilene: Desert Lark (Ammomanes deserti). 
 Keywords: Sahara, bird, ornithology, fauna, wildlife
 Algeria, Illizi, Tadrat National Park: White-crowned Wheatear (Oenanthe leucopyga) 
 Keywords: Sahara, desert, bird, thrush, ornithology, fauna, wild life
 Algeria, Illizi, Tadrat National Park: White-crowned Wheatear (Oenanthe leucopyga) 
 Keywords: Sahara, desert, bird, thrush, ornithology, fauna, wild life
 Algeria, Illizi, Tadrat National Park: White-crowned Wheatear (Oenanthe leucopyga) 
 Keywords: Sahara, desert, bird, thrush, ornithology, fauna, wild life
 Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) at a feeder at Mount Stewart, Northern Ireland. 
 Keywords: mammal, rodent, wild animal, fauna, wildlife
 Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) at a feeder at Mount Stewart, Northern Ireland. 
 Keywords: mammal, rodent, wild animal, fauna, wildlife
 Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) at a feeder at Mount Stewart, Northern Ireland. 
 Keywords: mammal, rodent, wild animal, fauna, wildlife
 Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) at a feeder at Mount Stewart, Northern Ireland. 
 Keywords: mammal, rodent, wild animal, fauna, wildlife
 Common tern (Sterna hirundo) on Belfast's waterfront. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, wildlife, fauna
 Common tern (Sterna hirundo) on Belfast's waterfront. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, wildlife, fauna
 Grey Squirrel ((Sciurus carolinensis) in a Midlands garden. 
 Keywords: animals, mammals, rodents, wildlife, fauna
 Curlew (Numenius arquata) on the beach at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, waders, wildlife, nature, fauna
 Curlew (Numenius arquata) on the beach at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, waders, wildlife, nature, fauna
 Curlew (Numenius arquata) on the beach at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, waders, wildlife, nature, fauna
 Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) on the beach at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, waders, wildlife, nature, fauna
 Blackstart (Oenanthe melanura) at Ain Razat, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, wildlife, fauna, nature
 Flowers of the Sodom Apple (Calotropis procera) and female Shining Sunbird (Cinnyris habessinicus) at Tawi Attair, Oman. 
 Keywords: botany, blooms, flora, bush, shrub, birds, ornithology, fauna, nature, wildlife
 Flowers of the Sodom Apple (Calotropis procera) and female Shining Sunbird (Cinnyris habessinicus) at Tawi Attair, Oman. 
 Keywords: botany, blooms, flora, bush, shrub, birds, ornithology, fauna, nature, wildlife
 Flowers of the Sodom Apple (Calotropis procera) and female Shining Sunbird (Cinnyris habessinicus) at Tawi Attair, Oman. 
 Keywords: botany, blooms, flora, bush, shrub, birds, ornithology, fauna, nature, wildlife
 Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis fulva) on the beach at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, fauna, wildlife, nature
 Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis) on the beach at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, fauna, wildlife, nature, waders
 Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis) on the beach at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, fauna, wildlife, nature, waders
 Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis) on the beach at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, fauna, wildlife, nature, waders
 Sooty Gulls (Larus hemprichii) on the beach at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, fauna, wildlife, nature, seagulls
 Sanderlings (Calidris alba) on the beach at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, fauna, wildlife, nature, waders
 Indian House Crow (Corvus splendens) at Salalah, Oman. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, fauna, wildlife, nature
 Namibia, Twyfelfontein: African Edelweiss or Desert Edelweiss (Helichrysum roseo) in full flower. 
 Keywords: botany, flora and fauna, desert flowering plants, flowers of the desert
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis). 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, bird, ornithology, starling, wildlife, fauna
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Krün: young adder or viper (Vipera berus) on Mount Soiern (1613 metres). 
 Keywords: reptiles, snakes, venomous, poisonous, fauna, wildlife
 Cambodia, Siem Reap: a lizard, sunning itself on the masonry of Angkor Wat Temple. 
 Keywords: reptiles, lizard, fauna
 Jordan, Jerash: Starred Agama (Stellagama stellio). 
 Keywords: reptiles, lizard, fauna, Laudakia
 Jordan, Jerash: Starred Agama (Stellagama stellio). 
 Keywords: reptiles, lizard, fauna, Laudakia
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: Starred Agama (Stellagama stellio). 
 Keywords: Rhodos, amphibians, fauna, wildlife, lizard, Laudakia
 Turkey, Mugia Province, Labranda: Starred Agama (Stellagama stellio). 
 Keywords: reptiles, flora and fauna, lizards, Laudakia
 Thailand, Phuket Island: Asian elephants performing in the zoo. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Siam, orient, far east, colourful, pachyderms, animals, mammals, fauna
 Thailand, Phuket Island: trainer, with his head in a crocodile's jaws, in the zoo. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Siam, orient, far east, colourful, reptiles, amphibians, fauna
 Thailand, Phuket Island: trainer holding aloft a young crocodile in the zoo. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Siam, orient, far east, colourful, reptiles, amphibians, fauna
 Thailand, Phuket Island: crocodiles in the zoo. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Siam, orient, far east, colourful, reptiles, amphibians, fauna
 Thailand, Phuket Island: trained monkey with umbrella in the zoo. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Siam, orient, far east, colourful, apes, performing, animals, mammals, fauna, stage
 Thailand, Phang-nga: monkey eating a banana outside the Wat Tham Suwankhuha Buddhist Temple (Heaven Grotto Temple). The monkeys are fed by the monks. 
 Keywords: Siam, orient, far east, macaque, wild animals, fauna
 Germany, Bavaria, Bayreuth: Black Swans (Cygnus atratus) in the grounds of Schloss Fantaisie. 
 Keywords: Upper Franconia, birds, ornithology, waterfowl, fauna, neophytes
 Germany, Bavaria, Bayreuth: Black Swan(Cygnus atratus) in the grounds of Schloss Fantaisie. 
 Keywords: Upper Franconia, birds, ornithology, waterfowl, fauna, neophytes
 Germany, Bavaria, Bayreuth: Black Swans (Cygnus atratus) in the grounds of Schloss Fantaisie. 
 Keywords: Upper Franconia, birds, ornithology, waterfowl, fauna, neophytes
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Bad Wiessee: Blindworm or Smooth Snake (Anguis fragilis) on Mount Fockenstein (1562 metres) in the Bavarian Alps. 
 Keywords: alpine, spring, pasture, mountain range, countryside, nature, reptile, fauna, vertibrate
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) in Nymphenburg Gardens. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, nesting-hole, wisdom, fauna, night-owl
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) in Nymphenburg Gardens. 
 Keywords: birds, ornithology, nesting-hole, wisdom, fauna, night-owl
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) in the Platia Martiron Evreon. 
 Keywords: exotic, birds, colourful, parrots, fauna, ornithology
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: red and green macaws (Ara chloropterus) and blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) in the Platia Martiron Evreon. 
 Keywords: exotic, birds, colourful, parrots, fauna, ornithology
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: red and green macaws (Ara chloropterus) and blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) in the Platia Martiron Evreon. 
 Keywords: exotic, birds, colourful, parrots, fauna, ornithology
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: Northern Wheatear ( Oenanthe oenanthe). 
 Keywords: wildlife, birds, ornithology, fauna
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: yaks/dzo and sheep grazing on the High Plateau. 
 Keywords: Asian, harsh, inhospitable, cold, fauna, heritage, historical, picturesque, temples, Buddhist
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: yaks/dzo on the snow-covered High Plateau. 
 Keywords: Asian, Buddhist, temples, picturesque, historical, heritage, fauna, cold, inhospitable
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: yaks/dzo on the snow-covered High Plateau. 
 Keywords: Asian, Buddhist, temples, picturesque, historical, heritage, fauna, cold, inhospitable
 Qatar, Doha: Eastern Reef Egret (Egretta sacra). 
 Keywords: herons, fauna, birds, ornithology
 Qatar, Doha: Eastern Reef Egret (Egretta sacra). 
 Keywords: herons, fauna, birds, ornithology
 Qatar, Doha: Eastern Reef Egret (Egretta sacra). 
 Keywords: herons, fauna, birds, ornithology
 Qatar, Doha: White-eared Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucotis). 
 Keywords: fauna, birds, ornithology
 Thailand, Chiang Mai: Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis). 
 Keywords: Buddhist, fauna, ornithology, birds, temples, picturesque, Siam, architecture, colourful, religious
 Thailand, Bangkok: wild Monitor Lizard (Varanus spec.) in the moat surrounding Dusit Park. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, fauna, amphibians, wild animals, metropolis, capital city, Siam
 Zebra Dove or Peaceful Dove or Barred Ground Dove (Geopelia striata). 
 Keywords: birds, pigeon, ornithology, Columbidae, flora and fauna
 Austria, Tyrol, Achenkirch: flowers of the highly poisonous Deadly Nightshade (Atropa bella-donna) on Hochplatte. 
 Keywords: alpine, plants, flowers, botanical, botany, flora and fauna, mountain range, Alps, alpine scenery, picturesque, countryside, nature, outdoor life, poison
 Austria, Tyrol, Achenkirch: cows near the summit of Hochplatte. 
 Keywords: alpine, grazing, cattle, flora and fauna, mountain range, Alps, alpine scenery, picturesque, countryside, nature, outdoor life
 Austria, Tyrol, Achenkirch: Turkscap Lily (Lilium martagon) on the summit of Hochplatte. 
 Keywords: alpine, outdoor life, nature, countryside, picturesque, alpine scenery, Alps, mountain range, flora and fauna, botany, botanical, flowers, plants
 Austria, Tyrol, Achenkirch: Turkscap Lily (Lilium martagon) on the summit of Hochplatte. 
 Keywords: alpine, plants, flowers, botanical, botany, flora and fauna, mountain range, Alps, alpine scenery, picturesque, countryside, nature, outdoor life
 Austria, Tyrol, Achenkirch: Turkscap Lily (Lilium martagon) on the summit of Hochplatte. 
 Keywords: alpine, plants, flowers, botanical, botany, flora and fauna, mountain range, Alps, alpine scenery, picturesque, countryside, nature, outdoor life
 Argentina, Tucumán Province: Trichocereus cacti in the Andes (are suffering from diseases and declining, despite protection laws). 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, cactus, plant, botany, botanical
 Brazil, Iguazu: a "monster" at the campsite, Foz de Iguazu. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, scary, scaring, shocking, frightening, shock, fright, creature from the depths
 Brazil, Iguazu: a lizard near the waterfalls. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, squamata, chordata, animalia, reptiles
 Switzerland, Bernese Oberland: after being almost completely extirpated, the Ibex (Steinbock)(Capra ibex) iis now protected and has returned to some parts of the Swiss Alps. 
 Keywords: countryside, picturesque, Alps, mountain range, alpine scenery, alpine meadows, wild animals, fauna, zoology
 India, Agra, Sacred Langur monkey (Semnopithecus entellus), one of a colony at Akbar's tomb. 
 Keywords: wildlife, mammal, animal, ape, fauna, tame
 India, Agra: the Striped Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) is at home even in the biggest cities, and is sacred to the Hindus. 
 Keywords: wildlife, rodents, fauna, mammals
 U.S.A., Florida, Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge: semi-tropical vegetation in a Palm Hammock. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, reservation, rain-forest, luxuriant, dense foliage
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: airboat returning to the Miccosukee Village after a high speed trip across the marshes. The driver is a Miccosukee Indian. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: mangroves near Everglades City. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: Gulf Coast Ranger Station at Everglades City, with Chokoloskee Bay and islands, from the Observation Tower. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: baby alligator. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation, reptiles
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: baby alligator. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation, reptiles
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: typical landscape showing what the Indians call "the river of grass" (marshland). 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, water birds, marshland, reservation, ecosystem
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: fishing in the Nine Mile Pond. The water is dyed dark brown by tannin given off by the mangroves. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: Coconut Palm Tree at Flamingo, with the marina in the background. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) on a mooring post in the marina at Flamingo. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: typical vegetation, with Bromeliads (Air Plants) growing on branches of trees). 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: Great White Heron (Ardea occidentalis) 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation, ornithology
 U.S.A., Florida, Everglades National Park: Mrazek Pond, haunt of water birds and mosquitos. 
 Keywords: national heritage, picturesque, flora & fauna, wildlife, wild flowers, mangrove swamp, river of grass, waterbirds, marshland, reservation
 Germany, Rhineland Palatinate: horse in a field of buttercups on the bank of the River Mosel. 
 Keywords: picturesque, colourful, Rheinland-Pfalz, countryside, nature, landscape, pasture, meadow, tranquil, peaceful, wildflowers, flora and fauna
 Greece, Athens: Keramikos: wild tortoises are to be found on most of the archeological sites. (Testudo graeca ibera). 
 Keywords: wild animals, fauna, Chordata, Vertebrata, Reptilia, Testudinidae
 Israel: Huleh Nature Reserve, an area of swampland and lakes, rich in flora and fauna, in the Jordan River Valley. 
 Keywords: landscape, wildlife, marshland, bird sanctuary, waterfowl, blossom tree
 People's Republic of China, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou: drawing the threads from silkworm cocoons in Suzhou No. 1 Silk Factory Co. Ltd. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, caterpillars, larvae, fauna, insects
 People's Republic of China, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou: sorting silkworm cocoons in Suzhou No. 1 Silk Factory Co. Ltd. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, caterpillars, larvae, fauna, insects
 People's Republic of China, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou: silkworms feeding on mulberry leaves in Suzhou No. 1 Silk Factory Co. Ltd. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, caterpillars, larvae, fauna, insects
 People's Republic of China, Guangxi Province, Sanjiang County, Maan: butterfly 
 Keywords: lepidoptera, insect, colourful, fauna
 People's Republic of China, Guangxi Province, Sanjiang County, Maan: butterfly 
 Keywords: lepidoptera, insect, colourful, fauna
 People's Republic of China, Guangxi Province, Sanjiang County, Maan: butterfly 
 Keywords: lepidoptera, insect, colourful, fauna
 Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes). 
 Keywords: wildlife, fauna, wild animals, mammals, renard, vulpine
 Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes). 
 Keywords: wildlife, fauna, wild animals, mammals, renard, vulpine
 Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes). 
 Keywords: wildlife, fauna, wild animals, mammals, renard, vulpine
 Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes). 
 Keywords: wildlife, fauna, wild animals, mammals, renard, vulpine
 Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes). 
 Keywords: wildlife, fauna, wild animals, mammals, renard, vulpine
 Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes). 
 Keywords: wildlife, fauna, wild animals, mammals, renard, vulpine
 Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes). 
 Keywords: wildlife, fauna, wild animals, mammals, renard, vulpine
 The Philippines, Samar Island, Barangay Longsob, Guinogo-an Cave: hundreds of bats, hanging high up in the roof. 
 Keywords: Samar Island, speleology, geology, natural tunnel, stream, limestone, rocks, chiroptera, fauna, wild animals
 People's Republic of China, Tibet, Lhasa: Oriental Turtle Dove (Streptopelia orientalis) in the Norbulingka. 
 Keywords: architecture, mountains, heritage, historical, picturesque, temples, Buddhist, Asian, colourful, religion, ornithology, birds, fauna, wildlife
 People's Republic of China, Tibet, Lhasa: Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) in the Norbulingka. 
 Keywords: architecture, mountains, heritage, historical, picturesque, temples, Buddhist, Asian, colourful, religion, ornithology, birds, fauna, wildlife
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: Brandt's Mountain Finch (Leucosticte brandti) at Everest Base Camp (5200m.) 
 Keywords: architecture, fauna, wildlife, birds, ornithology, religion, colourful, Asian, Buddhist, temples, picturesque, historical, heritage
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: Rufous-necked Snowfinch (Montifringilla ruficollis) on Lhakpa La (Pass) (5248m.) 
 Keywords: architecture, fauna, wildlife, birds, ornithology, heritage, historical, picturesque, temples, Buddhist, Asian, colourful, religion
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: Rufous-necked Snowfinch (Montifringilla ruficollis) on Lhakpa La (Pass) (5248m.) 
 Keywords: architecture, fauna, wildlife, birds, ornithology, heritage, historical, picturesque, temples, Buddhist, Asian, colourful, religion
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: Rufous-necked Snowfinch (Montifringilla ruficollis) on Lhakpa La (Pass) (5248m.) 
 Keywords: architecture, fauna, wildlife, birds, ornithology, heritage, historical, picturesque, temples, Buddhist, Asian, colourful, religion
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: Brandt's Mountain Finch (Leucosticte brandti) on Karo La (Pass)(5045m.). 
 Keywords: architecture, fauna, wildlife, birds, ornithology, religion, colourful, Asian, Buddhist, temples, picturesque, historical, heritage
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: Brandt's Mountain Finch (Leucosticte brandti) on Karo La (Pass)(5045m.). 
 Keywords: architecture, fauna, wildlife, birds, ornithology, religion, colourful, Asian, Buddhist, temples, picturesque, historical, heritage
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: Brandt's Mountain Finch (Leucosticte brandti) on Karo La (Pass)(5045m.). 
 Keywords: architecture, fauna, wildlife, birds, ornithology, religion, colourful, Asian, Buddhist, temples, picturesque, historical, heritage
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: Himalayan Blue Sheep or Bharal (Pseudois nayaur). 
 Keywords: architecture, fauna, animals, wildlife, religion, colourful, Asian, Buddhist, temples, picturesque, historical, heritage
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: Hoopoe (Upupa epops). 
 Keywords: fauna, birds, Ornithology
 Australia, Queensland, Airlie Beach: Rainbow Lorikeets will feed from your hand; a flock of about 50 comes to the camping ground every day at 4 p.m. (prompt!) to be fed. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Mittenwald: Blindworm (Anguis fragilis) on Mount Kranzberg (1391 metres) in the Bavarian Alps. 
 Keywords: alpine, spring, mountain range, countryside, nature, Slow Worm, snakes, reptiles, fauna, wildlife
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Mittenwald: Blindworm (Anguis fragilis) on Mount Kranzberg (1391 metres) in the Bavarian Alps. 
 Keywords: alpine, spring, mountain range, countryside, nature, Slow Worm, snakes, reptiles, fauna, wildlife
 Pied Fantail (Rhipidura javanica) visiting Manila Zoo. 
 Keywords: ornithology, wild birds, Aves, flora and fauna, wildlife, bird watching
 The Philippines, Manila: python demonstration at Manila Zoo. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, cages, living enclosures, animals, zoological garden, snakes
 Juvenile Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) visiting Manila Zoo. 
 Keywords: ornithology, wild birds, wading birds, Pelecaniformes, Aves, flora and fauna, wildlife, bird watching
 Kent: Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) in Chartwell Gardens. 
 Keywords: ornithology, Anseriformes, wild birds, Aves, flora and fauna, wildlife, bird watching
 Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) in the garden at Chartwell. 
 Keywords: ornithology, Anseriformes, wild birds, Aves, flora and fauna, wildlife, bird watching
 Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) in the garden at Chartwell. 
 Keywords: ornithology, wild birds, wading birds, Pelecaniformes, Aves, flora and fauna, wildlife, bird watching
 Scotland, Caithness, John O'Groats: Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis). 
 Keywords: ornithology, flora and fauna, wildlife, sea birds, Procellariidae, Aves
 Scotland, Caithness, John O'Groats: Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis). 
 Keywords: ornithology, Aves, Procellariidae, sea birds, wildlife, flora and fauna
 AlpineChough (Pyrrhocorax graculus). 
 Keywords: alpine, flora and fauna, crow family, wild birds, ornithology, Alps, countryside, nature
 Alpine Chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus). 
 Keywords: alpine, flora and fauna, crow family, wild birds, ornithology, Alps, countryside, nature
 Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis). 
 Keywords: ornithology, Aves, Procellariidae, sea birds, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis). 
 Keywords: ornithology, Aves, Procellariidae, sea birds, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis). 
 Keywords: ornithology, flora and fauna, wildlife, sea birds, Procellariidae, Aves
 The Eden Project: view of the Biomes and gardens. 
 Keywords: green, biodiversity, flora and fauna, environment, amusement park, biotope, visitor attraction, ethical, educational, landscape, geodesic dome
 The Eden Project: view of the Biomes and gardens. 
 Keywords: green, biodiversity, flora and fauna, environment, amusement park, biotope, visitor attraction, ethical, educational, landscape, geodesic dome
 The Eden Project: view of the Biomes and gardens. 
 Keywords: green, biodiversity, flora and fauna, environment, amusement park, biotope, visitor attraction, ethical, educational, landscape, geodesic dome
 The Eden Project: view of the Biomes and gardens. 
 Keywords: green, biodiversity, flora and fauna, environment, amusement park, biotope, visitor attraction, ethical, educational, landscape, geodesic dome
 Canada, Alberta, Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, Kananaskis Lakes: Rocky Mountains Bighorn Sheep - ewes with young lamb in the road. One ewe has a yellow radio collar. 
 Keywords: outdoor life, fauna, wildlife, mountain range, countryside, nature, hiking, trekking
 Canada, Alberta, Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, Kananaskis Lakes: Rocky Mountains Bighorn Sheep - ewes with young lamb in the road. 
 Keywords: outdoor life, fauna, wildlife, mountain range, countryside, nature, hiking, trekking
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: the herbacious border provides a riot of colour in the Botanical Gardens, with the largest glasshouse in the background. 
 Keywords: München, plants, gardening, botanical, botany, colourful, flowers, flora and fauna
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: Botanical Gardens with the administrative headquarter-building in the background. 
 Keywords: botanical, colourful, flowers, gardens, flora and fauna, München, colour
 USA, Oregon: Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) near Seal Rock. 
 Keywords: countryside, cliffs, beach, breakers, deserted shore, coastline, rugged coast, seagull, bird, fauna, sea bird
 USA, Oregon: Sea Lion Caves, with dozens of Sea Lions sunning themselves. 
 Keywords: countryside, cliffs, beach, breakers, deserted shore, coastline, rugged coast, fauna, wildlife, wild animals
 USA, Oregon: Sea Lion Caves, with dozens of Sea Lions sunning themselves. 
 Keywords: countryside, wild animals, wildlife, fauna, rugged coast, coastline, deserted shore, breakers, beach, cliffs
 Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata) native to South America, in Woodland Park Zoo. 
 Keywords: fauna, wild animals, animals, owls, birds , raptors, birds of prey
 Brown or Grisly Bear (Ursus arctos) in Woodland Park Zoo. 
 Keywords: fauna, wild animals, animals
 Peru, Cusco, Pisac: In the vicinity of Pisac and the "Sacred Valley" a number of important Inca sites are to be found.

Plant with gentian-blue flowers (name t.b.a.). 
 Keywords: High Andes, Cuzco, Qosqo, Inca architecture, Urubamba Valley, flora and fauna, botany
 Peru, Cusco, Pisac: In the vicinity of Pisac and the "Sacred Valley" a number of important Inca sites are to be found.

Flowering cactus - Erdisia (Corryocactus) quadrangularis. 
 Keywords: High Andes, botany, flora and fauna, Urubamba Valley, Inca architecture, Qosqo, Cuzco
 Peru, Cusco, Pisac: In the vicinity of Pisac and the "Sacred Valley" a number of important Inca sites are to be found.

Yellow irises, which grow in profusion in the area. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Cuzco, Qosqo, Inca architecture, Urubamba Valley, iris, flower, flora and fauna, botany
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Snow-capped volcano reflected in the cobalt blue waters of Lake Chungará. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, camelids
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Snow-capped volcano Parinacota (6348 metres) reflected in the cobalt blue Lake Chungará, with flamingoes and other waterfowl. 
 Keywords: High Andes, birds, wildlife, camelids, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Fascinating landscape of pools and rocky islands with volcanoes in the distance. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, colourful
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Alpaca with ear tag. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, camelids
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Llamas and alpacas grazing, with the volcanoes Parinacota and Pomerape as backdrop. 
 Keywords: High Andes, camelids, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Chilean Flamingoes (Phoenicopterus chilensis) in their natural habitat. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, camelids, wildlife, birds, water birds , waders, ornithology
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. A group of grazing Alpacas, with snow-capped volcanoes in the distance. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, camelids
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. A group of grazing Alpacas. 
 Keywords: High Andes, camelids, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Volcanoes near the Bolivian border. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, barren landscape, snowcapped volcanoes
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Lloreta or Yareta (Azorella compacta) is as firm as the rock itself and grows about 1mm. a year between 3200 and 4500 metres a.s.l. 
 Keywords: High Andes, botanical, botany, plants, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. A viscacha (Lagidium peruanum), a rodent of the chinchilla family, enjoying the sunshine. 
 Keywords: High Andes, rabbit, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. A wary vicuna by a waterhole. 
 Keywords: High Andes, wildlife, camelids, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. A group of grazing Vicunas with young. 
 Keywords: High Andes, camelids, flora and fauna, nature reserve
 Chile, Parinacota, Arica: Founded by the Spanish in 1541, the city is surrounded by the Atacama Desert, enjoys minimal rainfall, and is known as "the city of eternal spring, where the sun shines every day". Until 1880 it was part of Peru. Hundreds of Grey Gulls, egrets, pelicans and other wading birds on a beach to the west of the city, with breaking waves in the background. 
 Keywords: Pacific Coast, water birds, ornithology, bird life, flora and fauna
 Chile, Parinacota, Arica: Founded by the Spanish in 1541, the city is surrounded by the Atacama Desert, enjoys minimal rainfall, and is known as "the city of eternal spring, where the sun shines every day". Until 1880 it was part of Peru. Here: a Neotropic Cormorant (Phalocrocorax brasilianus) perches on the bole of a palm tree. 
 Keywords: Pacific Coast, birds, Ornithology, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Jujuy: a group of wild vicunas on the altiplano, managing to find nourishment in this barren environment. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, camelids, wildlife, Andes
 Argentina, Jujuy: grazing llamas on the altiplano, with snow-coverd cordillera in the background. 
 Keywords: wildlife, camelids, flora and fauna, Andes, altiplano, mountains
 Argentina, Jujuy: an inquisitive, young, black and white llama on the altiplano. 
 Keywords: wildlife, flora and fauna, camelids
 Argentina, Jujuy: a group of llamas with ear tags on the altiplano. 
 Keywords: wildlife, camelids, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Jujuy: a wild vicuna on the altiplano. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, camelids, wildlife
 Argentina, Jujuy: a wild vicuna on the altiplano. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, camelids, wildlife
 Argentina, Salta: Quebrada (valley) de Humahuaca: llama walking along the stream. 
 Keywords: camelids, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Salta: Quebrada (valley) de Humahuaca: young llama and mother running alongside the bus. 
 Keywords: camelids, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Salta: Quebrada (valley) de Humahuaca: inquisitive young llama. 
 Keywords: wildlife, camelids, flora and fauna
 Argentina, Salta: banana plantation, with part of the Cabra Coral reservoir in the background. 
 Keywords: landscape, fruit industry, banana trees, agriculture, flora and fauna
 Argentina: Tucumán, Tafí del Valle: Trichocereus cacti dot the landscape above 3000 metres. They are protected by the state. 
 Keywords: cactus, landscape, botany, flora and fauna
 Argentina: Tucumán, Tafí del Valle: plant with orange flowers growing under barren conditions (name t.b.a.) 
 Keywords: botany, flora and fauna
 Argentina: Tucumán, Tafí del Valle: Trichocereus cacti dot the landscape above 3000 metres. They are protected by the state. 
 Keywords: cactus, flora and fauna, botany, landscape
 Brazil, Iguassu Falls, a system of 275 waterfalls stretching for 2.7 kilometres between Brazil and Argentina. One of the tame lizards on the Upper Circuit walkway. 
 Keywords: tropical monsoon area, Iguazu Falls, Iguacu Falls, reptiles, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Costa Rica, Playa de Coco: Ipe tree (Tabebuia impetiginosa), covered with mauve flowers. 
 Keywords: flowering trees, flora and fauna, botany
 Costa Rica: Coral trees (Erythrina bidwilii) covered with coral-red blossom, on the road to Guanacaste. 
 Keywords: flowering trees, botany, flora and fauna
 Costa Rica, Cartago: Irazu Volcano National Park, 3432 metres above sea level: semi-tame ant-eater making short work of a bread roll. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna
 Coata Rica, Cartago: Irazu Volcano National Park, 3432 metres above sea level: semi-tame ant-eater on a park bench. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna
 Australia, Tasmania: Cape Barren Geese in the Taluna Wildlife Park on the Huon Peninsula. 
 Keywords: wild animals, Australian fauna, zoo
 Australia, Tasmania: Young Wallaby in the Taluna Wildlife Park on the Huon Peninsula. 
 Keywords: wild animals, Australian fauna
 Australia, Tasmania: Tasmanian Devil in the Taluna Wildlife Park on the Huon Peninsula. 
 Keywords: wild animals, Australian fauna
 Australia, Tasmania: Young Wallaby in the Taluna Wildlife Park on the Huon Peninsula. 
 Keywords: wild animals, Australian fauna
 Poland: Stork's nest on telegraph pole in the "Masuren" lake district of Poland. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, ciconia ciconia, birds, birds, wildlife
 Namibia, Windhoek: Grey Hornbill (Tockus nasutus) female. 
 Keywords: ornithology, birds, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia, Windhoek: Grey Hornbill (Tockus nasutus) female. 
 Keywords: ornithology, birds, wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a blue wildebeest. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a pair of blue wildebeeste. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a Damara dik-dik in the veldt. 
 Keywords: wild animals, antelopes, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a red hartebeest in the veldt. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna, antelopes
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a group of four giraffes at a waterhole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: giraffe, drinking at a waterhole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: watching a giraffe from a car, with dead branches in the foreground. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a giraffe with two zebras in the veldt. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a giraffe in the veldt. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: closer shot of a springbok in the veldt. 
 Keywords: wild animals, antelopes, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a group of Glossy Starlings (Lamprotornis nitens) at the Moringa Lodge. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari, birds, ornithology
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a large group of Burchell's zebras drinking at the Moringa waterhole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: elephant and a large number of zebras at the Moringa waterhole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a group of springbok in the veldt. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna, antelopes
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: two pairs of Burchell's zebras. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a pair of Burchell's zebras. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: oryx with five male ostriches. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna, antelopes
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: oryx, zebras and ostriches at a waterhole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, antelopes, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: oryx, zebras, springbok and ostriches at a waterhole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, antelopes, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a group of Burchell's zebras on the veldt. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna, antelopes
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: three oryx, with kudu and many springbok at the Okaukuejo waterhole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna, antelopes
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: three oryx with many springbok in the Okaukuejo waterhole, drinking. 
 Keywords: wild animals, antelopes, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: springbok in the Okaukuejo water hole, drinking. 
 Keywords: wild animals, antelopes, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: Burchell's zebras and springbok, with reflections in the Okaukuejo water hole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, antelopes, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: Burchell's zebras and springbok, with reflections in the Okaukuejo water hole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, antelopes, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a group of springbok, with reflections in the Okaukuejo water hole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: four springbok at Okaukuejo water hole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari, antelopes
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: a group of elephants at the Okaukuejo water hole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia: Etosha National Park :elephants, zebra and springbok. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: three male ostriches. 
 Keywords: wild animals, safari, African wildlife, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Etosha National Park: elephants at a small water hole. 
 Keywords: wild animals, flora and fauna, African wildlife, safari
 Namibia, Twyfelfontein: Glossy Starlings (Lamprotornis nitens) at a water hole. 
 Keywords: ornithology, flora and fauna, wildlife, birds
 Namibia: Land Rover trip into the desert from Swakopmund: Tractrac Chat (Cercomela tractrac). 
 Keywords: wild life, birds of Namibia, ornithology, nature, flora and fauna
 Namibia: Land Rover trip into the desert from Swakopmund: Tractrac Chat (Cercomela tractrac). 
 Keywords: wild life, flora and fauna, nature, ornithology, birds of Namibia
 Namibia: Land Rover trip into the desert from Swakopmund: flowers on an acacia tree. 
 Keywords: wild life, nature, flora and fauna
 Namibia, Aus: Nest tree of Sociable Weaver birds, not far from Aus. 
 Keywords: ornithology, flora and fauna, wild life, birds
 Namibia, Aus: Nest tree of Sociable Weaver birds, not far from Aus. 
 Keywords: ornithology, birds, wild life, flora and fauna
 Namibia, Keetmanshoop: Flowers on a "quiver tree" (giant aloe) with visiting sun bird. 
 Keywords: nature, flora and fauna, botany, wild life
 Germany, Upper Bavaria: Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) enjoying the spring sunshine on Mount Kranzberg near Mittenwald. 
 Keywords: alpine, spring, Lepidoptera, nature, insects, German fauna
 Cyprus, Paphos: Anemone coronaria, pink and white varieties. 
 Keywords: Cyprus flora, wild flowers, botany, spring flowers, flora and fauna
 Madeira, Serra d'Agua: hillside covered with flowering broom and pine trees. 
 Keywords: island, landscape, picturesque, flora and fauna, semi-tropical, resort, lush, luxuriant, flowers
 Germany, Lower Saxony, Buxtehude near Hamburg: Comma butterfly (Polygonia album) and Peacock butterfly (Inachis io) on Michaelmas Daisies. 
 Keywords: lepidoptera, flora and fauna, flowers, botany
 Germany, Lower Saxony, Buxtehude near Hamburg: Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) on Michaelmas Daisies. 
 Keywords: lepidoptera, flora and fauna, flowers, botany
 Germany, Lower Saxony, Buxtehude near Hamburg: Comma butterfly (Polygonia album) on Michaelmas Daisies. 
 Keywords: lepidoptera, flora and fauna, flowers, botany
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: Hofgarten, or Court Garden, with fountain and temple, dating from 1615, crowned by a copy of the Bavaria figure modelled by Hubert Gerhard in 1590. 
 Keywords: botanical, colourful, flowers, gardens, flora and fauna, München, architecture
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: Hofgarten, or Court Garden, with the Theatine Church in the background. 
 Keywords: botanical, colourful, flowers, gardens, flora and fauna, München, architecture
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) in profuse flower. 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: profuse flowers of the Easter Cactus (Schlumbergera). 
 Keywords: botanical, gardening, München, flora and fauna, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria: Primula auricula growing on the Zugspitze mountain. 
 Keywords: alpine, flora and fauna, botany, wild flowers, alpine flowers, botanical
 Germany, Upper Bavaria: White False Hellebore (Veratrum album) growing on the Zugspitze mountain. 
 Keywords: alpine, flora and fauna, botanical, alpine flowers, wild flowers, botany
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: flowers of Campanula portenschlagiana. 
 Keywords: botanical, alpine plants, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: meadow of dandelions and lady's smock flowers in Waldfriedhof Park. 
 Keywords: botanical, spring, colourful, flowers, gardens, flora and fauna, München, spring
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: daffodils in Waldfriedhof Park. 
 Keywords: botanical, spring, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich, Hellabrunn Zoo: Scarlet Ibises (Eudocimus ruber), Straw-necked Ibises (Thrskiornis spinicollis) and Smew (Mergus albellus) in the 5000-square -metre free flight aviary. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, München, birds, ornithology
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich, Hellabrunn Zoo: Scarlet Ibises (Eudocimus ruber) and Little Egrets (Egretta garzetta) roosting in the 5000-square -metre free flight aviary. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, ornithology, birds, München
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich, Hellabrunn Zoo: White Stork (Ciconia ciconia). 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, München, birds, ornithology
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich, Hellabrunn Zoo: White Stork (Ciconia ciconia). 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, München, birds, ornithology
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich, Hellabrunn Zoo: childrens' corner with sheep. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, München, mammals, quadrupeds
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich, Hellabrunn Zoo: polar bear (Ursus maritimus) cub (born February 1994) with mother. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, München, mammals, quadrupeds, carnivores
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: Bar-headed Geese (Anser canagicus) on the River Isar. Although not native to central Europe they have established themselves and begun to breed. 
 Keywords: flora and fauna, waterfowl, birds, ornithology, München
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: spring colour in the Botanic Gardens at Nymphenburg provided by a Magnolia tree and beds of tulips, with the glass houses in the background. 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: spring foliage and wild flowers in the informal area of the Botanic Gardens at Nymphenburg. 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: spring colour in the Botanic Gardens at Nymphenburg provided by beds of tulips and pansies around the ornamental pool. 
 Keywords: botanical, horticulture, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: spring colour in the Botanic Gardens at Nymphenburg provided by Darwin Hybrid Tulips "Vivex". 
 Keywords: botanical, horticulture, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: spring colour in the Botanic Gardens at Nymphenburg, with banks of Aubretia and Yellow Alyssum in front of the administrative offices . 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: spring colour in the Botanic Gardens at Nymphenburg, with porcelain parrot on a basket of flowers made by Nymphenburg Porcelain Manufactury. 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: spring colour in the Botanic Gardens at Nymphenburg, with porcelain parrot made by Nymphenburg Porcelain Manufactury. 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: spring cowslips in the grounds of Nymphenburg Palace. 
 Keywords: botanical, colourful, flowers, gardens, flora and fauna, München
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: a bridge in the grounds of Nymphenburg Palace, with spring Forsythia reflecting in the water. 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: colourful spring flowerbeds in the grounds of Nymphenburg Palace. 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: autumn colours in the herbacious border in the West Park, with the parkland in the background. 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: the Thai Water Temple, erected in West Park for the International Garden Show in 1983, with reflections in the lake. 
 Keywords: botanical, colourful, flowers, gardens, flora and fauna, München
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: autumn colours in the herbacious border in the West Park. Michaelmas Daisies (Aster amellus) in a variety of colours. 
 Keywords: botanical, colourful, flowers, gardens, flora and fauna, München
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: autumn colours in the herbacious border in the West Park. Michaelmas Daisies (Aster amellus). 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: autumn colours in the herbacious border in the West Park. 
 Keywords: botanical, München, flora and fauna, gardens, flowers, colourful
 New Zealand, Rotorua: view of Government Gardens and Tudor Towers from the ornamental pool, with a prominent group of Japanese Cedars (Cryptomeria japonica). 
 Keywords: antipodes, architecture, picturesque, landscape, Maori, flora and fauna, arboriculture, trees
 New Zealand, North Island, Waipoua Kauri Forest: "Tane Mahuta" ("Lord of the Forest"), the largest surviving Kauri tree, 56 metres high with a 14-metre-thick trunk, estimated to be 1,200 years old. Its volume of wood is about 245 cubic metres. The crown of Tane Mahutra is a veritable ecosystem on its own, full of epiphytes and home to numerous creatures. 
 Keywords: antipodes, picturesque, Maori, flora and fauna, biology, ecology, arboriculture
 New Zealand, North Island, Waipoua Kauri Forest: "Tane Mahuta" ("Lord of the Forest"), the largest surviving Kauri tree, 56 metres high with a 14-metre-thick trunk, estimated to be 1,200 years old. Its volume of wood is about 245 cubic metres. The crown of Tane Mahutra is a veritable ecosystem on its own, full of epiphytes and home to numerous creatures. 
 Keywords: antipodes, arboriculture, ecology, biology, flora and fauna, Maori, picturesque
 Australia, New South Wales: the Three Sisters, from the Scenic Railway, in the Blue Mountains. 
 Keywords: natural, forest, Eucalyptus forest, picturesque, wildlife, flora and fauna, bush, nature
 Australia, New South Wales: the Three Sisters and Jamison Valley from Echo Point in the Blue Mountains. 
 Keywords: natural, picturesque, wildlife, flora and fauna, bush, nature
 Australia, New South Wales, Byron Bay: the tip of Cape Byron, where dolphins are frequently to be seen, sporting in the surf. 
 Keywords: natural, picturesque, coastline, coast, wildlife, flora and fauna, bush, nature
 Australia, New South Wales: the lighthouse on Cape Byron, "the most easterly point of the Australian mainland". 
 Keywords: natural, nature, bush, flora and fauna, wildlife, coast, coastline, picturesque
 Australia, New South Wales: miles of empty beach at Byron Bay. 
 Keywords: natural, nature, bush, flora and fauna, wildlife, coast, coastline, picturesque
 Australia, Queensland: flowers on a Bottlebrush tree (Callistemon viminalis). These attract many birds to feed off the honey. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland: sugarcane harvesting. From Cairns to Gladstone the main crop is sugarcane. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland, Airlie Beach: Rainbow Lorikeets will feed from your hand; a flock of about 50 comes to the camping ground every day at 4 p.m. (prompt!) to be fed. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland, Airlie Beach: camping ground at the Island Gateway Holiday Resort. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland, Airlie Beach: Boathaven Bay, with Ghost Gum tree in the foreground, from the sailing club. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland, Airlie Beach: colourful catamarans for hire. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland, Airlie Beach: palm trees provide shade on the beach. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland: Hinchinbrook Island, separated from the mainland by a narrow channel, is a national park. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland, Kuranda: the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary; Blue-headed Eggfly (Hypolimnas alimena). 
 Keywords: outback, tropical, biotope, ecology, savannah, vegetation, geology, natural, nature, bush, wilderness, flora and fauna, wildlife
 Australia, Queensland, Kuranda: the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary; two Cruiser butterflies (Vindula arsinoe). 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland, Kuranda: the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland: sparkling, sunlit bay near Cape Tribulation. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland: path through the tropical rainforest in the Cape Tribulation National Park, with the large, round leaves of the palm, Licuala muelleri, in the foreground. 
 Keywords: outback, tropical, biotope, ecology, savannah, vegetation, geology, natural, nature, bush, wilderness, flora and fauna, wildlife
 Australia, Queensland: tropical rainforest in the Cape Tribulation National Park. 
 Keywords: outback, tropical, biotope, ecology, savannah, vegetation, geology, natural, nature, bush, wilderness, flora and fauna, wildlife
 Australia, Queensland: "Spike", a Spectacled Flying Fox (Pteropus conspiculatus) at the Wildlife Park at Hartley's Creek. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland: deserted beach at Yorkey's Knob on the Marlin Coast, about ten kilometres north of Cairns. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland, Atherton Tablelands: Lake Tinaroo, a flooded valley, caused by the damming of Downfall Creek. 
 Keywords: outback, tropical, biotope, ecology, savannah, vegetation, geology, natural, nature, bush, wilderness, flora and fauna, wildlife
 Australia, Queensland, Atherton Tablelands: Lake Tinaroo, a flooded valley, caused by the damming of Downfall Creek. 
 Keywords: outback, tropical, biotope, ecology, savannah, vegetation, geology, natural, nature, bush, wilderness, flora and fauna, wildlife
 Australia, Queensland: series of ochre-coloured termite mounds near the Kennedy Highway. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Queensland: spherical termite mound, taking its colour from the brilliant red earth. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Northern Territory: display of Bougainvilleas at the "Heart Break Hotel", Cape Crawford. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Northern Territory: flowers on the South African Tulip tree (Spathodea campanulata) at Daly Waters. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Northern Territory: conical termite mounds by the Stuart Highway. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Northern Territory, Kakadu National Park: the sun's afterglow through the trees at Yellow Water (mosquitos not visible!) 
 Keywords: outback, sunset, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Northern Territory, Kakadu National Park: sunset at Yellow Water. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Northern Territory, Kakadu National Park: Nourlangie Rock, where numerous caves have been used by the Aborigines for hundreds of years, and some well-preserved paintings may be seen. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Northern Territory, Kakadu National Park: distant sandstone escarpment of the Arnhem Land Plateau, seen from Nourlangie Rock. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Northern Territory, Kakadu National Park: a gnarled, old Eucalyptus tree on the bank of the Alligator River. 
 Keywords: outback, wildlife, flora and fauna, wilderness, bush, nature, natural, geology, vegetation, savannah, ecology, biotope, tropical
 Australia, Northern Territory, Howard Springs Nature Park: swimming pool, with Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopica) in the foreground. 
 Keywords: outback, tropical, biotope, ecology, savannah, vegetation, geology, natural, nature, bush, wilderness, flora and fauna, wildlife
 Australia, Northern Territory, Howard Springs Nature Park: feeding the Barramundi fish, some of which are more than one metre in length. 
 Keywords: outback, tropical, biotope, ecology, savannah, vegetation, geology, natural, nature, bush, wilderness, flora and fauna, wildlife
 Australia, Northern Territory, Darwin: one of a number of massive ancient Banyan trees (Ficus virens) in town parks. 
 Keywords: tropical, flora and fauna, botany, top end
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. Volcanoes near the Bolivian border, with cobalt blue Lake Chungará and waterbirds. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, barren landscape, snowcapped volcanoes
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. The snow-capped volcano Parinacota (6348 metres) and Lake Chungará with waterbirds on the shore. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, barren landscape, snowcapped volcanoes
 Chile, Parinacota: Lauca National Park encompasses an area of 1379 square kilometres comprising altiplano, lakes and huge volcanoes. It adjoins Las Vicunas National Reserve to the south. The snow-capped volcanoes, Pomerape (6282 metres) and Parinacota (6348 metres) on the border of Chile and Bolivia. 
 Keywords: High Andes, nature reserve, flora and fauna, barren landscape, snowcapped volcanoes

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