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Travel (22 files)

 Uzbekistan, Surkhandarya Province: landscape en route to Termiz - sandstone mountain ranges and red earth with a sparse covering of vegetation. A herd of goats makes its way along the river valley. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, culture, heritage, geology, topography, scenic, desolate, livestock
 Kyrgyzstan, Osh Oblast (Province): a herd of horses with foals being driven along the road by a young Kyrgyz herdsman between Sary-Tash and Osh. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, livestock, equestrian
 Kyrgyzstan, Osh Oblast (Province): a herd of horses with foals being driven along the road by a young Kyrgyz herdsman between Sary-Tash and Osh. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, livestock, equestrian
 Italy, Tuscany, Maremma Regional Park (Parco Regionale de Maremma) near Grossetto: a herd of long-horned cattle watches visitors with curiosity. 
 Keywords: nature, reservation, conservation, ecology, bio-diversity, biotope, countryside, swamplands
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Schwangau: cows in a meadow in the Allgau, "the dairy of Bavaria". 
 Keywords: cattle, milk, pasture, herds, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse
 Turkey, Anatolia: nomads camping on the plains of north-east Anatolia with their herds of sheep. 
 Keywords: heritage, shepherd, flock, tent, landscape, plain, hills
 Turkey, Anatolia: nomads camping on the plains of north-east Anatolia with their herds of sheep. 
 Keywords: heritage, shepherd, flock, tent, landscape, plain, hills
 Mongolia, Dundgov Aimag (Province): a small grazing herd of Bactrian Camels in the Gobi Desert. 
 Keywords: Mongol, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia, Buddhist, Buddhism
 Mongolia, Arkhangai Aimag (Province): a herd of yaks being watered in a pool. 
 Keywords: Mongol, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Arkhangai Aimag (Province): a group of nomadic herdsmen from Uvs Aimag (in the north-west), driving a herd of camels in the direction of Ulaanbaatar. Bactrian camels in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Mongol, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Arkhangai Aimag (Province): a group of nomadic herdsmen from Uvs Aimag (in the north-west), driving a herd of sheep and goats in the direction of Ulaanbaatar. 
 Keywords: Mongol, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Arkhangai Aimag (Province): a group of nomadic herdsmen from Uvs Aimag (in the north-west), driving a herd of sheep and goats in the direction of Ulaanbaatar. Here a herdsman shows his "uurga" or traditional wooden lasso. 
 Keywords: Mongol, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Arkhangai Aimag (Province): a group of nomadic herdsmen from Uvs Aimag (in the north-west), driving a herd of camels in the direction of Ulaanbaatar. 
 Keywords: Mongol, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Paraguay: a working gaucho, with horse and dog, and a herd of cattle, about 30 kilometres from the Argentinian border. 
 Keywords: cowboy, horse and rider, horse rider, mounted
 Hungary, Hortobagy National Park and Wildlife Reserve: herd of grazing horses on the puszta, with traditional Hungarian well in the background. 
 Keywords: stud, horse breeding
 Hungary, Hortobagy National Park and Wildlife Reserve: herd of longhorn Hungarian grey cattle, last of the species, on the puszta, with calf in the foreground. 
 Keywords: white cows, cowman
 Hungary, Hortobagy National Park and Wildlife Reserve: herd of Hungarian grey cattle, last of the species, on the puszta with cowboy ("cskiko"). 
 Keywords: white cows, cowman
 Hungary, Hortobagy National Park and Wildlife Reserve: herd of Hungarian grey cattle, last of the species, on the puszta with cowboy ("cskiko") and his dog. 
 Keywords: white cows, cowman
 Hungary, Hortobagy National Park and Wildlife Reserve: herd of water buffalo in the charge of a cowboy ("cskiko") on the puszta, with a herd of horses in the background.
 Iraq, Uruk: A herd of grazing camels from the road to Uruk. 
 Keywords: beast of burden
 Germany, Thuringa, Erfurt: St Boniface created the first bishopric in Erfurt in 742 AD, since when the city has been a centre of trade and commerce, being incorporated into the Hanseatic League in the 15th century. Known as the centre of German humanism, Martin Luther studied and preached here 1505-11. Handsome Renaissance facades of former merchant houses on the Fischmarkt, the "Haus zum Breiten Herd" (1584) and the "Gildehaus". 
 Keywords: mediaeval city, German heritage, historic buildings, Lutherism, protestantism, mediaeval architecture
 Namibia, Moringa: Etosha Game Reserve: the waterhole at Moringa Lodge with a herd of Burchell's zebras; spectator in foreground.

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