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Travel (25 files)

 Chile. Santiago: monument to the heroes of Iquique,1879, in the Battle of the Pacific, between Chile and Peru/Bolivia. 
 Keywords: South America, heritage, naval battle, historic, Latin America, statue
 Chile. Santiago: monument to the heroes of Iquique,1879, in the Battle of the Pacific, between Chile and Peru/Bolivia. 
 Keywords: South America, heritage, naval battle, historic, Latin America, statue
 England, Merseyside, Liverpool: Memorial to the Engine Room Heroes of the Titanic which sank in the North Atlantic on 15th April 1912, with the Royal Liver Building, completed on 19th July 1911, in the background. One of Liverpool's "Three Graces", standing on the Pier Head. 
 Keywords: historic, heritage, architecture, monument, memorial, sculpture, culture, UNESCO
 Thailand, Pattaya: statue of Admiral Krom Luang Jumborn Khet Udomsakdi near the Wat Big Buddha Temple. 
 Keywords: Siam, monument, national hero, memorial
 Turkey, Izmir: equestrian statue of Kemal Atatürk on the Cumhuriyet Meydani. 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, culture, historic, national heritage, monument, hero
 Hungary, Budapest: statue of Lajos Kossuth, leader of the rebellion against the Habsburgs 1848-9, in Kossuth Lajos Square. 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, picturesque, culture, historic, national heritage, colourful, capital city, monument, hero, rebel
 Hungary, Budapest: equestrian statue of Ferenc Rakoczi, leader of the rebellion against the Habsburgs 1703-1711, with part of the parliament building behind. 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, picturesque, culture, historic, national heritage, colourful, capital city, monument, hero
 Greece, Athens: statue of Ionnis Andreou Varvakis (1745-1825), a Greek hero, in the National Gardens. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, Greek, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, architecture, classical, heritage, monument, capital city
 Bulgaria, Sofia: Mausoleum of the national hero, Georgi Dimitrov, built in 1949, standing in 9th September Square. 
 Keywords: capital city, metropolis, architecture, heritage, culture, historic
 Iran, Teheran: typical street scene with hoarding lauding a hero of the Iraq-Iran war. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, traffic lights, zebra crossing
 Iran: gravestones of ancient heroes approximately 250 years old in a cemetary near Pol-e-Dokhtar. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology
 Iran: gravestones of ancient heroes approximately 250 years old in a cemetary near Pol-e-Dokhtar. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology
 Hungary, Debrecen: Monument to Lajos Kossuth, erected in 1914. Here Kossuth declared the independence of Hungary from Austria in 1849. 
 Keywords: national heritage, freedom fighter, architecture, historical, sculpture, national hero, memorial, statue, sculpture
 Hungary, Szeged: statue of Lajos Kossuth (?) in Klauzál Square where he gave his last public address on 12th July 1849 before going into exile. 
 Keywords: national heritage, national hero, monument, sculpture, historical, neo-classical, architecture, freedom fighter
 Mongolia, Arkhangai Aimag (Province): the Taikhar Chuluu Monolith. Legend has it that a local hero hurled the monolith at a huge serpent, which may still be under the rock. Many Mongolians come to visit, and most leave their names in the form of graffiti! 
 Keywords: Mongol, sharmanism, religious monuments, Chinggis Khaan, Genghis Khan, steppe, Outer Mongolia
 Mongolia, Arkhangai Aimag (Province): Mongolian visitors posing in front of the Taikhar Chuluu Monolith. Legend has it that a local hero hurled the monolith at a huge serpent, which may still be under the rock. Many Mongolians come to visit, and most leave their names in the form of graffiti! 
 Keywords: Mongol, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism
 Thailand, Pattaya, Mini Siam: model of the Victory Monument in Bangkok, erected in 1942 to honour Thai war heroes. 
 Keywords: holiday resort, Siam, seaside, picturesque, temples, Buddhist, sunshine, night life, beach
 Bolivia, Nuestra Senora de La Paz, at 3660 metres, the highest capital city in the world. Equestrian statue of Simon Bolívar (1783-1830), known as "The Liberator", in the Avenida 16 de Julio (El Prado). 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, street scene, monument, national hero, bronze sculpture
 Bolivia, Nuestra Senora de La Paz, at 3660 metres, the highest capital city in the world. Avenida 16 de Julio (El Prado) with equestrian statue of Simon Bolívar (1783-1830) known as "The Liberator". 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, street scene, monument, national hero
 Chile, Parinacota, Arica: Founded by the Spanish in 1541, the city is surrounded by the Atacama Desert, enjoys minimal rainfall, and is known as "the city of eternal spring, where the sun shines every day". Until 1880 it was part of Peru. Equestrian statue of Bernardo O'Higgins (1778-1842) the liberator of Chile from the Spaniards, in the Plaza Colón. 
 Keywords: Pacific Coast, monument, national hero
 Kosovo, Pristina, the new capital city of a new country: equestrian statue of national hero Skanderbeg (Gjergj Kastrioti). 
 Keywords: historic, Yugoslavia, monument, national heritage
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1466. Equestrian statue of national hero Skanderbeg (Gjergi Kastrioti, 1405-1466). 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, monument, Kruje, fortifications, ruined fortress, citadel
 Albania, Tirana: Sheshi Skenderbej (Skanderbeg Square) with the Skanderbeg (Gjeerhi Kastrioti) equestrian statue. Skanderbeg (1405-1468) is the national hero of Albania, having driven out the Ottoman occupiers for a period of 20 years. In the background is the Et'hem Beu Mosque and the Palace of Culture. Flowerbeds in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, minaret, mosque, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: Sheshi Skenderbej (Skanderbeg Square) with the Skanderbeg (Gjeerhi Kastrioti) equestrian statue. Skanderbeg (1405-1468) is the national hero of Albania, having driven out the Ottoman occupiers for a period of 20 years. In the background is the Et'hem Beu Mosque. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, minaret, mosque, architecture, capital city
 Mongolia, Arkhangai Aimag (Province): Mongolian visitors posing in front of the Taikhar Chuluu Monolith. Legend has it that a local hero hurled the monolith at a huge serpent, which may still be under the rock. Many Mongolians come to visit, and most leave their names in the form of grafitti! 
 Keywords: Mongol, Outer Mongolia, steppe, Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, religious monuments, sharmanism

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