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Travel (19 files)

 Iceland, Island of Heimaey: view over the town, with the harbour in the distance, from the leading edge of the lava flow (Kirkjubaejarhraun) which engulfed part of the town in January 1973, now grassed over. 
 Keywords: Westman Islands, magma, volcanic eruption, panorama
 Norway, Vest-Agder, Magma Geopark: granite rocks provide dramatic scenery on the "North Sea Route", the coastal road between Flekkefjord and Sandnes. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, picturesque, landscape, scenery, striking, reflections, impressive
 Norway, Vest-Agder, Magma Geopark: granite rocks provide dramatic scenery on the "North Sea Route", the coastal road between Flekkefjord and Sandnes. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, picturesque, landscape, scenery, striking, reflections, impressive
 Norway, Vest-Agder, Magma Geopark: granite rocks provide dramatic scenery on the "North Sea Route", the coastal road between Flekkefjord and Sandnes. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, impressive, reflections, striking, scenery, landscape, picturesque
 Norway, Vest-Agder, Magma Geopark: granite rocks provide dramatic scenery on the "North Sea Route", the coastal road between Flekkefjord and Sandnes. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, impressive, reflections, striking, scenery, landscape, picturesque
 Norway, Vest-Agder, Magma Geopark: granite rocks provide dramatic scenery on the "North Sea Route", the coastal road between Flekkefjord and Sandnes. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, impressive, reflections, striking, scenery, landscape, picturesque
 Italy, Campania: valerian and broom which cover the lower slopes of Vesuvius with colour in spring. Torre Annunziata and Pompeii are visible in the distance. 
 Keywords: steep, rocky, volcano, ash, lava, magma, cinders, volcanic, eruption, sulphur
 Italy, Campania: rocks composing the lip of the crater of Vesuvius are of various colours according to their mineral content. 
 Keywords: steep, rocky, volcano, ash, lava, magma, cinders, volcanic, eruption, sulphur, colourful
 Italy, Campania: view across the the crater of Vesuvius. 
 Keywords: steep, rocky, volcano, ash, lava, magma, cinders, volcanic, eruption, sulphur
 Italy, Campania: viewing the bottom of the crater of Vesuvius, which is substantially deeper since the last eruption in 1944. 
 Keywords: steep, rocky, volcano, ash, lava, magma, cinders, volcanic, eruption, sulphur
 Italy, Campania: inspecting plumes of steam inside the crater of Vesuvius. 
 Keywords: steep, rocky, volcano, ash, lava, magma, cinders, volcanic, eruption, sulphur
 Spain, Lanzarote, Canary Islands: a volcano cone and larva field with the first vegetation finding a foothold, on Isla La Graciosa. 
 Keywords: volcanic, larva stream, barren, magma, eruption
 Spain, Lanzarote, Canary Islands: black, volcanic larva studs the sandy beach on the north-east coast where the larva stream from the volcano Monte Corona ran directly into the sea. 
 Keywords: vocano, eruption, magma
 Spain, Lanzarote, Canary Islands: Timanfaya National Park, Montanas de Fuego - looking into the crater of Caldera Blanca from the rim, other volcanoes in the distance. 
 Keywords: volcano , volcanic, eruption, larva, magma
 Spain, Lanzarote, Canary Islands: Timanfaya National Park, Montanas de Fuego - looking into the crater of Caldera Blanca from the rim, other volcanoes in the distance. 
 Keywords: volcano , volcanic, eruption, larva, magma
 Spain, Fuerteventura: A pocket of green between barren hills in the Montana Cardon National Park in the south-east of the island. 
 Keywords: volcano, eruption, magma, larva, barren, volcanic, Canary Islands
 Spain, Lanzarote, Los Hervideros: the tortured black cliffs were formed when larva poured into the sea at the time of the Timanfaya eruptions in 1730-36, and have been subsequently hollowed out by the sea. 
 Keywords: volcanic, Canary Islands, volcano, magma, barren, erosion, wave erosion, caves
 Spain, Lanzarote, El Golfo: Lago Verde and the beach of black sand in the remaining half crater of an extinct volcano, the seaward half having been worn away by the sea. 
 Keywords: volcanic, green algae, liquid rock, magma, larva, eruption, green lake, Canary Islands
 Spain, Lanzarote, El Golfo: Lago Verde and the beach of black sand in the remaining half crater of an extinct volcano, the seaward half having been worn away by the sea. View of the frozen waves of larva on the crater wall, deposited there in the Pleistocene age. 
 Keywords: volcanic, Canary Islands, green lake, eruption, larva, magma, liquid rock, green algae

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