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Travel (28 files)

 Germany, Bavaria, Rothenburg ob der Tauber: Obere Schmiedgasse: the Masterbuilder's House, built by Weidmann in Renaissance style in 1596, and the Gasthof zum Greifen, 14th century Gothic, formerly the residence of Mayor Toppler. 
 Keywords: architecture, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval, Franconia, gables, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse
 Germany, Bavaria, Rothenburg ob der Tauber: watching the "Meistertrunk" figures on the gable of the Ratsherrntrinkstube: General Tilly and Mayor Nutsch who drank a 3.25-litre bumper of wine in 10 minutes, thereby saving the town from being plundered by Tilly's men! 
 Keywords: architecture, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval, Franconia, timber-frame, wattle and daub, gables, tradition, drinking contest, spectators, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse
 Peru, Lima: beautifully carved wooden balconies on the facade of the Palacio Arzobispo (Archbishop's Palace), rebuilt in 1924. 
 Keywords: capital city, architecture, Plaza de Armas, Plaza Mayor, colonial architecture, Spanish Baroque, wood carving
 Peru, Lima: entrance and facade of the cathedral (1535), the model for many others in the city's churches. 
 Keywords: capital city, street scene, architecture, Plaza Mayor, Plaza de Armas, Spanish Baroque, colonial architecture
 Peru, Lima: Palacio Arzobispo (Archbishop's Palace) in the Plaza de Armas, dating from the 16th century, but reconstructed in 1924. 
 Keywords: capital city, street scene, architecture, Plaza Mayor, religious architecture, Spanish Baroque, colonial architecture
 Peru, Lima: Plaza de Armas, with the Palacio de Gobierno (1535), official residence of the president. 
 Keywords: capital city, street scene, architecture, Plaza Mayor
 Peru, Lima: Plaza de Armas, with the cathedral and a bronze fountain dating from 1650. 
 Keywords: capital city, Spanish Baroque, colonial architecture, church, Plaza Mayor, architecture, street scene
 Peru, Lima: Basilica Catedral (1535) in Plaza de Armas, destroyed in the earthquake of 1746, but rebuilt to the same plans. 
 Keywords: capital city, street scene, architecture, Plaza Mayor, religious architecture, church, Lima Cathedral, colonial architecture, Spanish Baroque
 Peru, Lima: carved wooden balconies on the side of the Palacio Municipal in Plaza de Armas (restored). 
 Keywords: capital city, wood carving, carving, architecture, street scene, Plaza Mayor
 Peru, Cusco, Pisac: In the vicinity of Pisac and the "Sacred Valley" a number of important Inca sites are to be found.

Plaza mayor in Pisac with market stalls and the renowned 400-year-old Pisonay tree (left). 
 Keywords: High Andes, Cuzco, Qosqo, Inca architecture, Urubamba Valley
 Peru, Cusco, Pisac: In the vicinity of Pisac and the "Sacred Valley" a number of important Inca sites are to be found.

Figure of a mayor in Sunday dress. The mayors of the neighbouring villages assemble in Pisac for Sunday Mass in Quechua. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Cuzco, Qosqo, Inca architecture, Urubamba Valley, monument, statue
 Peru, Departamento de Puno, Juli: well maintained public gardens with red-hot-poker flowers in the Plaza Mayor. 
 Keywords: High Andes, historic village, picturesque
 Bolivia, Nuestra Senora de La Paz, at 3660 metres, the highest capital city in the world. View of the lower city with the Parque Central and Mirador Laicacota from the top of the multi-storey building of the University of San Andrés (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés). 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, street scene, panorama, bird's eye view
 Bolivia, Nuestra Senora de La Paz, at 3660 metres, the highest capital city in the world. View of the lower city from the top of the multi-storey building of the University of San Andrés (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés). 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, street scene, panorama, bird's eye view
 Argentina: San Miguel de Tucumán, the largest city in northern Argentina, was founded in 1565 by Spanish Conquistador, Diego de Villarroel. Renovated colonial-style buildings on the Plaza Independencia, with a fine Baroque door. 
 Keywords: architecture, street scene, plaza mayor
 Argentina: San Miguel de Tucumán, the largest city in northern Argentina, was founded in 1565 by Spanish Conquistador, Diego de Villarroel. The cathedral, built in 1856, although a church has occupied this site since 1565. The architect was Pierre Etcheverry, a Basque. Here: a closer look at the dome (in Argentinian colours) and tympanum. 
 Keywords: architecture, plaza mayor, neo-classical, religious architecture, church, street scene
 Argentina: San Miguel de Tucumán, the largest city in northern Argentina, was founded in 1565 by Spanish Conquistador, Diego de Villarroel. The cathedral, built in 1856, although a church has occupied this site since 1565. The architect was Pierre Etcheverry, a Basque. 
 Keywords: architecture, street scene, church, religious architecture, neo-classical, plaza mayor
 Argentina: San Miguel de Tucumán, the largest city in northern Argentina, was founded in 1565 by Spanish Conquistador, Diego de Villarroel. Statue of a female figure in the Plaza Independencia. 
 Keywords: architecture, street scene, monument, sculpture, plaza mayor
 Argentina: San Miguel de Tucumán, the largest city in northern Argentina, was founded in 1565 by Spanish Conquistador, Diego de Villarroel. Government House (for the Province of Tucumán) on the Plaza Independencia. 
 Keywords: architecture, street scene, plaza mayor
 Germany, Upper Bavaria, Munich: Oktoberfest Ceremonial Procession 2007: Munich's Lord Mayor, Christian Ude, with his wife in an open, flower-bedecked carriage. 
 Keywords: Münchener Oktoberfest, Münchner Oktoberfest, beer festival, traditional costumes, colourful, Munich beer, breweries, folk costumes, national and regional dress, celebration
 Spain, Andalusia, El Rocio: About 50 kilometres from Seville, El Rocio lies on the edge of the Donana National Park and Water Bird Reserve. Here, equestrian figures representing the gipsy pilgrimage to the Iglesia de Nuestra Senora (Church of the Virgin) every Whitsun, for which the town is famous. It stands in the centre of the (grass) Plaza Mayor.
 Spain, Madrid: Plaza Mayor, the heart of old Madrid, and scene of many religious ceremonies over the centuries.
 Spain, Old Castile, Segovia: Plaza Mayor.
 Australia, Queensland, Brisbane: the Petrie Tableau in King George Square, commemorates John Petrie who became the first mayor of Brisbane. 
 Keywords: architecture, port, Brisbane River, metropolis, city
 Spain, Madrid: Casa de la Panaderia in the Plaza Mayor, with equestrian statue of Philip III by Giovanni da Bologna (17th century). 
 Keywords: architecture, statuary
 Spain, Santander: the lighthouse on Cabo Mayor.
 Mexico: Tula, a Toltec city, founded in 968 AD as "Tollan" by Ce-Acatl-Topiltzin, later called Quetzalcoatl, went into decline and was overrun by barbarians about 1175 AD. Temple of the Morning Star (Templo de Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli) with its Atlantes, seen from the Templo Mayor Pyramid.
 Mexico: Catemaco on the shore of Lake Catemaco, known for its many "curanderos" (healers) and "brujos" ( magicians). Basilica de Nuestra Senora del Carmen and fountain on the Plaza Mayor.

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