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Travel (557 files)

 Egypt, Cairo: view of the Citadel (built 1176) and the Mosque of Mohammed Ali, from a window of the Mosque of Sultan Hassan. 
 Keywords: historical, architecture, culture, antiquity, mediaeval, Islam, religion, minarets
 Egypt, Cairo: the courtyard and ablutions pavilion of the Alabaster Mosque, built by Mohammed Ali, completed in 1857. 
 Keywords: historical, architecture, culture, Islam, religion, colonnade, arches
 Egypt, Aswan: minarets of a modern mosque (built in 1967) floodlit after dark. 
 Keywords: architecture, culture, Muslim, Islam
 Greece, Island of Kastellorizo, Megisti: closer view of the headland, with houses crowding the waterfront and the mosque which is home to an interesting local museum. 
 Keywords: colourful, heritage, minaret, picturesque, resort
 Greece, Island of Kastellorizo, Megisti: the headland, crowned by the ruins of a 14th century Crusader fortress. The mosque is home to an interesting local museum. View from the terrace of the Hotel Megisti. 
 Keywords: architecture, colourful, heritage, historic, picturesque, resort
 Greece, Island of Kastellorizo, Megisti: the headland, crowned by the ruins of a 14th century Crusader fortress. The mosque is home to an interesting local museum. View from the terrace of the Hotel Megisti. 
 Keywords: architecture, colourful, heritage, historic, picturesque, resort
 Greece, Island of Kastellorizo, Megisti: the headland, crowned by the ruins of a 14th century Crusader fortress. The mosque is home to an interesting local museum. 
 Keywords: architecture, colourful, heritage, historic, picturesque, resort
 Turkey, Antalya, Lycia, Kalkan: minaret of the mosque, with yellow taxi rank. 
 Keywords: cliffs, colourful, holidays, Islam, picturesque, resort
 Turkey, Lycia, Fethiye: view of the town and coastline with mosque and minaret in the foreground. The town stands on the site of the antique "Telmessos". 
 Keywords: landscape, Mediterranean, mountain range, rooftops
 Morocco, Marakech: (1962 picture, before restoration) the minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque, 77 metres high, is the largest and best known in the city. Built of local sandstone in the reign of Berber Almohad Caliph Yaqub al-Mansur (1184-1199), it replaced an identical mosque on an adjacent site, little of which remains. 
 Keywords: Africa, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture, colourful, architecture, historic, national heritage
 Morocco, Rabat: El-Faeh Mosque, opposite the king's palace and used by him on Fridays. 
 Keywords: Africa, architecture, Bou Regreg, Sala Colonia, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, capital city, royal city, tradition, culture, artistic
 Morocco, Rabat: the Hassan Tower, half-finished minaret of the huge mosque begun by Yacoub el-Mansour in 1191, abandoned at his death in 1199, with some of the re-erected columns, seen from the Mausoleum of Mohammed V. A marble fountain occupies the centre of the stone-inlaid terrace. 
 Keywords: Africa, architecture, Bou Regreg, Sala Colonia, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, capital city, royal city, tradition, culture, artistic
 Morocco, Rabat: the Hassan Tower, half-finished minaret of the huge mosque begun by Yacoub el-Mansour in 1191, abandoned at his death in 1199, with some of the re-erected columns, seen from the Mausoleum of Mohammed V. 
 Keywords: Africa, architecture, Bou Regreg, Sala Colonia, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, capital city, royal city, tradition, culture, artistic
 Morocco, Rabat: the Hassan Tower, half-finished minaret of the huge mosque begun by Yacoub el-Mansour in 1191, abandoned at his death in 1199, with some of the re-erected columns. 
 Keywords: Africa, architecture, Bou Regreg, Sala Colonia, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, capital city, royal city, tradition, culture, artistic
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Africa, national symbol, superlative, architecture, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, culture, artistic
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Africa, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers.
Part of one of the polychrome panels bordering the ablutions basin. 
 Keywords: Africa, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers.
The Royal Doors, of engraved bronze (from Russia), electrically operated, surrounded by inlaid arches. 
 Keywords: Africa, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers.
Courtyard, bounded by an arched gallery. 
 Keywords: Africa, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers.
The star-shaped fountain on the terrace. 
 Keywords: Africa, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers.
The fluted ablutions basin with polychrome faience designs as backing. 
 Keywords: Africa, tiling, colourful, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers.
An elegant horseshoe-shaped arch encloses the ablutions basin. 
 Keywords: Africa, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers.
View of the arched galleries from the terrace. 
 Keywords: Africa, national symbol, superlative, architecture, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, culture, artistic
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers.
A closer look at the green tiles and ornamentation on the upper part of the minaret. 
 Keywords: Africa, national symbol, superlative, architecture, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, culture, artistic
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Africa, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers.
One of the polychrome faience panels with geometrical motifs on the arched gallery. 
 Keywords: Africa, tiles, colourful, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Africa, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, Casablanca: King Hassan II Mosque, completed in 1993, is the largest mosque in Africa, and its minaret is the world's highest religious building (210 metres). The designer was Michel Pinseau and it was built by Bouygues. It offers space for 105,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Africa, artistic, culture, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, architecture, superlative, national symbol
 Morocco, El-Jadida, La Cité Portugaise: the fortified city of Mazagan, founded by the Portuguese in 1502, was the last Portuguese possession on the Atlantic coast to fall to the Alaouites in 1769. The latter then built the adjacent new town of El-Jadida ("the new"). 
Minaret of a mosque, converted from a Portuguese lighthouse in the 19th century. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, historic, fortress, fortifications, culture, national heritage
 Morocco, El-Jadida, La Cité Portugaise: the fortified city of Mazagan, founded by the Portuguese in 1502, was the last Portuguese possession on the Atlantic coast to fall to the Alaouites in 1769. The latter then built the adjacent new town of El-Jadida ("the new"). 
Minaret of a mosque, converted from a Portuguese lighthouse in the 19th century. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, historic, fortress, fortifications, culture, national heritage
 Morocco, Marakech: the floodlit minaret of the Koutoubia mosque at sunset, with the carriage stand in the Place Jemaa el-Fnaa in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Africa, colourful, culture, Maghreb, Muslim, Islam, Marakesh, shopping
 Morocco, Marakech: the minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque, 77 metres high, is the largest and best known in the city. Built of local sandstone in the reign of Berber Almohad Caliph Yaqub al-Mansur (1184-1199), it replaced an identical mosque on an adjacent site, little of which remains. 
 Keywords: Africa, national heritage, historic, architecture, colourful, culture, Maghreb, Muslim, Islam, Marakesh
 Morocco, Marakech: the minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque, 77 metres high, is the largest and best known in the city. Built of local sandstone in the reign of Berber Almohad Caliph Yaqub al-Mansur (1184-1199), it replaced an identical mosque on an adjacent site, little of which remains. 
 Keywords: Africa, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture, colourful, architecture, historic, national heritage
 Morocco, Marakech: the minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque, 77 metres high, is the largest and best known in the city. Built of local sandstone in the reign of Berber Almohad Caliph Yaqub al-Mansur (1184-1199), it replaced an identical mosque on an adjacent site, little of which remains. 
 Keywords: Africa, national heritage, historic, architecture, colourful, culture, Maghreb, Muslim, Islam, Marakesh
 Morocco, Marakech: the minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque, 77 metres high, is the largest and best known in the city. Built of local sandstone in the reign of Berber Almohad Caliph Yaqub al-Mansur (1184-1199), it replaced an identical mosque on an adjacent site, little of which remains. 
 Keywords: Africa, national heritage, historic, architecture, colourful, culture, Maghreb, Muslim, Islam, Marakesh
 Morocco, Marakech: the minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque, 77 metres high, is the largest and best known in the city. Built of local sandstone in the reign of Berber Almohad Caliph Yaqub al-Mansur (1184-1199), it replaced an identical mosque on an adjacent site, little of which remains. A jacaranda tree is flowering in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Africa, national heritage, historic, architecture, colourful, culture, Maghreb, Muslim, Islam, Marakesh
 Morocco, Rissani: Ksar Abouam, a former Alaouite Wasir's fortified village dating from the 19th century, recently restored by UNESCO. This was inhabited by a whole self-contained community with granaries, mosque and hammam. The Alaouite dynasty, which has ruled Morocco since 1631, originated here. 
The well, in the main courtyard. 
 Keywords: Africa, tradition, culture, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim
 Morocco, Rissani: Ksar Abouam, a former Alaouite Wasir's fortified village dating from the 19th century, recently restored by UNESCO. This was inhabited by a whole self-contained community with granaries, mosque and hammam. The Alaouite dynasty, which has ruled Morocco since 1631, originated here. 
A typical studded door with tiled surround. 
 Keywords: Africa, tradition, culture, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim
 Morocco, Fez: passage to interior courtyard of Zaouia Mosque and Mausoleum of Moulay Idriss II, the founder of the city, dating from the 13th century and one of the country's leading centres of pilgrimage. 
 Keywords: Africa, picturesque, culture, national heritage, historic, Fes, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, royal city, UNESCO
 Morocco, Fez: Interior courtyard of Zaouia Mosque and Mausoleum of Moulay Idriss II, the founder of the city, dating from the 13th century and one of the country's leading centres of pilgrimage. 
 Keywords: Africa, picturesque, culture, national heritage, historic, Fes, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, royal city, UNESCO
 Morocco, Fez: Interior of Zaouia Mosque and Mausoleum of Moulay Idriss II, the founder of the city, dating from the 13th century and one of the country's leading centres of pilgrimage. 
 Keywords: Africa, UNESCO, royal city, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, Fes, historic, national heritage, culture, picturesque
 Morocco, Fez: panoramic view from the Burj Sud of the medina of Fez el Bali with the minarets of the Kaiarouine Mosque and the Zaouira Moulay Idriss II (behind) where he is buried. 
 Keywords: Africa, picturesque, culture, national heritage, historic, Fes, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, royal city, UNESCO
 Morocco, Meknes: minaret of the Grande Mosque from the roof of the Medrasa Bou Inania. 
 Keywords: Africa, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, culture, historic, national heritage, architecture, royal city
 Morocco: Chefchaouen: the ancient town, founded in 1471, lies on the edge of the Rif mountains. Traditionally, the houses and walls in the narrow, winding streets of the old town are blue-washed. In the centre of the medina is the bustling Place Outa el Hammam, where the entrance to the mosque has a double studded door with blue and white painted surround. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, picturesque, colourful
 Oman, Muscat: part of the main prayer hall of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. The walls are clad in off-white Bianco P and dark grey Bardiglio marble. The inner architecture shows many influences, including, here, that of Cordoba in southern Spain. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, balance, proportion, symmetry, elegance, artistic, culture
 Oman, Muscat: part of the main prayer hall of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. The walls are clad in off-white Bianco P and dark grey Bardiglio marble. The inner architecture shows many influences, including, here, that of Cordoba in southern Spain. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, balance, proportion, symmetry, elegance, artistic, culture
 Oman, Muscat: part of the Persian carpet in the main prayer hall of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque showing the floral pattern and rich colours. It is a single piece 70 x 60 metres covering an area of 4263 square metres. Woven near Nishabur, Khurasan, it took 600 women four years to complete, has 1,700,000,000 knots, and weighs 21 tonnes. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, colourful, artistic, elegant
 Oman, Muscat: polychrome floral panels in the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, faience, culture, artistic, colourful
 Oman, Muscat: the main prayer hall of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. The walls are clad in off-white Bianco P and dark grey Bardiglio marble. The Italian chandelier is the world's largest. The hand-woven carpet was produced in Iran and measures 60 x 70 metres, making it the world's second largest. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, balance, proportion, symmetry, elegance, dome , cupola, artistic
 Oman, Muscat: the central chandelier in the main prayer hall of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque is 8 metres in diameter and 14 metres in length with 1122 lamps, together weighing 8 tonnes. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, dome, cupola, balance , proportion, symmetry, elegance, majestic, artistic
 Oman, Muscat: colourful Persian "Kashi" tilework in the Safavid tradition in the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, prayer, worship, faience
 Oman, Muscat: colourful Persian "Kashi" tilework in the Safavid tradition in the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, prayer, worship, faience
 Oman, Muscat: the Ladies' Prayer Hall in the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, showing the Turkish crystal chandeliers 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, prayer, worship
 Oman, Muscat: colourful Persian "Kashi" tilework in the Safavid tradition in the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, faience, prayer, worship
 Oman, Muscat: ministerial building, with the gardens of the Grand Mosque in the foreground. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, architecture, picturesque, colourful
 Oman, Muscat: the main entrance and dome of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, dedicated on 4th May 2001 (10th Safar 1422). 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, prayer, worship, marble
 Oman, Muscat: reflections in the polished marble forecourt of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, prayer, worship
 Oman, Muscat: the principal minaret of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, 90 metres high, shows Egyptian influence. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, prayer, worship, marble
 Oman, Muscat: fountain and falaj (water channel) in the gardens of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, with the entrance and dome of the prayer hall behind. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, architecture, sultanate, prayer, worship, marble
 Oman: a mosque, alone in the Wahiba Sands, south of Al Wasil. 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate
 Oman: blue-domed mosque on the road to Ibra. 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, architecture
 Oman, Nakhal: Nakhal Fortress (Husn Al Heem), dating from pre-Islamic times: view from the "keep", with the town and its mosque in the distance. 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, picturesque, oasis, defence, fortifications, crenellations
 Oman, Nakhal: view of the town and its mosque from the walls of the fortress, with Jebel Nakhal, a spur of the Western Hajar mountains, behind. 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, picturesque, oasis
 Oman, Muscat: minaret of the blue-tiled Al Khor Mosque, with the restored Mirani Fort behind, built by the Portuguese in the 16th century. 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, fortress, defence
 Oman, Muscat: colourful gardens of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, dedicated on 4th May 2001 (10th Safar 1422). 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, minarets
 Oman, Muscat: colourful gardens of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, dedicated on 4th May 2001 (10th Safar 1422). 
 Keywords: desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, minarets
 Oman, Muscat: the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, dedicated on 4th May 2001 (10th Safar 1422), was built with 300,000 tons of Indian sandstone by Carillion Alawi LLC and took six years and seven months to complete. Oman, Muscat: the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, dedicated on 4th May 2001 (10th Safar 1422), was built with 300,000 tons of Indian sandstone by Carillion Alawi LLC and took six years and seven months to complete. 
 Keywords: architecture, oil wealth, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultanate, Middle East, Gulf State
 Turkey, Bozburun: hibiscus flowers on the promenade with mosque and minaret in the background. 
 Keywords: port, harbour, holiday resort, marina, yachts, boats, picturesque, colourful, heritage
 Turkey, Bozburun: view of the harbour with mosque and minaret in the background. 
 Keywords: port, harbour, holiday resort, marina, yachts, boats, picturesque, colourful, heritage, reflections
 Turkey, Bozburun: view of the harbour with mosque and minaret in the background. 
 Keywords: port, harbour, holiday resort, marina, yachts, boats, picturesque, colourful, heritage
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar: covered part of the inner courtyard of the Id Kah Mosque, built in 1442, central to Uighar Muslims. It is the largest in China, and can hold 20,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, culture, architecture, historic, heritage, Uighur, picturesque, colourful
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar: covered part of the inner courtyard of the Id Kah Mosque, built in 1442, central to Uighar Muslims. It is the largest in China, and can hold 20,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, culture, architecture, historic, heritage, Uighur, picturesque, colourful
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar: detail of the carpets used in the covered part of the inner courtyard of the Id Kah Mosque, built in 1442, central to Uighar Muslims. It is the largest in China, and can hold 20,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, culture, architecture, historic, heritage, Uighur, picturesque, colourful
 Uzbekistan, Tashkent, capital city, Khast-Imam Complex: Khazrati Imam Mosque, built in 2007, across the square from Barak-Khan Madrasa. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam
 Uzbekistan, Tashkent, capital city, Khast-Imam Complex: facade and iwan of the Barak-Khan Madrasa, built in late 15th/early 16th centuries. It faces the Khazrati-Imami Mosque (2007) across the square. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam
 Uzbekistan, Tashkent, capital city, Khast-Imam Complex: the dome of the Kaffai Shashi Mosque stannds on a handsome drum with polychrome floral ornamentation. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam
 Uzbekistan, Tashkent, capital city, Khast-Imam Complex: Tilla-Sheikh Mosque ("Golden Sheikh Mosque"), built 1856-7. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam
 Uzbekistan, Tashkent, capital city, Khast-Imam Complex: Khazrat Imami Mosque, built in 2007, with the smaller Tilla Sheikh Mosque (1856-7) in front, across the square from Barak-Khan Madrasa. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam
 Uzbekistan, Tashkent, capital city, Khast-Imam Complex: Khazrati Imam Mosque, built in 2007, across the square from Barak-Khan Madrasa. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: one of the fluted domes of the Bibi Khanum mosque, resting on a drum with large epigraphic ornamentation. (Similar to the domes of the Sher Dor madrasa). 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the huge Bibi Khanum mosque, completed by Timur (Tamerlaine) in 1404 in honour of his wife. It was one of the largest mosques in the Islamic world, but soon began to crumble, and was finally ruined by an earthquake in 1887. It is in a state of ongoing reconstruction. Parade Portal, pishtak/iwan, dome and a minaret. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the huge Bibi Khanum mosque, completed by Timur (Tamerlaine) in 1404 in honour of his wife. It was one of the largest mosques in the Islamic world, but soon began to crumble, and was finally ruined by an earthquake in 1887. It is in a state of reconstruction. The 35-metre-high Parade Portal leading to the courtyard. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: Tilya-Kari Medrasa and Mosque, built 1646-60, stands at the far (west) side of Registan Square. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: approach road to the huge Bibi Khanum mosque, showing two of the eight planned minarets. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the huge Bibi Khanum mosque, completed by Timur (Tamerlaine) in 1404 in honour of his wife. It was one of the largest mosques in the Islamic world, but soon began to crumble, and was finally ruined by an earthquake in 1887. It is in a state of ongoing reconstruction. View of one of three cupolas and side entrance. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: detail of ornament over the iwan of the huge Bibi Khanum mosque, completed by Timur (Tamerlaine) in 1404 in honour of his wife. It was one of the largest mosques in the Islamic world, but soon began to crumble, and was finally ruined by an earthquake in 1887. It is in a state of ongoing reconstruction. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: facade and iwan of the huge Bibi Khanum mosque, completed by Timur (Tamerlaine) in 1404 in honour of his wife. It was one of the largest mosques in the Islamic world, but soon began to crumble, and was finally ruined by an earthquake in 1887. It is in a state of ongoing reconstruction. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: facade and iwan of the huge Bibi Khanum mosque, completed by Timur (Tamerlaine) in 1404 in honour of his wife. It was one of the largest mosques in the Islamic world, but soon began to crumble, and was finally ruined by an earthquake in 1887. It is in a state of ongoing reconstruction. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand, Registan: mosque with carved wooden pillars and roof in Tilya-Kori ("gilded") madrasa, built 1646-60. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand, Registan: facade, iwan and dome of the mosque on the west side of the courtyard of Tilya-Kori ("gilded") madrasa, built 1646-60. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): the open graveyard at the top of the hill. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): beautiful turquoise tiled dome with bands of polychrome decoration below. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): view of the domes of the necropolis from the open graveyard at the top of the hill. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): pilgrims visiting the necropolis, and one of the arched crossings. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): facade and iwan of mausoleum of Shodi Mulk Oko, built 1372 in honour of Temur/Tamerlaine's sister Turkon oko and her daughter. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): mausoleum of Shirin Beka Oka, built by Timur/Tamerlaine for his sister who died in 1385. Details of wall decoration and "stalactites". 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): mausoleum of Shirin Beka Oka, built by Timur/Tamerlaine for his sister who died in 1385. Details of dome design. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): facade of mausoleum of Shirin Beka Oka, built by Timur/Tamerlaine for his sister who died in 1385. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): roof of mausoleum of Shodi Mulk Oko, built 1372 in honour of Temur/Tamerlaine's sister Turkon oko and her daughter. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): view of mausoleums looking north. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): facade and iwan of the Usto Ali Nesefi mausoleum (14th century), built by architect Ali from Nasaf, has unusual elegant geometric form. (detail) 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): facade and iwan of the Usto Ali Nesefi mausoleum (14th century), built by architect Ali from Nasaf, has unusual elegant geometric form. (detail) 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): facade and iwan of the Usto Ali Nesefi mausoleum (14th century), built by architect Ali from Nasaf, has unusual elegant geometric form. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): facade and iwan of the Khodja Ahmad mausoleum (14th century), has finest glazed terracotta work in the northern section. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): view of the "street of mausoleums" through an arch. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): Kusam ibn Abbas complex - intricate patterns on the walls of the mausoleum. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): Kusam ibn Abbas complex - domed roof of the mausoleum with chandelier. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): Kusam ibn Abbas complex - domed roof of the mausoleum with chandelier. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Samarkand: the Shah-i-Zinda ("Living King") necropolis contains about 28 mausoleums and mosques, dating from 11th to 18th centuries, but most were built during the reign of Timur (Tamerlane): Kusam ibn Abbas complex - Koranic script in the mausoleum. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, tiles, faience, glazed, polychrome, ornamentation, decoration, arabesques
 Uzbekistan, Province Khorezm, Khiva, a walled, desert city founded about the beginning of the millennium: panorama view over Khiva from the watchtower of the Kohna Ark. Prominent are the green dome of the Pahlavan Mahmud Mausoleum and the Islam Khoja minaret and mosque. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Province Khorezm, Khiva, a walled, desert city founded about the beginning of the millennium: the Mukhamed Rakhim-kahn Medrasa, with the minaret of the Juma Mosque behind, seen from the watchtower of the Kohna Ark. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Province Khorezm, Khiva, a walled, desert city founded about the beginning of the millennium: interior of the Juma Mosque (Friday Mosque) with its 203 wooden pillars, some of them dating back to the 10th century. The central garden, open to the elements, with two of the original wooden pillars. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Province Khorezm, Khiva, a walled, desert city founded about the beginning of the millennium: interior of the Juma Mosque (Friday Mosque) with its 203 wooden pillars, some of them dating back to the 10th century. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Province Khorezm, Khiva, a walled, desert city founded about the beginning of the millennium: intricate decoration with arabesques in turquoise-blue on the wall of the reception hall of the mosque in the Kohna Ark. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Province Khorezm, Khiva, a walled, desert city founded about the beginning of the millennium: colourful roof of the reception hall of the mosque in the Kohna Ark. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: the magnificent blue tiled dome of the Po-i-Kalyan Mosque, with bands of polychrome, patterned tiling and scripts from the Koran, dating from 1514. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: ornate polychrome-tiled Mihrab alcove of the Po-i-Kalyan Mosque, completed in 1514. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: facade and iwan of the madrasa in the courtyard of Po-i-Kalyan Mosque complex, with flanking blue tiled domes of the Mir-i-Arab madrasa behind. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: facade and iwan of the madrasa in the courtyard of Po-i-Kalyan Mosque complex, with the Kalyan Tower adjacent. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: facade and iwan of the Po-i-Kalyan Mosque, completed in 1514 and surmounted by a large blue tiled dome. View through archway on the opposite side of the courtyard. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: facade and iwan of the Po-i-Kalyan Mosque, completed in 1514 and surmounted by a large blue tiled dome. In the courtyard stands the ablutions kiosk. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: upper part of the facade and iwan of the Po-i-Kalyan Mosque, completed in 1514 and surmounted by a large blue tiled dome, photographed through an arch on the opposite side of the courtyard. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: facade and iwan on the east side of the courtyard of Po-i-Kalyan Mosque. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: facade and iwan of the Po-i-Kalyan Mosque, completed in 1514 and surmounted by a large blue tiled dome. In the courtyard stands the ablutions kiosk. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: courtyard of the Po-i-Kalyan Mosque, completed in 1514 and surmounted by a large blue tiled dome. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: Kalyan Mosque, facade and iwan of the Main Entrance Pishtaq. from the main courtyard. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: detail of the capitals of the carved wooden columns and the ornamentation on the facade of the Bolo Hauz Mosque, built in 1712. The wooden columns were added in 1917. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: Bolo Hauz Mosque, built in 1712. The carved wooden columns were added in 1917. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 Uzbekistan, Bukhara: Bolo Hauz (pool) and Bolo Hauz Mosque, built in 1712. The carved wooden columns were added in 1917. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, architecture, culture, historic, heritage, Muslim, colourful, artistic, Sunni Islam, UNESCO
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar, the Uighur capital, centre of regional trade and culture for two millennia: a mosque in Old Kashgar, which has shrunk to a fraction of its previous size due to new development by the authorities. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, Uighur, oasis-city, ancient, heritage, historic, tradition, cosmopolitan, adobe
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar, the Uighur capital, centre of regional trade and culture for two millennia: the minaret of the mosque, near to the Abakh Hoja Mausoleum, is richly decorated with floral and geometric patterns. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, Uighur, oasis-city, ancient, heritage, historic, tradition, cosmopolitan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar, the Uighur capital, centre of regional trade and culture for two millennia: mosque, adjoining the main square. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, Uighur, oasis-city, ancient, heritage, historic, tradition, cosmopolitan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar, the Uighur capital, centre of regional trade and culture for two millennia: view of the spacious main square with the Id Kah mosque on the far side and Wustanbowie (Millennium Old Street) behind, where numerous shops selling local handicrafts are to be found. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, Uighur, oasis-city, ancient, heritage, historic, tradition, cosmopolitan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar, the Uighur capital, centre of regional trade and culture for two millennia: bronze representation of a camel train on the ancient "Silk Road" in the main square. The Id Kah mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, Uighur, oasis-city, ancient, heritage, historic, tradition, cosmopolitan, sculpture
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar, the Uighur capital, centre of regional trade and culture for two millennia: Id Kah mosque, dating back to 1442 but frequently renovated, can accommodate 20,000 worshippers. The spiritual centre of the muslim Uighars. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, picturesque, Uighur, oasis-city, ancient, heritage, historic, tradition, cosmopolitan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: the Emin minaret adjoins the Uyghur mosque in Turpan. Built in 1777 , it is 44 metres high, the highest minaret in China. The geometrical and floral patterns on the sun-dried bricks are typical Uighur work. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, tower, Turfan
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: the Emin minaret adjoins the Uyghur mosque in Turpan. Built in 1777 , it is 44 metres high, the highest minaret in China. The geometrical and floral patterns on the sun-dried bricks are typical Uyghur work. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, tower, Turfan
 Thailand, Ao Phang-nga Marine National Park: Ko Panyi Muslim Stilt Village with the golden cupolas of its mosque, backed by massive karst cliffs. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Siam, orient, far east, colourful, geology, rock-formations, remarkable, extraordinary, topography, Andaman Sea
 Thailand, Ao Phang-nga Marine National Park: Ko Panyi Muslim Stilt Village with the golden cupolas of its mosque, backed by massive karst cliffs. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Siam, orient, far east, colourful, geology, rock-formations, remarkable, extraordinary, topography, Andaman Sea
 Thailand, Ao Phang-nga Marine National Park: Ko Panyi Muslim Stilt Village with long tail boats in the foreground, and the golden minarets of the mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Siam, orient, far east, colourful, geology, rock-formations, remarkable, extraordinary, topography, Andaman Sea
 Thailand, Ao Phang-nga Marine National Park: approaching Ko Panyi Muslim Stilt Village with its prominent mosque, backed by massive karst cliffs. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Siam, orient, far east, colourful, geology, rock-formations, remarkable, extraordinary, topography, Andaman Sea
 Thailand, Ao Phang-nga Marine National Park: approaching Ko Panyi Muslim Stilt Village with its prominent mosque, backed by massive karst cliffs. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Siam, orient, far east, colourful, geology, rock-formations, remarkable, extraordinary, topography, Andaman Sea
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Bozburun: the jetty and harbourmaster's office, with the mosque and minaret behind. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, yachts, port, moorings
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Bozburun: the jetty, crowded with small boats, with the mosque and minaret behind. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, yachts, port, moorings
 Turkey, Province of Mugla, Bodrum (formerly Halikarnassos): view of the town and harbour from the walls of St Peter's Castle, with mosque in the foreground. 
 Keywords: picturesque, port, harbour, quay, jetty, yachts, pleasure craft, culture, Petronium, Aegean, Bahriyeli C, marine, cruising, fortifications, defence
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: the Aga Mosque on Odos Socratous in the old town. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, mediaeval, architecture, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: Suleiman Mosque in the old town with its handsome minaret was built in 1808 on the site of a number of demolished secular buildings. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, mediaeval, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: the Retzep (Rejeb) Pasha Mosque, built in 1588 by the Turks, using much material from Byzantine and Knights' architecture. It is now used as a Christian church. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, mediaeval, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: the Retzep (Rejeb) Pasha Mosque, built in 1588 by the Turks, using much material from Byzantine and Knights' architecture. It is now used as a Christian church. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, mediaeval, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: ablutions fountain belonging to the Ibrahim Pasha Mosque in Platonos Square. The mosque dates back to 1531, and is the oldest on the island. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, mediaeval, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: the Byzantine church Agios Spiridon, dates back to the 11th century, and still retains its minaret from its time as a mosque. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, mediaeval, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: minaret of the Suleiman Mosque, built in 1808, with a typical Turkish house in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, picturesque, historic, mediaeval, architecture, Byzantine, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Knights Hospitaller
 Greece, Island of Rhodes: Sultan Mustafa Mosque, built between 1757-1774 in the Mediaeval City. 
 Keywords: Mediterranean, island, holiday resort, historic, architecture, Rhodos, Rodos, UNESCO, Knights of St. John, Crusaders, Ottoman
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: the main prayer hall with its cupola, from the main entrance across the courtyard. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: view across the courtyard of the main prayer hall and a corner minaret from the gallery. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: view across the courtyard of the main prayer hall and a corner minaret from the gallery. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: a colourful floral faience panel with arabesques. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: view of a corner minaret across the marble inlaid courtyard. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: close-upof the floral semi-precious stone inlay in the marble columns of the galleries. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: floodlit mosaic flower in the middle of each four-column pillar. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: glass windows, engraved with floral patterns. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: view along an aisle showing the four-column supporting pillars. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: the mihrab facing Mecca. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: one of the three, million-dollar, jewell-encrusted chandeliers. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: the Great Hall of Prayer, with the world's largest one-piece carpet. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: one of the three, million-dollar, jewell-encrusted chandeliers. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: a crystal chandelier. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: a colourful floral faience panel with arabesques. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: columned galleries with cupolas surround the courtyard on four sides. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: the marble courtyard and a minaret, from the arcade. 
 Keywords: Arab, Islam, Muslim, architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, desert city
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: architecture, traditional, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 Greece, Island of Kos: Defterdar Mosque in Eleftherias Square. 
 Keywords: Dodecanese, Greek Islands, Hellas, harbour, yachts, fishing boats, pleasure boats, moorings, island hopping
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

Engraved crystal windows in the Great Mosque. 
 Keywords: Arab state, precious, costly, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

Interior of the Great Mosque, showing the Mihrab. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, costly, precious
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

Interior of the Great Mosque, with bejewelled chandelier in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, costly, precious
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

Interior of the Great Mosque, showing the enormous carpet. 
 Keywords: Arab state, precious, costly, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

The bejewelled chandelier from below. 
 Keywords: Arab state, precious, costly, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

Interior of the Great Mosque, with bejewelled chandelier in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, costly, precious
 Libya: Ghat, a desert city in the south-west of Libya, on the border with Algeria, in the Fezzan region. Population is about 22,000, mostly Tuareg. View of the fort with a mosque in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Maghreb, ancient town, historic town, Berber
 India, Agra: Fatehpur Sikri was to become the new capital of the Moghul Empire as ordained by Emperor Akbar. It was completed in 1570 but suddenly abandoned in 1586. However the Jami Masjid Mosque is in daily use; here, the white marble tomb of Shaikh Salim Chisti surrounded by marble lattice screens. It has a reputation of helping childless women. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, heritage, UNESCO, inlaid marble
 India, Agra, one of the twin red sandstone mosques which flank the white marble Taj Mahal. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, colourful, heritage, imposing, symmetrical
 India, New Delhi: Jami Masjid Mosque, built 1644-1658 by the Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan, is the largest mosque in India with a capacity of 25,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, heritage, capital city, Islam, Muslim, minarets, domes
 India, New Delhi: inside the Red Fort (Lal Qila), built 1638-1648 by the Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan: part of the richly carved marble courtyard of the Pearl Mosque. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, heritage, capital city, Islam, Muslim, domes
 India, New Delhi: inside the Red Fort (Lal Qila), built 1638-1648 by the Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan: inlaid semi-precious stones on the pillars of the Diwan-i-khas (Hall of Private Audiences) with the domes of the Moti Masjid (Pearl Mosque) in the background. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, heritage, capital city, Islam, Muslim
 Turkey, Edirne: Selim Mosque, built 1569-75 by the architect Sinan in the reign of Selim II.
View of the courtyard and ablutions fountain. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, minarets, architecture, Mohammed, culture, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Edirne: Selim Mosque, built 1569-75 by the architect Sinan in the reign of Selim II. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, minarets, architecture, Mohammed, culture, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Edirne: Selim Mosque, built 1569-75 by the architect Sinan in the reign of Selim II.
Frontal view. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, minarets, architecture, Mohammed, culture, historic, heritage
 Turkey, Bodrum (formerly Halikarnassos): children on the jetty, fisherman, yacht moorings, and the mosque. 
 Keywords: picturesque, port, harbour, quay, yachts, pleasure craft, fortifications, historic, culture, minaret
 Turkey: fishing boats in the harbour at Bandirma, on the Marmora Sea. View along the quay, with customs house in the background. 
 Keywords: port, mosque, minaret, jetty, moorings
 Turkey: fishing boats in the harbour at Bandirma, on the Marmora Sea. 
 Keywords: port, mosque, minaret, jetty, moorings
 U.S.A., Florida, Orlando, Walt Disney World: World Showcase in the EPCOT Center: 
general view of the Moroccan Showcase, with traditional mud walls and the tower of the Koutoubia Mosque. 
 Keywords: colourful, picturesque, culture, geographical, educational, new-technology, human achievement, innovation, recreation
 U.S.A., Florida, Orlando, Walt Disney World: World Showcase in the EPCOT Center: waterbus dropping passengers at the Moroccan Showcase, dominated by the tower of the Koutoubia Mosque, a copy of the original in Tangier. 
 Keywords: colourful, picturesque, culture, geographical, educational, new-technology, human achievement, innovation, recreation
 Israel, Akko: local fishing boats, with the Isnan Basha Mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: harbour, port, fishing boats, jetty, quayside, colourful, picturesque, Acre, minaret
 Israel, Akko: fishermen with nets on the jetty. Behind, the minaret and dome of the Isnan Basha Mosque (built 1806). 
 Keywords: harbour, port, fishing boats, jetty, quayside, colourful, picturesque, Acre
 Israel, Jerusalem: El-Aqsa Mosque shares the temple hill with the Dome of the Rock. Its 7 aisles can accommodate 5000 worshippers. It was built between 705 and 715 AD by Kalid Al-Walid, but rebuilt in 1035 after an earthquake. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, tradition, culture, capital city, religious centre, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, walled city, fortifications, defence, cosmopolitan, picturesque
 Israel, Jerusalem: fountain for ablutions before entering the Dome of the Rock. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, tradition, culture, capital city, religious centre, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, walled city, fortifications, defence, cosmopolitan, picturesque, mosque
 Israel, Jerusalem: entrance to the holy ground on which the Dome of the Rock is built, is through this arched portal. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, tradition, culture, capital city, religious centre, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, walled city, fortifications, defence, cosmopolitan, picturesque, mosque
 Israel, Jerusalem: the magnificent Dome of the Rock, built on the site of the third Jewish temple by Kalif Abd el-Malik between 687 and 691 AD, remains basically as it was built. The cladding is marble below and Persian faience tiles above. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, tradition, culture, capital city, religious centre, Muslim, walled city, fortifications, defence, cosmopolitan, picturesque, architecture, colourful, perfection, mosque
 Israel, Jerusalem: the magnificent Dome of the Rock, built on the site of the third Jewish temple by Kalif Abd el-Malik between 687 and 691 AD, remains basically as it was built. The cladding is marble below and Persian faience tiles above. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, tradition, culture, capital city, religious centre, Muslim, walled city, fortifications, defence, cosmopolitan, picturesque, architecture, colourful, perfection, mosque
 Israel, Jerusalem: a camel with owner on the Mount of Olives, with the old city, Dome of the Rock and El Aqsa Mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, tradition, culture, capital city, religious centre, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, walled city, fortifications, defence, cosmopolitan, picturesque
 Bahrain, Muharraq: a veteran minaret belonging to the adjacent mosque. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, architecture
 Bahrain, Manama: one of the stained glass windows in the dome of the Al Fateh Grand Mosque, the largest in the country, accommodating 7000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh
 Bahrain, Manama: Al Fateh Grand Mosque, the largest in the country, accommodating 7000 worshippers - interior, with chandelier, made in Austria, surrounded by numerous handblown glass lamps from France. In the dome are 12 Iranian stained glass windows. The carpet was made in Scotland. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh
 Bahrain, Manama: Al Fateh Grand Mosque, the largest in the country, accommodating 7000 worshippers - interior, with mihrab niche. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh
 Bahrain, Manama: Al Fateh Grand Mosque, the largest in the country, accommodating 7000 worshippers - interior, with chandelier, made in Austria, surrounded by numerous handblown glass lamps from France. The carpet was made in Scotland. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh
 Bahrain, Manama: Al Fateh Grand Mosque, the largest in the country, accommodating 7000 worshippers - the main courtyard, paved with marble. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh
 Bahrain, Manama: Al Fateh Grand Mosque, the largest in the country, accommodating 7000 worshippers, was opened in 1988. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, minarets, modern architecture
 Bahrain, Manama: Al Fateh Grand Mosque, the largest in the country, accommodating 7000 worshippers, was opened in 1988. 
 Keywords: oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh, minarets, modern architecture
 Bahrain, Manama: the colourful minaret of the Friday Mosque, built in 1938 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, Sheikh
 Bulgaria, Sofia: Banya Bachi Mosque, built in 1576 on the site of Roman mineral springs. 
 Keywords: capital city, metropolis, architecture, heritage, culture, historic, minaret, market
 Bulgaria, Sofia: the round Church of St. George, dating from 10/11th century, standing on the site of a Roman public bath from the 4th century, and surrounded on all sides by the Balkan Hotel. During the Turkish occupation it served as a mosque. 
 Keywords: capital city, metropolis, architecture, heritage, culture, historic, mediaeval
 Iran, Teheran: bas-relief of Persian soldiers armed with spears and bows, from Persepolis, in the National Museum of Iran, 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, exhibits, artefacts, antiquity
 Iran, Teheran: bronze head of Darius the Great in the National Museum of Iran, 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, exhibits, artefacts, antiquity
 Iran, Teheran: trunk of Darius the Great found in Egypt, in the National Museum of Iran, 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, exhibits, artefacts, antiquity, pre-history, sculpture, statue
 Iran, Teheran, National Museum: the "Audience Scene", original centrepiece of the eastern staircase of the Apadana in Persepolis, found in the treasury, It shows the King enthroned with the crown prince behind him, and behind him a towel bearer and a weapon bearer. In front of the King stands a senior official with two guards behind him. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, exhibits, artefacts, antiquity, pre-history, bas-relief
 Iran, Teheran: pottery storage chest from about 5000 BC in the National Museum of Iran, 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, exhibits, artefacts, antiquity, pre-history
 Iran, Teheran: pottery bowls with interesting designs from about 5000 BC in the National Museum of Iran, 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, exhibits, artefacts, antiquity, pre-history
 Iran: a tiny, mud-brick mosque in a fertile valley in the wild Zagros Mountains not far from Farrashband. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, nature, scenery, mountainous, riverbed
 Iran: a fertile valley with mosque in the wild Zagros Mountains not far from Farrashband. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, nature, scenery, mountainous, riverbed
 Turkey, Dogubayazit, Anatolia: Ishak Pasha Palace was begun in 1685 by Cholak Abdi Pasha and completed in 1784 by his son, a Kurdish chieftain, also named Ishak. The architecture is a mixture of Seljuk, Ottoman, Georgian, Persian and Armenian styles. View from the palace of the 1578 AD Ottoman mosque, and a farmer's dwelling. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, heritage, fortifications, photogenic, minaret, landscape, cliffs
 Turkey, Dogubayazit, Anatolia: Ishak Pasha Palace was begun in 1685 by Cholak Abdi Pasha and completed in 1784 by his son, a Kurdish chieftain, also named Ishak. The architecture is a mixture of Seljuk, Ottoman, Georgian, Persian and Armenian styles. View from the palace of a small. modern mosque. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, heritage, fortifications, photogenic, minaret, landscape, cliffs
 Turkey, Dogubayazit, Anatolia: Ishak Pasha Palace was begun in 1685 by Cholak Abdi Pasha and completed in 1784 by his son, a Kurdish chieftain, also named Ishak. The architecture is a mixture of Seljuk, Ottoman, Georgian, Persian and Armenian styles.
The mosque, seen from the inner courtyard. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, heritage, fortifications, photogenic, minaret, landscape, cliffs
 Turkey, Dogubayazit, Anatolia: Ishak Pasha Palace was begun in 1685 by Cholak Abdi Pasha and completed in 1784 by his son, a Kurdish chieftain, also named Ishak. The architecture is a mixture of Seljuk, Ottoman, Georgian, Persian and Armenian styles. View from the palace of the ruined Urartian fortress, rock tombs, & 16th century Ottoman mosque. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, heritage, fortifications, photogenic, minaret, landscape, cliffs
 Turkey, Dogubayazit, Anatolia: Ishak Pasha Palace was begun in 1685 by Cholak Abdi Pasha and completed in 1784 by his son, a Kurdish chieftain, also named Ishak. The architecture is a mixture of Seljuk, Ottoman, Georgian, Persian and Armenian styles.
The mosque, seen from the inner courtyard. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, heritage, fortifications, photogenic, minaret, landscape, cliffs
 Turkey, Dogubayazit, Anatolia: Ishak Pasha Palace was begun in 1685 by Cholak Abdi Pasha and completed in 1784 by his son, a Kurdish chieftain, also named Ishak. The architecture is a mixture of Seljuk, Ottoman, Georgian, Persian and Armenian styles. View through an arch of the mosque and minaret (part of the palace). 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, heritage, fortifications, photogenic, minaret, landscape, cliffs
 Iran, Qareh Kalisa: typical young Azari girl in a village near the famous church. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, costume, dress, youth, child
 Iran, Qareh Kalisa: typical colourfully dressed Azari girls in a village near the famous church. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, costume, dress, youth
 Iran, Qareh Kalisa: typical young Azari girls in a village near the famous church. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, costume, dress, youth
 Iran, Qareh Kalisa: village farmyard with turkeys and haystack near the famous church. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, husbandry, domestic-animals
 Iran, Qareh Kalisa: mud-brick buildings in a village near the famous church. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, dwellings, homes, adobi
 Iran, Qareh Kalisa (Black Church): 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, St, Taddaeus, Kalisa-ye Tadi
 Iran, Qareh Kalisa: sheep and goat pen on a farm near the famous church. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, husbandry, domestic-animals
 Iran, Siyah Cheshmeh: martial figure with a machine gun, standing on the globe. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, symbol, warlike
 Iran, Tabriz: Masjed-e- Kabud (Blue Mosque) was built in 1465 under Jahan Shah, leader of Qareh Koyunlu Dynasty and was renowned for the quality of its blue tiling. Virtually destroyed in earthquakes of 1727 and 1773, restoration began only in 1973 and continues. The Khaqani Garden, named after the 12th century poet, is a popular meeting place. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, Azari men, pensioners
 Iran, Tabriz: Masjed-e- Kabud (Blue Mosque) was built in 1465 under Jahan Shah, leader of Qareh Koyunlu Dynasty and was renowned for the quality of its blue tiling. Virtually destroyed in earthquakes of 1727 and 1773, restoration began only in 1973 and continues. One of the original brick domes. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, architecture, faience, tiles, mosaics, arabesques, religion, colourful
 Iran, Tabriz: Masjed-e- Kabud (Blue Mosque) was built in 1465 under Jahan Shah, leader of Qareh Koyunlu Dynasty and was renowned for the quality of its blue tiling. Virtually destroyed in earthquakes of 1727 and 1773, restoration began only in 1973 and continues. Some of the original decoration. The colour is said to be unique to this mosque. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, architecture, faience, tiles, mosaics, arabesques, religion, colourful
 Iran, Tabriz: Masjed-e- Kabud (Blue Mosque) was built in 1465 under Jahan Shah, leader of Qareh Koyunlu Dynasty and was renowned for the quality of its blue tiling. Virtually destroyed in earthquakes of 1727 and 1773, restoration began only in 1973 and continues. Some of the original decoration. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, architecture, faience, tiles, mosaics, arabesques, religion, colourful
 Iran, Tabriz: Masjed-e- Kabud (Blue Mosque) was built in 1465 under Jahan Shah, leader of Qareh Koyunlu Dynasty and was renowned for the quality of its blue tiling. Virtually destroyed in earthquakes of 1727 and 1773, restoration began only in 1973 and continues. Some of the original decoration. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, architecture, faience, tiles, mosaics, arabesques, religion, colourful
 Iran, Tabriz: Masjed-e- Kabud (Blue Mosque) was built in 1465 under Jahan Shah, leader of Qareh Koyunlu Dynasty and was renowned for the quality of its blue tiling. Virtually destroyed in earthquakes of 1727 and 1773, restoration began only in 1973 and continues. The adjacent Khaqani Garden honours the 12th century Azari poet Shirvani Khaqani. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, architecture, faience, tiles, mosaics, arabesques, religion, colourful
 Iran, Soltaniyeh: Gonbad-e Soltaniyeh (Oljeitu Mausoleum) was built by the Mongol Sultan Oljeitu Khodabandeh at the beginning of the 14th century to house the remains of Imam Ali These remained in Najaf however so it was used as his own mausoleum. At 48m. high and 25m. wide, the world's tallest brick dome, at present full of scaffolding. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Muslim, mosque, Shi-ite, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, mosaics, arabesques, minaret, UNESCO
 Iran, Soltaniyeh: Gonbad-e Soltaniyeh (Oljeitu Mausoleum) was built by the Mongol Sultan Oljeitu Khodabandeh at the beginning of the 14th century to house the remains of Imam Ali These remained in Najaf however so it was used as his own mausoleum. At 48m. high and 25m. wide, the world's tallest brick dome, at present full of scaffolding. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Muslim, mosque, Shi-ite, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, mosaics, arabesques, minaret, UNESCO
 Iran, Soltaniyeh: Gonbad-e Soltaniyeh (Oljeitu Mausoleum) : view from the dome of the mausoleum over the small town of Soltaniyeh, with the Zagros Mountains in the distance. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Muslim, mosque, Shi-ite, religion, architecture, panorama
 Iran, Soltaniyeh: Gonbad-e Soltaniyeh (Oljeitu Mausoleum) was built by the Mongol Sultan Oljeitu Khodabandeh at the beginning of the 14th century to house the remains of Imam Ali These remained in Najaf however so it was used as his own mausoleum. At 48m. high and 25m. wide, the world's tallest brick dome. Ornate tile ceiling. A UNESCO site. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Muslim, mosque, Shi-ite, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, mosaics, arabesques, minaret
 Iran, Qazvin: Imamzadeh-ye Hossein commemorates a son of the 8th Imam Reza who died aged 2 in 821 AD and is buried here. It dates from the 16th century but the facade is from the Qajar era. Entrance to the much revered and highly decorated shrine enclosing the tomb. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaic
 Iran, Qazvin: Imamzadeh-ye Hossein commemorates a son of the 8th Imam Reza who died aged two in 821 AD and is buried here. It dates from the 16th century but the facade is from the Qajar era. Panel of arabesques with floral additions, making use of mirror glass. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaic
 Iran, Qazvin: Imamzadeh-ye Hossein commemorates a son of the 8th Imam Reza who died aged two in 821 AD and is buried here. It dates from the 16th century but the facade is from the Qajar era. Panel of arabesques with floral additions, making use of mirror glass. Above, scripts from thje Quran on a band. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaic
 Iran, Qazvin: Imamzadeh-ye Hossein commemorates a son of the 8th Imam Reza who died aged 2 in 821 AD and is buried here. It dates from the 16th century but the facade is from the Qajar era. The bejewelled and ornate roof of the tomb. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaic
 Iran, Qazvin: Imamzadeh-ye Hossein commemorates a son of the 8th Imam Reza who died aged 2 in 821 AD and is buried here. It dates from the 16th century but the facade is from the Qajar era. The much revered and highly decorated shrine enclosing the tomb. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaic
 Iran, Qazvin: Imamzadeh-ye Hossein commemorates a son of the 8th Imam Reza who died aged two in 821 AD and is buried here. It dates from the 16th century but the facade is from the Qajar era. Panel of arabesques with floral additions, making use of mirror glass. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaic
 Iran, Qazvin: Imamzadeh-ye Hossein commemorates a son of the 8th Imam Reza who died aged two in 821 AD and is buried here. It dates from the 16th century but the facade is from the Qajar era. Pictured is the gatehouse, adorned with six ornamental minarets, from the fountain courtyard. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaic
 Iran, Qazvin: Imamzadeh-ye Hossein commemorates a son of the 8th Imam Reza who died aged two in 821 AD and is buried here. It dates from the 16th century but the facade is from the Qajar era. Pictured is the gatehouse, adorned with six ornamental minarets. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaic
 Iran, Qazvin: Darvazeh-e-Qadim-e-Teheran (Teheran Gate), once part of the city walls, and dating from the Qajar era, is covered in colourful tiles. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaic
 Iran, Qazvin: Darvazeh-e-Qadim-e-Teheran (Teheran Gate), once part of the city walls, and dating from the Qajar era, is covered in colourful tiles. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaic
 Iran, Teheran: the Azadi Tower (Liberty Tower) was designed by architect Hossein Amanat, a Baha'i, who was driven from the country on the fall of the Shah. It is built of white marble from the Isfahan region, and was inaugurated on 16th October 1971. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, monument, landmark
 Iran, Teheran: the city has expanded rapidly in the north, right up to the foothills of the Alborz Mountains. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, panorama
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Shams-Al Emarat (Edifice of the Sun), the mirror hall uses glass & gilding to great effect. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation, sumptuous, mosaic, faience, tiling, arabesques
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Shams-Al Emarat (Edifice of the Sun), filigree, colourful glass screens with floral motifs. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation, sumptuous, mosaic, faience, tiling, arabesques
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Shams-Al Emarat, The end of the opulently decorated hall with much use of mirror glass. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation, sumptuous, mosaic, faience, tiling, arabesques
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Shams-Al Emarat, part of the opulently decorated hall, with mirrored stained glass windows. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation, sumptuous, mosaic, faience, tiling, arabesques
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Shams-Al Emarat, showing the uniformed bandsmen lined up under the terrace, on tiles. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation, sumptuous, mosaic, faience, tiling, arabesques
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Shams-Al Emarat (Edifice of the Sun), built 1865-7 combined European influences (including height) with Persian architecture. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation, sumptuous, mosaic, faience, tiling, arabesques
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. A brilliant arched panel of colourful faience arabesques. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Entrance to Talar-e Ayaheh (Hall of Mirrors) which formerly housed the Peacock Throne. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Khalvat-e Karim Khani (Karim Khan Nook) dates from 1759. Exquisite faience work. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Khalvat-e Karim Khani (Karim Khan Nook) with marble tombstone of Nasser al-Din Shah. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Khalvat-e Karim Khani (Karim Khan Nook) with sumptuously decorated throne room. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. Marble Throne Verandah with the throne, carved from 65 pieces of yellow Yazd alabaster in 1806 for Fath Ali Shah Qajar. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. The Ivan-e Takht-e Marmar (Marble Throne Verandah) with carved alabaster throne. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation
 Iran, Teheran: Golestan Palace Complex has been the seat of the Shahs since Nasser al-Din (reigned 1848-96) developed a Safavid-era citadel. It consists of a number of buildings spaced around a rectangular park. Qajar and Pahlevi Shahs were crowned here. The Ivan-e Takht-e Marmar (Marble Throne Verandah) at the end of a refelecting pool. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, luxury, pomp, ostentation
 Iran, Teheran: typical street scene with hoarding lauding a hero of the Iraq-Iran war. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, traffic lights, zebra crossing
 Iran, Teheran: stone horse in bas-relief (from Persepolis?) standing outside the National Museum of Iran. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, sculpture, historic, antiquity
 Iran, Teheran: the National Museum was designed by French architect André Godard and completed in 1928. The traditional iwan dominates the facade. Reflected in pool. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city
 Iran, Teheran: Shah Reza Pahlevi's Summer Residence (Sa`d Abad Museum) in the cooler northern city outskirts. The sitting room. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, furniture, furnishings, chandelier
 Iran, Teheran: Shah Reza Pahlevi's Summer Residence (Sa`d Abad Museum) in the cooler northern city outskirts. Statue of an archer in the grounds. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city, sculpture, monument, stone figure
 Iran, Teheran: Shah Reza Pahlevi's Summer Residence (Sa`d Abad Museum) in the cooler northern city outskirts. The Green Palace was built at the end of the Qajar era and opulently remodelled by the Pahlevis. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city
 Iran, Teheran: Shah Reza Pahlevi's Summer Residence (Sa'd Abad Museum) in the cooler northern city outskirts. The White Palace was built between 1931 and 1937 and has 54 rooms, mostly devoted to the Shah's reign (1942-79). Facade and main entrance. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city
 Iran, Teheran: Shah Reza Pahlevi's Summer Residence (Sa'd Abad Museum) in the cooler northern city outskirts. The White Palace was built between 1931 and 1937 and has 54 rooms, mostly devoted to the Shah's reign (1942-79). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city
 Iran, Teheran: view over the city from the hills in the north. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, metropolis, capital city
 Iran, Qom: Hazrat-e Masumeh is the burial place of Fatemah, sister of the 8th Imam Reza and is the spiritual centre of Qom, which itself is the spiritual centre of Iran. The shrine was begun by Shah Abbas I and completed by other Safavid shahs. Non-Muslims are not allowed in the shrine itself. Closer view of a minaret. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Qom: promenade with ornamental tiles and arches, where students from the medresa can frequently be seen. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Qom: Hazrat-e Masumeh is the burial place of Fatemah, sister of the 8th Imam Reza and is the spiritual centre of Qom, which itself is the spiritual centre of Iran. The shrine was begun by Shah Abbas I and completed by other Safavid shahs. Non-Muslims are not allowed in the shrine itself. Closer view of three of the minarets. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Qom: Hazrat-e Masumeh is the burial place of Fatemah, sister of the 8th Imam Reza and is the spiritual centre of Qom, which itself is the spiritual centre of Iran. The shrine was begun by Shah Abbas I and completed by other Safavid shahs. Non-Muslims are not allowed in the shrine itself. Golden dome and minarets from the courtyard. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Qom: Hazrat-e Masumeh is the burial place of Fatemah, sister of the 8th Imam Reza and is the spiritual centre of Qom, which itself is the spiritual centre of Iran. The shrine was begun by Shah Abbas I and completed by other Safavid shahs. Non-Muslims are not allowed in the shrine itself. Golden dome and minarets from the courtyard. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Sheikh Lotfollah in Naqsh-e Jahan Square was built for Shah Abbas I between 1602-19. Dedicated to his father in law, and used only privately for his harem, it has no minaret, but some of the most exquisite surviving Safavid mosaics. Reflections in the pool with fountains. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Sheikh Lotfollah in Naqsh-e Jahan Square was built for Shah Abbas I between 1602-19. Dedicated to his father in law, and used only privately for his harem, it has no minaret, but some of the most exquisite surviving Safavid mosaics. Reflections in the pool with fountain. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque
 Iran, Isfahan: a former caravanserai in the middle of the bazaar area, now a leafy shopping square. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, trading, souvenirs
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. Closer view of one of the minarets. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. The breathtaking decoration of the main dome. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. One of the colourful panels of arabesques on either side of the entrance. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. Closer look at the decoration round the balcony in the entrance iwan. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. A closer view of the stalactite ceiling of the entrance iwan. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Shah or Masjed-e Imam in Naqsh Square was built by Shah Abbas I between 1611-5 and is regarded as the pinacle of Safavid architecture with its perfect proportions and exquisite faience work. The much-photographed main entrance, through an iwan with balcony. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, Royal Mosque, Imam Mosque, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: view of the south end of the Naqsh-e Jahan Square and Jameh Mosque from the terrace of the Kakh-e Ali Qapu (Ali Qapu Palace). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, minaret, formal gardens
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Ali Qapu (Ali Qapu Palace) was built at the end of the 16th century as a residence for Shah Abbas I. It is six storeys high and has an elevated terrace whose roof is supported by 18 slender columns. (At present under scaffolding). The roof of the music room is overlaid with cut-outs representing vases, to improve accoustics. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Ali Qapu (Ali Qapu Palace) was built at the end of the 16th century as a residence for Shah Abbas I. It is six storeys high and has an elevated terrace whose roof is supported by 18 slender columns. (At present under scaffolding). Red and blue floral decorations on the domed ceiling of one of the rooms. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Sheikh Lotfollah in Naqsh-e Jahan Square was built for Shah Abbas I between 1602-19. Dedicated to his father in law, and used only privately for his harem, it has no minaret, but some of the most exquisite surviving Safavid mosaics. The colourful mihrab surrounded by quranic scripts. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Sheikh Lotfollah in Naqsh-e Jahan Square was built for Shah Abbas I between 1602-19. Dedicated to his father in law, and used only privately for his harem, it has no minaret, but some of the most exquisite surviving Safavid mosaics. Interior decoration of the walls of the prayer hall with bands of Quran scripts. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Sheikh Lotfollah in Naqsh-e Jahan Square was built for Shah Abbas I between 1602-19. Dedicated to his father in law, and used only privately for his harem, it has no minaret, but some of the most exquisite surviving Safavid mosaics. Interior decoration of the walls of the prayer hall with bands of Quran scripts. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Sheikh Lotfollah in Naqsh-e Jahan Square was built for Shah Abbas I between 1602-19. Dedicated to his father in law, and used only privately for his harem, it has no minaret, but some of the most exquisite surviving Safavid mosaics. View of the dome from within. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics
 Iran, Isfahan: Ali minaret, near the Ali Mosque, the oldest minaret in Isfahan and the second highest at 448 metres 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. Closer view of one of the minarets on the south iwan. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. Striking domed ceiling with surrounding band of quranic inscriptions. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. Honeycomb lattice windows filter the light. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. The Taj al-Molk Dome, regarded as the finest brick-built dome in Persia, has survived dozens of earhquakes for more than 900 years. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. Prayer Hall, built during the Seljuk era. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. The iwan on the south side with Mongol era stalactite mouldings and two minarets. In front, the ablutions fountain, imitating the Kaaba at Mecca. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. The low-vaulted winter prayer hall. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. Stucco mihrab covered in Quranic inscriptions in the Room of Sultan Uljeitu, one of the greatest treasures of the mosque. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. The west iwan, built by the Seljuks and decorated by the Safavids, is topped by a "maazeneh" for calling the faithful to prayer. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. Modern mosaic of Ayatolla Ali Khamenei in the courtyard. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. Modern mosaic of Ayatolla Ruhollah Khomeini in the courtyard. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. Ancient mihrab. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. One of the original domes. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. Part of the original, unadorned, prayer hall. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. Part of the original, unadorned, prayer hall. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) dates back to around 771 AD and contains later additions from the Mongols, Seljuks, Muzzafarids, Timurids and Safavids. The largest mosque in Iran. One of the original surviving domes. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, mosaics, UNESCO
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Sheikh Lotfollah in Naqsh-e Jahan Square was built for Shah Abbas I between 1602-19. Dedicated to his father in law, and used only privately for his harem, it has no minaret, but some of the most exquisite surviving Safavid mosaics. Reflections in the pool. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque
 Iran, Isfahan: Naqsh-e Jahan Square is the world's second largest, after Tiananmen, and was planned by Shah Abbas the Great in 1602 as the centre of his new capital. Originally used for polo games, now offering flower beds and reflecting pools. Horse-drawn carriage passing Lotfollah Mosque. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Naqsh-e Jahan Square is the world's second largest, after Tiananmen, and was planned by Shah Abbas the Great in 1602 as the centre of his new capital. Originally used for polo games, now offering flower beds and reflecting pools. One of many horse-drawn carriages offering rides round the square. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Masjed-e Sheikh Lotfollah in Naqsh-e Jahan Square was built for Shah Abbas I between 1602-19. Dedicated to his father in law, and used only privately for his harem, it has no minaret, but some of the most exquisite surviving Safavid mosaics. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque
 Iran, Isfahan: Naqsh-e Jahan Square is the world's second largest, after Tiananmen, and was planned by Shah Abbas the Great in 1602 as the centre of his new capital. Originally used for polo games, now offering flower beds and reflecting pools. Horse-drawn carriage awaiting custom. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Naqsh-e Jahan Square is the world's second largest, after Tiananmen, and was planned by Shah Abbas the Great in 1602 as the centre of his new capital. Originally used for polo games, now offering flower beds and reflecting pools. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: the gardens of the Abbasi, a luxury hotel, based on the former Madar-Shah caravanserai from the Safavid era. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, botany, horticulture, flowers, fruit trees
 Iran, Isfahan: exotic fruit in the gardens of the Abbasi, a luxury hotel, based on the former Madar-Shah caravanserai from the Safavid era. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, botany, horticulture, flowers, fruit trees
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. Entrance building reflected in the pool, seen from the palace porch. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. Fresco with part of the florally decorated ceiling. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. Original fresco in the Throne Hall. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. Original fresco in the Throne Hall. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. Fresco in the Throne Hall: Nader Shah battles Sultan Mohammed (astride a white elephant), from the Qajar period. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. Original fresco in the Throne Hall. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. Original fresco in the Throne Hall. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. Inside ceiling splendour. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. Inside splendour. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. Exquisitely painted roof of the porch, with wooden pillars. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. The pool with sculpture in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: Kakh-e Chehel Sotun (Chehel Sotun Palace = 40 Pillars Palace) was built in 1647 under Shah Abbas II in the Safavid era but rebuilt after a fire in1706. It follows the Achaemenid "talar" (porch with columns) style. The pool is said to reflect 40 columns. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, frescoes, reflections, pool
 Iran, Isfahan: private gardens with pool and stuary. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque
 Iran, Isfahan: Pol-e Si-o-Seh (Si-o-Seh Bridge)(=33-Arch Bridge) was built by General Allahverdi Khan between 1599 and 1602 in the Safavid era. It is 298 metres long and can be used to dam the River Zayandeh if necessary. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, historic, heritage
 Iran, Isfahan: Pol-e Si-o-Seh (Si-o-Seh Bridge)(=33-Arch Bridge) was built by General Allahverdi Khan between 1599 and 1602 in the Safavid era. It is 298 metres long and can be used to dam the River Zayandeh if necessary. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, historic, heritage
 Iran, Isfahan: Pol-e Khaju (Khaju Bridge) was built under Shah Abbas II in about 1650 in the Safavid era. It is 110 metres long and can be used to dam the River Zayandeh when necessary. The tea room in the centre, built for the Shah, is no longer in use. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, historic, heritage
 Iran, Isfahan: Pol-e Khaju (Khaju Bridge) was built under Shah Abbas II in about 1650 in the Safavid era. It is 110 metres long and can be used to dam the River Zayandeh when necessary. The tea room in the centre, built for the Shah, is no longer in use. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, historic, heritage
 Iran, Isfahan: Pol-e Khaju (Khaju Bridge) was built under Shah Abbas II in about 1650 in the Safavid era. It is 110 metres long and can be used to dam the River Zayandeh when necessary. The tea room in the centre, built for the Shah, is no longer in use. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, historic, heritage
 Iran, Isfahan: Pol-e Khaju (Khaju Bridge) was built under Shah Abbas II in about 1650 in the Safavid era. It is 110 metres long and can be used to dam the River Zayandeh when necessary. The tea room in the centre, built for the Shah, is no longer in use. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, historic, heritage
 Iran, Isfahan: Pol-e Khaju (Khaju Bridge) was built under Shah Abbas II in about 1650 in the Safavid era. It is 110 metres long and can be used to dam the River Zayandeh when necessary. The tea room in the centre, built for the Shah, is no longer in use. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque, historic, heritage
 Iran, Isfahan: One of many dovecotes to be found in the region of Isfahan. They go back about 700 years and were important not only for housing pigeons but also for collecting valuable guano for fertilizer. View inside, with pigeon! 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, historic, doves
 Iran, Isfahan: One of many dovecotes to be found in the region of Isfahan. They go back about 700 years and were important not only for housing pigeons but also for collecting valuable guano for fertilizer. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, historic, doves
 Iran, Shiraz: Masjed-e Vakil ("Mosque of Regret") was built between 1751 and 1773 in the Zand period but later updated with much faience in the Qajar period. Carved columns in the Shabestan or Prayer Hall. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, arabesques, colourful
 Iran, Shiraz: Masjed-e Vakil ("Mosque of Regret") was built between 1751 and 1773 in the Zand period but later updated with much faience in the Qajar period. Mihrab (?) decorated in coloured faience. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, arabesques, colourful
 Iran, Shiraz: Masjed-e Vakil ("Mosque of Regret") was built between 1751 and 1773 in the Zand period but later updated with much faience in the Qajar period. Carved columns in the Shabestan or Prayer Hall. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, arabesques, colourful
 Iran, Shiraz: Masjed-e Vakil ("Mosque of Regret") was built between 1751 and 1773 in the Zand period but later updated with much faience in the Qajar period. Carved columns in the Shabestan or Prayer Hall. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, arabesques, colourful
 Iran, Shiraz: Masjed-e Vakil ("Mosque of Regret") was built between 1751 and 1773 in the Zand period but later updated with much faience in the Qajar period. Domed ceiling of one of the iwans, exquisitely decorated with coloured faience tiles. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, arabesques, colourful
 Iran, Shiraz: Masjed-e Vakil ("Mosque of Regret") was built between 1751 and 1773 in the Zand period but later updated with much faience in the Qajar period. The pool, reflecting an iwan with two minarets. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, arabesques, colourful
 Iran, Shiraz: Masjed-e Vakil ("Mosque of Regret") was built between 1751 and 1773 in the Zand period but later updated with much faience in the Qajar period. One of the iwans, exquisitely decorated with coloured faience tiles. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, arabesques, colourful
 Iran, Shiraz: Masjed-e Vakil ("Mosque of Regret") was built between 1751 and 1773 in the Zand period but later updated with much faience in the Qajar period. The pool, reflecting an iwan with two minarets. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, arabesques, colourful
 Iran, Shiraz: Masjed-e Vakil ("Mosque of Regret") was built between 1751 and 1773 in the Zand period but later updated with much faience in the Qajar period. A domed arch, decorated with mosaics and tiles. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, arabesques
 Iran, Shiraz: tomb of the famous poet Hafez (1325-89), born in Shiraz, and probably Iran's most popular poet. A book of his collected works can be found in most homes in the country. A faience panel exquisitely decorated with roses and birds in the adjacent gardens. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, literature, poetry, garden, flowers, monument, tiling, arabesques
 Iran, Shiraz: tomb of the famous poet Hafez (1325-89), born in Shiraz, and probably Iran's most popular poet. A book of his collected works can be found in most homes in the country. The octagonal pavilion enclosing his tombstone is much visited. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, literature, poetry, garden, flowers, monument
 Iran, Shiraz: tomb of the famous poet Hafez (1325-89), born in Shiraz, and probably Iran's most popular poet. A book of his collected works can be found in most homes in the country. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, literature, poetry, garden, flowers, monument
 Iran, Shiraz: poem in Farsi with a floral faience surround in the tomb of the famous Sa'di (1207-91), one of the most popular poets in Iran. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, arabesque, literature, poetry
 Iran, Shush: the so-called Tomb of Daniel, a typical imamzadeh, previously a goal of Jewish pilgrims, now a mosque, built in 1871. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, biblical, Old Testament, faience, tiling, colourful
 Iran, Shush: the so-called Tomb of Daniel, a typical imamzadeh, previously a goal of Jewish pilgrims, now a mosque, built in 1871. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, biblical, Old Testament, faience, tiling, colourful
 Iran, Shush: Chateau de Morgan, built by the French Archeological Service between 1897 and 1912, adjoins the archeological site of the Palace of Darius. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, castle, crenellations, fortifications
 Iran, Shush: site of the Palace of Darius (521 BC), built on the ruins of capital of Elam, laid waste by Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian King around 640 BC.
Here: a collection of fragments of columns etc. awaiting restoration. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, foundations, Achaemenids
 Iran, Shush: site of the Palace of Darius (521 BC), built on the ruins of capital of Elam, laid waste by Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian King around 640 BC.
Here: a double-headed kneeling horse used as a column capital (aka Persepolis). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, foundations, Achaemenids, stone-carving
 Iran, Shush: site of the Palace of Darius (521 BC), built on the ruins of capital of Elam, laid waste by Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian King around 640 BC.
Here: the base of one of the columns of the Apadana is preserved. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, foundations, Achaemenids
 Iran, Shush: site of the Palace of Darius (521 BC), built on the ruins of capital of Elam, laid waste by Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian King around 640 BC. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, foundations, Achaemenids
 Iran, Shush: Chateau de Morgan, built by the French Archeological Service between 1897 and 1912, adjoins the archeological site of the Palace of Darius. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, castle, crenellations, fortifications
 Iran, Pol-e-Dokhtar: Iranians picnicking on the banks of the River Karcheh, 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, leisure, picnic, eating
 Iran, Pol-e-Dokhtar: ruins of a major bridge over the River Karcheh, built on the orders of the Sassanid King Shahpur I (242-272) by Roman prisoners of war. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Iran, Pol-e-Dokhtar: ruins of a major bridge over the River Karcheh, built on the orders of the Sassanid King Shahpur I (242-272) by Roman prisoners of war. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Iran, Pol-e-Dokhtar: ruins of a major bridge over the River Karcheh, built on the orders of the Sassanid King Shahpur I (242-272) by Roman prisoners of war. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Iran, Pol-e-Dokhtar: ruins of a major bridge over the River Karcheh, built on the orders of the Sassanid King Shahpur I (242-272) by Roman prisoners of war. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage
 Iran: gravestones of ancient heroes approximately 250 years old in a cemetary near Pol-e-Dokhtar. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology
 Iran: gravestones of ancient heroes approximately 250 years old in a cemetary near Pol-e-Dokhtar. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, archeology
 Iran, Kermanshah: Rotel Setra bus with trailer parked near the war memorial museum and mosque. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, Rolling Hotel, omnibus, tour-bus
 Iran, Kermanshah: captured enemy tanks from the Iran-Iraq War at the at the memorial museum and mosque. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, war-damage
 Iran, Kermanshah: captured enemy vehicles from the Iran-Iraq War at the at the memorial museum and mosque. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, war-damage, trucks, transport
 Iran: ruined AnahitaTemple near Bisotun used by a pre-Christian cult who worshipped the Indo-Iranian cosmological figure Anahita. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture
 Iran, Asam Abad: view of the modern town on the plain, with hills in the background. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture
 Iran, Asam Abad: view of the modern town on the plain, with hills in the background. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture
 Iran, Asam Abad: view of the modern town on the plain, with hills in the background. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture
 Iran, Hamadan: the Jewish Tomb of Esther (wife of Xerxes I) and Mordecai is alleged to be within this 14th century tower, which was once Iran's most important Jewish pilgrimage site. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, biblical
 Iran, Hamadan: BuAli Sina (Avicenna) Mausoleum. This tower was erected in 1954 on the tomb of Avicenna, the famous physician and philosopher (980-1037). 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture
 Iran, Sanandaj: a room facing the courtyard in the Asef Mansion, a Qajar building which is now a museum of Kurdish life. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion
 Iran, Sanandaj: Masjed-e Jameh (Jameh Mosque) with its twin minarets, was built in 1813 on the orders of Amonulla Khan. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, mosque, religion, architecture, faience, tiling, minaret, arabesque
 Oman, Muscat: one of the colourful "minarets" of the Al Khor Mosque. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: blue-tiled Al Khor Mosque, with the restored Mirani Fort behind, built by the Portuguese in the 16th century. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: the main entrance and dome of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: the main prayer hall of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque showing the mihrab niche in the qiblah wall. The Persian carpet is a single piece 70 x 60 metres covering an area of 4263 square metres. Woven near Nishabur, Khurasan, it took 600 women four years to complete, and weighs 21 tonnes. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: part of the main prayer hall of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. The walls are clad in off-white Bianco P and dark grey Bardiglio marble. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: the central chandelier in the main prayer hall of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque is 8 metres in diameter and 14 metres in length with 1122 lamps, together weighing 8 tonnes. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: one of the stained glass windows in the main prayer hall of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: south entrance porch to the main prayer hall of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, showing the carved wooden doors. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: colourful Persian "Kashi" tilework in the Safavid tradition in the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: colourful Persian "Kashi" tilework in the Safavid tradition in the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: the Ladies' Prayer Hall in the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, showing the Turkish crystal chandeliers 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: mosque with colourful dome and minaret on the promenade at Muttrah, with the barren mountains of the desert behind. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: mosque with colourful dome and minaret on the promenade at Muttrah. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: colourful modern "minarets" on a mosque. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State
 Oman, Muscat: modern mosque with dome and minaret in Ruwi. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, oil wealth, emirate, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab state, sultan, Middle East, Gulf State, colourful
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: view into the courtyard through the domed and arcaded gallery. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran, traditional architecture
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: the tiled and arcaded gallery from outside the courtyard, with blue-tiled reflecting pool. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran, traditional architecture
 Turkey, Istanbul: Sultanahmet Mosque (The Blue Mosque) from Sultanahmet Square. 
 Keywords: Islam, minarets, architecture, religion, Muslim, Mohammed
 Turkey, Istanbul: view of the Galata Bridge and Golden Horn from the Galata Tower, with the Yeni Mosque near the end of the bridge. 
 Keywords: straits, urban panorama, water craft
 Turkey, Istanbul: one of the newer mosques, Valide Sultan (Sultan's Mother) at Aksaray. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, minaret, architecture, religion
 Cyprus (North), Gazimagusa/Famagusta: the former Gothic cathedral of St. Nicholas, completed between 1298 and 1326, is probably the best preserved Lusignan monument, although it lost its twin towers during the Ottoman bombardment. Later a minaret was added and it became the Lala Mustafa Pasa Camii (Mosque). Here: view of the facade with Judas tree flowers (Cercis siliquastrum). 
 Keywords: Gazimagusa, architecture, church-mosque
 Cyprus (North), Gazimagusa/Famagusta: the former Gothic cathedral of St. Nicholas, completed between 1298 and 1326, is probably the best preserved Lusignan monument, although it lost its twin towers during the Ottoman bombardment. Later a minaret was added and it became the Lala Mustafa Pasa Camii (Mosque). Here: the west facade with rose window. 
 Keywords: Gazimagusa, architecture, church-mosque
 Cyprus (North), Gazimagusa/Famagusta: the former Gothic cathedral of St. Nicholas, completed between 1298 and 1326, is probably the best preserved Lusignan monument, although it lost its twin towers during the Ottoman bombardment. Later a minaret was added and it became the Lala Mustafa Pasa Camii (Mosque). Here: the east end apse with its buttresses, showing some fine carving. 
 Keywords: Gazimagusa, church-mosque, architecture
 Cyprus (North), Gazimagusa/Famagusta: Lala Mustafa Pasa Mosque, formerly the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, from the city wall, with municipal gardens in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Gazimagusa, park
 Cyprus (North), Lefkosa/ North Nicosia: Selimiye Mosque, formerly the Ayía Sofía Roman Catholic Cathedral, was built between 1209 and 1326, but never completed. 
 Keywords: Lefkosa, Muslim, Islam, minaret, Gothic architecture
 Turkey, Istanbul: Sultanahmet (Blue) Mosque, with its six minarets, seen from Sultanahmet Gardens. 
 Keywords: architecture, Constantinople, Muslim, Byzantine, Islam, natural heritage, picturesque
 Turkey, Istanbul: courtyard of the Sultanahmet (Blue) Mosque, completed in 1617 by the architect Mehmet Aga. 
 Keywords: architecture, historic, Constantinople, Muslim, Byzantine, Islam, natural heritage
 Turkey, Istanbul: newly renovated Turkish wooden houses, with the minarets of the Sultanahmet Mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: architecture, street scene, traditional houses, old quarter, picturesque, natural heritage, colourful, Islam, Byzantine, Muslim, Constantinople
 Turkey, Istanbul: newly renovated Turkish wooden houses, with the minarets of the Sultanahmet Mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: architecture, street scene, traditional houses, old quarter, picturesque, natural heritage, colourful, Islam, Byzantine, Muslim, Constantinople
 Turkey, Istanbul: local ferry-boat, plying across the Golden Horn, with the Galata Bridge and Yeni Mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: Islam, crossing, straits, Constantinople, Muslim, Byzantine
 Turkey, Istanbul: Suleymaniye Mosque, built in 1557 by Mimar Sinan, is regarded by many as his finest achievement. The mausoleum of Suleyman the Magnificent in the foreground (right). 
 Keywords: architecture, Constantinople, Muslim, Byzantine, Islam, natural heritage, picturesque
 Turkey, Istanbul: frontage and two minarets of the Suleymaniye Mosque, built in 1557 by Mimar Sinan. Regarded by many as his finest achievement. 
 Keywords: architecture, Constantinople, Muslim, Byzantine, Islam, natural heritage, picturesque
 Turkey, Istanbul: Muslim gravestones and the mausoleum of Suleyman the Magnificent in the precints of the Suleymaniye Mosque. 
 Keywords: architecture, Constantinople, Muslim, Byzantine, Islam, natural heritage
 Island of Crete, Harnia: Mosque of the Janissaries, reflected in the waters of the harbour. 
 Keywords: mediaeval, reflections, architecture, national heritage, picturesque
 Island of Crete, Harnia: Mosque of the Janissaries, built by the Turks in 1645, is the oldest Ottoman building on the island. With horse carriage in the foreground. 
 Keywords: picturesque, Muslim, Islam, architecture, national heritage
 Syria, Damascus: new mosque in the old quarter, with slim minaret and green and gold script from the Koran round the outsde walls. 
 Keywords: architecture, street scene, Muslim, Islam, picturesque, culture, capital city, historical, metropolis
 Syria, Damascus: courtyard of the Umayyad Mosque (built 705-15 AD) from the eastern arcade, showing the inlaid marble floor. 
 Keywords: architecture, colourful, artistic, national heritage, Muslim, Islam, picturesque, culture, capital city, historical, metropolis
 Syria, Damascus: courtyard of the Umayyad Mosque (built 705-15 AD) with roofed fountain for ablutions in the centre, flanked by two columns, Al-Sa'at (clock) and Al-Mal (money). 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, historical, capital city, culture, picturesque, Islam, Muslim, national heritage, artistic
 Syria, Damascus: the famous former treasury (Kubbat al-khazina) of the Umayyad Mosque (built 705-15 AD), standing on 8 antique columns in the courtyard, and dating from 788 AD (the mosaics have been much restored). Behind, the AL-Arous (Brides') Minaret, from the 11th century. 
 Keywords: architecture, artistic, national heritage, Muslim, Islam, picturesque, culture, capital city, historical, metropolis
 Syria, Damascus: Al Nawfara Coffee Shop, a popular place for a drink in the old quarter, near the east entrance to the Umayyad Mosque. 
 Keywords: architecture, Muslim, Islam, picturesque, culture, capital city, historical, metropolis
PMR534-04 (2) 
 Iraq, Baghdad: Medrese Al-Mustansariya, the principal school/university in the Abbasid era. Built under Caliph Al-Mustansir Billah (1226-1242), it provided lecture halls, library, refectory, baths, student accommodation, hospital with pharmacy, and mosque. The curriculum included Arabic, Theology, Astronomy, Mathematics, Pharmacy, Medicine, and especially, Koran studies.
View of the courtyard and colourful minaret from the first-floor gallery. 
 Keywords: architecture, madrassa, madrasa, centre of studies, education, Mesopotamia, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage
PMR534-04 (1) 
 Iraq, Baghdad: Medrese Al-Mustansariya, the principal school/university in the Abbasid era. Built under Caliph Al-Mustansir Billah (1226-1242), it provided lecture halls, library, refectory, baths, student accommodation, hospital with pharmacy, and mosque. The curriculum included Arabic, Theology, Astronomy, Mathematics, Pharmacy, Medicine, and especially, Koran studies.
View of the courtyard and colourful minaret from the entrance. 
 Keywords: architecture, madrassa, madrasa, centre of studies, education, Mesopotamia, Muslim, Islam, natural heritage
 Iraq, Mosul: crooked minaret of the Nurid (Big) Mosque, built by Nuriddin Zangi in 1172 AD. 
 Keywords: architecture, bent, ancient, historic, Mesopotamia, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim
 Iraq, Mosul: a modern mosque with minaret, seen through an arched doorway. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim
 Iraq, Samarra: view of the Great Mosque, built in 852 AD, from the top of the spiral minaret (Al-Malwiya = spiral shaped). It is in the course of reconstruction. 
 Keywords: architecture, panorama, archeological, archeology, Mesopotamia, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim
 Iraq, Samarra: the spiral minaret of the Samarra Mosque, once the largest mosque in the world of Islam, rises 52 metres to a flat platform at the top. 
 Keywords: architecture, archeological, archeology, Mesopotamia, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim
 Iraq, Najaf: mausoleum of the Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, nephew of the Prophet:
small traders offering their wares, with the golden dome of the mausoleum in the background. 
 Keywords: architecture, coloured tiles, mosque, mosaics, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, picturesque, historic, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Najaf: mausoleum of the Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, nephew of the Prophet:
main entrance to the shrine from the street. 
 Keywords: architecture, coloured tiles, mosque, mosaics, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, picturesque, historic, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Najaf: mausoleum of the Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, nephew of the Prophet:
two storeys of exquisitely decorated alcoves for the use of pilgrims, surround the courtyard. 
 Keywords: architecture, coloured tiles, mosque, mosaics, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, picturesque, historic, Mesopotamia
 Iraq, Najaf: mausoleum of the Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, nephew of the Prophet:
entrance arch, viewed from the inner courtyard. 
 Keywords: architecture, coloured tiles, mosque, mosaics, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, picturesque, historic, Mesopotamia
 Iraq: Khadimain Shrine, near Baghdad, was founded in 1515; two Shiite Imams, Musa Al-Khadim and Mohamed Al-Jawad, are buried here: main gateway and clocktower from the street. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, picturesque, natural heritage, colourful, Islam, Muslim, mosaics, mosque
 Iraq: Khadimain Shrine, near Baghdad, was founded in 1515; two Shiite Imams, Musa Al-Khadim and Mohamed Al-Jawad, are buried here: one of the alcoves with colourfully ornate tiling, which surround the courtyard, for the accommodation of pilgrims. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, mosque, mosaics, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, picturesque
 Iraq: Khadimain Shrine, near Baghdad, was founded in 1515; two Shiite Imams, Musa Al-Khadim and Mohamed Al-Jawad, are buried here: pilgrims in the courtyard. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, mosque, mosaics, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, picturesque
 Iraq: Khadimain Shrine, near Baghdad, was founded in 1515; two Shiite Imams, Musa Al-Khadim and Mohamed Al-Jawad, are buried here: the richly ornamented entrance to the shrine itself, taboo to non-believers. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, mosque, mosaics, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, picturesque
 Iraq: Khadimain Shrine, near Baghdad, was founded in 1515; two Shiite Imams, Musa Al-Khadim and Mohamed Al-Jawad, are buried here: the shrine with portico and two of the four gilded minarets. 
 Keywords: architecture, Mesopotamia, historic, mosque, mosaics, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, picturesque
 Iraq: Khadimain Shrine, near Baghdad, was founded in 1515; two Shiite Imams, Musa Al-Khadim and Mohamed Al-Jawad, are buried here: the entrance gateway, from the inner courtyard. 
 Keywords: architecture, mosque, mosaics, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, picturesque, historic, Mesopotamia
 Greece, Island of Kos: the 18th century Defterdar Mosque in Eleftherias Square provides a reminder of the long Ottoman occupation. 
 Keywords: Greek Isles, Greek Orthodox Church, yachts, colourful, picturesque, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese, Helenic, Hellas, island hopping
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: view of the courtyard through marble columns inlaid with semi-precious stones with gold capitals. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran, traditional architecture
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: a blue-tiled reflecting pool surrounds the outer courtyard columns. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: rear gallery of the courtyard, with its twin corner minarets,107 metres high. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran, traditional architecture
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: hand-made polychrome ceramic tiled "Iznik" panel with a floral motif. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran, traditional architecture
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: hand-made polychrome ceramic tiled "Iznik" panel with a floral motif. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran, traditional architecture
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: gallery on one side of the courtyard, with endless rows of marble columns, inlaid with semi-precious stones. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: closer view of the floral inlay work of semi-precious stones. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: the courtyard, with surrounding marble columns inlaid with semi-precious stones, and Moorish arches. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: the main courtyard (17,000 square metres) is inlaid with floral designs. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: view of a mosque and the RBS Building (right) from the eighth-floor window of the International Rotana Inn. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, skyscrapers, desert city, high rise buildings, Islam, Muslim, Arab, Arab state, air conditioning, lawn sprinklers
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: the "Women's Mosque" and minaret in Markaziyah Park and Gardens. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, skyscrapers, desert city, high rise buildings, Islam, Muslim, Arab, Arab state, air conditioning, lawn sprinklers
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: domed mosque with skyscrapers in the background, including Etisalat Building, surmounted with a ball. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, skyscrapers, desert city, high rise buildings, Islam, Muslim, Arab, Arab state, air conditioning, lawn sprinklers
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: minaret of a mosque and a colourful modern multi-storey block. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, skyscrapers, desert city, high rise buildings, Islam, Muslim, Arab, Arab state, air conditioning, lawn sprinklers
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: view of the facade and main entrance. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran, traditional architecture
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 Jordan, Aqaba: view of Aqaba Fort with minaret of the neighbouring mosque beyond. 
 Keywords: Muslim, archeological excavations, ruins, palm trees, bathing beach, Islam, mediaeval, coast, desert town, Gulf of Aqaba
 Cyprus, Kalavassós: typical landscape, with minaret of an abandoned Turkish mosque. 
 Keywords: rocky, hills, Turkish village
 Turkey, Gallipoli Peninsula, Kilitbahir: gate in the town wall with the harbour and a mosque visible on the far side. 
 Keywords: First World War, Dardanelles Campaign, ANZAC, 25th April 1915, Allied landings, Battlefields, Military Cemeteries, Military Graves, Memorials, WWI Battlefields, Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal
 Macedonia, Bitola: the pedestrian precinct with minarets of the two mosques, Isaac Beg (left) and Yeni (right). 
 Keywords: Yugoslavia, picturesque, national heritage, historic
 Macedonia, Bitola: Isaac Beg Mosque, with its 45-metre minaret, was commissioned by Isaac Chelebi Ibn Asa in 1508, and is set in well tended flower gardens. 
 Keywords: Yugoslavia, picturesque, national heritage, historic, minaret, Islam, Muslim
 Macedonia, Bitola: Isaac Beg Mosque, with its 45-metre minaret, was commissioned by Isaac Chelebi Ibn Asa in 1508, and is set in well tended flower gardens. 
 Keywords: Yugoslavia, picturesque, national heritage, historic, minaret, Islam, Muslim
 Macedonia, Skopje: devastated by an earthquake on 26th July 1963, the capital city has been largely rebuilt. Isa Beu Mosque and Medrese (religious university), founded in 1440. 
 Keywords: historic, medrasa, minaret, Muslim, Islam, picturesque, national heritage
 Macedonia, Skopje: devastated by an earthquake on 26th July 1963, the capital city has been largely rebuilt. "Carsija" Bazaar is about one thousand years old; a typical cobbled street in the "Bitbazaar" with minaret behind and distant dome of Mustafa Pasha Mosque. 
 Keywords: historic, Yugoslavia, street scene, picturesque, national heritage
 Macedonia, Tetovo: Arabati Baba Tekke, a Bekteshi Dervish prayer hall built by Redzep Pasha in the 18th century, in its well-tended gardens. 
 Keywords: historic, Muslim, Islam, minaret, mosque, Yugoslavia, national heritage
 Macedonia, Ohrid: originally founded by St. Clement in 893, the Monastery of St. Panteleimon was completely rebuilt in 2002 after the site had been occupied by the Sultan Mohamed Mosque for 450 years. 
 Keywords: Byzantine architecture, Yugoslavia, national heritage, historic, Christian, Orthodox church
 Macedonia, Ohrid: originally founded by St. Clement in 893, the Monastery of St. Panteleimon was completely rebuilt in 2002 after the site had been occupied by the Sultan Mohamed Mosque for 450 years. 
 Keywords: Byzantine architecture, Yugoslavia, national heritage, historic, Christian, Orthodox church
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1468. The old restored bazaar in a cobbled street below the fortress, with the minaret of the mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, citadel, ruined fortress, fortifications, Kruje
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: the 16th century "Leaden Mosque" (Xhamie e Plumbit), so called after the lead-coated domes of the roof. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Muslim, Islam, minaret, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, architecture
 Albania, Durres: Sheshi i Lirise (the main square) and the Great Mosque. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Muslim, Islam, minaret, mosque, architecture
 Albania, Tirana: Sheshi Skenderbej (Skanderbeg Square) with the Skanderbeg (Gjeerhi Kastrioti) equestrian statue. Skanderbeg (1405-1468) is the national hero of Albania, having driven out the Ottoman occupiers for a period of 20 years. In the background is the Et'hem Beu Mosque and the Palace of Culture. Flowerbeds in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, minaret, mosque, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: Sheshi Skenderbej (Skanderbeg Square) with the Skanderbeg (Gjeerhi Kastrioti) equestrian statue. Skanderbeg (1405-1468) is the national hero of Albania, having driven out the Ottoman occupiers for a period of 20 years. In the background is the Et'hem Beu Mosque. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, minaret, mosque, architecture, capital city
 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo: the sebilj (fountain) in "Pigeon Square" is the centre of old Sarajevo. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Bosniaks, Ottoman, historic, national heritage, picturesque, minaret, mosque
 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo: bazaar area with numerous cafés and the Bascarsija Mosque. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Bosniaks, Ottoman, historic, national heritage, picturesque, minaret
 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mostar: Kujundziluk cobbled old town got its name from "kujunzije" (copper smith). 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Bosniaks, Ottoman, historic, national heritage, picturesque, mosque, minaret
 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mostar: the River Neretva with the Koski Mehmet Pasa Mosque and the old Ottoman quarter. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Bosniaks, Ottoman, historic, national heritage, picturesque, minaret
 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mostar: shops and cafés in restored Ottoman houses are attracting tourists again after the fighting of 1992-5. 
 Keywords: Islam, minaret, mosque, picturesque, national heritage, historic, Ottoman, Bosniaks, Muslim
 Tunisia: Bizerta, founded by the Phoenicians in the 9th century BC under the name of Hippo Diarrytus, possesses a fine natural harbour. A modern mosque with octagonal minaret. 
 Keywords: Islamic, picturesque, Muslim, Mohamed, heritage, historic, Maghreb, modern architecture
 Tunisia, Sousse: The octagonal minaret of Zaouia Zakkak mosque and medrasa in the medina, dating from the Osman period. 
 Keywords: Islamic, picturesque, Muslim, Mohamed, heritage, historic, Maghreb, medina
 Tunisia, Sousse: Fountain in the medina, with the walls of the Grande Mosque behind. 
 Keywords: Islamic, medina, Maghreb, historic, heritage, Mohamed, Muslim, picturesque
 Tunisia, Monastir: View of the Grande Mosque with minaret from the walls of the Ribat, with palm gardens in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Islamic, picturesque, Muslim, Mohamed, heritage, historic, Maghreb
 Tunisia, Monastir: The Grande Mosque with minaret dates back to the 9th century. 
 Keywords: Islamic, picturesque, Muslim, Mohamed, heritage, historic, Maghreb
 Tunisia: Kairouan, the fourth holiest place in Islam, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: Zaouia Sidi Sahab, burial place of Mohammed's companion, Sidi Sahab, built between 1629 and 1692, also known as the "Barber's Mosque": view of the arches and columns of the inner courtyard, showing the extent of the faience tiling. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque
 Tunisia: Kairouan, the fourth holiest place in Islam, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: Zaouia Sidi Sahab, burial place of Mohammed's companion, Sidi Sahab, built between 1629 and 1692, also known as the "Barber's Mosque": view of the ornate faience tiling on the portico of the inner courtyard (19th century Osman period). 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque
 Tunisia: Kairouan, the fourth holiest place in Islam, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: Zaouia Sidi Sahab, burial place of Mohammed's companion, Sidi Sahab, built between 1629 and 1692, also known as the "Barber's Mosque": view of the porticoed courtyard. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque
 Tunisia: Kairouan, the fourth holiest place in Islam, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: Zaouia Sidi Sahab, burial place of Mohammed's companion, Sidi Sahab, built between 1629 and 1692, also known as the "Barber's Mosque": view of the minaret. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque
 Tunisia: Kairouan, the fourth holiest place in Islam, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: carpet stall outside the Sidi Oqba Mosque. Kairouan is famous for its production of carpets. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque
 Tunisia: Kairouan, the fourth holiest place in Islam, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: Sidi Oqba Mosque, founded in 672, the oldest in North Africa and model for later mosques throughout the Maghreb. UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. View of the columns and capitals in the portico, mostly borrowed from Roman buildings. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque
 Tunisia: Kairouan, the fourth holiest place in Islam, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: Sidi Oqba Mosque, founded in 672, the oldest in North Africa and model for later mosques throughout the Maghreb. UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. View of the courtyard, portico and minaret. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque
 Tunisia: Kairouan, the fourth holiest place in Islam, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: Sidi Oqba Mosque, founded in 672, the oldest in North Africa and model for later mosques throughout the Maghreb. UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Here: doorway to the minaret, incorporating borrowed Roman stonework. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohammedan, Maghreb, historic, heritage, picturesque
 Tunisia, Sousse: view of the "Great Mosque" from the lookout tower of the Ribat, with the walls of the Medina in the background. 
 Keywords: Islam, picturesque, historic, heritage, Maghreb, Mohammedan, Muslim, panorama, quadrangle, colonnade
 Gibraltar: The mosque at Europa Point.
 Spain, New Castile, Toledo: The sole surviving mosque in Toledo, "Cristo de la Luz", formerly Bab-al-Mardum, built in 999/1000 AD.
 Cyprus, Nicosia/Lefkosia: newly renovated minaret of the Tahtakale Camii (Turkish mosque).
 Malaysia, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur: Masjid Jamek, the first mosque to be built in Kuala Lumpur in 1907 is now surrounded by high-rise buildings. Architect: A.B. Hubbock. It is built on a fork in the river where the first Europeans landed and founded the city. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, contrasting architecture, old and new architecture
 Malaysia, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur: An oasis of peace in a bustling city: Masjid Jamek, the first mosque to be built in Kuala Lumpur in 1907. Architect: A.B. Hubbock. 
 Keywords: Muslim, religious architecture, architecture, religion, Mohammed, Islam
 Malaysia, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur: Masjid Jamek, the first mosque to be built in Kuala Lumpur in 1907 is now surrounded by high-rise buildings. Architect: A.B. Hubbock. 
 Keywords: Muslim, religion, Mohammed, Islam, religious architecture
 Syria: A typical street in the old quarter of Damascus, with the dome of a new mosque visible behind. 
 Keywords: arab city, alleyway, narrow streets, middle east, Islam, Mohamed, muslim
 Syria: Minaret of the Umayyad Mosque from the propylon of a former Temple of Jupiter in the centre of Damascus. 
 Keywords: arab city, middle east, architecture, Roman ruins
 Syria, Damascus: Former treasury (Kubbat al-khazina) of the Umayyad Mosque, standing on 8 antique columns in the courtyard. Closer view of the mosaics, dating from 788 AD, but frequently restored. 
 Keywords: middle east, religion, Mohamed, Islam, muslim
 Iraq: Street scene in Baghdad, with the dome of a mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: mosque, Islam, Mohammed, religion, Muslim, faience
 Iraq, Mosul: PIlgrims in the Mosque of the Prophet Jonas where he is reputed to be buried. 
 Keywords: religion, Mesopotamia, Islam, Mohamed, Muslim
 Iraq, Samarra: Askari Shiite Shrine, where the 10th and 11th Imams, Ali Al-Hadi and his son, are buried under a huge golden dome; this entrance is completely silvered. 
 Keywords: mosque, Islam, Mohammed, religion, Muslim, faience
 Iraq, Samarra: View from the top of the spiral minaret (Malwiyah) of the Samarra Mosque, once the largest mosque in the world of Islam, which rises 52 metres to a flat platform on the top. Prominent is the golden dome of the Askari Shrine in Samarra. 
 Keywords: mosque, Islam, Mohammed, religion, Muslim
 Iraq, Samarra: The spiral minaret (Al-Malwiyah = spiral shaped) of the Samarra Mosque, once the largest mosque in the world of Islam, rises 52 metres to a flat platform on the top. 
 Keywords: mosque, Islam, Mohammed, religion, Muslim
 Iraq, Kerbela, Fortress/Palace of Al-Ukhaidar: standing alone in the western desert, 48 kilometres south-west of Kerbela, little is known of the builders, although it is thought to date from the early 8th century AD. However it stands on an important desert trade route. The former mosque, giving onto an inner courtyard. 
 Keywords: mosque, Islam, Mohammed, religion, Muslim
 Iraq, Kerbela, Fortress/Palace of Al-Ukhaidar: standing alone in the western desert, 48 kilometres south-west of Kerbela, little is known of the builders, although it is thought to date from the early 8th century AD. However it stands on an important desert trade route. One of the galleries alongside the courtyard. 
 Keywords: mosque, Islam, Mohammed, religion, Muslim
 Iraq, Kerbela, Fortress/Palace of Al-Ukhaidar: standing alone in the western desert, 48 kilometres south-west of Kerbela, little is known of the builders, although it is thought to date from the early 8th century AD. However it stands on an important desert trade route. View of the courtyard from the roof. 
 Keywords: mosque, Islam, Mohammed, religion, Muslim
 Iraq, Kerbela: Shrine of the Shiite Imam Al Hussein, grandson of the Prophet, who, with his brother Abbas, was killed and martyred in a battle nearby. Entrance to the shrine, from the courtyard. 
 Keywords: mosque, faience, Muslim, religion, Mohammed, Islam
 Iraq, Najaf: Golden dome of the mausoleum of the Imam Ali at Najaf. 
 Keywords: mosque, Islam, shrine, faience, holy place, religion, Mohammed, muslim
 Iraq, Najaf: Gate and clock-tower of the mausoleumof the Imam Ali, intricately decorated with colourful faience. 
 Keywords: mosque, Islam, shrine, faience, holy place, religion, Mohammed, muslim
 Iraq, Baghdad: Clocktower of Khadimain Shrine, intricately decorated with colourful faience work. 
 Keywords: mosque, muslim, Mohammed, religion, holy place, faience, shrine, Islam
 Turkey, Istanbul: View across the Golden Horn with Gülhane Park (Topkapi Saray) and the Blue Mosque in the distance.
 Turkey, Istanbul: Galata Bridge and Golden Horn with Yeni Mosque, from the Galata Tower.
 Turkey, Istanbul: View of the Golden Horn from the Süleymaniye Mosque.
 Russia, St. Petersburg: Wooden sailing ship, moored on the River Neva, used as a casino, with the dome of the mosque behind.
 Cyprus, Larnaca: Hala Sultan Mosque (19th century), one of the holiest sites of Islam on Cyprus. 
 Keywords: Muslim, Moslem, religion
 Bulgaria, Sofia: Banya Bashi Mosque with minaret, completed in 1576, is the last intact mosque remaining in the city.
 Romania, Northern Dobruja, Constanta: View of the History and Archeological Museum and Piata Ovidiu (Ovid Square), formerly the Greek agora, from the minaret of the Mahmudiye mosque.
 Romania, Northern Dobruja, Constanta: View of the docks from the minaret of the Mahmudiye mosque.
 United Arab Emirates, Sharjah (8 kilometres from Dubai): mosque with yellow dome; behind is an enormous shopping complex in a traditional architectural style. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, Islamic architecture, blooming desert, desert state, irrigation
 United Arab Emirates, Sharjah (8 kilometres from Dubai): waterfront, with mosque and shopping centre, motorboats in the foreground. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, Islamic architecture, blooming desert, desert state, irrigation
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: one of the four minarets seen from an arcaded gallery across the courtyard. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: the courtyard and largest dome, over the entrance to the main hall of prayer. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran, traditional architecture
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: view of the courtyard, from the arcaded gallery, with semi-precious stone inlays on the columns. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran, traditional architecture
 Turkey, Bozbouroun: boats in the small harbour, with dome and minaret of a mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: Ottoman, Muslim, Islam, fishing boats, port
 United Arab Emirates, Dubai: Jumeirah Mosque, Al Musallah Road. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, lawn sprinklers, air conditioning, Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, high rise buildings, desert city, minarets, Muezzin
 Turkey, Kilitbahir: harbour and mosque of this fortified town overlooking the narrowest part of the Dardanelles on the Gallipoli Peninsular. 
 Keywords: port, picturesque, jetty, moorings, boats
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1468. Here: the old bazaar, with the minaret of the mosque behind. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, citadel, ruined fortress, fortifications, Kruje
 Albania, Tirana: Skanderbeg Square (Sheshi Skenderbej), with equestrian statue of Skanderbeg (Gjergj Kastrioti) who led the resistance to the Ottoman occupiers from 1443 to 1468, the mosque "Et'hem Beu", the clocktower and the Albanian flag. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, minaret, monument, architecture, capital city
 Tunisia: Kairouan, the fourth holiest place in Islam, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: courtyard and minaret of Sidi Oqba Mosque, dating from the eighth century, the oldest in north Africa, and model for later mosques throughout the Mahgreb. The minaret, 35 metres high, built in 724-8, the oldest part of the mosque, was formerly a watch tower. UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. 
 Keywords: Muslim, Mohamed, historic, heritage, Islam, architecture, Maghreb
 Tunisia: Kairouan, the fourth holiest place in Islam, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: courtyard and minaret of Sidi Oqba Mosque, dating from the eighth century, the oldest in north Africa, and model for later mosques throughout the Mahgreb. View through an arch. UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. 
 Keywords: Muslim, Maghreb, architecture, Islam, heritage, historic, Mohamed
 Tunisia, Sousse: view of the courtyard of the "Great Mosque", built in 851 AD, with the wall of the medina and the harbour in the background, and fountain in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Mohamed, heritage, historic
 Romania, N. Dobruja: Constanta, founded about 500 BC, was known in Greek and Roman times as "Tomis" or "Tomi". It is now Romania's chief port on the Black Sea, and a number of tourist resorts have been developed on the adjacent fine beaches. Here: view of the docks and town from the minaret of the Mahmudiye mosque. 
 Keywords: quayside, freight, boats, ships, export/import, cranes
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: the mausoleum of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the first president of the U.A.E. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: a corner of the courtyard, paved with white marble and inlaid with floral patterns. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: the courtyard and the largest dome, over the main hall of prayer. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: gallery on one side of the courtyard, with its countless marble columns inlaid with semi-precious stones in floral patterns, supporting Moorish arches. 
 Keywords: Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, desert city, minarets, muezzin, Koran, traditional architecture
 United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, completed in 2007, cost $545m. and combines Mughal, Moorish and Arab architecture. It was inspired by the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It has 82 domes and can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. The main hall of prayer contains the world's largest chandelier (over 9 tonnes in weight) and the world's largest hand-knotted carpet, and can accommodate over 7,000 worshippers.

This picture: view of one of the four minarets and the courtyard, from the arcaded gallery. 
 Keywords: Arab state, traditional architecture, Koran, muezzin, minarets, desert city, Islam, Muslim, Arab
 Germany, Saxony, Dresden: view, from the top of the Hausmannsturm (tower), of the Semperoper and Theaterplatz, with statues of saints andapostles on the roof of the cathedral, and part of the Maria Bridge. In the distance the old Yenidze mosque-like tobacco factory, by the architect Martin Hammitzsch. 
 Keywords: East Germany, metropolis, national heritage, historic, architecture, Baroque, picturesque, opera house
 Germany, Saxony, Dresden: view, from the top of the Hausmannsturm (tower), of the Semperoper and Theaterplatz. In the distance the old Yenidze mosque-like tobacco factory, by the architect Martin Hammitzsch. 
 Keywords: East Germany, metropolis, national heritage, historic, architecture, Baroque, picturesque, opera house
 Libya, Fezzan, Murzuq: formerly a prosperous trading town as capital of the chiefs of the Awlad Muhammad tribe for some hundreds of years, Murzuq lost its influence with the opening of sea trade and end of their rule in 1813. 
The squat, mud brick minaret of the mosque, seen through an archway. The town is a centre for the nomadic, Muslim Toubou community. 
 Keywords: Maghreb, Sahara Desert, barren, mud brick buildings, Berber architecture
 Libya, Fezzan, Murzuq: formerly a prosperous trading town as capital of the chiefs of the Awlad Muhammad tribe for some hundreds of years, Murzuq lost its influence with the opening of sea trade and end of their rule in 1813. 
A series of arches leading to a courtyard with the mosque and minaret of mud bricks. 
 Keywords: Maghreb, Berber architecture, mud brick buildings, barren, sand-dune landscape, sand dunes, Sahara Desert
 Libya, Fezzan: Ghat, an oasis town and permanent Tuareg settlement on the Algerian border going back to Garamantian times (1st century BC). A courtyard in the medina with the top of the minaret of the nearby mosque visible. 
 Keywords: Maghreb, historical oasis town, Tuareg architecture, adobe, mud brick buildings, Sahara Desert, sand dunes, sand-dune landscape, barren

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