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Travel (6 files)

 Germany, Upper Bavaria: The Butterfly House in Munich Botanical Gardens: Peleides Blue Morpho Butterfly (Morpho peleides) from the tropical rainforests of Mexico. 
 Keywords: Lepidoptera, imago, colourful, exotic, insect, Nymphalidae, Emperor Morpho
 Germany, Upper Bavaria: The Butterfly House in Munich Botanical Gardens: Indian Leafwing Butterfly (Kallima paralekta) from Java and Sumatra. 
 Keywords: Lepidoptera, imago, colourful, exotic, insect, Nymphalidae
 Germany, Upper Bavaria: The Butterfly House in Munich Botanical Gardens: Tiger Longwing Butterfly (Heliconius hecale) with Red Postman Butterfly (Heliconius erato), both from Central and South America. 
 Keywords: Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, imago, insect, exotic, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria: The Butterfly House in Munich Botanical Gardens: Tiger Longwing Butterfly (Heliconius hecale) with Red Postman Butterfly (Heliconius erato), both from Central and South America. 
 Keywords: Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, imago, insect, exotic, colourful
 Germany, Upper Bavaria: The Butterfly House in Munich Botanical Gardens: Tiger Longwing Butterfly (Heliconius hecale) from Central and South America. 
 Keywords: Lepidoptera, colourful, exotic, insect, imago, Nymphalidae
 Germany, Upper Bavaria: The Butterfly House in Munich Botanical Gardens: One-spotted Prepona Butterfly (Prepona demophon) fom Central and South America. 
 Keywords: Lepidoptera, imago, colourful, exotic, insect, Nymphalidae

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