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Travel (47 files)

 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. The main temple, dedicated to Amun-Ra, had 4 seated colossi of Ramesses II, with a row of baboons above. These greet the morning sun which shines directly into the sanctuary, deep inside the rock. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. Row of Horus falcons at the feet of the colossi. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. The two intact seated colossi of Ramesses II on the right of the entrance, each 65 feet high. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. Figures of Ramesses in the outer chamber of the main temple, with roof frescoes of Nekhbet, the vulture. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. A commemorative plaque, set into the cliff face, acknowledging the help of UNESCO, Cost was about US$ 36,000,000. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. View of the adjacent facades, with the Temple of Hathor in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Abu Simbel: Ramesses II built two temples (for himself and his wife) adjacent to each other. To escape the flood waters of the Aswan Dam, both were cut into square blocks and moved bodily about 500 metres to a safe position. The smaller (wife's) temple. dedicated to Hathor, has 4 figures of Ramesses II and 2 of his wife on the facade. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. Entrance and facade with relief figures on the pylons. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. Colonnade and pylons from the pillars of the portico. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. Pylon relief: the Goddess Isis with Pharaoh Ptolemy (?); God Horus. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. View of the colonnaded courtyard from the top of the pylon.
Roman garrisons erected wooden roofs for their troops under the colonnades (traces still to be seen). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. Relief figure of Goddess Isis. Finely carved column capitals, all different.
The vertical grooves on the columns were made by garrisoned Roman soldiers sharpening their swords (in later centuries). 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Egypt, Aswan: the Temple of Isis on the Island of Agilkia, a few miles south of Aswan, formerly stood on the Island of Philae. Built between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD (Ptolemies and Romans). It was removed, stone by stone, and re-erected in its present position. Main pylons with reliefs, and colonnade with open-lotus-flower capitals. 
 Keywords: Egyptology, archeology, antiquity, historical, hieroglyphics, architecture, culture
 Turkey, Lycia, Fethiye: this vault-shaped Lycian sarcophagus dated from the 4th century BC. Carved from local limestone, it is the largest example of its kind, and stands in its original position. 
 Keywords: antiquity, archeology, burial, culture, grave, heritage, historic
 Turkey, Bodrum: archeological site of the Maussolleion of Halicarnassos, tomb of King Maussollos (=Mausoleum) in Halicarnassos (present day Bodrum), built 355-351 BC and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Ruined by an earthquake in the 13th century, the stones were plundered by the Crusaders to build St. Peter's Castle in 1402. The sign in this picture indicates the position of the former burial chamber of King Maussollos. 
 Keywords: antiquities, heritage, historic, archeology, architecture, Roman, Greek, Halicarnassus
 Oman, Sumhuram Archeological Park: the excavated remains of a city, dating back to the 3rd century BC, and abandoned in the 5th century AD, a major port for the export of frankincense by the sultans of Hadhramaut. View of the city on its commanding position on high ground, surrounded by impregnable walls of limestone slabs, originally maybe 10m high. 
 Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Arab state, Middle East, Gulf State, sultanate, historic, heritage, ruins, preservation, defence, fortifications
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Shopping street, behind the east-west stoa. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. The smaller, Roman, amphitheatre, with seating for about 5,000 persons. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Looking along the line of the east-west stoa, with the remains of the Dionysus Temple on the left. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. The Dionysus Temple surrounded by stone fragments, with the line of the east-west stoa marked by 3-4 columns. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. The Dionysus Temple, surrounded by rows of stone fragments, with the Commercial Harbour in the background. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Fallen Doric columns, with sailing boats in the Commercial Harbour in the background. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. An antique sun dial. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Remains of a row of shops. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Ruined towers for the defence of the Military Harbour, and the present day lighthouse on the Triopian Peninsula. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. The narrow entry channel into the Military Harbour. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. View of the Military Harbour (centre) and the Commercial Harbour (left), formerly connected by a strip of water. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Remains of the circular Athena Temple and altar. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Shops or business units at the west end of the stoa. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. The main east-west street. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Remains of the Dionysus Temple, with the old commercial harbour in the background. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. One of the ornately carved architrave stones from the Dionysus Temple. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Turkey, Resadiye Peninsula, Knidos: the ruined town dates back to the 4th century BC in its present position and counted about 70,000 inhabitants. It had a famous medical school in its prime. Rows of exquisitely carved architrave stones from the Dionysus Temple, with surviving columns of the east-west stoa. 
 Keywords: maritime, Aegean , cruising, Bahriyeli C, picturesque, sailing ship, archeology, Hellenic, classical, excavations
 Macedonia, Bitola: Tragic Mask (2nd century) in museum at Heraclea Lyncestis, a town founded by Philip II of Macedon in 4th century BC, which later flourished under the Romans due to its position on the Via Egnatia. 
 Keywords: archeology, historic, Graeco-Roman, Greek, Roman, excavations
 Czechoslovakia, Brno: the Church of Saints Peter and Paul overlooks the town from its position on the bastions. 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, picturesque, culture, historic, mediaeval, medieval, heritage, Slovakia, Brünn, Moravia
 Turkey, Miletus: Roman amphitheatre, dating from the 2nd century AD, had seating for 25,000 spectators. Twin columns mark the position of the emperor's box. 
 Keywords: historic, antiquity, culture, art, masonry, ruin, archeology, excavations, picturesque, national heritage, Roman, Greek, architecture
 Italy, Lazio, Cassino: famous for its Abbey, the scene of a major battle in World War II, with major loss of life on both sides (alone 1,100 Poles fell in the battle of Monte Cassino). The Abbey was completely demolished during the war, but subsequently rebuilt on modern lines. Commanding position occupied by the Abbey over the surrounding countryside. 
 Keywords: historic, Benedictine, Catholic, war history, onslought, tragedy, culture, war cemetery, memorial, architecture, hilltop-site
 Germany, Swiss Saxony (Sächsische Schweiz): part of the mediaeval fortress which existed in the Bastei from the early 13th century until 1469, now made accessible to visitors, showing its impregnable position on top of the vertical sandstone cliffs. 
 Keywords: picturesque, heritage, Swiss Saxony, sandstone, outcrops, rock formations, fantastic, geology, geological, faults , erosion, nature, landscape, historic, defence, fortifications
 People's Republic of China, Tibet: waiting for the shuttle bus to return to Base Camp from the forward position. 
 Keywords: architecture, mountains, religion, colourful, Asian, Buddhist, temples, picturesque, historical, heritage
 Germany, Bavaria, Rothenburg ob der Tauber: St. Wolfgang's or Shepherds' Church (15th century Gothic); the outer side forms part of the town wall, and in the roof are fortified defence positions. 
 Keywords: defence, fortifications, architecture, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval, Franconia, gables, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse
 Thailand, Ayuthaya (formerly the royal capital 1350-1767): Wat Phra Mahathat Temple, built in 1374, in the reign of King Boroma: three of the surviving prangs still in a vertical position. 
 Keywords: Buddhist, national heritage, historic, religious, colourful, architecture, Siam, picturesque, temples
 Italy, Campania, Pozzuoli, crater of the volcano "Solfatara": the plumes of steam mark the positions of the fumarole. 
 Keywords: hot springs, ash, steam, landscape, fumerole, volcanic, volcano, eruption
 Peru, Departamento de Puno, Sillustani: site of a number of pre-Inca chullpas or burial towers, built by the Colla people, Aymara who were conquered by the Inca about 1400 AD. To tie the connection between life and death the insides of the chullpas were shaped like a woman's uterus, and corpses were buried in a foetal position. The only openings to the towers face east, to the rising sun. The site is 3840 metres a.s.l.

"Torre de Lagartija" or "Lizard Tower", built of ashlars ca. 1500 AD, has a lizard in relief on the third stone from the ground. 
 Keywords: High Andes, historic burial site
 Peru, Departamento de Puno, Sillustani: site of a number of pre-Inca chullpas or burial towers, built by the Colla people, Aymara who were conquered by the Inca about 1400 AD. To tie the connection between life and death the insides of the chullpas were shaped like a woman's uterus, and corpses were buried in a foetal position. The only openings to the towers face east, to the rising sun. The site is 3840 metres a.s.l.

The Lagoon of Umayo, from the lower burial area. 
 Keywords: High Andes, historic burial site
 Peru, Departamento de Puno, Sillustani: site of a number of pre-Inca chullpas or burial towers, built by the Colla people, Aymara who were conquered by the Inca about 1400 AD. To tie the connection between life and death the insides of the chullpas were shaped like a woman's uterus, and corpses were buried in a foetal position. The only openings to the towers face east, to the rising sun. The site is 3840 metres a.s.l.

Two of the older chullpas, built of small, uncut stones. 
 Keywords: High Andes, historic burial site
 Peru, Departamento de Puno, Sillustani: site of a number of pre-Inca chullpas or burial towers, built by the Colla people, Aymara who were conquered by the Inca about 1400 AD. To tie the connection between life and death the insides of the chullpas were shaped like a woman's uterus, and corpses were buried in a foetal position. The only openings to the towers face east, to the rising sun.

Approaching the chullpas, which are reflected in Umayo Lagoon. 
 Keywords: High Andes, historic burial site
 Germany, Bavaria, Franconia, Essing: Burg Prunn, perched high on its rocky crag above the Altmühl Valley, dates back to the eleventh century or earlier. 
 Keywords: defensive position, fortified castles, inaccessible, romantic castles, mediaeval castles, Fränkische Schweiz

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