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Travel (5 files)

 Libya: a qasr, or fortified store for grain and olive oil in the Castle of Nalut. Made of adobe (baked mud), it has 360 rooms and dates from the 7th century. This passage of well-worn stonews leads to the entry gate. 
 Keywords: Maghreb, qasr
 Libya: a qasr, or fortified store for grain and olive oil in the Castle of Nalut. Made of adobe (baked mud), it has 360 rooms and dates from the 7th century. Some of the wine amphoras remain in the store. 
 Keywords: Maghreb, qasr
 Libya: a qasr, or fortified store for grain and olive oil in the Castle of Nalut. Made of adobe (baked mud), it has 360 rooms and dates from the 7th century . 
 Keywords: Maghreb, qasr
 Libya: a qasr, or fortified store for grain and olive oil in the Castle of Nalut. Made of adobe (baked mud), it has 360 rooms and dates from the 7th century . 
 Keywords: Maghreb, qasr
 Jordan: Petra is a historical city dating back to about 500-600 BC, founded by the Nabataeans, whose capital it was. Lying in the Wadi Musa, many of its temples and tombs were carved out of the sandstone rock in gorges and in cliff faces, and some have been well preserved from erosion. The architecture shows evidence of Egyptian, and later, Graeco-Roman influence, but the Nabataeans had their own, distinctive style. The city in the desert thrived due to a well thought-out system of water control. Petra was designated a World Heritage Site on 6th December 1985.

This picture: Qasr Al-Bint was probably the main temple of the Nabataeans, built about 30 BC, and one of the few free-standing buildings in Petra. 
 Keywords: rose red city, Nabataean capital, natural caves, rock tombs, Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Egyptian architecture, archeological site, geology

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