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Hong Kong pictures 1958 (3 files)

 Hong Kong 1958: view of Repulse Bay and beach with some of the recently-built hotels. 
 Keywords: British colonies, Far East, tropics, island, historic, nostalgia
 Hong Kong 1958: a large, English-style house, overlooking Repulse Bay. 
 Keywords: British colonies, Far East, tropics, island, historic, nostalgia
 Hong Kong 1958: the beach at Repulse Bay with shark-protected bathing. 
 Keywords: British colonies, Far East, tropics, island, historic, nostalgia

Travel (1 file)

 Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg: bronze statue of Otto von Guericke (1802-86), scientist, inventor and politician, whose experiments with vacuums resulted in the famous "Magdeburg Hemispheres". 
 Keywords: culture, historic, national heritage, science, electrostatic repulsion, monument, memorial