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Travel (5 files)

 Chile, Tarapacá: Humberstone Saltpetre Works which produced saltpetre and iodene from 1864 until 1960 when it closed its gates due to falling demand. The works and the deserted company town are now an industrial museum. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. A wooden wagon full of ore nodules, the usual means of transport inside the works. 
 Keywords: ghost town, mining industry, workers' town, pampinos, saltpeter
 Chile, Tarapacá: Humberstone Saltpetre Works which produced saltpetre and iodene from 1864 until 1960 when it closed its gates due to falling demand. The works and the deserted company town are now an industrial museum. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. Some of the giant steel pans where the ore was heated with water to obtain saltpetre crystals (later replaced with more modern processes). 
 Keywords: ghost town, mining industry, workers' town, pampinos, saltpeter
 Chile, Tarapacá: Humberstone Saltpetre Works which produced saltpetre and iodene from 1864 until 1960 when it closed its gates due to falling demand. The works and the deserted company town are now an industrial museum. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. The main square in the former workers' town, with clocktower (left) and church (right). 
 Keywords: ghost town, saltpeter, pampinos, workers' town, mining industry
 Chile, Tarapacá: Humberstone Saltpetre Works which produced saltpetre and iodene from 1864 until 1960 when it closed its gates due to falling demand. The works and the deserted company town are now an industrial museum. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. An 0-4-0 saddletank steam locomotive in honourable retirement. 
 Keywords: ghost town, mining industry, workers' town, pampinos, saltpeter
 Chile, Tarapacá: Humberstone Saltpetre Works which produced saltpetre and iodene from 1864 until 1960 when it closed its gates due to falling demand. The works and the deserted company town are now an industrial museum. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. A row of workers' houses, now empty. 
 Keywords: ghost town, mining industry, workers' town, pampinos, saltpeter

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