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Travel (48 files)

 Albania, Elbasan: as the road descends from the mountain ridge through olive groves, the town lies spread at one's feet. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, landscape, countryside, panorama
 Albania: typical countryside between Tirana and Elbasan (25 kilometres from Elbasan). 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, cultivated hillsides, landscape
 Albania, Tirana: ingeniously painted, trompe l'oeil facade of a block of flats on Bulevard Gjergj Fishta. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, modern design, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: the new cable car station 1200 metres up on Mount Dajti, 25 kilometres from the capital which it overlooks. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, modern architecture, architecture, capital city
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1466. Equestrian statue of national hero Skanderbeg (Gjergi Kastrioti, 1405-1466). 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, monument, Kruje, fortifications, ruined fortress, citadel
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1468. The old restored bazaar in a cobbled street below the fortress has an excellent selection of reasonably-priced textiles and antiques. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, citadel, ruined fortress, fortifications, Kruje
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1468. The old restored bazaar in a cobbled street below the fortress, with the minaret of the mosque in the background. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, citadel, ruined fortress, fortifications, Kruje
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1468. The Skanderbeg Museum, within the fortress walls, designed by the daughter and son-in.law of Enver Hoxha. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Kruje, fortifications, ruined fortress, citadel
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1468. The last remaining watchtower (restored). 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Kruje, fortifications, ruined fortress, citadel
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: houses in the Gorica quarter, on the other side of the River Osum, in late afternoon. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, architecture, Turkish houses, historic town, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: the 16th century "Leaden Mosque" (Xhamie e Plumbit), so called after the lead-coated domes of the roof. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Muslim, Islam, minaret, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, architecture
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: the bus terminus for the yellow "furgons" (minibuses) with the Orthodox Cathedral behind. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: Helveti-teqe (prayer hall) of the Bekteshi Dervish order, built in 1782. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Muslim, Islam, Ottoman, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, architecture
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: Helveti-teqe (prayer hall) of the Bekteshi Dervish order, built in 1782, and local inhabitant. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Muslim, Islam, architecture, Turkish houses, historic town, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval, Ottoman
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: a former "Han" (Turkish inn), built at the end of the17th century, in the town centre. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, architecture, Turkish houses, historic town, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval
 Albania, Berat: In the 6th century BC the town was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: a square in the old walled citadel on the hill ("Kala"), with curved-roofed Ottoman hall in the foreground, and the fortified walls and towers of the citadel behind. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Ottoman, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Berat: In the 6th century BC the town was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: a narrow cobbled street in the old walled citadel on the hilltop ("Kala"), where the bay windows of the second storey Ottoman houses almost meet. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Ottoman, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Berat: In the 6th century BC the town was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: a cobbled street in the old walled citadel on the hilltop ("Kala"), with whitewashed Ottoman houses grow vines and flowers. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Ottoman, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Berat: In the 6th century BC the town was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: a cobbled street in the old walled citadel on the hilltop ("Kala"), with a row of Ottoman houses. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Ottoman, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Berat: In the 6th century BC the town was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: a cobbled street in the old walled citadel on the hilltop ("Kala"), with the owner of the five-roomed house, Abdulla, a confirmed Communist and supporter of Enver Hoxha, standing in front of the door. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, architecture, Turkish houses, historic town, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval, Ottoman
 Albania, Berat: In the 6th century BC the town was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: a ship-like house in the old town occupies an acute angle between two streets. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Berat: In the 6th century BC the town was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Here: a diminutive ironmonger's shop with a large variety of wares on display. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, small business, free enterprise, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, architecture, Turkish houses, historic town, national heritage, picturesque, mediaeval
 Albania, Durres: 4-star Hotel and Restaurant Aragosta faces onto the beach. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, hotel-accommodation, architecture
 Albania, Durres: a 14th century Venetian tower or bastion enhances the Byzantine city walls. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, fortifications, architecture
 Albania, Durres: Sheshi i Lirise (the main square) and the Great Mosque. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Muslim, Islam, minaret, mosque, architecture
 Albania, Durres: excavations proceeding in the ruins of Roman "Dyrrachium", originally founded by Greek colonists in 627 BC. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, Roman architecture, archeology, excavations, architecture
 Albania, Durres: all that remains of a second-century amphitheatre in Roman "Dyrrachium", originally founded by Greek colonists in 627 BC. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, theatre, antique stadium, Roman architecture, archeology, excavations, architecture
 Albania, Tirana: ministerial buildings with Italianate columns on Bulevardi Deshmoret e Kombit. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: bronze statue of Mother Teresa, an Albanian, born Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, in Skopje. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, monument, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: Council of Ministers Building, from whose balcony Enver Hoxha used to address the crowds. A communist-era relief still adorns the facade. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, socialist sculpture, modern architecture, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: the Pyramid, formerly a museum devoted to Enver Hoxha's life, designed by his daughter and son-in-law. In the foreground the "Bell of Peace", cast from bullet cases collected by schoolchildren. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, modern architecture, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: a typical street scene in the capital. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: National Historical Museum in Sheshi Skenderbej (Skanderbeg Square), with flower gardens and pool in the foreground.. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, mosaic, modern architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: "The Albanians", a mosaic on the facade of the National Historical Museum in Sheshi Skenderbej (Skanderbeg Square). 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, capital city, architecture, socialism, social activism, revolutionaries, proletariat, people's struggle
 Albania, Tirana: Sheshi Skenderbej (Skanderbeg Square) with the Skanderbeg (Gjeerhi Kastrioti) equestrian statue. Skanderbeg (1405-1468) is the national hero of Albania, having driven out the Ottoman occupiers for a period of 20 years. In the background is the Et'hem Beu Mosque and the Palace of Culture. Flowerbeds in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, minaret, mosque, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: Sheshi Skenderbej (Skanderbeg Square) with the Skanderbeg (Gjeerhi Kastrioti) equestrian statue. Skanderbeg (1405-1468) is the national hero of Albania, having driven out the Ottoman occupiers for a period of 20 years. In the background is the Et'hem Beu Mosque. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, minaret, mosque, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: novel hotel, in the form of an aircraft fuselage, in the vicinity of the airport. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, capital city, architecture, curiosities, motels, modern architecture, unusual accommodation
 Albania, Tirana: the ambitious new glass cablecar terminal, 1200 metres high on Mount Dajti, from where there are breathtaking views over the city and surrounding countryside. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, cablecar station, modern architecture, capital city
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1468. Here: the Skanderbeg (Gjergi Kastrioti) Museum, inside the fortress, designed by the daughter and son-in-law of Enver Hoxha. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, citadel, ruined fortress, fortifications, Kruje
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1468. View of one of the watchtowers which has recently been rebuilt. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, defenders' tower, citadel, ruined fortress, fortifications, Kruje
 Albania: Kruja, site of Skanderbeg's fortress, from where he resisted the might of the Ottoman army from 1443 to 1468. Here: the old bazaar, with the minaret of the mosque behind. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, citadel, ruined fortress, fortifications, Kruje
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. View of the modern town from the Kala (citadel) whose walls go back to Roman and Byzantine times. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Berat: Ottoman houses mounting the hillside give the town its pseudonym "town of a thousand windows". In the 6th century BC it was a Greek fortress-settlement of the Dassaretae tribe, later the Illyrian town of "Antipatrea", and then taken by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, mediaeval, picturesque, national heritage, historic town, Turkish houses, architecture
 Albania, Tirana: Skanderbeg Square (Sheshi Skenderbej), with equestrian statue of Skanderbeg (Gjergj Kastrioti) who led the resistance to the Ottoman occupiers from 1443 to 1468, the mosque "Et'hem Beu", the clocktower and the Albanian flag. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, minaret, monument, architecture, capital city
 Albania, Tirana: the River Lana running through the centre of the city has been culverted and attractively landscaped. 
 Keywords: Shqiperia, architecture, capital city

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