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Travel (4 files)

 Poland, Ketrzyn: Hitler's "Wolfsschanze" ("Wolf's Redoubt") near the Russian border was to be his eastern HQ and consists of nearly 40 massive concrete bunkers which the Nazis attempted to blow up in the face of the Russian advance:
umber 2 mess bunker. In a similar bunker not far away Graf von Stauffenberg made his abortive attempt on Hitler's life with a bomb. 
 Keywords: defence, assassination attempt, Graf von Stauffenberg, Eastern Front, WWII, fortifications
 Poland, Ketrzyn: Hitler's "Wolfsschanze" ("Wolf's Redoubt") near the Russian border was to be his eastern HQ and consists of nearly 40 massive concrete bunkers which the Nazis attempted to blow up in the face of the Russian advance:
blown-out wall of Goering's personal bunker. Note the thickness of the roof. 
 Keywords: defence, assassination attempt, Graf von Stauffenberg, Eastern Front, WWII, fortifications
 Poland, Ketrzyn: Hitler's "Wolfsschanze" ("Wolf's Redoubt") near the Russian border was to be his eastern HQ and consists of nearly 40 massive concrete bunkers which the Nazis attempted to blow up in the face of the Russian advance:
Hitler's personal bunker had six entrances on the north side; the concrete roof was 8.5 metres thick. On top was an ant-aircraft gun post. 
 Keywords: defence, assassination attempt, Graf von Stauffenberg, Eastern Front, WWII, fortifications
 Poland, Ketrzyn: Hitler's "Wolfsschanze" ("Wolf's Redoubt") near the Russian border was to be his eastern HQ and consists of nearly 40 massive concrete bunkers which the Nazis attempted to blow up in the face of the Russian advance: 
collapsed roof and twisted steel reinforcing bars with the encroaching forest. 
 Keywords: defence, assassination attempt, Graf von Stauffenberg, Eastern Front, WWII, fortifications

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