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Travel (25 files)

 Turkey, Bodrum: Myndos Gate, the only surviving gate in the 7-kilometre-long city walls of Halicarnassus, built in the 4th century BC by King Mousollos. In the foreground a collection of architectural fragments from the original structure. 
 Keywords: antiquities, heritage, historic, archeology, architecture, Roman, Greek, Myndus
 Turkey, Bodrum: Graeco-Roman Theatre of Halicarnassus, built in the 2nd century BC, had an original seating capacity of some 10,000 but at present accommodates is limited to 4,000. Collection of architectural fragments from the original structure. 
 Keywords: antiquities, Greek, Roman, architecture, archeology, historic, heritage, amphitheatre, stone seating, cavea, orchestra
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Pagoda-like structure. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Turpan: Gaochang ruined city (Uighur name: Qocho), an oasis city on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, dating back to 1st century BC, destroyed and abandoned in 14th century AD.
Partially reconstructed building adjoining the pagoda-like structure. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, archeology, ancient, historical, antiquity, culture, heritage, architecture, adobe, erosion, weathered
 The Philippines, Leyte, Tacloban: San Juanico bridge spans the San Juanico Strait between the islands of Samar and Leyte. Completed in 1973, its total length is 2.6 kilometres, the longest in the Philippines. 
 Keywords: colourful, engineering, structure, span, link, steel, construction
 The Philippines, Leyte, Tacloban: San Juanico bridge spans the San Juanico Strait between the islands of Samar and Leyte. Completed in 1973, its total length is 2.6 kilometres, the longest in the Philippines. 
 Keywords: colourful, engineering, structure, span, link, steel, construction
 The Philippines, Leyte, Tacloban: San Juanico bridge spans the San Juanico Strait between the islands of Samar and Leyte. Completed in 1973, its total length is 2.6 kilometres, the longest in the Philippines. 
 Keywords: colourful, engineering, structure, span, link, steel, construction
 The Philippines, Leyte, Tacloban: San Juanico bridge spans the San Juanico Strait between the islands of Samar and Leyte. Completed in 1973, its total length is 2.6 kilometres, the longest in the Philippines. 
 Keywords: colourful, engineering, structure, span, link, steel, construction
 The Philippines, Leyte, Tacloban: San Juanico bridge spans the San Juanico Strait between the islands of Samar and Leyte. Completed in 1973, its total length is 2.6 kilometres, the longest in the Philippines. 
 Keywords: colourful, engineering, structure, span, link, steel, construction
 The Philippines, Leyte, Tacloban: San Juanico bridge spans the San Juanico Strait between the islands of Samar and Leyte. Completed in 1973, its total length is 2.6 kilometres, the longest in the Philippines. 
 Keywords: colourful, engineering, structure, span, link, steel, construction
 U.S.A., Florida, Orlando, Walt Disney World: World Showcase in the EPCOT Center: Japanese Pagoda, modelled on an 8th century structure in Japan. The building behind was inspired by Gosho Imperial Palace in Kyoto. 
 Keywords: colourful, picturesque, culture, geographical, educational, new-technology, human achievement, innovation, recreation
 Iraq, Babylon ("Bab El" = "Gate of the Gods"): probably dating from the third millennium BC, capital of southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), later the greatest city of its day under Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC):
Processional Way (original) leading under the Ishtar Gate, which would have been BASED on this structure (original is now in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin). 
 Keywords: architecture, archeological, archeology, natural heritage, Islam, Muslim, Mesopotamia
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View showing all three levels of the walls, one above the other. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Saksaq Waman, Cuzco, Qosqo, La Ciudad Imperial, The Imperial City, Historical Capital of Peru, colonial architecture, architecture
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of Chuquipampa levelled area. Used by the Spanish as a stone quarry for hundreds of years. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of a precisely built doorway, tapered towards the top in order to resist (successfully!) earthquakes. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of the steps, leading up to the passage between two of the parallel walls. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of a relatively intact portion of the lower wall. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of the monolithic corner stones. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Saksaq Waman, Cuzco, Qosqo, La Ciudad Imperial, The Imperial City, Historical Capital of Peru, colonial architecture, architecture
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of the stones comprising the lower wall. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came.

View of the walls from the flat, flower-strewn, central area. 
 Keywords: High Andes, architecture, colonial architecture, Historical Capital of Peru, The Imperial City, La Ciudad Imperial, Qosqo, Cuzco, Saksaq Waman
 Poland, Gdansk/Danzig: popularly known as the "Milk Churn Gate", this structure was part of a 15th century defence system, badly damaged during WWII. 
 Keywords: metropolis, fortifications, historic, Gdansk, architecture, cityscape, city
 Croatia, Dalmatia, Zadar: Church of St. Donatus (Sv. Donata), a monumental round building dating from the 9th century, in pre-Romanesque style; the most imprtant preserved structure of its period in Dalmatia. Reconstructed Romanesque belltower behind. 
 Keywords: national heritage, historic town, picturesque, mediaeval
 France, Périgord: Chateau de Fénelon displays its formidable defences. It dates back to 13th century, but most of the present structure was built in the 16th century. Note the "lauze" stone roofs. 
 Keywords: mediaeval, castle, fortifications, Dordogne, national heritage, historic
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Saksaq Waman, Cuzco, Qosqo, La Ciudad Imperial, The Imperial City, Historical Capital of Peru, colonial architecture, architecture
 Peru: Cusco/Cuzco/Qosqo (3300 metres a.s.l.), was occupied by the Killke people, from about 900 to 1200 AD, after which it became the capital city of the Incas. Inca legend has it that the city was built by Chief Pachacuti. In 1533 the Spanish arrived and largely rebuilt the city. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1983.

Ruins of the (Inca?) construction Sacsayhuaman, believed by some to have been a fortress. Three parallel lines of zig-zag walls run for about 360 metres and there are 21 bastions. The stones, some of them weighing in excess of 130 tons, fit together so precisely that it is impossible to insert a sheet of paper between them. How this was achieved is still a mystery. The walls are now about 6 metres high, after the Spanish used the upper part as a quarry for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 20% of the original structure survives. Recent excavations suggest that the walls may have been built by the Killke people before the Incas came. 
 Keywords: High Andes, Saksaq Waman, Cuzco, Qosqo, La Ciudad Imperial, The Imperial City, Historical Capital of Peru, colonial architecture, architecture

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