
Searching all stock for "traders":

Singapore pictures 1958-9 (1 file)

 Singapore 1958: Chinatown greengrocer! 
 Keywords: British colonies, trader, vegetables, nostalgia, historic, island, tropics, Far East

Travel (56 files)

 Turkey, Lycia, Koycegiz: carrot, tomato and other vegetable stalls in the Monday weekly market. 
 Keywords: buying & selling, colourful, commerce, food display, seller, trader, trading
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Bergen's famous view: a row ofcolourful facades on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen). 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, picturesque, historic, heritage, mediaeval, Hanseatic, commerce, mercantile, architecture, port, UNESCO
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Bergen's famous view: a row ofcolourful facades on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen). 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, picturesque, historic, heritage, mediaeval, Hanseatic, commerce, mercantile, architecture, port, UNESCO
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Bergen's famous view: a row ofcolourful facades on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen). 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Bergen's famous view: a row ofcolourful facades on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen). 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, picturesque, historic, heritage, mediaeval, Hanseatic, commerce, mercantile, architecture, port, UNESCO
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Bergen's famous view: a row ofcolourful facades on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen). 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, picturesque, historic, heritage, mediaeval, Hanseatic, commerce, mercantile, architecture, port, UNESCO
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Brick gable facades on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) dated 1904, now devoted to tourist shops. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Bergen's famous view: a row ofcolourful facades on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen). 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, picturesque, historic, heritage, mediaeval, Hanseatic, commerce, mercantile, architecture, port, UNESCO
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Colourful facades on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen), with St. Mary's Church behind. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Facade with clock on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen). 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Facade of the Besokssenter (Visitors' Centre) on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen). 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Colourful facades on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen). 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, picturesque, historic, heritage, mediaeval, Hanseatic, commerce, mercantile, architecture, port, UNESCO
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Facades on the quayside (C. Sundts gate) facing the harbour (Vagen). 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. Inscription on a stone storehouse states that it was built in 1666 to the orders of merchant Dirich Wolpman. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. A stone storehouse built in 1666 to the orders of merchant Dirich Wolpman, according to the inscription over the door. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Norway, Hordaland, Bergen: Founded in the 11th century, the city was the ancient capital of the country and flourished as a centre of trade. The quarter known as "Tyskebryggen" (now "Bryggen") was largely occupied by German traders of the Hanseatic League which came in 1350. All of the wooden buildings have been reconstructed at some period after fires. 
 Keywords: Scandinavia, UNESCO, port, architecture, mercantile, commerce, Hanseatic, mediaeval, heritage, historic, picturesque
 Morocco, Marakech: Place Jemaa el-Fnaa, the long-established and loudly bustling heart of Marakech, where snake charmers, fortune-tellers, water-sellers, story-tellers, street-traders and food stalls are always to be found. Water-sellers in their traditional colourful costumes, with a string of polished brass drinking vessels, nowadays limit their trade to posing for tourist cameras (1962 picture). 
 Keywords: Africa, historic, culture, Maghreb, Muslim, Islam, Marakesh, medina, square, picturesque
 Morocco, Essaouira: street scene with traders' stalls and customers in traditional dress, with the harbour bastion in the background. 
 Keywords: Africa, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, colourful
 Morocco, Essaouira: buying oranges from one of the street traders. 
 Keywords: Africa, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, street scene, colourful, traditional dress
 Morocco, Essaouira: street traders offer a wide range of fruit. In the background tha harbour bastion is visible.. 
 Keywords: Africa, colourful, street scene, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim
 Morocco, Marakech: Place Jemaa el-Fnaa, the long-established and loudly bustling heart of Marakech, where snake charmers, fortune-tellers, water-sellers, story-tellers, street-traders and food stalls are always to be found. The food stalls burst into life in the evening and are popular with tourists and locals alike for their traditional dishes. 
 Keywords: Africa, eating, meals, square, medina, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture
 Morocco, Marakech: Place Jemaa el-Fnaa, the long-established and loudly bustling heart of Marakech, where snake charmers, fortune-tellers, water-sellers, story-tellers, street-traders and food stalls are always to be found. The food stalls burst into life in the evening and are popular with tourists and locals alike for their traditional dishes. 
 Keywords: Africa, eating, meals, square, medina, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture
 Morocco, Marakech: Place Jemaa el-Fnaa, the long-established and loudly bustling heart of Marakech, where snake charmers, fortune-tellers, water-sellers, story-tellers, street-traders and food stalls are always to be found. The food stalls burst into life in the evening and are popular with tourists and locals alike for their traditional dishes. 
 Keywords: Africa, eating, meals, square, medina, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture
 Morocco, Marakech: Place Jemaa el-Fnaa, the long-established and loudly bustling heart of Marakech, where snake charmers, fortune-tellers, water-sellers, story-tellers, street-traders and food stalls are always to be found. Water-sellers in their traditional colourful costumes, with a string of polished brass drinking vessels, nowadays limit their trade to posing for tourist cameras. 
 Keywords: Africa, picturesque, square, medina, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture
 Morocco, Marakech: Place Jemaa el-Fnaa, the long-established and loudly bustling heart of Marakech, where snake charmers, fortune-tellers, water-sellers, story-tellers, street-traders and food stalls are always to be found. Water-sellers in their traditional colourful costumes, with a string of polished brass drinking vessels, nowadays limit their trade to posing for tourist cameras. 
 Keywords: Africa, picturesque, square, medina, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture
 Morocco, Marakech: Place Jemaa el-Fnaa, the long-established and loudly bustling heart of Marakech, where snake charmers, fortune-tellers, water-sellers, story-tellers, street-traders and food stalls are always to be found. A fresh-fruit stallholder displays his wares with traditional precision. 
 Keywords: Africa, square, medina, tradition, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture
 Morocco, Marakech: Place Jemaa el-Fnaa, the long-established and loudly bustling heart of Marakech, where snake charmers, fortune-tellers, water-sellers, story-tellers, street-traders and food stalls are always to be found. 
 Keywords: Africa, square, medina, tradition, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture
 Morocco, Marakech: Place Jemaa el-Fnaa, the long-established and loudly bustling heart of Marakech, where snake charmers, fortune-tellers, water-sellers, story-tellers, street-traders and food stalls are always to be found. 
 Keywords: Africa, square, medina, tradition, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture
 Morocco, Marakech: Place Jemaa el-Fnaa, the long-established and loudly bustling heart of Marakech, where snake charmers, fortune-tellers, water-sellers, story-tellers, street-traders and food stalls are always to be found. 
 Keywords: Africa, square, medina, tradition, Marakesh, Islam, Muslim, Maghreb, culture
 Morocco, Marakech: buying vegetables from a street trader in the medina. 
 Keywords: Africa, Maghreb, Muslim, Islam, Marakesh, selling
 Morocco, Ouad Todhra (Todra Valley) between the High Atlas Mountains and the Jebel Saghro range, where the fertile ground is extensively cultivated, and a string of Berber villages follows the river. In the foreground a row of colourful fabrics offered by a roadside trader. 
 Keywords: Africa, landscape, nature, Maghreb, Islam, Muslim, oasis, crops, fields, date palms
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar: a modern house built in the traditional Uighur style, housing a coppersmith's shop. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, culture, architecture, historic, heritage, Uighur, picturesque, colourful, artisan, trader
 Tajikistan, Gorno-Badakhshan Province: roadside stallholder and pretty daughter selling "Kuruth", traditional dried/smoked goat's cheese balls. 
 Keywords: Asian, Silk Road, trader, local delicacies, snacks
 People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Province, Kashgar, the Sunday Market: buying vegetables from an Uighur trader. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, Silk Road, livestock, trading, commerce, Uighur, colourful, bustle, farming
 India, Rajasthan, Amber/Amer: a seller of herbs and spices in a courtyard of the Fortress-Palace makes an attractive display of his wares. 
 Keywords: picturesque, culture, colourful, trader, stall
 Germany, Bavaria, Franconia, Rothenburg ob der Tauber: Markus Tower and Röder Gate. With colourful wrought iron trader's sign. 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, picturesque, culture, historic, colourful, mediaeval, medieval, timber-frame, half-timbered, lathe and plaster, heritage, imposing, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse
 Germany, Bavaria, Franconia, Rothenburg ob der Tauber: Hafengasse and Röder Gate. With colourful wrought iron traders' signs. 
 Keywords: architecture, picturesque, culture, historic, colourful, mediaeval, medieval, timber-frame, half-timbered, lathe and plaster, heritage, Romantic Road, Romantische Strasse
 Germany, Rhineland Palatinate, Koblenz: bronze figures of market trader and policeman in the pedestrian zone. 
 Keywords: metropolis, picturesque, culture, national heritage, statue, monument
 Israel, Bethlehem: view of the arab market place. 
 Keywords: street scene, street trader, soukh, bazaar
 Israel, Bethlehem: a cold drink stall in the arab market. 
 Keywords: street scene, street trader
 People's Republic of China, Guangxi Province, Yangshuo: the remarkable, tree-covered karst hills, dotting the landscape around Guilin, with a local trader on a tricycle in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Middle Kingdom, Han, Asian, topography, geology, limestone, extraordinary
 Germany, Lower Saxony, Goslar: Baroque figures of various emperors adorn the facade of the Kaiserworth (1494), originally the guildhouse of the tailors and cloth-traders. 
 Keywords: architecture, metropolis, picturesque, culture, historic, national heritage, colourful, mediaeval, medieval, timber-frame, half-timbered, lathe and plaster
 Lithuania, Klaipéda: street trader in amber which is found in substantial quantities all along the Baltic coast. 
 Keywords: picturesque, jewellery, tradition, heritage, Memel
 France, Paris: view of the city from the steps of Sacré-Coeur Basilica with its colourful street traders. 
 Keywords: capital city, metropolis, architecture, paorama
 Iraq, Samarra: Islamic tokens of remembrance (souvenirs?) for pilgrims to the Askari Shiite Shrine. 
 Keywords: Muslim, buying, selling, street trader, Mesopotamia, Islam
 Iraq, Najaf: mausoleum of the Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, nephew of the Prophet:
small traders offering their wares, with the golden dome of the mausoleum in the background. 
 Keywords: architecture, coloured tiles, mosque, mosaics, Muslim, Islam, colourful, natural heritage, picturesque, historic, Mesopotamia
 Paraguay, Asunción (full name: Nuestra Senora Santa Maria de la Asunción): a trader of the Maca tribe offers colourful traditional handiworks. 
 Keywords: capital city, souvenirs, headdress, handicrafts
 Panama City: Street trader on the promenade at San Felipe, with the skyscrapers of Punta Paitilla in the background.
 Viet Nam, Saigon: A barber carries on his trade on the open street while the next customer waits. 
 Keywords: Vietnam, small trader, hairdresser, barber shop
 Croatia, Plitvice: Buying wild honey at a roadside stall. 
 Keywords: Jugoslavia, Yugoslavia, small trader
 Syria: A traditional waterseller in the old quarter of Damascus. 
 Keywords: arab city, middle east, hawker, trader
 Vietnam, My Tho: Main street - traffic is mostly scooters and bicycles. 
 Keywords: village life, oriental, traders
 Vietnam: The village of My Tho in the Mekong Delta: street traders. 
 Keywords: village life, market, trading, working conditions, riverside, poverty, menial tasks
 Turkey, Lycia, Simena: The former Greek coastal village of Simena can only be reached from the sea - there are no roads connecting it to the hinterland, so development is limited, and little has changed since the Greeks left in 1922. About 200 people live here permanently. Crowning the village is a mediaeval fortress, and scattered around the village are numerous Lycian stone sarcophagi. Here: approaching the settlement from the sea, the visitor is met by traders in small boats. 
 Keywords: historical ruins, ruined fortress, sarcophagus, Byzantine fortifications, excavations, archeology