Image PMR-D2942 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR-D2942
 The Philippines: Biri Island, off the north-west coast of Samar, is a marine protected reserve. In these shallow, warm waters a multitude of marine animals thrive. 
 Keywords: Samar Island, sunshine, ecology, biotope, coral reef, marine life, marine animals, rock formations, erosion, fantastic, reservation

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2015-05-17 11:42:39
Photo Size: 3.0mb 5845x3795 pixels
  comp 840x545


The Philippines: Biri Island, off the north-west coast of Samar,

is a marine protected reserve. In these shallow, warm waters a multitude of marine animals thrive.
Keywords: Samar Island, sunshine, ecology, biotope, coral reef, marine life, marine animals, rock formations, erosion, fantastic, reservation