Image PMR275-05 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR275-05
 U.S.A., Florida, Orlando, Walt Disney World: World Showcase in the EPCOT Center: replica of a vintage bus leaving the French Showcase. In the background is a one-tenth scale model of the Eiffel Tower built from original plans. 
 Keywords: colourful, picturesque, culture, geographical, educational, new-technology, human achievement, innovation, recreation

© Peter Michael Rhodes
"<" back one image forward one image ">"

Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2016-07-05 11:59:08
Photo Size: 2.0mb 3543x3543 pixels
  comp 840x840


U.S.A., Florida, Orlando, Walt Disney World: World Showcase in the

EPCOT Center: replica of a vintage bus leaving the French Showcase. In the background is a one-tenth scale model of the Eiffel Tower built from original plans.
Keywords: colourful, picturesque, culture, geographical, educational, new-technology, human achievement, innovation, recreation