Image PMR-D7620 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR-D7620
 Morocco, El-Jadida, La Cité Portugaise: the fortified city of Mazagan, founded by the Portuguese in 1502, was the last Portuguese possession on the Atlantic coast to fall to the Alaouites in 1769. The latter then built the adjacent new town of El-Jadida ("the new").
The vaulted cistern was built in 1514 as part of the original Portuguese citadel for use as a grain store or arsenal, but converted around 1541 to a water cistern, holding 5,000 tonnes of water. The Manueline-style vaults are supported by 25 pillars. The cistern was used in the shooting of the film "Othello" by Orson Welles. 
 Keywords: Africa, national heritage, culture, fortifications, fortress, historic, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, UNESCO

© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2019-04-23 16:07:02
Photo Size: 2.7mb 5820x4090 pixels
  comp 840x590


Morocco, El-Jadida, La Cité Portugaise: the fortified city of Mazagan,

founded by the Portuguese in 1502, was the last Portuguese possession on the Atlantic coast to fall to the Alaouites in 1769. The latter then built the adjacent new town of El-Jadida ("the new").
The vaulted cistern was built in 1514 as part of the original Portuguese citadel for use as a grain store or arsenal, but converted around 1541 to a water cistern, holding 5,000 tonnes of water. The Manueline-style vaults are supported by 25 pillars. The cistern was used in the shooting of the film "Othello" by Orson Welles.
Keywords: Africa, national heritage, culture, fortifications, fortress, historic, Muslim, Islam, Maghreb, UNESCO